MTL - My Stand-in is Steve-Chapter 427 Fang Mo: I can't help it when I hear your name

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   "Try me, I want to see how you paint redstone all over me."

  Xiao Fenmao blinked her loving eyes, then bit her finger and tilted her head and said, "Well... it's fine if you paint it with other things."

   "No, big sister."

  Fang Mo also had a headache when he heard the words: "When did you come here?"


  Xiao Fenmao thought for a while and said, "When are you washing your hands?"

"You refreshed as soon as I drove, didn't you?" Fang Mo raised his forehead: "Say, if you really want to be lustful, you should eat more food and grow up, and just let this **** go all day... It must be appropriate A nasty bitch, eh?"

   "What does Kouhi mean?"

  Xiao Fenmao asked curiously, "Does ventriloquist have the same meaning?"


  Fang Mo didn't speak, but just patted his forehead.

"My food is your bodily fluids." Seeing that Fang Mo didn't speak, Xiao Fenmao said again: "On the one hand, you don't give me food, and on the other hand, you hope that I will grow up soon and flirt with you, you Do you hear this for yourself?"

   "Bodily fluids are enough?"

  Fang Mo glanced at Xiao Fenmao: "Then..."

   "I can't pee."

   Before Fang Mo finished speaking, Xiao Fenmao interrupted him angrily: "It must be blood, saliva, or essence."

   "The phlegm..."

   "I'm starting to hate you!" Hearing this, Xiao Fenmao kicked Fang Mo angrily again, then turned around and ran away: "Mo, let's go!"

   "Phew, finally left."

   Seeing that Xiao Fenmao had run away, Fang Mo also breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Who was that little guy just now?" Little Fenmao had just left, and Sifengyuan Yeyi came over: "Usually you are the one who makes others have headaches, but today is the first time I see you with headaches."

   "Stop talking, it's all my fault."

  Fang Mo helplessly raised his forehead.

   "Huh?" Sifengyuan Ye was a little puzzled after hearing this, but suddenly came to his senses, and his eyes immediately became sharp: "...Huh!?"

   "What's your expression?"

   Fang Mo said: "Don't guess, I'm not married yet, and this guy is not my child."

   "Is there no one you like?"

  Yeyi asked curiously.

   "The person I like is no longer in this world." Fang Mo waved his hand casually: "Stop talking about this topic, it will be annoying just thinking about it."

"…Feel sorry."

  Yeichi Sifengin also lowered his head when he heard the words, and then changed the subject tactfully: "Speaking of which, you are unilaterally beating Ichigo and Chadu Yasutora, can this really be considered cultivation?"

   "The well-known artist Sun Xiaochuan once said that only if you are alive can you be qualified to export."

Fang Mo said: "If they can resist my torture, at least they should be full in terms of being beaten and moving. Even if they face Aizen, at least they won't be killed by a single blow. As long as they can live, everything will be fine." Have the opportunity."

   "It sounds reasonable."

  Sifengyuanye nodded a little: "But aren't you being too ruthless?"

   "It's okay, at least I'm still alive."

  Fang Mo didn't care too much: "But after hearing what you said, I really think they are a bit too lazy, so let's strengthen them a little later."

   "Your reinforcement refers to..."

  Sifengyuanye hadn't finished his sentence, only heard a clatter, and Chadu Taihu hurriedly crawled out of the hot spring pool, lying on the ground and panting heavily.

"Strengthening in the literal sense." Fang Mo said while beckoning to Chadu Taihu not far away: "Brother Tiger, you can't do it, you can't even break red bricks, come and eat two Marshal Huang , to ensure that your prestige resounds throughout the entire Shenyang Street, and those gangs of killers will never dare to be your enemy again."

   "Mr. Fang Mo, you just need to call me Taihu."

  Chadu Yasutora said something awkward, then slowly got up from the ground and walked towards him.

"Come on, eat these two things first." Fang Mo didn't care about this, first he took out two golden apples with a smile, and then pointed to the tool assembly table not far away: "Then put your arm Put it up, I'll see if I can give you a redstone, but remember not to use this hand to control in the future, the speed of five centimeters per second is easy..."


  Chadu Yasutora was a little speechless after hearing this, but he is the kind of person who is not very good at talking, so he didn't say anything.

From his point of view, since he has risked his life to become stronger, he must listen to what the other party says. After all, this is also a part of cultivation, so he took two apples without saying a word, and clicked I ate it with a click.

   After eating the apple in two bites, Chadu Yasutora squatted down and put his hand on the tool forging table.

   "Mr. Fang Mo, is this okay?"

   Chadu Yasutora asked.

   "Ah, yes, yes, please don't move."

  Fang Mo nodded, then grabbed a handful of red stones and sprinkled them on it. As a result, a red light flashed, and a red light really lit up on his arm.


  Fang Mo was also a little surprised when he saw this: "It's really okay?"

Seeing this, Fang Mo also immediately started strengthening, first the redstone, and then the durability of the obsidian slab. As a result, Chadu Taihu's arm was stronger than Dunshun Liuhua, and both the redstone and the durability were strengthened to the full level. Yes, it can still continue to grow stronger.

  So Fang Mo was not polite, and directly began to hit the quartz representing 'sharpness' and diamonds for all attribute enhancements on it.

   But just when Fang Mo was about to push up another piston representing 'knockback'.

  Chadu Yasutora suddenly spoke.

I saw that his head was sweating from pain at some point, and his clothes were completely soaked in sweat. Of course, his arms were swollen too much. He said with a trembling voice: "Fang...Mr. Fang Mo...I feel like I have to hold on Can't stop..."

   "Oh, so be it."

  Fang Mo nodded, but gave up the idea of ​​smashing a giant one-meter-square piston into his arm.

