MTL - My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me!-Chapter 86

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Teacher brothers and three swords.

The distance between the empty drums and the mountains is not far, not very close.

Before they left, they did not say hello to others.

Those who are in the courtyard of the Jin family are all monks who have been merged and cultivated. In the eyes of ignorance and emptiness, they cannot be combined.

Lin Su Porcelain knows that the heads here are the main protagonists. Wherever they go, they are turning to danger, and the heavens are blessed. Maybe they can trigger the invisible secrets and all kinds of opportunities.


Last night, I only listened to the corners of Bai Qingkong and Lin Zhixi. He didn’t want to face the entanglement of the swordsman, but he didn’t want to sneak with the bad water. As for Shu Changyi, he was A good brother and a good brother are dragged down.

The existence of the protagonist group has many advantages, but Lin Su porcelain has great confidence in his own owner.

A Yuan Ying, a head of the villain in the original, destroying the devil's head, and still can't make a group of small cockroaches?

But it was a gorgeous performance.

Yu Jian flew for about three quarters of an hour, left the area of ​​some people, and arrived in the desolate suburbs.

The empty drum mountain is an endless mountain, and the mountain peaks gradually into the sky, and the mountain is steep. After receiving the sword and stepping on the ground, I can clearly feel the aura impurities contained in the air here, and some of the less pure breath is hidden in it.

Lin Su porcelain sniffed the nose, "揉" "揉" nose tip, held back a sneeze.

Necrotic dead trees rot from the roots, and the rot leaves under the feet accumulate into mountains. The three brothers and sisters looked around the environment at the foot of the mountain, and some of their faces were not very good.

Lin Su porcelain does not like it here.

Desolate, lonely, and a breath of death, reminded him of the countless nights in the peach blossoms.

The body naturally enters a state of alert, and can always fight with the sword.


Lin Su porcelain took a second thought from the mustard, and thought twice in the scabbard.

Standing on the left side of Lin Su porcelain, looking down and thinking about it, the corner of his mouth hangs a smile: "The sword that the master gave you?"

"Yeah." Lin Su porcelain unfolded his thoughts and showed off to him. "Good-looking?"

Looking back at the Lin Su porcelain, I boasted two thoughts, and then turned around: "I saw this sword last time, guess when?"

Lin Su Porcelain naturally did not know, and he shook his head honestly.

Looking back and walking in front of the road, the mountain is steep, the mountain road is rugged, the blood stained black everywhere, scattered on the roadside grass, on the trunk, formed a thick layer of blood.

Bloody smells come to the surface.

Looking back at the hand, holding the symbol, the feet kept on, and the elf looked forward to find the way, and said in the mouth: "In seven or eight years, this sword has just been cast. You know that the master was almost at that time. Have you destroyed this sword?"

Lin Su Porcelain followed the pace of returning, his mind was placed in the surrounding environment, was being captured by the **** smell, and he couldn’t hear the words of a sigh.

When thinking about it, the thoughts were almost destroyed by the master himself?

How is this possible?

When the first banquet gave him a sword and began to teach him to practice the sword, everything about the sword was taught by the banquet. The initial maintenance of the thoughts is all done by the banquet.

Banquet is a sword repair, he has a patience with the sword.

Think twice in the hands of the banquet, it can be said that it is protected and added, compared to Bai Shen's own sword, the treatment does not know where to go.

Lin Su Porcelain always thought that it might be because San Si is a sword that Yan Baishen personally cast, so Yan Bai deep has deep feelings for San Si.

In any case, it is out of a banquet that loves the sword and will think twice about it.

Looking back, he said that he almost ruined his thoughts at the beginning?

Sitting in the courtyard under the "color" of the month, gently wiping the thoughts with a clean parch, injecting aura into the sword body, letting Sansi sing a happy singer in the night "color", and this matter I can't be connected at all.

"Oh, but it’s afraid of swearing things and thinking, what's the point to say." The emptiness is behind Lin Su-Chun, and he is calmer than Lin Su-Chun, who is confused with his mind. Looking back, the tone is a bit disdainful, and there are some flaws. "Little teacher, you guess that people think that they want to destroy their own works. What kind of mood is this?"

Lin Su Porcelain intuition is not an answer. Just to say that you are happy.

Sure enough, he did not answer, vain or smile very happy, crossed Lin Su porcelain, patted the back of his shoulders and squeezed his eyes.

The first two brothers whispered something, Lin Su porcelain could not hear.

He licked his lips and stepped up to follow.

As for the return and ignorance, he will think about it.

Think about it.

just now……

Naturally, the troubles at the moment are solved first.

The three people stopped talking and the speed was faster. When the surrounding trees all show a kind of decaying decay, the traces left by the surrounding spiritual powers still exist, and it is easy to extract from them to experience the atmosphere of a battle.

