MTL - My Star Teacher-v2 Chapter 898 【I miss you】

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Liu Feng looked at Ye Guang's mobile phone with a grim expression, and forgot to ask him how the mobile phone was changed. After a long while, Liu Feng returned to his senses.

"Is there no signal in this place?"

Luminous smiled, "It's okay, I can get through! My mobile phone can connect to satellites!"

Liu Feng stopped talking, remembering why Luminous was sent here.

Here, Luminous has dialed, and the call is still a video call.

Hmm ... the number dialed was Liu Chiyan, and Ye Guang didn't think about it. I subconsciously called Liu Chiyan's phone, probably because I hadn't seen him for so long. I missed it.


the other side.

At home, Liu Chiyan was wearing a loose suit and holding a mobile phone and was connecting with the host of the scheduled show Chen Jiaqi video.

Due to spider viruses in China, intensive concentration of personnel is prohibited during this period. Therefore, many TV programs are unable to invite live audiences to record.

Beijing Satellite TV has launched a brand new program called "Calling an Idol" due to the occasion. This program is actually an interview program. The format of the program is very simple, that is, each time the host will meet with One or more celebrities perform video connections, chat and interact in the video, and perform live TV at the same time, so that viewers can directly see what their idols are doing, see their idols ’immediate status, and see their lives .

The theme of this program is novel, and in this special period, once it was on the file, it really got a good response and was well received by the audience.

Today's program, the target of Chen Jiaqi's video interview is Liu Chiyan.

Chen Jiaqi, "Chi Yan, your home is so beautiful, I especially like this decoration style."

Liu Chiyan, "Well, it's okay. I like it too. The decoration is for delivery. It's good. We like it too, so I don't move much."

Chen Jiaqi, "I just watched you walk upstairs and downstairs. I have to say, your family is really big and you have to spend a lot of money? Oh, when I did n’t say that, the speed of making money at night, such a set The house will be sprinkled with water. "

Liu Chiyan smiled, "How can there be such an exaggeration, he and I have no requirements in this regard. The house that is too big is actually deserted and difficult to clean up. It was bought by my parents-in-law, or I and Yeguang Would buy such a big house. "

During a chat, suddenly Liu Chiyan's mobile phone popped up another video call request, which was called by Luminous.

Liu Chi Yan stunned, and then quickly said to Chen Jiaqi, "Sister Jiaji, and audience friends, sorry, sorry, Yeguang called, I have to answer it first."

"It's okay, I'll disconnect it first, you can connect it first, without delaying the connection between your two couples, but as soon as possible, today the audience is coming to see you. If you keep facing my face, I am afraid There are opinions, haha. "Chen Jiaqi joked.

Liu Chiyan also smiled, "Uh-huh, as soon as possible, trouble everyone for a while."

"Okay, we'll wait for you. I'll disconnect the video first." Between talking, Chen Jiaqi's video image disappeared from Liu Chiyan's mobile phone and was disconnected.

Hmm ... Liu Chiyan thought it was disconnected.

Actually, in the studio, Chen Jiaqi smiled like a fox, watching the live camera, and said, "Audience friends, I'm wit and tactful. I just turned off the camera and Mai as if I were disconnected, haha. Let's eavesdrop on what Liu Chiyan and Yeguang talk about. In order to show you, I risk turning my head back to kill them. "

On the side of Liu Chiyan, the phone that dialed in the luminous light for a long time was connected.

Video calls allow multiple people to video, so as soon as they get in, Liu Chiyan will be connected to the video at the same time as Luminous and Chen Jiaqi.

However, Liu Chiyan and Yeguang could only see each other's images, without even noticing or realizing that there were third parties eavesdropping.

"Hey, Liuer, can Liuer hear?"

"Listen, Luminous, where are you? How long are you back?"

"I'm ... uh, I don't know exactly where this is."

"What are you doing now? How can you make a phone call? Shouldn't it have been done secretly? Or it's done? When can I come back?"

Liu Chiyan had a lot of questions at this moment, and Yeguang didn't know which one to answer first.

"Uh ..." Yeguang, "Liuer, don't say this now, I have something important to tell you."

Liu Chiyan, "Huh? What's the matter, you say."

Luminous, "Hold your pen, I said, you remember, don't remember wrong."

Liu Chi smoked a moment, then nodded quickly, "Oh, wait, I'll go there."

Speaking of it, Liu Chiyan stepped on a small step, trot to the desk, fixed the phone to a decoration, and then held a pen and paper to take notes.

Liu Chiyan, "Well, say it, I remember."

Luminous, "Well, remember, 10 grams of Lark."

Liu Chiyan, "10 grams of Lark, remember it."

Luminous, "15 grams of grass and blood."

Liu Chiyan, "15 grams of grass and blood is exhausted."

Luminous, "15 grams of wolfberry."

Liu Chiyan, "Medlar ... um? All medicinal herbs, what do you remember?"

Luminous, "I'll tell you in a moment, remember it first, don't make a mistake, this is very important!"

Liu Chi Yan, "Oh, 15 grams of wolfberry, OK."

Luminous, "10 grams of Mulix ..."

Luminous one by one read Liu Chi Yan, Liu Chi Yan took notes one by one.

"Have you remembered everything? Remember to repeat it to me, don't make a mistake." Yeguang asked.

"Well, I'll read it to you, 10 grams of Lark, 15 grams of grass and blood, 15 grams of wolfberry, and 10 grams of Mulix ..." After reading, Liu Chiyan asked, "So many herbs, what is this? of?"

Luminous, "Liuer, this is a prescription for spider viruses."

Liu Chi smoked, and exclaimed, "What? What did you say? What prescription ?!"

At the same time, not only Liu Chiyan, but also Chen Jiaqi, who was watching the video call from two people in the Beijing Satellite TV studio, also stunned. Many domestic viewers watching this program also stunned ~ ~ Luminous, "The prescription of spider virus, I have developed an effective prescription for spider virus. I have confirmed that it can cure the spider virus in the body. Liuer, I am not in a position now, uh ... Liuer, I am not very convenient to pass information So, you need to give this prescription to the country, as soon as possible! "

Although Yeguang changed his mouth soon, but Liu Chiyan still caught the focus of his words. What situation?

"You just said you are in a bad situation? Where are you? What are you doing?" Liu Chiyan asked.

Luminous, "Uh ... nothing, ah, don't say this first, I told you, prescription, remember it, let's do it again, and then you feel handed in!"

"I ask where you are! What are you doing!" Liu Chiyan's voice increased a few degrees without letting Luminous go. "Are you ... Luminous again, you tell me the truth!"

Yeguang touched his nose and said, "What are you thinking blindly? You look at me, it's not good, nothing, don't worry about it blindly. I mean I'm not in a convenient position now, I'm in the mountain now Well, you can't contact other people, so I just contacted you and asked you to hand over the prescription. "

Speaking, Luminous also turned the phone to an angle, and shot the dense forest behind him. "Look, don't lie to you, it's really in the mountains."

Of course, Liu Chiyan was not so good. He didn't dispel doubts and concerns, and frowned slightly, asking, "You can contact me, why can't you contact other people? Yeguang, don't lie to me."


How can your wife be too smart? Wait online, anxious!

Luminous groaned for two seconds, then seemed to look at Liu Chiyan in the phone screen, said tenderly, "You can also contact other people, but when you get the phone, you will be dialed subconsciously, Liu Er, I miss you Now. "