MTL - My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me!-Chapter 1

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Lin Su porcelain was lying in the bamboo basket, and the bamboo basket swayed. He followed the steady rhythm and bounced his hind legs.

The fragrant forest of the grass, the bird's branch jumping and screaming, the rustling of the bamboo basket slowly stopped, Lin Su porcelain's small claws on the belly, shaking the eyelids, I saw a hesitant face. Appeared over the bamboo basket.

"Little and little master, there is plenty of aura here, there are many to eat, you are full here, you will pick you up after the small." The man can't see the specific looks against the light, the guilty conscience in the voice, It’s breaking through the clouds.

The man did not wait for Lin Su porcelain to react. He slammed down the bamboo basket and turned around without hesitation.

As the quicker and faster pace of sand disappeared, Lin Su Porcelain slowly crawled out of the empty bamboo basket.

Here is the depths of a deserted mountain forest, green and green, covered with trees, and the sky is not seen.

Lin Su porcelain shakes his ears. After seeing the environment, he wants to say '啧', but the exit is a cry of "milk" in "milk".

Lin Su porcelain is quite fascinating.

The fact that he was born again after death made him meet, and in a blink of an eye he found himself into a small "milk" cat. That's it. However, he seems to be not a good boy. He is not in a good position. The "fun" is in the middle of the world. He was stolen from the cat's nest and thrown into the wilderness.

Is he Lin Su porcelain, will be a stray cat from here, wandering the mountains?

Lin Su porcelain looked around and the birds in the jungle sang, but there were no traces of animals.

Stray cats don't mention it, and it may be his problem to live now.

Still should find something to eat, fill the stomach.

Lin Su porcelain circled the mountain for half a circle, only found a few leaves of wild grass, chewed, and looked at the cliff, staring at a bunch of wild fruits in a daze.

The fate is so much that now he can't even eat the wild fruit, and it is too hard to live.

Lin Su-Zhu tried to stretch his claws to pull the wild fruit, too far away, and he did not even scratch a blade of grass.

A strong wind blew, the heart of Lin Su porcelain carrying the front paws was unstable, and it was directly blown by the wind. Lin Su porcelain was too late to slam, and a fallen onion fell off the cliff.

Finished the scorpion! Is this a dream or a rebirth? A day trip package!

Lin Su porcelain, who couldn’t bear to see himself falling into a patties, closed his eyes and waited for the moment of the pain to meet the death.

‘Flowing’ was a muffled sound, and Lin Su porcelain was planted into a soft piece, and he was buried in something directly, buried a strict and solid.

Lin Su porcelain's head slammed, and it took a long time to react. The small claws of the limbs were pulled in the soft grass leaves a few times. The small short legs stepped on the bottom, sticking out the head, and spitting out the blades of grass in the exit.

In front of it is a row of bamboo braided edges, and the white collar of the green shirt cloth, up, is a white hair single with a wooden stick.

His two small claws were on the edge of the bamboo pole, watching the man turn back.

This is a young man who looks like a twenty-year-old, with a handsome appearance and a handsome. At the moment when the bamboo scorpion was stagnant, Lin Su porcelain swears that he clearly saw the youth eyes bright.

"There is no Lord from heaven. It's great! This month's food has!"

Lin Su porcelain expression gradually settled: "... 喵喵喵?!!!"

Seeing the claws of the sin of the young man stretched out to him, Lin Su porcelain smashed his legs and took the first step to fly, like a flying cake, slamming against the face of the youth.

"Hey!" The youth pulled Lin Su porcelain, and he was busy with the "disorder", but the action was not heavy, and did not hurt the small "milk" cat.

"I don't want to eat you with small things, you will let me go! It's a beast, you have dignity!"

"Hey!" Lin Su porcelain, dignity, fart!

The young man couldn't tear the kitten, but he had to panic and smack out a bottle from his sleeve and shake it with a bottle: "Small things, this is the dragon's pill, and you can speak with one of the wise beasts!" You have been practicing for a hundred years!"

"The baby who sells thousands of Lingshi outside! I will pay you this one today! Release me!"

When Lin Su porcelain heard this, the spirit was shocked, and the young man took him off the face.

speak? ! He is in urgent need of communication skills, this is a good opportunity!

Lin Su porcelain pink meat pad stretched forward and put on a desired posture.

The white-haired youth at this time are already embarrassed, and the hair is "chaotic" and scratches. The young man glared at the "milk" cat's back neck, and his face was speechless: "Which hill you came down from, you touched the porcelain cat, that is, you met me..."

