MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 104

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Qiao Shao said this lot of good words to brainwash Da Qiao, but he didn't want the parties to hear. You must know that He Shen was at the door, and he couldn't say those words in his heart! Qiao Shao is embarrassed!

Soon he saw that He Shen was soaking wet, his shame disappeared instantly, Qiao Shao stood up and walked over and asked: "How = how did it rain?"

He Shen's lips moved, and many words rushed to his mouth, but he couldn't speak like sticking his throat to his throat.

Qiao Shao said, "Go and get a cold and change your clothes. Now it's cold and I will catch cold."

As soon as he finished speaking, he frowned: "What's wrong here?" He stomped to get the deep hair, and pulled away the wet forehead hair, where there was a small wound.

The rain had dried up the blood, but the wound became more serious because of the soaking.

He Shen said dumbly, "It's all right."

Qiao Shao frowned, trying to say why he was so careless, so he heard his father say, "I hit the ashtray."

Qiao Shao turned to stare at Dad: "What?"

He Shen said, "Mr. Qiao didn't mean it."

Qiao always dared to act daringly, "I did it on purpose."

Qiao Shao: "…………………………" You are so proud Dad!

Obviously He Shen is young and vigorous, but speaks more rationally than Da Qiao. He said, "If Mr. Qiao really intends, I won't just scratch a bit of skin."

Qiao Zongmin sneered, his tone was still bad, but his work was quite decent: "Hurry to take him to take a shower, what to do if you catch a cold and turn back? I'll get him clothes."

Throwing down this ferocious word, he went upstairs.

Qiao Shao's clothes He Shen must not be able to wear them. He went to get his clothes and wash them.

Qiao Shao didn't dare to delay, he took He Shen's hand and said, "Come to my house."

He Shen followed him to the second floor, and Qiao Shao pushed him into his bathroom.

Across the bathroom door, Qiao Shao was very frightened. He said, "Don't blame my dad, he's a little too nervous for me."

The bathroom shower is a kind of low noise. The water is not noisy on the body and the door is not closed, so He Shen raised the volume slightly, and Qiao Shao heard clearly: "I understand Mr. Qiao very well."

Qiao Shao distressed him: "I didn't expect my dad to be rough."

He Shen explained: "He didn't really want to hurt me, so I moved a little to avoid it."

Qiao Shao heard it more distressed: "Why don't you avoid it?"

He Shen was silent for a while and said, "Because I can't hold him back."

Qiao Shao froze.

He Shen seemed to turn off the shower, and the voice came out more clearly from the bathroom: "I know that I am not suitable for you, knowing that we will inevitably be criticized together, and that you will have to deal with things that you do n’t need to face. Very problematic ... but I want to be with you ... "His voice gradually lowered, and every word seemed to shake directly from his chest." Qiao Shao, I want to be with you all the time. "

Qiao Shao asked anxiously, "How can you say that?"

He Shen didn't say a word.

Qiao Shao said: "Don't know the details, don't you know it yourself? If not for me, can I eat, drink, and sleep well? If not for me, can I have the courage to think of the past and face everything? Without you, I He is still dying chronically! He Shen, don't be arrogant, you obviously saved my life! "

Qiao Zongmin clenched his clothes.

He heard every word and sentence of the two children, and he also felt the feelings contained in it.

He sighed lightly and leaned against the wall.

Qiao Shao didn't hear He Shen's movement for a long time and couldn't help calling him: "He Shen?" Then he wanted to push in the door.

At this time Qiao Zongmin came in, he said, "What are you doing?"

Qiao Shao was startled, and his hand holding the door handle flinched back.

He Shen's choking voice heard in the bathroom: "I'm done washing."

Qiao Zongmin said: "The clothes are out." Attitude is trying to change.

He Shen said: "Thank you."

Qiao Shao glanced at his son, Qiao Shao didn't know why.

Qiao Zongmin had to remind him: "Not going out yet."

Qiao Shao was full of memories of He Shen, and he couldn't bear it: "Why should I go out?"

Qiao Zongmin said solemnly: "Men and boys don't accept marriage!"

Qiao Shao: "Ah?"

Qiao Zongmin took his son's arm and carried him out: "I have no objection to the association between you, but neither of you is an adult. If you dare cross the border, I ...

