MTL - My Sassy ‘Crown Princess’-v2 Chapter 10

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Convex ^-^ Convex face looked distantly, gritted his teeth and cut his teeth: "Long Jingtian, this beast, actually started to attack Cang Qian.

Feng Ming frowned, and Cang Qian's identity is now known to all. Cang Qian, as Feng Li's son, was pregnant with a shocking child, which is definitely a scandal for Feng Li.

"Uncle, what now?" Feng Ming asked.

Feng Li's face suddenly felt a little overshadowed, "I don't know.

"Long Jingtian, Long Jingtian, this jerk, what is this guy trying to do? How did Dragon Emperor raise his son and raise such a wicked beast!" What do the elders say? "Feng Li asked.

Feng Ming's face suddenly became a little uncomfortable. "The elders requested the execution of Cang Qian's brother.

"Feng Li's face had a bitter smile," I knew, I knew, they would think so.

Feng Ming looked at Feng Li and said, "Uncle, you don't need to bother them."

Feng Li sneered, and said, "Whoever wants to kill Cang Qian, let them go, and die in the hands of the beast of Long Jingtian.

Feng Ming lowered his head, a bit of a bitter smile on his face, and the dragon was shocked by the blood of the dragon. If he took the shot himself, he would only be able to draw a terrible one. Only Fengli of the entire Feng tribe could beat him, and the rest Elders go, that is to send sheep into the tiger's mouth.

... A burst of colorful light burst out from the mountains.

A black fox hurriedly ran into the inner hall, "Master Fox, and found the dragon's shocking trace, he is near our Qianhu Mountain.

"" Near Qianhu Mountain? Hiding in our place again? This guy hid in our place last time, this time in our place again? When our site is a refuge! Hu Qianjiao muttered with dissatisfaction.

"He seems to have advanced to the late stage of the King of Gods.

"Said the black fox.

"I was promoted so soon? Didn't this guy divide the Dragon Phoenix fruit to that little Phoenix? Dragon Phoenix fruit is not fully medicated, and this guy was promoted so soon.

"Hu Qianjiao is full of wonder.

A small white fox nested on Hu Qianjiao's body, yawning lazily.

"I don't know.

"Said the black fox.

"I gonna go see.

Hu Qianjiao disappeared from the Temple of the Fox King in a flash.

A blood-red dragon roamed the air, and a harsh laughter echoed in the air.

"Hahahaha ..." "Hahahaha ..." Cang Qian hid in the cave and looked at some crazy Madam Dragon boss, secretly saying: Madam Long, this guy is really ridiculous! It's so hard to laugh so loud and dare to laugh so loud, I really don't know.

Cang Qian shrank into the cave. The boss of the dragon made such a big noise. All the cow ghosts and snake gods had to run out. The boss of the dragon really didn't understand low-key.

Hu Qianjiao looked at the sky, a helpless smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"I said, the group of demon foxes has always been slow, how can you find the trace of Long Jingtian, it turns out that the idiot of Long Jingtian was actively exposed!" Hu Qianjiao reluctantly said.

The little white fox looked curiously at the dragon boss in the sky, and the fox's eyes were full of light of interest.

Hu Qianjiao frowned, covering Xiao Baihu's eyes, "Don't look, don't look, see more of this lunatic, and later learn like this lunatic, crazy.

The little fox slammed Hu Qianjiao's hand, and leaned out his head.

Hu Qianjiao said depressively: "Why this little devil is so disobedient?" The dragon shook skyward and shouted, "The dragon emperor is immortal, the phoenix emperor is immortal, and I will go side by side in the future. I am not afraid of you. In the future, Whoever is old, dare to run to me and point you, kill you.

Hu Qianjiao narrowed his eyes, Long Jingtian was already amazing in combat power. Now that he has been promoted to the late stage of the King of Gods, it is really unstoppable. In the future, the realm of God cannot find anyone who can control him.

The little fox listened to the dragon's shock and shouted, and then shouted: "The old immortal, the old immortal.

Hu Qianjiao rolled his eyes, **** idiot, the fox tribe didn't learn the art of witchcraft, and followed the dragons to learn the ghosts and screams.

Long Jingtian was full of excitement wandering in the air, a burst of mighty pressure was revealed from Long Jingtian, the monsters around him were frightened by Long Jingtian's coercion, and fled one by one.

Hu Qianjiao frowned, and resentfully said: What is Long Jingtian doing? It's abominable to wander in your own territory.

... The Dragon Emperor looked at the mighty blood dragon in the sky, and suddenly became old.

Long Jinghua looked at Long Emperor's expression, and said, "Father Emperor, what my brother said was just angry words, you don't need to take it to heart.

