MTL - My Stand-in is Steve-Chapter 437 Two new modules, this wave is not bad

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  Chapter 437 Two new modules, this wave is not bad

   "Shut up! I'll kill you right now!"

  Neutra obviously lost his composure, but of course he was quite imposing, picking up the broken sickle and rushing forward.

But Fang Mo doesn't want to continue playing with him anymore. In the original book, he is not very pleasing. Although he is No.5 among the ten blades, his actual record is basically achieved by sneak attack. What kind of sneak attack on Ni? Lu, sneak attack on Grimmjow, Fang Mo is really not interested in such a guy.

  So taking advantage of the time when Neutra rushed over, Fang Mo also moved.

  I saw him slowly lift up the Levatin in his hand, and then a red light suddenly lit up on the Arcane Ring.

I saw Levatin startled slightly, and then a palpitating aura rose from above. Although Neutra didn't know what the eternal fire was, the fighting instinct from Xu still made him aware of the danger. The opponent's sword was surrounded by a power that made him tremble.

   But the more frightened he was, the crazier he became.

  Stimulated by this almost desperate momentum, Neutra's Reiatsu all over his body soared, as if he had unleashed his full potential, and the sickle blade in his hand stabbed at Fang Mo's neck rapidly.

  He almost foresaw the scene where Fang Mo was beheaded by himself.

   However, it was at this time.

  Fang Mo moved.

   "Remnant Fire Taijian·North, ashes of heaven and earth."

Accompanied by these words, the huge sword in Fang Mo's hand swung down directly, and the high temperature of more than 15 million degrees erupted instantly. Neutra was evaporated in an instant, and then the invisible heat radiated to The forward expansion directly divided everything in front of Fang Mo's eyes into two.

Whether it is the white desert at the bottom of Xuye Palace, the tall tower not far in front, the huge building complex, or even the sky cover of Xuye Palace above, everything is sublimated into a gaseous state in an instant, leaving only An endless crack like a moat, beyond this false canopy, is the real pitch-black sky in the virtual circle, and Fang Mo's knife seems to cut open the whole world, the sword's edge Everywhere is dust.

   "I always feel that this power seems to have increased a bit."

Fang Mo looked at the scene in front of his eyes, and felt a little surprised: "Could it be that my strength has increased again... If this continues, I will become One Sword Superman. When can I go to the world of One Punch to play?" What about playing?"

  While speaking, Fang Mo walked up to Sal Apollo again.

   This guy was slashed on the body by Neutra just now, and he almost gave up, so Fang Mo also pulled out the magic doctor's salvation sword and gave him two slashes.

   "Don't worry, I won't let you die."

  Fang Mo smiled and said to Sal Apollo: "Get ready to be teammates with Skinner and Santa Claus..."

   "What exactly do you want to do?" Saar Apollo couldn't hold back now: "Can you let me go, I am willing to betray Master Aizan to work for you, my skills are among the best in the virtual circle."

   "Then will you make a wishing machine other than Bengyu?"


   "Okay, you're useless."

  Seeing that Saar Apollo fell silent, Fang Mo also directly took out the great sword of ender, and before he wanted to make any excuses, he directly stabbed it and sealed it.

   "Well, I feel like Xuye Palace is about to be penetrated by me."

  After sealing Saar Apollo, Fang Mo touched his chin subconsciously.

If you look at the plot in the original book, Xuye Palace is actually just a trap set by Lan Ran, the purpose is to attract the attention of the gods of death, try to attract high-end combat power to the virtual circle, and then lead the The elite went to the present world and used the human soul in Karakura Town to refine the King Key.

  The ten blades sitting in Xuye Palace are strictly speaking Aizen's abandoned sons.

This includes all the broken faces from No. 4 to No. 10, such as Yami, Aronilo, Saar Apollo, Zomali, Grimmjow, Neutra, Ulquiola, Aizan Ben I just plan to use them to delay time.

  Actually, Fang Mo thought so too, cooperating with Aizen and using these guys to pass the time or something.

   But the problem is...

  Fang Mo's efficiency is a bit too high.

Yami has long since died, and Grimmjow has long been forced to rest in this world. Just now he has solved several problems in a row, so now Fang Mo bowed his head and suddenly found that this Void Night Palace seems to have nothing but Ulchi. Other than Ola... there is no one else.

   Calculating the time, this Kurosaki Ichigo might still be running outside right now.

   "Why don't you touch it around first?"

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Mo also decided to go shopping first. Anyway, he can’t find where Ulquiorra is at the moment, so he might as well look around while looking for it. If he can unlock the module, it would be a profit. ?

   Fang Mo thought of this, and directly released Saar Apollo, letting the other party lead the way.