Qiao Shao flushed and stuttered, "What, what!"

Qiao Zongmin threatened him in a low voice: "I broke He Shen's leg!"

Qiao Shao: "........." He didn't dare ask why he didn't break his leg. In case he asked Da Qiao that he really wanted to be with He Shen, cough ... what, what mess!

He Shen acted sharply and got dressed downstairs.

Qiao's father and son have sat down at the table again, and Qiao Shao saw his eyes light up: "You really can hold up Da Qiao's clothes."

The two are actually about the same height. Qiao Zongmin knows him better. He Shen is only 17 years old after all, but the clothes Qiao Zongmin is looking for are very good. Although they are zilli, they are not old-fashioned. Instead, they settled the youthful spirit. Elegant.

Hearing his son's compliment, Qiao Zongmin snorted while scoring the three-point porridge.

Qiao Shao took out the prepared Band-aid and said, "Come here."

He Shen Yuguang looked at Qiao Zongmin and said cautiously, "I can do it myself."

Qiao Shao stood up and said, "You can't see it yourself."

He had turned away He Shen's short hair and carefully applied the band-aid to the wound. In order to cooperate with him, He Shen also bowed his head slightly to make it more convenient for him.

This action is inevitably intimate, Qiao Zongmin coughed heavily.

Qiao Shao didn't think so. He was coughed by his dad, and he felt inexplicably guilty: "Okay, okay!"

He Shen's gaze flashed, "Thank you."

Qiao Shao naturally said: "What kind to me."

He Shen pursed his lips, and Qiao Shao felt a deep look from his dad again ...

Ah, ah, can you do it, Big Joe, don't go through one hurdle and another!

Qiao's restaurant is a long dining table. Qiao Zongmin's is to separate Qiao Shao and He Shen, and sit politely between them, like an insurmountable mountain.

Do n’t you all say that Father ’s Love is like a mountain, Comrade Da Qiao is very competent!

After the meal, He Shen offered to go back.

Qiao Zongmin said, "Where are you going?"

He Shen said, "I rent my own house off campus."

Qiao Zongmin said: "What a toss, you two will go to school tomorrow."

He Shen was surprised.

Qiao Shao also hesitated and asked excitedly, "He Shen can stay tonight?"

Qiao Zongmin warned: "He can only sleep in a guest room!"

Qiao Shao will be embarrassed by his dad: "Dang, of course!" It is impossible to sleep in his house!

Qiao Zongmin added another condition: "Only the first-floor room can sleep."

Qiao Shao rolled his eyes: "Xing Xing Xing Xing!"

Although the first-floor rooms are worse than the second-floor rooms, they are much better than Heshen's rental house. Besides, it's too late to take a taxi to go back.

Qiao Zongmin stared at them all night until they returned to their houses.

Qiao Shao returned to the bedroom and quickly found the mobile phone, and sent a message to He Shen: "Is the room OK?"

He Shen quickly returned to him: "Very good."

Qiao Shao couldn't help complaining: "My room on the second floor is better."

He Shen lay on the soft bed and said sincerely, "It's really good, I can sleep in the living room sofa."

Qiao Shao's heart was sweet and sour. Think of He Shen who didn't sleep much for two days and two nights. He was distressed and said, "Get off early, see you tomorrow."

He Shen sent him a voice: "See you tomorrow."

Qiao Shao listened to it many times, the more comfortable he was, the more he wanted to go downstairs ...

Forget it, he was afraid that when he went out and saw Comrade Daqiao standing there, he would scare people!

The next day, Qiao Zongmin asked the driver to take them to school.

Qiao Shao thought and didn't quit, and got into the car with He Shen.

The two didn't dare to say anything along the way. When outside the school, Qiao Shao accidentally encountered an acquaintance.

Wei Jiayu looked at these three million cars with a grimace: "Qiao Shao?" Is this his poor roommate?

Qiao Shao: "..."

At this time, the door on the other side also opened, and he got out of the car wearing a Zilli He Shen.

Wei Jiayu blinked and understood ... it turned out to be the car of Brother Shen.


Wei Jiayu was scared again by his own brain supplement--

The two of them took time off together, and they were also sent by the driver at home ...

My mother, Niubi, have you seen your parents?

Alas, it wo n’t be an engagement anymore!

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