MTL - My Star Teacher-v2 Chapter 861 [Your son has done it for you]

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Hanging up the phone, Ye Guang immediately rushed back the two hundred yuan to the northeast brother who had just called.

Although the Northeast brother said no, Ye Guang didn't want to take advantage of people. Even if he didn't know the number, it wouldn't matter. Since people called, the number also knew that Ye Guang didn't make sense to take advantage of people.

However, that elder brother was also a thief, and Yeguang had just rushed him back for two hundred. After a while, he texted again on his mobile phone and recharged two hundred yuan.

Okay, the big brother said that he could do it, and he rushed back to him, and he rushed back.

Luminous was a little speechless, but he still washed the call back for that brother again.

Who would have thought that the elder brother was also a bull temper, with a tendon, saying that no luminous rush back, no luminous rush back, another two hundred yuan for luminous, and this time sent a text message.

"Brother, don't rush. Brother just has this temper. If you don't want to, just stop. Just rush back and forth a few times. I have to pay for Chinese New Year cigarettes."

Ye Guang cried and laughed a little, thinking about it, just stop it.

Well, since it was brought by good luck, I will not rush out, but it takes a long time for so many calls.

I stayed at home quietly for two days. In these two days, Luminous has always been in a lucky state. Not to mention, this lucky aura is really useful. It has played a great role in the hacking incident. Luminous does not know However, these days, just staying at home, Yeguang experienced many lucky events.

Can you imagine a gust of wind blowing out a few hundred dollar bills from the outside and falling under the luminous feet on the balcony?

Can you imagine a sparrow with a diamond ring dropped on the luminous window sill?

I can imagine that with Yiyi holding a small shovel to dig earthworms to lure Grandpa Liu fishing, he actually dug a bronze wine bottle, Grandpa Liu gave a glance, Oh, Song Dynasty.

In addition to these, Jiang Fengxian's two days there are also continuous good news. What is the Journey to the West animated film has been shortlisted for an international award, what has been immortal was rated as an advanced company in Nanchang, etc. etc. For two days, Xircom continued.

Ye Guang ’s mood is also much better because it is not because of the wealth and good news these days, but because Ye Guang really feels the illusory thing of luck, it really exists and is more confident, Good luck can make the trend of the hacking incident more beneficial to yourself.

After Father Liu had eaten dinner that night, the news came again.

"The preliminary negotiations between the two countries have ended, and no agreement has been reached. The matter cannot be concealed. It is estimated that tomorrow, Mifang will expose the news on a global scale, put pressure on our country, and you will be mentally prepared. In addition, the state's attitude towards you It ’s also basically clear. The worst result is that you will not be brought to the rice court for trial. The state ’s punishment attitude towards you should be a small punishment and a great commandment. It will try to protect you, but to what extent it depends. The international trends in the next few days are currently uncontrollable, either light or heavy, and you are prepared for it. "

The news from Father Liu was undoubtedly a very good news for Luminous, and it also made a lot of the haze that had enveloped him in the past few days.

The hacker incident, Ye Guang has not yet told Liu Chiyan and his father and mother that now they are completely unaware. Dad Liu said that the news could not be concealed and will soon be exposed. Ye Guang thought about it and decided to send it to Liu today. Chi Yan and his mom and dad all asked.

Ye Guang has been hiding for several days, but this thing can't be concealed. It is expected that when the news comes out, Liu Chiyan and his parents will see the news from other places. It is better for Ye Guang to confess to them, at least, He himself confessed that he knew the news better than them, and it was more gentle to them, and the fear and anger of Luminous was also milder.

My dad and grandpa Liu are now chatting and drinking tea in the living room and watching TV. Liu Chiyan is also coaching Yiyi who is lying on the coffee table and writing winter homework.

"Grandpa, drink tea."

"Dad, I'll fill you up."

"Mom, this tea is cold. I'll change it for you."

"Daughter, don't you eat oranges? I'll peel you an orange."

The luminous meal was courteous.

Yiyi glanced at Yeguang and said, "Dedicate yourself to nothing and steal it if you don't commit it."

"Hey, what do you say, boy?" Ye Guang gave Yiyi a white look.

Liu Chiyan, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Yiyi can see that Yeguang is doing his diligence, and there must be something, let alone Yiyi and his parents. The three of them are staring at Yeguang, waiting for him to say something.

"Cough." Ye Guang coughed dryly, "Uh ... there is such a thing."

"What's the matter?" Mom, "son, sit down and say."

Luminous nodded, but none of them sat on the sofa, pulled a small bench, and sat down alone on the coffee table.

The sofa was ringed on three sides. Dad and Grandpa Liu sat in the middle. Mom and Liu Chiyan sat face to face across the coffee table. Ye Guang didn't dare to sit directly next to them.

"Why do you sit there? Come here." Liu Chiyan patted the open space around him.

"Cough." Ye Guang, "I'll just sit here and talk."

Liu Chiyan's brow frowned slightly. According to his understanding of Luminous, Luminous behaved like this, and it wouldn't be too small to think about something. Liu Chiyan stopped talking, watching Luminous, waiting for him to speak.

"Uh ..." Ye Guang groaned for a few seconds, some didn't know how to speak, thought about it, and said arrogantly, "Parents, Chi Yan, a few days ago, when the Chinese New Year, the national defense system of the country was hacked ~ ~ Do you know about the Hilo missile lying nest? "

Dad, "I know, of course I know. At that time, it was called in the news. Good thing, please be happy! Let Miguo and Laoguo be arrogant, and this is revenge! This nameless hacker is really a hero! He will also Listed as the most dangerous person in the world, a reward of 200 million wanted him, haha, what a hero who is, it is because of him, or the cannon of the rice country will be placed in front of our house. This is the hero, the husband Why, benefit the country and the people! "

Dad said cheerfully that he was giving a thumbs up when talking. On the day of the luminous wedding banquet, Dad and everyone came to attend the luminous wedding banquet. His old friends also chanted when they were toasting at the wedding banquet. Over it.

"Father, are you right?" Dad Liu said very excitedly, and also drew his words to Grandpa Liu.

Grandpa Liu responded with a laugh.

Grandpa Liu knew this. Dad Liu suddenly asked him, what made him a little bad, how to answer? If you know, this son-in-law has been troubled by your son. I wonder if you can still say the words you just said?

Ye Guang and He chuckled and looked at Dad and said, "Yes, Dad, do you think this is good?"

"Of course it is good! This is a bad thing for Rice, but for us, it is a big good thing!" Dad laughed. "I just do n’t have this ability. If I have this ability, I will do it too! See They dare not be too susceptible! "

Finally, I know how the patriotic angry youth came from Yeguang's bones.

Grandpa Liu looked at his dad, with some weird smiles on his face. If it wasn't for the safety of the night, it wasn't really suitable for laughter, maybe the old man had already laughed.

Luminous, "Oh, Dad, where do you need it, your son has done it for you."

Read The Duke's Passion