  After several rounds of torture, Sal Apollo finally fully understood the situation, and did not resist any more, but became a leading party obediently.

And with Sal Apollo as the leading party, it is much easier for Fang Mo to act in the Void Night Palace. Although the opponent's previous laboratory was blown up, Sal Apollo, as one of the ten blades, still has his own palace Yes, so I took Fang Mo over there.

   There are many strange things in the opponent's palace.

  Fang Mo took a closer look and found that most of them were petri dishes or something like that, in which he cultivated Xu that had been transformed by him.

   In addition, there are a lot of instruments here. To be honest, Fang Mo couldn't understand their use. Sal Apollo explained it for a long time, but Fang Mo felt even more headache after listening.

   "I hate you techies the most..."

  Fang Mo couldn't help but punched Saar Apollo, and after thinking about it, he added in a low voice: "Well, women don't count."

  In short, after a little fuss.

  Fang Mo really accidentally unlocked a module.

  【System prompt: You have researched the concepts of 'structural transformation', 'same species' and 'error modification', and you have obtained the download permission for a new module. 】

  【System Prompt: Synthetic Conflict Elimination Module starts downloading. 】

  【System Prompt: Synthesis Conflict Elimination Module has been downloaded, is it loaded? 】


  After hearing the system prompt, Fang Mo was also slightly stunned: "Is it actually this module?"

   Compositing conflict resolution, as the name suggests.

   is to remove some compositing deficiencies in the game.

   This is a lightweight functional mod without any substantial items added.

   But it adds an option in the lower right corner of the workbench, allowing players to choose the items that need to be synthesized.

Generally speaking, this mod is designed to serve those large integrated packages. For example, three stones are put together to form stone steps, but if a mod adds the same recipe, set three stones to be placed If they are stone slabs together, then there will be a conflict, that is... only one kind of item can be synthesized, either stone steps or stone slabs.

  But after using this module, there will be a page-turning option on the finished product column, and players can choose the synthesized product by themselves.

   In this way, there will be no situation where the player wants to synthesize stone slabs, but can only synthesize stone steps.

  Thinking of this, Fang Mo silently recited "Load".

  【System prompt: Module loaded successfully. 】

  【System prompt: Since you have downloaded and run a brand new mod, you have obtained a lucky block, which will randomly select an item from any known mod. 】

   "Is that all there already?"

  After unlocking the module, Fang Mo also turned to look at Sal Apollo.

   "My lord, all my research is here."

  Saar Apollo said cautiously, for fear that Fang Mo would punch him again: "If you go further up, you will be Master Aizen's research room, and it is not a place for us ten blades to set foot."

"take me."

   Fang Mo said directly.

   "But..." Sal Apollo was obviously still a little nervous: "Master Aizen..."

   "I'll give you three seconds to think about it."

Fang Mo didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore: "If you offend Lan Ran, you will die at most, but if you offend me, I will put a group of nutritious soil into your body first, and then I will stuff a magic bean into your body. Didn't you claim to be the first man in the world?" 0 ten blades? Then I will let your whole body be filled with huge stems, not to mention the intestine-regulating monk, even Nautilus can't help you clear the intestines, I see you What should I say when I go to the anorectal department to see a doctor... I accidentally fell down and sat in it?"

  Here Fang Mo is actually talking about the stalk of Twilight Forest.

   There are cloud-top giants living above the high ground leading to the end of the castle. If the player doesn't want to take the stairs, just use the magic bean and right-click on the nutritious soil, and the sky-reaching bean vines will soon grow on the ground.

   However, the displayed name of this block is called a giant stem, and it can even be used as fuel... Then this is really too hot.


  Saar Apollo was also silent when he heard the words.

   To be honest, he couldn't understand what Fang Mo meant.

  But for some reason, he felt an indescribable chill all over his body. Imagine Fang Mo's behavior when he tortured himself just now, Sal Apollo still chose to surrender, and led Fang Mo to a place as if resigned to his fate.

  Actually, Aizen's laboratory is not very big.

   After all, the other party has been doing research on the collapse of jade.

  Fang Mo wandered around inside for a while, and finally unlocked a Cyclops module after touching a one-eyed disfigured corpse.

Fang Mo has also played this module. It is a very lightweight module. A small boss named Cyclops is added. The dropped items are very rubbish. Anyway, I can give one more lucky cube, which is not a loss.

   And just when Fang Mo finished visiting Aizen's laboratory, he didn't know where to go.

  The Lingzi around suddenly became inexplicably restless, and accompanied by a series of explosions, a figure directly smashed through the wall and came from the outside.


  Fang Mo looked down and found that it was Ulquiola who was thrown on the ground.

  (end of this chapter)