MTL - My Stand-in is Steve-Chapter 382 Cause of death: Too much thirst for knowledge

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   Standing in front of everyone was a woman with a somewhat melancholy temperament.

  This woman is very beautiful, not only fair-skinned, but also very tall and fit. At this moment, she is wearing a sleeveless tight vest on her upper body, and a pair of black pants on her lower body, with a knife on her back.

   "It really is her."

  Yoshida Hirofumi recognized the other party instantly: "Guangxi from China."

   "I heard that she still has a few devils under her." Yuzhi immediately looked around: "The strength of these guys should not be underestimated, we must find them out quickly."

   This side is talking.

   There was a sound of footsteps not far away.

   Several people turned their heads to look, only to find four women walking slowly towards Guangxi.

  These four women are all demons, and they look quite distinctive. Among them, the most beautiful one has two horns on his head, and the other one has a living black ponytail.

Of course, as for the other two shapes, it is a bit unacceptable. One is a zombie girl who looks a bit like a stitch monster, and the other is even more weird, with one eye falling out, and a pile of heads or intestines coiled around her head. Things, with a TM bow at the end, and a mentally retarded smile on his face.

   "Ladies and gentlemen."

   At this moment, Guangxi, who was standing in the distance, also spoke, and while staring at Hayakawa Qiu and Lei Sai, she said to her demons: "It is still the old rule, and you will deal with the leftovers."

   "No problem, Lord Guangxi."

  The devil girl with ponytails smiled and nodded: "Master Guangxi is here to deal with the chainsaws, as for us..."

Having said that, the devil girl also looked around for a while, and then suddenly locked her eyes on the guards, with a smug and confident smile on her face: "Hehehe, the four of us can just eat some miscellaneous fish, Just like these guys."


   Guangxi didn't think much about it, and after nodding, he put his attention back in front of his eyes.

   To be honest, Lesai is quite difficult to deal with. After all, she is a devil, and Guangxi is actually a devil herself, but she doesn't want to expose this yet, so she directly charged forward with a knife.

  Seeing this, Reise on the opposite side also prepared to attack.

   But before she could make a move, a knife suddenly stopped in front of her.

  The person who came was Akira Hayakawa. Because he could predict the future and he had a tailed beast coat, he was able to keep up with Guangxi's attack rhythm and blocked the opponent's attack with the big sword in his hand.


   Guangxi was also a little surprised when he saw this.

   But the accident was accidental, she was merciless at all, seeing that the attack was ineffective, she immediately stabbed at the opponent with another knife, but Hayakawa Qiu directly raised her hand to greet him.

   "Spiral Pill!"

   A red energy ball quickly appeared in Hayakawa Qiu's hand, directly twisting Guangxi's long knife and bursting inch by inch.

Seeing this, Guangxi had no choice but to take a step back first, and then kicked towards the opponent's lower body, but was once again predicted by Hayakawa Qiu in advance, and directly pressed the spiral pill down with his backhand. Xi Xi didn't dare to take it forcefully, and immediately stepped back a few steps. ,

"It surprised me that."

  Guangxi threw away the broken knife in his hand, and then said lightly: "The special class can actually train people like you. Yin."

   "Speak Japanese well to me."

   Akira Hayakawa frowned, and then attacked the opponent again.

  But this time Guangxi also got serious. The two did a few tricks on the spot, but because they couldn't release ninjutsu in close quarters, Hayakawa Qiu didn't get any advantage this time, and was hit by the opponent twice.

Fortunately, Hayao Chuanqiu has a tailed beast coat, and he has eaten golden apples and essence berries. After being punched twice by the opponent, he only took two steps back, and then continued to charge forward. Guangxi was stunned when he saw this After a while, he was punched by himself without any injuries. It seems that the other party is not a normal thing.

   "Leisi, Xiaohong, go save the others first."

  Hayakawa tried his best to stop Guangxi, and at the same time shouted to the two behind him.

   "Don't you need help?"

   Lacy asked.

   "It's important to save people..." Hayao Chuanqiu said, but Guangxi kicked him again. This time, the opponent seemed to use some kind of martial arts or other means of force, and directly kicked him out.

But now Zao Chuanqiu is really resistant to beating. He just flew a few meters away, he immediately turned over in mid-air, and then thrust his big sword into the ground, forcibly stopping his backward flying force, and then his legs After landing, he drew his sword and rushed up again.

   Seeing that Hayakawa Qiu could indeed entangle Guangxi, Lei Sai immediately rushed out to treat other teammates.

  Now the ground is full of corpses of dolls, which means that there are blood packs everywhere, grabbing a few and twisting them casually can revive the fallen people. ,

   And at the same time, the other side.

   The four demons under Guangxi also set their sights on the guards.

"Let's get rid of this group of miscellaneous fish quickly." Among the four of them, the girl with a black ponytail...that is, Ping Cui put her hands on her hips and said with a smile: "Master Guangxi seems to have met an opponent, we have to help her. "

  The remaining three demons also nodded, and made a fighting posture.

   "Well, let me take a look first..."

  Ping Cui made a circle with her hands while talking, and at the same time, her ponytail stretched forward and turned into a magnifying glass, which seemed to be some kind of investigative ability: "Okay, I see."

   "This guy's contract demon is a stone, haha, he's so stupid."

