MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 68

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He tried to stabilize his shaking hands, and it took him a while to send a message--

"Stay up all night again?"

He Shen didn't seem to expect that he would return to him, but he sent a voice call.

Qiao Shao hesitated, and when he returned to God, he was already connected.

He Shen's voice passed from his microphone to his ear: "I don't sleep late on the weekend? It won't be me who wakes you up."

Contrary to the injustice in the dialog box, his deep voice was more soothing than the music floating in the room.

Qiao Shao said, "I ..."

With just one word, he froze.

Unclear emotions filled his chest, and at this moment he seemed to be standing on a dividing line.

Behind it is the endless abyss, and ahead is the bright light.

He wanted to step forward, but his feet were fixed and he couldn't move.

He Shen's voice was nervous: "What's wrong?"

He heard Qiao Shao's trembling voice and heard his crying.

Qiao Shao was speechless, but he was not willing to hang up.

He Shen asked him, "Did your dad drink again?"

Qiao Shao knew he had misunderstood, but he couldn't explain it.

He Shen said again, "Your home is ..." He paused, but didn't continue to ask, and changed his path. "You come to me and I will wait for you downstairs."

Qiao Shao finally found his voice: "No."

He Shen spoke with him almost at the same time, adding: "Don't worry, you can pay for the taxi when you arrive. You just have to come over."

He thought intently that Qiao Shao might have no money and couldn't get a car.

Qiao Shao's heart was hot, and hot blood was flowing all over his body. He seemed to be pulled by someone to get rid of the abyss of fear.

His voice calmed down: "My dad didn't drink."

He Shen was obviously relieved: "What happened?"

Qiao Shao bent his lips, "I will tell you by typing."

After that, he hung up and edited in the WeChat dialog box for a while.

After typing, he stared for a while, then closed his eyes and sent out.

He Shen stared without blinking. He thought a lot, such as the child taking care of the hangover's father, exhausted until dawn, full of grievances, nowhere to say, but choked alone ...

Then he saw the message from Qiao Shao--

Qiao Shao: Can't see He Shenshen's first day, miss him t ^ t

He Shen: "!"

After the post, Qiao Shao regretted it!

Crazy, why should he go crazy with He Shen!

He Shen called again.

Qiao Shao didn't want to answer, he just hung up!

He Shen called again, Qiao Shao was decisive again, He Shen called again, Qiao Shao ...

"Why!" Qiao Shao became angry.

There was no movement on the other end of the phone, Qiao Shao's palm held the phone and sweated.

After about two or three seconds, a low laugh came from the microphone, and Qiao Shao almost did not hold the phone steady!

This person's voice ... powered up!

He Shen has never been so happy, as if she had seen this world for the first time.

"So ..." He asked Qiao Shao softly, "Do you think I want to cry?"

Qiao Shao: "……………………"

Slammed and poked off the call!

This word is not wrong, it is a hard poke, and the fingers are almost folded!

Qiao Shao strode home and buried himself in the quilt.

He shouldn't ignore him!

When the heat on the ears faded, Qiao Shao touched the phone back.

He regretted it at one glance, and his intestines became blue with both eyes.

Timed out!

Can't be withdrawn!

Blame He Shen for speaking to him!

Then He Shen sent another sentence: "Call me if something happens."

Qiao Shao didn't see it.

He Shen again: "I really think I can come to me."

Qiao Shao sent them two words: "Bye!"

He Shen returned to him: mua! (* ╯3╰).

Qiao Shao threw the phone again!

He buried himself in the quilt for a while, and couldn't help but groped to get the phone back.

He opened the chat records of the two and turned up one by one.

I do n’t know, I startled.

They talked a lot ...

There are dozens of articles every day.

Do normal friends talk so much?

Qiao Shao looked trembling, but no one asked.

But he also has other friends--

For example, Chen v. Song Yixu, Wei Jiayu, and Kai Kai could barely hang a school bully.

Qiao Shao opened the chat records of these people one by one.


Five, three, two, one, zero ...

Look at yourself and He Shen's countless number ...

Qiao Shao buried his head in the quilt again.

When eating in the morning, Qiao Shao was absent-minded, and Qiao Zongmin didn't think too much.

Every time I see a psychologist, Qiao Shao is always nervous.

After all, it is to expose the rotten scars, and even if it is to heal, it is inevitable.

However, this time Qiao Shao really didn't because he was about to see Dr. Zhang ...

But the reason is.

He couldn't say it!

Around ten o'clock, Qiao Shao met Dr. Zhang.

Every time I saw him, Qiao Shao felt amazing.

Years didn't seem to leave too many traces on this person. He was obviously six or seven years older than Da Qiao, but it looked like he was only in his early thirties.

Dressed casually, wearing rimless glasses, a pair of dark eyes behind the lenses resemble the vast night sky, covering the stars, covering the earth, but leaving no sense of oppression.

Qiao Shao smiled at him: "Dr. Zhang, hello."

Zhang Guanting also bent her lips, her voice sounded like a harp being moved by a beautiful angel, tender and soft: "Hello."

Qiao Zongmin will not stay in the consulting room. He has the worry that he can't hide how he can hide: "I'll go out first."