And at this moment, not far away, there was a blue youth who rolled up his sleeves and sweated.

When the blue-shirt youth saw the white-haired youth, his eyes lit up and shouted loudly: "Master! The people of Xuan Xinmen are coming! Say you want to catch the three brothers to go to Fufa!"

Lin Su porcelain with his claws stretched out. Xuan Xinmen, so familiar, how to listen to some of the novels he has seen, the sects that have been defeated by the villain when they appear on the scene?

Lin Su Porcelain did not say that he jumped back to the young man’s back on the bamboo pole, and the jasper-like eyes were full of curiosity and inquiry: “Hey!”


The young man is contemptuous. It is the sectarian head of a nearby mountain that has not been heard by a name. The entire sect is connected to him, and seven of them are gasping.

The blue dress is his five apprentices, all the way, but also wants to reach out and touch the Lin Su porcelain, and he is photographed by his paw.

But also lost this young man called Xiaolan, Lin Su porcelain heard the book along the way, listened a lot.

Their martial art is called Sifangmen. The three brothers have been set off and brought to the door. The most capable masters are in retreat. The second brother who can play is not at home. No one can cope, just hurry to find Master who digs the "medicine".

Xiao Lan’s resentment against the Xuan Xinmen was quite deep. He said a few more words, and relying on the information in those sentences, Lin Suzhen determined that the world in front of him was really the novel he had read. The world of swords. He is wearing the book.

When Lin Su-Chen tried to recall the martial art in the book, he did not find any square door, and he was relieved. This square door has nothing to do with the main character's villain story. It seems to be a safe place.

Maybe he can squat at this small door, and watch the story when watching a 4D movie?

Lin Su porcelain is a little excited.

The mountains are wide and the canyons are flowing. This slap in the front of the mountain forest is like a farmer's house. There are several low-walled earth houses, which are simple and unobstructed.

In front of the fence pile, a bunch of people are arguing loudly, wearing a neat white dress and wide-sleeved, pressing a yellow-clothed youth, there are several young girls around, holding their sleeves and erecting their hair, and the atmosphere is stiff.


The white-haired youth portrait carrying Lin Su porcelain bamboo rafts did not find tension, and smiled and waved: "Come, I brought you good things."

‘Good things’ Lin Su porcelain stood up from the edge of the bamboo raft and stretched his neck to watch the play.

"Uncle Shu," a white-sleeved arrogant young man came over and barely arched his hand. "Returning to the sorcerer's swindler of the younger brother's three thousand Lingshi, now let the head know, the head must take back the uncle Shu to ask words."

"Hey! What lie! It's clearly the trap you set!"

The face that was pressed back was angry and angry.

Lin Su porcelain spirit shocked, and looked more serious.

"Where is the little teacher's uncle, how can we use three thousand Lingshi to lie to you?" Another white-shirted young man smiled and laughed. "After all, everyone knows the square door... scraping and scraping, but also not To one hundred spiritual stones. For you? Isn't it a meat buns..."

"Unbelievable, in front of the elders, what do you say?" The young people who led the head did not lightly scream.

I pretend that I didn't hear the other person's malice, and said with a smile: "I am afraid that there is any misunderstanding. This is good. I will go to the head of the division to talk to me. I am a junior here. Come here. I will not pursue it. If you change it, you will go back to study etiquette."

The head of the young man’s face was red, and he wanted to say something, but he was overwhelmed by the contemptuous generation. He finally said: “Three thousand Lingshi is not a small thing, but also ask the teacher’s uncle to do it. Don't bully the junior."

The white-faced youths’ faces were not very good. They were swayed and swayed by the sword, and soon disappeared between the mountains and plains.

The white-haired young man with a smile sighed and sighed: "Three thousand Lingshi..."

Just squatting, faintly thinking of something like it, took the bamboo raft with Linsu porcelain and stared at him and looked carefully.

"Returning, this civet cat descended from the sky, afraid of being auspicious, you see him worth three thousand Lingshi?"

The newly-returned anger rushed to the road: "There are more than three spiritual stones!"

Lin Su porcelain, which is not worth three spirits: "..."

Not waiting for Lin Su Porcelain to abandon this small sect, he refused to dismiss him first: "Master, we are poor enough, you don't lick anything outside, pay for food. I threw it for you."

Lin Su Porcelain: "...hey!" He was fed up, stretched his claws and fiddled with scornful clothes, and asked what he had said before.

Fortunately, he refused to look back, picked up the bamboo pole and even understood what he meant, and gave him a "medicine" meatball.