  Ping Cui smiled, shifted his gaze away from Kusakabe, and then looked at Hirofumi Yoshida: "This handsome guy has contracted an octopus, but the price of his contract... Tsk, I always feel a little difficult to deal with."

   slightly frowned.

  Ping Cui also slowly turned his attention to Nyarlathotep: "Hehehe, next is you, I know the black-skinned man who keeps giggling, let me see you..."

   “Fuck you, don’t…”

  Fang Mo heard the words and hurriedly tried to stop it, but it seemed that he was still a step too late.

   "I saw that Ping Cui seemed to have scouted Nyarlathotep, and then the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and the whole person subconsciously took a step back: Bullying?"


  The demon girl next to her looked at her suspiciously.

   "Uh...uh ahh."

  Ping Cui's knees suddenly softened, and she knelt on the ground subconsciously, and the expression on her face became terrified and desperate: " could...then what the hell...heh, hahahaha!"

  However, just in the middle of speaking, she suddenly laughed wildly again, completely losing her mind, and drooling non-stop while laughing: "It's over... The world is watched by those guys... Hehehahaha..."


Nyarlathotep was also happy when he saw this, and turned his head directly to Fang Mo and complained: "Good guy, it seems that the demons in this world are also extremely stupid. I have been to countless worlds, but this is the first time I have seen them. The little guy who dares to spy on my true face"

   "In a sense, this is indeed the ceiling of the world of death." Seeing this, Fang Mo covered his face speechlessly: "So what did you show her?"

   "My boss's concert."

  Nyarlathotep had a happy smile on his face: "Why, you want to hear it too?"

   "Can I hear you?"

  Fang Mo asked curiously.

"It's possible, but it's not very easy to operate." Nyarlathotep spread his hands: "My boss is in a state of half-asleep and half-awake now. I'm afraid you had to blow the horn loudly in the past. If the robe wakes up, I won't be able to come out to have fun."

   "Oh, forget it then."

  Fang Mo didn't force it, he just waved his hand.

While Fang Mo was chatting with Nyarlathotep, the other demon girls seemed to have noticed Ping Cui's problem, and the demon girl with her brain exposed also grabbed her by the shoulder, He tentatively shook it twice.



  Ping Cui smiled a little dementedly, completely losing her mind: "I really want to commit suicide, haha."


  The devil girl who was talking about Halloween puffed up her face, and suddenly shouted at her seriously: "Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!"

   "Co... Cosmo."

Surprisingly, I don't know what the other party did. It is probably a method of cognitive overwriting. In short, Ping Cui actually regained a little sanity: "I just... Am I crazy? What the **** is going on? What's going on? I remember that I seem to have spied on something extraordinary, and my brain seems to be shaking..."


  The demon girl known as Cosmo pointed at Nyarlathotep, and then made a big cross with her hands: "Halloween!"

   "That's right...that's right..."

  Hearing this, Ping Cui seemed to recall a little bit: "I remembered, it really was some kind of mental attack... Well, yes, it must be like this, as long as I don't observe him!"

Ping Cui seemed to have figured it out all of a sudden, and she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "No wonder they stood there obediently and let me observe. It turned out to be such a despicable plan to use the demonic ability of anti-reconnaissance to mentally attack me. Pollution, haha... I was almost calculated, so as long as I don't look at you!"

   While talking, Ping Cui suddenly got up from the ground: "We are Lady Guangxi's women, don't even think about defeating us"

  So in the next second, Ping Cui suddenly activated the detection ability again. Of course, this time she learned to be "smart", and ignored Nyarlathotep again, and turned to look at Fang Mo next to her.

   “Fuck you, don’t…”

   Seeing this, Fang Mo hurriedly opened his mouth to stop, but it seemed that he was one step too late.


  After Ping Cui had finished investigating Fang Mo, she even had time to utter crazy words, and she fell to the ground bleeding from her seven orifices, her eyes widened in horror, and she didn't know what she had seen.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Nyarlathotep laughed even wider.


Cosmo exclaimed when she saw this, but after seeing Ping Cui's miserable state, she seemed to be angry too, and she directly looked up at Nyarlathotep and Fang Mo, put her hands behind her waist, and It seems to be doing some kind of energy accumulation, "Halloween, Halloween..."

  The other two demon girls also seemed to be angry, and they were about to attack.

But at this time, a small knife suddenly flew not far away, Cosmo focused all his attention on Fang Mo, and didn't notice the sneak attack at all, so the knife was directly inserted into her temple , the tip of the knife pierced through from the other side, and she lost consciousness in an instant and fell to the ground.

   Immediately afterwards, the sound of footsteps came from not far away.

   Everyone turned their heads and saw that the bank was slowly walking towards this side, and at the same time was holding another small knife in his hand.

   "What's going on with this devil."

  After the bank came over, he also took a look at Ping Cui who was lying on the ground: "I didn't seem to see you make a move just now. The cause of her death is...?"

   "Too intellectually curious?" "Excessive cerebral palsy?"

   Fang Mo and Nyarlathotep looked at each other and said.

   "Guangxi won't let us go." After hearing this, Kishibe also said: "Anyway, be prepared, she should be rushing over soon."

   "You wait for me."

  However, Fang Mo didn't care about what An Bian said, and directly pressed his hand on his shoulder forcibly: "I don't care if she rushes over or not, what about Lao Tzu's mating demon?"

Read The Duke's Passion