Qiao Shao smiled at him: "Yeah!"

Zhang Guanting looked at him with a smile, and naturally asked after the door was closed, "Are there any new friends?"

"Well," Qiao Shao breathed a sigh of relief, telling nothing in detail what happened to him.

He is used to this type of communication.

During the previous half-year treatment, Qiao Shao has always talked well.

He didn't want to resist treatment, he wanted to recover more than anyone, because he was too reluctant to worry about him around him.

Zhang Guanting listened attentively, and only occasionally talked, giving approval and recognition.

There is no doubt that it was comfortable to talk to him. Qiao Shao said and thought, only to feel that he was happy for more than two months.

He spoke of Chen Xu, and Wei Jiayu and Lou Xiao ...

In the end, He Shen was inevitable.

Talking ...

Qiao Shao looked uneasily at Zhang Guanting.

He knew how powerful this man was, and he could always see through his mind at a glance.

Zhang Guanting smiled: "It's all right."

He only said these two words, and Qiao Shao knew he saw it.

His cheeks were flushed and somewhat cramped.

Zhang Guanting reassured him: "This is human nature, and no resistance is needed."

Qiao Shao's face became hotter, he whispered, "Can you tell my dad this?"

Zhang Guanting said: "I don't say anything you don't want me to say."

This Qiao Shao is assured.

Zhang Guanting did not coax him, but really respected him.

It is also this respect that he will tell him everything.

Qiao Shao thought about it again, he said, "Yes, I have a memory before ..."

Zhang Guanting asked: "What?"

Qiao Shao said after a while: "I don't know why I suddenly remembered that I followed my father to thank the family."

In fact, their family and Xie's had almost no contact, and Qiao Shao never knew Xie's people.

Zhang Guanting asked again: "Is this the memory that I have around He Shen?"

Qiao Shao was uncomfortable when he heard He Shen's name, but it was an important treatment. He was still a little bit awkward and he nodded: "Well."

Zhang Guanting thought for a moment, and when he looked up, he looked into Qiao Shao's eyes: "Do you want to try this time?"

Qiao Shao's back straightened instantly.

Zhang Guanting said warmly, "Don't force yourself."

Qiao Shao punched his hands with his thin lips clenched, but firmly said, "I want to try."

He wanted to try, even if that fear was still rooted in the bone marrow, he wanted to see it.

Escaping is useless, he wants to get back the lost memories.

This is the only way to recover.

Zhang Guanting said, "Let's try it."

Qiao Zongmin paced back and forth, this uneasy look surprised everyone who knew him.

Fifteen or six minutes later, Zhang Guanting came out.

He took off his glasses and squeezed his temples: "It's still very resistant. Once you enter deep hypnosis, you will have convulsions."

Qiao Zongmin's face was a bit white: "Be, than before ..."

Zhang Guanting said: "Much better than before."

Qiao Zongmin was relieved and went into the consulting room.

Qiao Shao slept into the chair, his eyes were wet, tears fell down his cheeks, and he cried silently.

Qiao Zongmin only took a look, his heart seemed to be smashed, and it didn't hurt.

"It's all my fault," Qiao Zongmin's sturdy shoulders collapsed. "I didn't protect him."

Zhang Guanting whispered softly, "Let's talk out and let him take a break."

Qiao Zongmin followed Zhang Guanting, and the two sat outside. The father was to some extent a patient than the child inside.

Indeed, they also lost their loved ones at the same time, and suffered the same trauma.

It's just that one is a young child, but one has already shouldered numerous responsibilities.

Zhang Guanting poured him a glass of water.

Qiao Zongmin said with a dumb voice: "Dr. Zhang, will he never forget his past?"

Zhang Guanting said: "No problem in a short time, he is in a good state of mind."

Qiao Zongmin understood the words: "In the future ..."

Zhang Guanting made an analogy: "The memory of the past is like the root of a tree buried in the ground, never going to look at it will not affect the growth of the tree, but if this root is infected by the insect and chooses to ignore it, the tree will eventually wither.

Qiao Zongmin closed his eyes and said, "He can't even face his mother's words, so far he dare not go up to the third floor."

The third floor belongs to his wife, where everything related to her is stored.

But since Qiao Shao came home, he never went up one step.

"He couldn't even face his mother, how could he face that year ..."

Qiao Zongmin thought of this, his chest was stinging.

Zhang Guanting said: "I don't think the year of the abduction affected him more severely than the death of his mother."

Qiao Zongmin was stunned, and the five internal organs were grouped together: "Yes, he loves her so much."

Zhang Guanting couldn't say any more.

This man is so cruel to the man in front of him.

Although the patient is Qiao Shao, Qiao Zongmin also needs systematic treatment.

It was just that the man refused to accept it, and what he could do was to treat his son while giving him a certain level of mental relief.

"Take your time," Zhang Guanting said. "At present, going to the Eastern District High School is the right choice. He has an environment and can meet new friends, which is a good start."

The author has something to say: Spoiler, Shao Shao has not suffered any physical harm, but the mental problem is more serious.

But he will be coaxed by He Tiantian!

Well, we can kill this old beast if we can't coax it!

See you tomorrow ~ 2k novel reading network

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