MTL - My Sassy ‘Crown Princess’-Chapter 243 (38)

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Some people are different.

"" The ancestors have been wide is not ordinary! A thin camel is larger than a horse.

"Chiba is full of authenticity.

Su Rong shrugged and said, "So, infancy is a technical job. If you don't have a good tire, just work hard.

Chiba took Su Rong's shoulder and said, "Yes, yes, I must work hard to make our son a rich second generation.

Su Rong bowed his head and smiled, "Okay, okay, there are still many places in this area that haven't been searched. Couldn't I say that I can't let a person go."

"Chiba nodded and said," Go.

""Be careful.

"Chiba pulled Su Rong behind him.

An old man with silver hair appeared in front of the two.

The old man stared angrily at Chiba and Su Rong, Chiba frowned, and his face could not help but get a little dignified. The old lady gave him a bad, bad, bad feeling.

A light laughter came, and the figure of Cang Qian turned from imagination to reality, before Chiba and Su Rong.

The old man stared at Cang Qian for a while, and left with the people on the ground.

Cang Qian looked at the back of Laoyu's departure, a sneer appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"This is the space ring you seized?" Cang Qian turned and asked Chiba and Su Rong.

Chiba's heart was reluctant, and he handed the ring forward, "Everything is here.

"Cang Qian swept the soul power in the ring, then his face changed, and a crystal bottle appeared in Cang Qian's hand.

There is a red liquid with a touch of golden light flowing in the crystal bottle, and looking deep at the contents of the crystal bottle, there is a deep anger in his eyes.

Chiba looked at the contents of the crystal bottle and asked curiously: "Senior, what is this?" "This is ..." Qing Qian blood, Cang Qian looked at Chiba and Su Rong, and said, "I want this thing Now, other things, you take away.

"Chiba nodded and said," Okay.

"Su Rong looked at Chiba and stepped forward, and said," Cang Qian's face is not right! "Maybe, what Xiao Jinzhen said is true.

"Chiba thoughtfully.

Su Rong said puzzledly: "Xiao Jinzhang, what did Xiao Jinzhang say?" Chiba mysteriously reached up to Su Rong's ear, and said, "Xiao Jinzhang said that Cang Qian is a bird, a cocky Yelang bird.

"Su Rong suddenly thought," You mean? Chiba nodded and said, "It's what you think. The thing in Chiba's hand just seems to be blood.

"There is a sacred air in that liquid. It should not be the blood of ordinary spirit beasts, maybe the descendants of the Phoenix tribe.

Su Rong took Chiba's hand and said, "Here is the gloomy here, let's go.

"Chiba nodded and said," Okay.

"Is Mo Fei looking at a table of precious treasures, rubbing my hands, full of wonder:" I used to have too little knowledge before. I have never seen anything good! " "A dozen superb star crystals were placed on the table. Do you think that the whole person has been soaked in the ocean of Xingyuanli, there is no need to cultivate, and Xingyuanli is rushing to the body.

The star grass seized from those people has grown for thousands of years, and some even grown for tens of thousands of years. The medicinal properties are absolutely extraordinary.

Xiao Jinzhang stared at a crystal bottle, and suddenly made a sad cry, sobbing.

Mo Fei sighed and rubbed Xiao Jin's head.

The building looked at Mo Fei and asked, "What's wrong?" "The crystal bottle contains the blood of Xiao Jinzhang's family. Xiao Jinzhang said that the blood is still fresh. His family should be alive, but they are under control.

"Muffy said.

Chiba looked at Mo Fei and said, "Before, we encountered Cang Qian, and Cang Qian also took a crystal bottle filled with blood.

There is a strange color in Mo Fei's eyes, and it should be the blood of Feng descendants.

The building held its arms, and a glimmer of cold light flashed in its eyes, without strength, even if it was a strange beast in the world, it was also a life to be slaughtered! ... The Pharmacist Guild.

"What shall we do now?" Wei Yanhe said with a headache.

The poisoned masters of the past were asking them to detoxify. The people who were poisoned were different this time. Those individuals had a strong attitude. They also threatened that they could level up the pharmacists' association.

That group of people is too powerful. If they don't work out an antidote in time, they may all die.

The Pharmacist Guild has been high for thousands of years, and Wei Yanhe has never suffered such a shame and shame.

Tang Shunfeng shook his head and said, "Don't think too much, try your best to develop an antidote.

Chu Changsheng said, "However, this is a stronger potion than soul killer!" Even if we do our best, it may not be ... "Feng Tianhong gritted his teeth and said," Although it is a stronger potion than soul killer poison, it is not necessarily more difficult to solve than soul killer poison! " Wei Yanhe smiled bitterly and said, "Do everything, listen to destiny, and finally we have a little experience, right? The faces of Tang Shunfeng and others were a little dignified.

...... "Brother, yesterday, the Mo people started to do something to them, but they didn't ask for any cheap.

"Gongsun Li is gloating a bit.

Yesterday, he also advocated hands-on. Fortunately, Gongsun Sheng did not agree. The Mohist was defeated yesterday. I heard that many people in the Mojia had been cleaned by Mofei ’s group, and some even picked up their clothes. Come down.

Could it be that their gang of poor ghosts who have never seen the world before, see good things, do not want to hide their faces.

"I heard about it. It is said that there was a lot of poison scattered around the place where they lived. All the people who went to the Mo attack to attack were all poisoned.