Among them, Lin Su porcelain is most familiar with the spirit of the banquet, his nose sniffing, his eyes lit up, and the scorpion rushed up.

"Small little brother, you slow down!"

The emptiness hooked him and the collar collar held the cat scorpion: "What did you run, didn't you find any other Yuan Ying here! The faster you run, the faster you die!"

The excited brain of Lin Su porcelain calmed down a bit, sorted out the mess of the mess, and sniffed around.

Indeed, in addition to the familiar aura of the banquet, there is also a strong remnant of aura fluctuations, which contain a long-lasting pressure.

Sure enough, there are Yuan Ying...

Lin Su Porcelain thought twice, and his head suddenly woke up a lot.

Yuan Ying is not something he can deal with. Don't talk about Yuan Ying, a Jin Dan can shoot him. As the most inferior fusion of all people, Linsu Porcelain is very self-aware. While running, he turns the mustard and wraps the defensive suit that he has prepared for him. He also wears a feast on the chest. Heart mirror.

It’s a good weapon for the Yuan Ying class. Even if he can’t play 100% of his ability, it’s no problem to resist Jin Dan’s attack.

Coupled with his eagerness to escape, Lin Su porcelain has confidence, how powerful the other is, he can save his life.

As long as he can save his life, what else is he afraid of Lin Su porcelain?


does not exist!

Lin Su porcelain armed himself up, ignoring the two brothers' unspeakable expressions, patted their chests, and consciously how the scenes could cope with the past, and smiled with satisfaction.


The tortuous path went to the end and the field of vision was wide.

It was supposed to be a dense forest, but at this moment, all the trees were uprooted, or there was only one piece of sawdust left in the ground, or it was rolled up a few feet away, and it was a mess.

The land is like being smashed up over a layer, and the layer of grass growing on the ground is all rolled up, and the broken pieces are everywhere.

A piece of land in front of me is wet soil, and there are still a lot of rich blood in it.

When I got here, Lin Su porcelain had some instability.

There are other pressures left by other Yuan Ying monks here, which have no effect on emptiness and are uncomfortable for returning. For him, but the pressure of death is so fast that he can't breathe.

Unscrupulously, he squeezed the soil on the ground and saw the white face of Lin Su porcelain. He stretched his hand and pinched his palm, and passed an aura.

Lin Su porcelain breathed loose.

"They left no more than an hour, and the blood has not completely solidified."

Looking back, I checked the surrounding battle situation and frowned. "It’s weird, how do they get it so early?"

"What is your expectation?"

Looking back: "The master is waiting in the empty drum mountain. The coffin is going to lead people in this direction. In the middle, I will wait until the sun sets."


A vain heart: "Master is going to directly arrest people?"

Lin Su porcelain can't understand anything, but the spirit is understood.

Killing people in the day can not wait until the soul is directly separated from the body, but in the night, after killing people, squatting in the night "color", forcibly detaining the soul of the human body.

"Masters are afraid that they will not give them a plan to live alive." Back to the eyebrows, "just now, there are quite a lot of changes."

"After all, there is still a Yuan Ying, how many will definitely hold the hands and feet of the master."

The illusory activity of the lower wrists and ankles stretched out a big lazy waist.

"Okay, it's okay to get up early. If you can't make a living, you can go to the evening."

He smiled and looked at Lin Su porcelain: "Little teacher, don't worry, work."


Lin Su porcelain holds a three-sword sword and catches up with nothingness in a few steps.

The emptiness has already recruited his sword, and the sword has risen.

The battlefield has been changing all the time, and the bloodstains of large and small have been stretched all the way. The main battlefield is indeed empty, but the question now is where they moved.

The empty mountain is endless, and it has dozens of miles into the mountains.

I came back with a note.

Yu Lingfu left and right, swayed a golden light, and then went straight in one direction.

Lin Su porcelain and illusion keep up.

The imperial spirit flew for a quarter of an hour, Lin Su porcelain felt the pressure like the sea of ​​clouds, shaking his chest to be impatient, and it was about to burst.

right here.

The imaginary leader is headed back, with Lin Su porcelain back, and the three men rushed straight.

Three arrows directly into the battlefield.

Lin Su porcelain reacted very quickly. When he landed, he held a three-sword sword and quickly pinched a cockroach and pulled a defensive enchantment around him. Then he quickly retreated and looked at the battlefield.

This place has been razed to the ground.

There is a black smoke everywhere.

There are several people standing here.

Lin Su porcelain's haze in the eyes of the "color" back, familiar he did not see clearly excited and shouted: "Cai Shenbai deep!"

The back of his banquet, the hands of the banquet, holding a long sword, the thunder and the current of the sword, the ground is already a scorched earth, has long been flattened by the power of this sword.

He looked back.

