MTL - My Stand-in is Steve-Chapter 6 Radiating like Stark in the East China Sea, Shoubi Epiphany Old Ethan

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  Chapter 6 Spokes like Stark in the East China Sea, Shoubi Ethan

  Tony Stark never thought that he would encounter such a terrible crisis.

  This was originally just a very ordinary military exercise, but he was attacked by terrorists.

   Not only was he kidnapped into a dark cave, but he was also stuffed with an electromagnet in his chest, which used a weak magnetic force to absorb the bomb fragments in his body, preventing them from piercing his heart.

   But before he could accept this fact, a group of terrorists rushed in and started torturing him, ordering him to make some Jericho missiles.

Just when Stark didn't know whether he could survive, he was the most confused and fearful, a man who claimed to be a substitute messenger suddenly appeared and killed everyone with a strange method that he couldn't understand at all. the terrorist, and then said that he wanted to take himself out of this ghost place.

  Seriously, Stark was a little scared.

   He didn't know whether this person was worth trusting, but he had to flee from here immediately.

  According to Fang Mo, the terrorists have been eliminated by him, and if Stark wants to leave, he can leave anytime, anywhere.

   But only Stark himself knew how a huge hidden danger the electromagnet on his chest was. Once the car battery used as an energy source was short-circuited, he would definitely die in an instant.

   So for the sake of his own life, Stark had to make himself a new energy source.

   Fortunately, there are sufficient materials here, and Ethan is willing to act as an assistant, so Stark quickly completed the first step of making new energy, removing 1.6 grams of metal palladium from a large number of missiles.

   But just when Stark was going to use the crucible to melt the palladium metal, Fang Mo, who was hiding and studying the substitute, was suddenly stunned, because an electronic prompt sounded in his mind.

  【System prompt: New module features detected, download permission can be obtained after research. 】

   "New mod feature? What is that?"

   Fang Mo was stunned for a moment, and immediately asked.

However, the electronic voice did not answer him at all. Fortunately, Fang Mo now almost understands that this electronic voice of a similar system has no intelligence at all, and cannot communicate. Only when it triggers certain specific conditions, it will It will suddenly pop out a reminder or something.


   Stark, who was fiddling with the cauldron, seemed to hear something and looked up in confusion: "Are you talking to me?"

"more or less."

   Fang Mo heard the words and walked over to Stark's location. He had some doubts that this new mod feature might have something to do with the other party, so he asked directly, "What are you doing?"

   "Melting this palladium metal."

   Stark put the cauldron on the fire and explained: "To make a small reactor, I need to pour a palladium ring first."


Fang Mo glanced at the gradually melting liquid palladium in the crucible. For some reason, he suddenly thought of when he was playing industrial mods with his friends. Because of his stupidity, he accidentally took a uranium 235 grain, which was debuffed by radiation. After all the trouble, he said subconsciously at this moment: "My dear... You are planning to share with each other, right?"


   Stark was stunned for a moment: "What did you say?"

   At this moment, Ethan came over with the sand casting mold he had just made: "What's wrong? I just seemed to hear what you were discussing?"

   "Look, Ethan, Stark has already started making soup."

  Fang Mo immediately turned his head and said to Ethan: "He's all starting to pretend to die. As a doctor, don't you care about him?"


  Ethan was also confused when he heard this, and looked at Stark suspiciously: "What soup are you cooking?"

   "Authentic tritium." Before Stark could answer, Fang Mo gave a thumbs-up on purpose: "It has a mouthful of radiation, and it has all the aromas."

   "Don't listen to his nonsense."

Stark quickly explained: "I just plan to make a small arc generator. This thing is very safe. I have an oversized one in my company. Ethan, your hand should be very stable. Come and help me pour palladium. ring."

"I just suddenly gave everyone a problem, and asked everyone to find a way to fill the entire cave." Fang Mo saw that Stark simply ignored him, so he played the radiation stalk again: "First of all, I killed all the terrorists myself, But the corpse was only big enough to cover the ground, and Ethan lit a candle, but there was still a shadow in the cave... Only Stark, the smartest, poured palladium into a small reactor coil, and the radiation instantly filled the cave."

   "Palladium is just a heavy metal, it's not radioactive!"

When Stark heard this, he finally couldn't help but refute: "The reactor I want to build does not rely on fission energy at all, it is a cold fusion energy production that relies on palladium to adsorb hydrogen isotopes, so don't mess with you wizard if you don't understand. Say…"


   Hearing this, Fang Mo was also stunned: "Isn't palladium a radioactive metal?"