Long Huang smiled bitterly, and said, "It's okay, I know he wants to kill me. I don't think he has this idea for a day or two, and I already knew it."

Long Jinghua looked at Long Huang's expression, and for a moment did not know what to say.

Cang Qian poked his head out of the cave, somehow, as soon as Cang Qian poked out his head, he felt a sense of murderous cold.

Cang Qian touched his chin and secretly said: I should feel wrong, want him to sneak, always be good, and have no complaints with people in the past, and no revenge in the past, so that no one wants to kill him what! Think of the boss, the evil! How many people want to kill this guy! Therefore, the killing should be directed at the dragon boss.

Cang Qianwei wanted to be wrong here, a violent killing move, hacked straight at him, Cang Qian was locked by that amazing murderous power, could not move.

Long Boss roared, and the killing stroke that struck Cang Qian was shattered. Long Boss roared, and the sky was broken and the rubble rolled.

Cang Qian blinked helplessly, **** it, this is to kill him.

Cang Qian swallowed, feeling that she had neglected something. Cang Qian gritted her teeth, and was shocked. She secretly said that she only considered the boss of the dragon, but did not consider the people in this divine world. Dish, pick soft persimmons.

Cang Qian timidly hid in the cave.

Dragon boss roared angrily, and rushed towards the place where the murderous gas was sent out.

A screaming bird sounded. A huge phoenix fell from the sky and fell heavily in front of Cang Qian, a cloud of dust.

Cang Qian looked at the dying Phoenix in front of him, shrinking.

Boss Long has been thinking about eating Phoenix, and eating Phoenix. It seems that this guy is going to get his wish.

Cang Qian looked at the deadly phoenix, swallowed, and said, "I just want to kill myself, it seems like this guy."

...... Hu Qianjiao looked at the distance, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

Boss Long is on the side. Some people in the Feng clan will dare to attack Cang Qian, so I don't know if I will die. The idiot of the Feng clan, do you think that the old meeting of the dragon sees that he is a phoenix? It's really stupid. The face of Dragon King Dalian Dragon King and Phoenix King are not sold. Will they sell an ordinary face of the Phoenix tribe? "The dragon is so terrifying!" A fox family beside Hu Qianjiao couldn't help but sigh.

Hu Qianjiao smiled and said, "He was promoted to the late stage of the King of Gods, naturally.

"How else could it be the top force in the world in the late stage of the King of Gods?" It's strange, why do the Feng people kill Cang Qian? "A fox tribe was puzzled.

"Then who knows.

"The group of flat-haired beasts were stunned all day long, but looking at Feng Li's reaction last time, it didn't look like he was trying to kill Qian Qian! Hu Qianjiao narrowed his eyes and secretly said: Feng Li didn't want to do anything, so This Feng family actually shot like this, I do n’t know what it means, but how did Cang Qian offend this Feng family? Only then did that person take the risk of killing him? Dragon Emperor shouldered his hand and stood on the top of the mountain and squinted his eyes, saying: "Shot Who is that one? Long Jinghua stared and squinted. "The elder Fenggan who should have just shot should be the elder of the Feng tribe. The elder pays most attention to bloodlines. He has always proposed that the black phoenix should not belong to the Feng tribe. Very deep.

"It's him, no wonder.

"The Dragon Emperor is quite clear.

In the sky, Feng Li looked at the dead Feng clan, sneered, and the expression on her face was indifferent.

Standing on the side of Fenggan's faction, several elders who hated Cang Qian's bones and saw that Fenggan was killed were suddenly short of breath.

Dragon Boss fell from the sky and got into the cave.

Cang Qian looked at Boss Long and subconsciously said, "Are you okay?" Boss Long gave a blank look to Cang Qian, and said, "It's all right, of course I'm all right, what can I do! I'm such a powerful person, you think I Is it as fragile as you? "Cang Qian pouted his lips and said," You are so powerful. Before that, you didn't let the old man of Dragon Emperor be maimed. "

Boss Long looked at Cang Qian, and said, "What are you thinking now? Are you scolding me?" "How is that possible? I just thought, what should this Phoenix do?" Cang Qian said with a smile.

Long Dadao took it for granted: "What to do? Bake it, and bake it now.

Cang Qian blinked and said, "Now? Long Boss nodded and said: "Yeah! "Uncle, how many Fengs are outside right now, can you bake Phoenix? "Cang Qian blinked his eyes.

"Quick roast! I'm afraid what they are doing!" Long boss said impatiently.

Cang Qian's eyes looked out.

Boss Long said, "It's okay, there are some bales outside, it's okay.

"Cang Qian:" ... "