   "Mr. Fang Mo."

  As soon as Fang Mo threw the piston to the ground, Kurosaki Ichigo not far away stood up from the ground: "I have recovered, please continue the actual combat training."

   "Young people recover quickly."

  Fang Mo couldn't help sighing when he saw this, and then he raised his fist and disappeared in place...


   Anyway, that's it.

   Soon, a few days passed.

  Under Fang Mo's training, the strength of several people has indeed been significantly improved.

  Orihime Inoue's reaction ability has improved a lot, she pays more attention to her own positioning, and understands her role positioning, and she has completely regarded herself as a nanny.

Chadu Taihu ate the golden apple and the enchanted golden apple, and his right hand was strengthened by the invincible craftsman soul module. Now he can tear up the Kirian-level Daixu with his hands, and even against Yachuka Daxu at the Sri Lanka level, if the opponent is not broken, he can fight back and forth.

  As for the biggest change, of course it is Kurosaki Ichigo here.

  After a few days of beating and meditation, he has initially mastered the power of virtualization, and the proxy certificate of the **** of death is temporarily placed at home, and his strength has directly increased countless times.

  It's just that until now, he has not been able to convince the Yuhabach in his body...that is, the power of the Quincy Master, so that the opponent no longer suppresses his Death God power.

  In summary, Fang Mo thinks that Kurosaki Ichigo should still have a lot of room for improvement.

   But just when Fang Mo was enjoying it, these people couldn't continue to train like this.

On the one hand, this is because Kurosaki Ichigo and the others are high school students. In other words...they need to go to school. The previous few people were asking for leave, but it will definitely not work if this continues, and even if Kurosaki Ichigo and Sado Tai The two rough men like Tiger don't care, but Orihime Inoue is a girl after all, so it's really inconvenient to stay here all the time.

   It's only been a few days.

  They all began to have a strange smell.

  So the few of them agreed to go home first to rest, go to school during the day, and come back to practice after school when they are free.

  Of course, apart from this reason, there is another reason... Kisuke Urahara is here.

  He brought a bad news.

  The soul world has roughly grasped Aizen's plan.

According to what they said, before Lan Ran's rebellion, he went to the Great Library to inquire about Wang Jian's production method. Combining his capture of Beng Yu with the previous rhetoric, everyone came to a terrible conclusion .

   "The purpose of indigo dyeing is to make Wang Jian."

  Urahara Kisuke's serious Fang Mo said: "He wants to kill and replace the soul king, and destroy the soul world, and the production of Wang Jian requires the human souls of the entire Karakura town as a medium. This is an unprecedented crisis."

   "Oh, and then?"

   Fang Mo asked.

   "You..." Urahara Kisuke saw Fang Mo's attitude, and also reacted: "You already know his purpose?"

   "Aizan did the right thing. The history of your soul world is indeed quite impressive."

  Fang Mo shrugged: "It's a pity that he can't do this. Even without me, Kurosaki Ichigo can fight him. Isn't this what you have planned for a long time?"


  Hearing what Fang Mo said, Urahara Kisuke also fell silent.

   "You said you want to get Bengyu." After a long silence, Urahara Kisuke looked at it and said, "Your purpose...isn't it like Aizen?"

   "As you can see, I am not an existence in this world."

Fang Mo said directly: "If I have time to spare, I might take care of the mess in the world of corpses and souls, and kill these nobles with justice... But as I said, I have something urgent right now, and I plan to take the Bengyu back to make a wish. The life and death of your world has nothing to do with me."

   "The thirteenth team of the Guardian Court and what you all want to protect with your lives." Fang Mo said calmly and a little scary: "It is worthless in front of my wish."

   "Is that so?"

  Urahara Kisuke was not angry when he heard the words, but he was relieved. If the other party said so, he believed the other party a little bit. It seems that he and Aizen are indeed enemies, at least for now, they will help them deal with Aizen.


   Just as Urahara Kisuke was thinking about this, Fang Mo suddenly asked again: "Has your laboratory been rebuilt?"

   "That's not even a laboratory..."

   Kisuke Urahara asked, "Why did you mention this all of a sudden?"

   "I'm bored and want to visit your collection." Fang Mo said casually, "Of course it's not free. I can also exchange items from Minecraft with you."


Kisuke Urahara nodded. As a scientist, he was indeed very curious about the other world. After thinking for a while, he nodded, "Let's go, but let's say it first, the things on my side are pitiful. All the good things are in the Technology Development Bureau of Soul World."

   "It's okay, the Technology Development Bureau will talk about it later."

  Fang Mo waved his hand: "Let's go."


  Kisuke Urahara nodded, then walked to a dimension door not far away, pushed the door and walked in, and soon the two reappeared in Kurosaki Ichigo's bedroom.

  Since Kurosaki Ichigo needs to go to school during the day, there is no one here.

  Only one lion doll is lying on the bed looking at the coloring book.

But just when the two were about to turn over the window and leave here, suddenly the spirits in the entire Karakura town shook uncomfortably, and an extremely terrifying spiritual pressure appeared in the sky above Karakuza town out of thin air, and almost everyone who could sense the spiritual power Everyone looked up at the sky in unison.

   "There are enemies coming."

   Kisuke Urahara's expression froze, and he said immediately.

"Oh, I know." Fang Mo didn't seem to care too much. If he remembers correctly, Aizen ordered Ulquiorra to take Inoue Orihime away this time when he invaded the world. As for the enemy on the surface, it was a guy like cannon fodder called Ruby.

  Thinking of this, Fang Mo casually looked up to the sky, planning to cooperate with Aizen.

  However, seeing this, Fang Mo froze in place.

   "Damn it... Stark!?"


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