Lin Su-Chun saw his own cold-blooded scorpion, and he was soft and soft in the moment he was on him.

Lin Su porcelain will only smirk, shaking his mind and thinking, jumping excitedly: "Bai Shen, I am coming!"

"Oh..." A man sneaked behind him and turned his sleeve around him.

In front of Lin Su porcelain, she is a gorgeous woman with exquisite figure.

Very strange.

Lin Su porcelain frowned, not sure: "...four sisters?"

"Oh, I recognized it, yes, I thought you were full of masters, I can't recognize me." 阮灵鸪 "揉" "揉" cheeks, just the strange face quietly changed back to her previous face.

"That, the four sisters," Lin Su porcelain pointed to her rag-like clothes, euphemistically said, "You don't change clothes first?"

The clothes on the body of Ling Ling are only the most basic covering ability. It can be said that after a few bad battles, there will be miserable.

"When is there time, there is still a guy who hasn't solved it..." Ling Ling slammed his back.

Lin Su porcelain looked at the situation, and the emptiness had come forward, standing behind the feast.

Through the shoulders of the feast, Lin Su porcelain saw that there was a person standing opposite, not far away.

Obviously, it is a Yuan Ying.

The Yuan Ying monk is filled with black sighs.

A black suit is also ruined. His facial features are ambiguous. It seems that there is a seal on his face, which makes it impossible to distinguish his appearance and confirm his identity.

His body is full of blood, but he can't see the wound.

"Oh... it is actually eating people..." Looking back as a golden dan, honestly followed by Ling Ling, standing next to Lin Su porcelain, while protecting the smallest scorpion, while screaming.

Lin Su porcelain can't see anything. I only know that there is something in the opposite side of the body that makes him very uncomfortable and uncomfortable until the heart is in a chaotic rhythm.

"What eats people?"

Lin Su porcelain whispered.

In front of the emptiness and the feast whispered a deep conversation, and then pulled out the sword, standing in front of the feast baibai deep.

And the banquet waved the sword with a deep hand, and the big stepping star turned and left.

Looking back and ignoring the spirit of the two steps back.

Banquet was standing in front of Lin Su porcelain.

He wore Lin Su porcelain's clothes that he had set for him. The gentle haze was "color", the waist was a silky scorpion, and a piece of polished jade draped over his waist, shaking with his movement.

The gentleman is like a gentleman's bachelor. The banquet is full of blood and suffocating, but his soft eyes and slightly melted the frosty face, slightly softening the **** atmosphere.

"Bai Shen!"

Lin Su porcelain looked at him carefully and saw that the banquet was not injured. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled and said: "I came to see you."

Feast bai bai deepened his hand and pinched his cheek, whispered: "I know you can't live without it..."

There is still a word behind, Lin Su porcelain did not hear clearly.

However, in one sentence, there has already been a move.

Lin Su porcelain quickly stretched his neck to see.

There are a lot of imaginary hands, he often sees. It is only rare to see him confrontation with a Yuan Ying monk.

As a small sword in the study, Lin Su porcelain will not let go of any opportunity to learn.

Just looking at his eyes, Lin Su porcelain felt that something was wrong.

The opposite Yuan Xiu monk, the destructive power between the hands is really amazing, the mountain shakes, and all moves can be switched to a completely different faction in a blink of an eye.

This situation Lin Su porcelain has never seen.

The illusory correspondence is also a bit difficult.

This is strange.

Before he asked questions, the banquet smacked his back neck and gently pressed the 揉 , while explaining to him: “I just said back, this monk will eat people.”

Next to Ling Ling, I heard this and immediately added: "I attracted more than twenty people at the time. Now I have all been eaten by him. There is also a Yuanying monk inside!"

Lin Su porcelain was shocked: "Yuan Ying... Eat Yuan Ying?"

The same repaired monk, do not fight you to die, the last two halves are hurt, how can you eat the other party?

But are they clearly together?

Lin Su porcelain shuddered.

"This guy is not among those people at first..." 阮 鸪 鸪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , He arrived. He couldn’t beat the master, and he couldn’t beat the one-in-one, but he actually ate all the others and cultivated it.

Just listening to the description of Ling Ling, Lin Su porcelain feels a little cold in the bones.

"Is this guy really not a magician?" Lin Su porcelain looked at the Yuan Ying monk who had more than a trailing edge in the illusory attack, could not help but mutter.

No, the magic repair has not eaten his companions?

This organization is a strange existence.

The banquet was slowly squatting and screaming at the back neck of Lin Su porcelain to relax him. After the kitten's stiff body slowly recovered, he did not rush to say: "It is not a magic repair, it is a demon. ”

"Devil?" Lin Su porcelain is also good, looking back, including the 阮 鸪 鸪 。.