"When you are all back, you will raise it. If you have a long fat, you can change some money to make up for your home."

"Pharmaceutical" meatballs are a bit big for Lin Su porcelain. He holds two claws and bites with a circle of teeth. He eats extremely seriously.

The outside of the "chaos" was sorted out, and several apprentices entered the hall behind the contemptuous body, and it seemed that the "color" was not very good.

Among all of them, only Lin Su porcelain, which was placed on the table, was the easiest, with the sound of the "medicine" ball.

The young man, who is called Huihui, is talking about something indignantly, whispering a few words, Lin Su porcelain did not hear clearly.

He listened at this moment as if it were separated by a layer, vague, not only hearing, but also blurred vision.

The "medicine" ball in his hand just finished, Lin Su porcelain felt that his body was not quite right, he couldn't speak, and the little claws were hooked.

I sneaked at Linsu Porcelain and saw the small "milk" cat eyes of the palm of the hand squinting, looking dizzy, and could not help but say: "I want to sleep? There is no room for you."

Lin Su porcelain worked hard for a long time, only read the words sleeping from the scornful lip shape.

I was afraid that Lin Su porcelain couldn’t understand it. I added one more sentence: "But here are the sites of the Sifangmen. You can go anywhere."

All right.

Lin Su porcelain grasped the key points very well, and nodded hard with a cat face.

At this moment, the girl who had been bowing and talking without a head looked up and hung a simple thick chain on Lin Su porcelain. She smiled and said: "Well, it’s the cat scorpion of our square door, always give a sign, lest he run to The man has taken away."

Lin Su porcelain can't take care of this kind of cat brand. He was like a fire all over the body, burning him to scratch his heart.

Can't hear clearly, can't see clearly, and the body is also fluttering.

After the scorpion is finished, is he too convinced of this contempt and eating the wrong medicine?

Lin Su-Chun, who stumbled and ran out of the door, tried to identify the direction and ran all the way to the place where the temperature was low.

What kind of medicine is he eating? How is it so uncomfortable? This will not be poisonous? "Pharmaceutical"? !

Lin Su Porcelain, who was struggling to run, didn’t know, behind him, he asked me, "Master, what did you just eat for that stuff?"

I scorned my face calmly: "The "medicine" pill that failed alchemy, the ingredients are quite good, it is a tonic."

After thinking about it, he swallowed slowly: "But for the kitten, you may overdo it."

Lin Wu, who had no knowledge of it, was black in front of her eyes. She completely found the place where the ice was as cold as the body's instinct.

More comfortable.

I couldn’t hear the invisible Linsu porcelain, "touching" and "chaos" looking for it. In this cold field of dripping ice, the hard-born found a presence like a big ice cube, and jumped up, four limbs. Kaiping into a cat cake, feeling the cold chill, a pleasant feeling.

The blazing sensation of burning heart and lungs has finally fallen. Lin Su porcelain consciousness is also somewhat "fascinated" and "fascinated". Before I fell asleep, I was still thinking about it. When he survived, he must scorn the murderer who sold the fake "medicine"!

In the dark and humid environment, the dripping water condenses and ticks into the water.

Lin Su porcelain slept, "fascinated", "fascinated", turned over, and hugged the warm body on the side of his body, and slammed his mouth.

Hey, when is his bed, when is someone?

Sleeping and falling asleep suddenly felt wrong, Lin Su porcelain head smashed, and the more he was wrong, the more his body was slow and swallowed, the body was stiff.

He shouldn't be taken away, when the pet is warming up? !

Lin Su porcelain scalp numb, carefully licking the eyelids.

What caught the eye was a pair of peach eyes that were as bright as a paint star, but unexpectedly cold.

This visual effect is not a feeling when it is not a "milk" cat? Lin Su porcelain sneaked, slowly swallowed his head, and saw himself squatting in the red | "naked", his legs were tied to the man's thighs, his arms around the shoulders of the man, intimate.

He widened his eyes.

Changed back to human form? !

Linsu Porcelain, who was delighted, looked up, and the joy of the cockroaches was on the peach-eyed youth. He also had a mouth in the future, only listening to a low-magnetic sound, and it was softly ringing in his ear.

"It is you who are looking for a dead end. If you go to the sinister house, you will blame yourself."

Lin Su Porcelain simply grabbed the young man's cheek, and some of the sleepy and confused words said to himself: "How can the sequela of the fake medicine have an illusion..."


The young man with a faint eyes held Lin’s neck and pressed him over the ice bed!

Read The Duke's Passion