MTL - My Star Teacher-v2 Chapter 858 [Tomorrow, will it be a good day? 】

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Without saying anything, Uncle Wu hugged the shoulders of both of them and went outside.

Kuroko walked and drew his own mouth.

I was so talkative and talkative, I did n’t take it away, and it fell into the hands of the instructor again. It ’s an unforgettable memory.

Uncle Wu stayed two people downstairs, didn't leave the clubhouse, and pulled them to a corner.

"Okay, ask the brothers outside to come in for dinner and two drinks."

"Instructor, we ..." The army was still a little bit dead.

Uncle Wu patted his shoulder and said, "Okay, do n’t think about the task. You guys ca n’t take it today. Go back and tell Xiao Xu that my niece is just confessing something. He knows what, he knows. How to do."

The army and Kuroko looked at Uncle Wu in doubt.

Uncle Wu, "You two boys, why haven't you grown up for so many years? It doesn't make sense. You have to take the person back, that is, to take it back for investigation and questioning. Now he has recognized it and can't go. It ’s okay for you to make a cut in your game. Besides, when you bring it to your game, you ’re just afraid that he will run away, and temporarily hold him. Now, although people did n’t let you take it back, he ca n’t run here, Liu family. He will not be allowed to run, and there is still some trust in the Liu family in the organization. "

The army and Kuroko smiled bitterly, and there was not much entanglement. The army, "I see, then the instructor, I will take my brothers back to life."

"What's the hurry. After talking, I'll have a meal first, drink two cups before leaving." Uncle Wu said, "It's been a long time since I had dinner at the table with the two of you guys. Today is just right, let the brothers accompany me to drink Two cups. "

Dajun and Kuroko had a similar look, looked at Uncle Wu, and nodded. They were afraid they would not agree with him for a while to practice with them.



Luminous was still kneeling and not getting up. Father Liu's anger had subsided.

"Just stay at home these days, wait for my news at home, I will deal with it, as for the result ... let's talk about it, you will prepare yourself for the worst result yourself."

Ye Guang murmured softly and said sincerely, "Dad, thank you."

Dad Liu looked at him with some kindness in his eyes, "You call me Dad, I can't see you just ruined my life like this, you haven't let me down in these years. Such a big thing is almost heavenly ... heh, don't say it, now you can't control it. During this time, you are staying at home honestly, don't be confused, and don't do anything stupid, understand ?"

"Dad, I see." Ye Guang said, and respectfully gave Dad Liu a head nod.

This head is very luminous, he knows very well how big the basket this time is, and it is definitely not his ability to solve it. If it really makes him resist, it will be light for ten or eight years. Maybe. For ten years, even this quilt has not been free. Just as Papa Liu said, this life is so ruined.

Ye Guang is not a person without responsibility. This is something he made. If he really wants to resist himself, he will not be vague, but he really does not want to. He just lost his life in this way. He also wants to be able to Walked this life with Liu Chiyan.

Father Liu temporarily saved him, and after that, he will still be operating. How it works, no one knows, but it is definitely not easy to think about it, I am afraid it will cost a small price.

Ye Guang didn't continue to beat the hero at this time, shouting that one person should do things and one person should be, it was a genius and a talented man. It was like a fight into a police station, and your family spent money to bail you, but you did n’t appreciate it and shouted It's the same reason that you should do things on your own and don't bail. You have to go to the game yourself.

This is not a hero, this is silly.

Therefore, if Dad Liu can really keep him, Ye Guang is also happy, but if not, no matter what the outcome, no matter how bad the result, Ye Guang dare to bear it.

"Get up, don't kneel, go and greet the guests, and there is no way to hide this, Chi Yan, you should find a chance to tell her, I will return to Beijing in the afternoon." Father Liu said, Holding luminous, stood up.

Out of the VIP room, Luminous shook his head and regained his mind. His large basket couldn't make up for himself. Papa Liu could only do his best to listen to his destiny. There were many guests, and many tables of wine were disrespectful.

Regardless of tomorrow, even if it is imprisoned tomorrow, today's wedding, this wedding banquet, Luminous hope that it can be completely completed.

In such a big event, Ye Guang certainly couldn't hide Liu Chi Yan, but Ye Guang didn't plan to tell Liu Chi Yan about it today. It doesn't take as long as he can hide it, just one day is enough.

Today is a special day. It is the wedding day of Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan. For Ye Guang, this wedding day is not so perfect. Compared to the wedding celebration, his heart is more heavy, but, At least Luminous hopes that today is a happy day for Liu Chiyan.


"Dad, I'll go back in the afternoon. You can stay here for a while. Chi Yan's house is pretty good now. The environment and the air are pretty good. It's also suitable for your cultivation. The stink boy's basket this time is too big. If you and I are not there, I am afraid that someone will be brought in. It will be troublesome if you want to get it out. No one dares to take him in your presence if you are there. "

Grandpa Liu, "Okay, I want to stay a few more days. The robot at my granddaughter's house is very interesting. It's like a living person. It's fun. I also spend more time with my baby and granddaughter. I will live some more days and wait for things to happen. , When will I go back. "

Dad Liu sighed and said, "I don't know what will happen in the end. I heard that the boy also handed in some technology some time ago, and one of them was listed as SSS-class secret. You know what, plus these two medals of heroes, I hope he can pass this level safely. "

Grandpa Liu, "Just do your best. The granddaughter looks at Fuze deeply. He doesn't seem to be such a fool."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Father Liu and Mother Liu said farewell to Mom and Dad, and returned to Beijing with two heroes.

Mom and Dad originally wanted to stay with Dad Liu and Dad Liu for two more days. Dad Liu refused, and Dad and Mom didn't insist too much. They also knew that Dad Liu was in a high position. On weekdays, he was busy with business and was worried about it. National events, father Liu will set off to return to Beijing, my parents are not too much to keep.

In the afternoon, most of the guests were basically gone. Go home, go back to the hotel, return to the hotel, stay in the club and stay in the club.

The wedding of Liu Chiyan and Luminous can basically be declared over after the wedding banquet.

Only close relatives, as well as close friends such as Liu Tianwang and Xu Chen, went home with the Luguang Liuchiyan couple and had a bit more noise.

After a wedding, Liu Chiyan was tired enough today, but she was really full of happiness in her heart. She was very happy. The place that made her feel a little uncomfortable was that Father Liu and Mother Liu had gone early. I will return to Beijing today.

However, on the whole, today, for Liu Chiyan, she feels that she has been very successful.

at night.

In the cheerfully furnished new house, although Liu Chiyan was tired for a day, he was extremely active.

"I'm tired for a day, or if I don't care about it today, rest early?"

"Forget it? No! Usually you don't always have enough ~ ~ Today is the last thing to say, today is the day when we get married, the night of the cave house, you are the last word?"

"I'm not afraid you're too tired."

"I also want to be tired. Today is the wedding day of our wedding. Although it is a make-up wedding, I also have to complete a wedding day from beginning to end."


"Fu Jun ~"

In a hurry, in the coquettish sound of Liu Chiyan, Luguang became a hungry wolf.

Tonight, the original month was sparse, and the sky was clear. I do n’t know if it was because the moon could not stand the spring that the house couldn't hold, and a cloud of clouds was drawn to cover itself.

There seemed to be a lot of clouds coming from Yueer. The clouds gathered together and became thicker and thicker. It seemed that a storm was brewing.

Will it be a good day tomorrow?