   "That's called radioactive elements."

  Stark helped his forehead weakly: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you this, you don't even understand the difference between electromagnetic radiation and ionizing radiation, Ethan, come and help me pour the coil..."

"All right."

  Ethan didn't understand too much here, but he didn't care about it at first. After hearing Stark call him, he immediately started to work seriously.

  I saw him grip the hot crucible with tongs and start pouring molten palladium into the sand casting mold.

   And at the moment when the hot molten metal was poured into the mold, Fang Mo's mind suddenly sounded an electronic prompt again.

  [System prompt: The behavior of 'melting' and 'pouring' has been studied, and you have obtained download permission for a new mod. 】

  【System prompt: The craftsmanship module begins to download. 】


   Hearing this prompt, Fang Mo's eyes widened in shock.

   Now he finally figured it out. It turns out that his mod pack can really add modules to it.

He had considered this issue as early as when the Chinese module suddenly appeared before. Now it seems that his guess is correct. Although it is not clear how the ability to add a module is triggered, it is at least a good thing. , If you can find a way to add a mod like going home, then can't you return to the MC world?

   Thinking of this, Fang Mo was also a little excited.

   Stark had just poured the palladium ring, and it was a long time before the entire reactor was finished.

And while taking advantage of this time, Fang Mo also quickly tried to study how to add modules, for example, he tried to recite a thousand times in his heart 'I have seen Fullmetal Alchemist, I want to exchange modules for the equivalent Group' and the like, but unfortunately the results are not very ideal.

   Seeing that adding modules is hopeless, Fang Mo had to study the lucky block first.

Compared with the mod adding function that I don't know how to trigger the mechanism, the use of the lucky block is much simpler. Fang Mo just asked Steve to right-click the item, and the next second white light flashed, and the lucky block disappeared. .

   was replaced by a crystal clear blade.

   "Huh? This is?"

   Fang Mo just glanced at it and instantly recognized the origin of this sword.

  This sword comes from one of Fang Mo’s favorite mods, which is the unique glass sword in the Twilight Forest mod. It can only be obtained in the Aurora Palace on the glacier.

   This sword has up to 40 points of damage, but the only downside is that it only has 1 point of durability.

   is as sharp as glass, but also fragile as glass.

   But Fang Mo's attention was not here.

"You actually pulled out items from other modules." Fang Mo rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "I haven't loaded the Dusk Forest mod yet, but I pulled out the glass sword inside... Could it be this? Can Lucky Cubes really draw items from all mods?"

  If you can actually draw all the items in the mod, then this lucky block is really scary.

After all, there are really too many modules in the MC game, and many of them have some big killers, such as bacteria that can proliferate indefinitely, bombs that can blow up blocks, or hot spring machines that drown the world. You can find a lot of them.

   It's a pity that this lucky block was sent by the system, and Fang Mo didn't know the rules for determining this thing.

   is a repetitive reward. You can get a reward once you run a new module, or a one-time reward. After you get it, there will be no more rewards.

   As if to verify Fang Mo's conjecture, an electronic sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

   [System prompt: The download of the craftsmanship module is complete, do you want to load it? 】

   "Ah this..."

  Fang Mo was stunned for a moment, then immediately agreed: "Hurry up and load it."

  【System prompt: The craftsmanship module has been loaded successfully. 】

  【System Tip: Since you downloaded and ran a brand new mod, you got a lucky block that randomly draws an item from any known mod. 】

   Accompanied by a system prompt sound, a lucky block appeared in Steve's backpack again.

   "Fuck, really?"

   Fang Mo was also pleasantly surprised when he saw the colorful lucky square.

   Excited, Fang Mo quickly ordered Steve to open the lucky cube. This time, a white light flashed, and a purple claw-like thing appeared in Steve's hand.

   "What is this?"

   Seeing the new item, Fang Mo also checked it out of curiosity.

This is an item called the Hand of Ender. Fang Mo recalled it a little and found that it seems to be an item from the mutant creature module. The left button can directly fight monsters, and the right button can control a block to float in the air and then throw it. Going out to smash monsters and the like, of course, the most powerful thing is SHIFT right-click, which allows players to teleport.

   "This... is a real draw."

   Looking at the purple paw on Steve's hand, Fang Mo was obviously a little surprised.

   (end of this chapter)