The demons of the mainland are not interoperable, and the devils rarely come to the human race. Unless it is like a city, it is a kind of evil.

How can a Mozu cooperate with the Terran to come out and do the activities of chasing and killing people?

This is also incredible.

Seeing the emptiness of the aura is getting more and more serious, the other side seems to be more relaxed than the emptiness, and the banquet has re-drawn the sword.

"Wait a minute, let me kill him first."

The banquet went deep.

On the ground, there was a scorched earth. On the road where the banquet was deep, the black coke burned a red footprint, and a blue smoke emerged, which deepened the burning again.

With the addition of the feast, the emptiness has eased a lot.

Lin Su porcelain stood in the distance, and looked at the two swords with great tacit understanding. "Forcing" the opposite side of the Mozu left and right, in a short time, the body added a lot of wounds.

The feast of the banquet was very overbearing, and did not leave a bit of breathing for the other party. The sword with the wrath of Thunder continued to continually, and the sharp swordsman swayed a dense and windy sword.

Lin Su porcelain held his breath.

There was golden light in his eyes.

Every sword, almost caught no traces, only a trace of the afterimage, flashing through the lining of Lin Su porcelain.

He clung to the three thought swords.

Before, it was also against the banquet.

Very often, even once a day.

However, he has never seen such a fierce killing in the sword of the banquet, and the breath from the strong has shocked him, making him almost unable to breathe.

The imaginary sword, the sword of the banquet, is like the moment when the white snow collapses between the heavens and the earth, and the hegemony of the mountains and rivers.

The opposite Mozu obviously has a retreating action.

The thoughts of Lin Su porcelain in the hands of the three.

He moved.

Faster than before, more neat, there is no ruined time, Lin Su porcelain rushed to the east in a short moment, the hands of the squid spilled out, the three thoughts of the sword is not easy to accompany the wind and dance a burst.

The Mozu who had retired to the east but did not take half a step had stopped.

At the same time, the back of the symbolic array is like an airtight net. As he raises his arms, the array of dozens of miles stretches at the same time, and the vibrating symbol is waving like a string The bell sways.

In the first half of the battle, the defensive instruments in the hand were stained with the defensive array of the back, forming a wall that could not easily escape.

On the front side, there are two swords that are savage.

At this point, there is nowhere to escape.

Lin Su porcelain guards the east, and his body is tight. He has no positive contact with the Mozu, but he has played a few swords and interfered with him.

The strength is too far, he can't do more.

Lin Su Porcelain smashed the Mozu by the feast and the vain and nowhere to escape, silently evaporating a sword, a layer of weighting, aiming, and completely regarded the Mozu as a rare practice. target.

The Mozu was simply unwilling to be humiliated, and was seriously injured. He also turned his head toward Linsu Porcelain and made a full blow!

Lin Su porcelain three thought sword dance fast, the hands of life-saving symbols are thrown one by one, the defensive enchantment layer is connected.

The strength of the integration phase is too weak.

His enchantment was pierced layer by layer, and the flying scorpion burned only the ashes. In the meantime, the demon's full blow was reached in front of Lin Su porcelain after several layers of weakening.

Lin Su porcelain escaped very fast.

Almost at the moment when the enchantment was broken, he rushed backwards and backwards. It was so easy to escape from the attack of a Yuanying monk. In the end, Lin Su porcelain still watched his own run, but the last resistance was to hold up the three thought swords. , qi into the sword, the Jedi sword!


A sword, broken.

Lin Su Porcelain trembled with the hands of San Sijian. He tried his best to swing the sword. He attacked the Mozu attack with all his strength and successfully eliminated the danger.

He could hardly believe that he resisted.

Lin Su porcelain squinted and looked at the three thought swords in his hands.

Sansijian’s body is shining and the sword is sharp.

Lin Su porcelain looked up.

Not far away, the Mozu had a sword in it.

The sword in the hands of the Mozu was put together with the sword of the banquet and broken into powder.

The imaginary sword was allowed to "plug" into his chest, and suddenly cut off his vitality.

Yuan Ying gradually came out of the body.

The feast bai has raised his hand and is a sword!

"Master waits a little!"

The vain words have not yet been said, and the escaped Yuan Ying has been split into two halves by a banquet.

The two-part splitting of the Yuan Yingsheng dissipated.

The feast bai bai deepened the sword and faintly said: "Sweep the soul."

The emptiness looked straight and slowed down.

Lin Su porcelain eyes looked at the feast and walked to him.

He slammed the hand of San Sijian to the whitish, and the body was still trembled in the just hit.

The feast bai bai gently put Lin Su porcelain into his arms, and he was about to put people into the blood of the bones, but there was a cherished love and tenderness.

His lips were on the ear of Lin Su porcelain, and the low voice whispered softly.

"Hey kids, it’s awesome."

Read The Duke's Passion