MTL - My Stand-in is Steve-Chapter 2 The most expensive mod pack ever

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  Chapter 2 The most expensive mod pack in history

  The afterglow of the setting sun penetrated the micro-gap in the forest, covering everything with a thin curtain of red veil, and even the angular clouds in the sky seemed to be dyed a bit warm orange.

   Fang Mo, who had just woken up, was a little confused, and the three ultimate questions in the philosophical world slowly emerged in his mind.

who I am?

where am I?

  What am I going to do?

   His memory was still at the moment before his death.

  If I remember correctly, Fang Mo should be explaining his last words to his sister, and as a result, after a flash of effort, he appeared here inexplicably.

   Obviously this is not Earth anymore.

  As you can see, everything in this world is made of blocks.

   "No... I shouldn't have really transmigrated, right?"

Looking at the cube world in front of him, Fang Mo was still very shocked. As a **** player of the 'Minecraft' game, he of course recognized this as the main world of MC at a glance, although he may have lived in his previous life. MC, I wish to be a cube man in the next life, but I never thought that my wish would come true.

   "According to the game flow, the first thing I have to do now should be smashing trees, right?"

   After all, it is a game that he is familiar with, but Fang Mo's side quickly entered the state, locking his sight on a square tree not far away.

   But just when Fang Mo was about to start, he suddenly realized a very serious problem.

"and many more…"

   Fang Mo looked at his palm hesitantly: "Isn't this tree really going to let me dig with my hands? Can this TM move?"

However, what Fang Mo did not expect was that at the moment when this thought arose in his heart, there was a sudden pain in his brain, and Fang Mo even heard the sound of his soul being torn in half, followed by a sudden white light After a flash, a square figure with sharp corners suddenly appeared in front of Fang Mo.


  Fang Mo was taken aback by the sudden appearance, but soon, a strange intimacy surged in his heart.

As if awakening some kind of sleeping instinct, Fang Mo's heart arose a clear understanding, and then another vision appeared in his mind, that is Steve's first perspective that is very familiar to all MC players. , there are not only health, satiety, inventory, but also the small map attached to the module at a glance.

   Even Fang Mo could see his own body not far away through Steve's first perspective.

   "Ah this..."

   Fang Mo looked at the square man in front of him with a dazed expression, and an extremely absurd thought emerged in his mind: "I...could it be that I awakened a Steve to be a stand-in?"

The concept of   substitute, first derived from an anime, refers to the physical projection of the human subconscious.

Fang Mo suspected that he might like the game MC too much, and then he awakened a Steve as a stand-in, and as if he had some kind of instinct, Fang Mo used his stand-in like an arm and a finger, even more than in the Even more handy when manipulating Steve in the game.

   Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh here is the golden finger!

   Looking at the stand-in Steve in front of him, Fang Mo felt an unprecedented sense of pleasure.

   As if in a biting winter day with goose feathers and heavy snow, instead of going to work, you can squat at home to cook hot pot, and even the soul is filled with joyful tremors like sublimation.

The appearance of   Steve made Fang Mo dispel the remaining concerns in his heart, so he soon acted again.

   First of all, it is still a tree.

  Fang Mo controlled Steve to come under the tree, waved his right hand, and soon a tree turned into several log blocks, which were inhaled by Steve.

   Immediately after Fang Mo thought about it, he opened Steve's backpack, and while dismantling the wood into planks to synthesize a workbench, he observed Steve's equipment bar, and immediately found an obvious off-hand bar.

  In the game, this position is used to equip Steve with a shield.

   Seeing this, Fang Mo already had an idea.

Old players know that there are actually many different versions of the MC game, such as the bedrock version and the JAVA version. The older versions are generally very simple and unpretentious. Fighting basically depends on hand speed, and The newer version adds a lot of gear and new features, like shields, sweeping blades, etc.

  If there is a version in this world, Fang Mo estimates that it is at least the version after 1.12.

   But soon, Fang Mo realized that he guessed wrong.

   Because just after he made a wooden pickaxe and dug three feet into the ground to make a set of stone tools with cobblestone, Fang Mo happened to encounter a zombie who wanted to attack him.

Although he has already killed an unknown number of zombies in the game, after all, this is not a pure game world. Fang Mo, who was fighting for the first time, was inevitably a little nervous, so he controlled Steve to swing his sword frantically. The speed is simply a ghost, and the zombie was chopped up alive before it even landed, and it turned into a piece of rotten flesh after a scream.

   "Good guy... Yasuo can't swing his sword faster than you..."

   Fang Mo couldn't help but spit out a sentence, and by the way overthrew his previous thoughts.

  The feature that Steve relies on attack speed to eat seems to come from version 1.7. Fang Mo speculates that this world may not have a clear version... It can also be said that it is a combination of many different version features.

  Thinking of this, Fang Mo began to explore the surroundings.

  This world is a very pure MC world, which is almost no different from the game.

Not only the sun and clouds in the sky are square, but even the surrounding trees and soil have a square structure of 1m×1m, which looks very neat. The whole world is like a huge sandbox, as if in the palm of a **** 's plaything.

   Fang Mo’s location is a forest.

   This spawn point is not bad, at least he won't worry about wood.

Considering that it was getting late, Fang Mo did not go far, but emptied the surrounding trees a little. He planned to prepare the entire cabin for the coming night. By the way, after the leaves disappeared, he could still brush out a few more trees. An apple for dinner.

But to Fang Mo's surprise, Steve accidentally found some strangely shaped plants under the tree during the process of cutting down the tree. The vegetables and fruits, such as cucumbers, broccoli, kale, raspberries, wax bayberry, grapes, etc., were directly packed into Steve's small half backpack.


   Seeing these things, Fang Mo was stunned for a moment: "This is... Panmas Farm?"

  Thinking of this, Fang Mo's face suddenly became a little weird.

He hadn't reacted when he discovered the minimap module before, but now even Panmas Farm has appeared. Seeing this scene, Fang Mo couldn't help but think of the strange thing that sounded in his mind when he said his last words before. Voice.

   "Isn't this... make my last words into an integration pack?"

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion