MTL - My Star Teacher-v2 Chapter 889 [Global Spread]

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Global spread.

When Liu Feng said these four words, Yeguang knew how severe the plague was, and no virus that could spread globally could be a small virus.

Liu Feng continued to explain to Yeguang, "This spider virus is a new type of virus that has never appeared before. This virus is highly infectious and is temporarily recognized as being transmitted through contact with body fluids. The infected person's sweat and tears , Saliva, blood, sperm ... cough, all may carry the virus. In addition, the possibility that the virus cannot be transmitted through the air is not completely ruled out. "

"Spider virus is latent. It is unknown how long it can stay dormant. The longest incubation time is currently known to be two months and the shortest to three days. After the outbreak of the virus in the infected person, there will be fever, dizziness and fatigue. The most prominent feature of the symptoms is that it starts from the navel and spreads red blood lines like spider webs to the whole body. When the blood lines spread to the whole body, blood vessels in the body will burst and cause death. Globally, there are six There have been more than 7,000 cases of infection in more than ten countries, and more than 1,000 deaths have been confirmed. In our country, more than 300 cases of virus infections have started to occur since more than a month ago. This data has been continuously increasing. "

Luminous asked, "Are there drugs or vaccines for treatment or control?"

Liu Feng shook his head. "At present, no effective vaccine has been found, but there are drugs that control and suppress the bloodline spreading speed. However, this control only reduces the speed of bloodline spreading and prolongs the death of infected people."

After a pause, Liu Feng said, "At present, four cases have been confirmed in our base, but because the spider virus has latent characteristics, the virus cannot be found at all before the virus does not erupt in the body. Therefore, it is not excluded that other people are also infected. The possibility of a virus. "

Luminous, "How about the four people who are confirmed to be infected with the virus? Also, how long does it take for blood to spread throughout the body?"

Liu Feng, "It has been isolated for the time being. The spider virus is horrible, but before the blood line has spread to the whole body, the infected person has almost the same fever as a common cold. Time, the data that President Gu told me is that currently, the fastest spread of blood lines in the world is two weeks. The longest was infected more than two months ago, and the blood lines have spread to less than half of their bodies. "

Luminous nodded, "That said, they have at least two weeks left, right?"

Liu Feng said, "Gu's instructions to me are to increase our epidemic prevention level and prevent further spread of spider virus at the base. In the near future, a batch of drugs that can control the spread of blood lines will be expedited recently. The bureau and the medical school are currently studying spider viruses, developing antibody vaccines, and they will be sent to us when there is a vaccine that can cure spider viruses. "

Yeguang said, "I didn't expect that I had been here for more than two months, and such a big thing had happened outside."

Liu Feng, "Yeah, compared with what kind of firearms and shells, this kind of invincible plague has the greatest lethality. In history, the Black Plague almost destroyed Europe, and at least half of the population of the Athens Plague died. The whole Athens Almost destroyed ... This time, the spider virus has strong transmission and high lethality, and the hazard assessment level has been equal to those of the two times. The only good news is that the spider virus has latentity and can pass some Drugs delay the spread of the virus in the human body, giving us some time to develop vaccines. The World Health Organization has globally mobilized national health bureaus, medical and medical organizations to develop vaccines for spider viruses. "

Ye Guang sighed and said, "I hope the vaccine can be developed as soon as possible, otherwise, every more day, more infected people will die."

Liu Feng nodded, glanced at Luminous, and said, "Small night, during this time, you should pay more attention and go out and put on a mask to try to avoid contact with people's limbs."

Luminous, "I understand, you too, pay more attention."

No more talking with Luminous, Liu Feng is the leader of the base, spider virus appeared in the base, such a big thing, Liu Feng has to preside over the overall situation, there are many things to arrange.

After Liu Feng went out, Ye Guang thought about it, opened the system's wishing pool, and then he moved his mind and issued an instruction.

"Drugs or skills to treat spider viruses."

The list that Wishing Pool pops up is empty and has nothing.

Luminous doesn't think that the system has nothing that can cure spider viruses, and the system can even have the anti-natural thing Dahuandan, which is not dead, and it is impossible to have nothing to treat a virus.

Well, the wishing pool list is empty, and there is only one explanation, that is, the system cannot recognize his instructions, the spider virus, and Luminous knows what it is, but the system does not know what it is.

Moreover, Luminous is also in a state of incomplete knowledge of spider viruses. I only know that there is such a thing, but what exactly is the spider virus and how it is generated is not clear at all.

After thinking about it, Luminous modified the instructions to the system.

"Medicine or skills to treat a transmitted virus or plague."

This time ~ ~ system makes a wish pool, listing many options.

Bixuedan, priced at three million yuan, has a significant effect on the treatment of A virus.

Ruri fruit, priced at three million, treats rabies virus family rabies virus, single-stranded RNA virus has a significant effect.

Luma powder, priced at one million, has significant effects in treating tuberculosis-borne diseases.

Yuqing Dan, priced at 500,000 yuan, has a significant effect on the treatment of flaviviridae.

Qingying Pill, priced at 30 million yuan, removes malignant bacteria and viruses from the body.


The system's wishing pool menu lists more than ten and twenty options, with different prices. The most expensive Qingzhu pills are 30 million, and the cheapest ones are only 30,000 with prestige for treating small colds.

Luminous also found that many of the items given by the system are targeted. There are many types of plague viruses. Not one drug can be almighty. Of course, there are also almighty drugs, such as the most expensive Qingjing pills. It can remove all the malignant bacteria and viruses in the body. It can be said that this thing is a plague killer, but this thing basically does not belong to the scope of ordinary drugs. This is a system-produced anti-celestial medicine. 30 million.

In addition to items, the system also lists a variety of medical skills, such as Zhongjing Medical Classics, Eastern Medical Classics, and Chinese Medical Classics. However, these medical skills, in addition to the same expensive feature, There is an additional note: medical skills are only for learning, not for specific cases. Whether the medicine can cure the disease requires the host to rely on medical knowledge to research the treatment method on its own.

This explanation is very clear, that is, luminous can be exchanged for medical skills, but after exchanging medical skills, if you want to cure spider viruses, then luminous must rely on the learned medical knowledge to study how to cure it, and it can be cured after research If you do n’t come out, you ca n’t cure it.

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