"Gongsun wins.

"Brother, do you know what poison is Murphy's? Those people are all masters of the sky, ordinary poisons should not work, but I heard that the poison is very powerful, and the masters of the sky are also troublesome. Very, is it the soul killer poison? "Gongsun Li asked.

Gongsun Sheng shook his head and said, "No, the poison of the soul killer is not as toxic as the poison used this time. I heard that the dose of the poison given by Mo Fei is very heavy. The place where they lived has now become A piece of Jedi.

Gongsun Li looked at it, puzzled: "A more powerful poison than soul killer?" How is it possible that the soul-killing poison is the first of ten deadly poisons.

Gongsun Sheng thoughtfully said: "That poison is indeed more toxic than soul killer, and it should have something to do with soul killer. If, I am not mistaken, that poison is a variant of soul killer. This medicine, It must have been researched.

Gongsun Li frowned, grinning bitterly, and said, "I haven't seen it before. This guy is such a cruel man."

"Gongsun Sheng shrugged. Before that, could Mo Fei have not been forced to this point?" Is there a cure for Mo Fei? Gongsun Li shook his head and said, "No.

Gongsun Sheng took a deep breath and said, "No, it's troublesome. Could Mo Fei be able to use this medicine against the Mo people, then he could use this medicine against us."

Gongsun Li said thoughtfully: "Since this potion may be a variant of soul killer poison, is it possible to detoxify soul killer poison? Gongsun Sheng shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "It should be impossible.

The antidote for the soul-killing poison was developed by Murphy. This time the poison should also come from Murphy's hand. With Murphy's temperament, he would never leave such a big flaw.

"I heard that the Mo family found someone from the Pharmacists Guild to study antidote.

"Gongsun said.

Gongsun Shengman disdainfully said: "The Mo family, the more you go, the more you go back, expecting those pharmacist associations who have low eyes and high masters, what can you do?" Gongsun Li nodded and said, "I think so, I heard, medicine The clan is about to be born.

Gongsun Sheng frowned for thousands of years. Except for 10,000 years ago, Cang Qian accidentally touched Lei Jie. For so many years, no one could watch the slightest bit of the upper world. Cang Qian was born. How can those people bear it? For such a long time, many god-level masters have come to the end of their lives.

501 Pharmacist Youth "Now in this world, people are more and more unable to understand.

Zhao Hou shook his head helplessly.

Ferris nodded and said, "Not really.

"In the past, he felt that his promotion to heaven was considered a personal thing, but now more and more hidden masters have appeared, leaving Ferris deeply powerless.

Wang He frowned, and said, "I can't figure it out! How could it be mixed with Cang Qian? The people at Tianjimen said that they must have been colluding with Cang Qian.

"Zhou Hou shrugged and said:" Who knows.

"The guys at Tianjimen are not necessarily good people.

Wang He smiled bitterly and said: "The situation is too chaotic now, and the masters in the later days may not be able to guarantee that they can retreat.

"I heard that a group of people found the Pharmacist Guild.

"Zhao Hou said.

Wang He nodded and said, "I also heard that it seems that several people in their group have been poisoned. It is said that the poison in those people is worse than the soul killer.

"" This incident is full of excitement. It is said that the poisoned are all masters of the sky, and the poison is said to have been developed.

"Ferris is right.

Zhao Hou shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The poison developed by Mo Fei will let the pharmacists' associations study the antidote. I see how difficult it is!" Ferris nodded, and said, "So it is.

"... Momo Bai Xing walked into Mo Fei's pharmacy room and said," Apprentice, I just heard a joke outside, do you know what it is? " Could Mo Fe organize the star grass, glanced at Mo Mobai slightly, and asked: "What? "The group of people who had been poisoned found the people of the Pharmacist Association to study the antidote. As a result, the people of the Pharmacist Association did not develop the antidote, but they put their own people in, Chu Changsheng and Tang SF was poisoned.

"Momo Bai laughed and chuckled.

Mo Fei raised an eyebrow and said, "Only Chu Changsheng and Tang Shunfeng have been poisoned, and two of them are fine.

“Yan Mo nodded, and said,“ Yeah! Mo Fei sneered, and said, "Wei Yanhe and Feng Tianhong have good luck!" "Yan Mobai looked at Mo Fei and said with some confusion:" You already knew that poison would be contagious? " Mo Fei nodded his head and said, "As long as you don't touch the poisoned blood, nothing will happen.

"Mo Mobai squinted and said," That's it! "I plan to go to Stone Forest tonight.

"Muffy said.

Mo Mobai looked at Mo Fei and said, "Go to the Stone Forest? At this time? What are you going to do there? Those in the Pharmacist Guild are definitely not your opponents. Your pharmacy is absolutely enough.

Mo Fei smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not worried about the Pharmacists' Guild.

"What are you scoffing about?" "Yan Mobai was puzzled.

Mo Fei looked at Mo Mobai and said faintly: "Cang Qian said that over 10,000 years ago, a brilliant pharmacist broke the avenue of pharmacy and ascended to the realm of God. There are many pharmaceutical accomplishments that are also very advanced, and my level is far less than those people.

“Yan Mobai frowned, and said,“ No, how can there be so many pharmacists! Mo Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Master, a few months ago, you didn't know that there are so many masters in this world, don't you? "" If you go out, what if you run into the masters who are above the late level? "Tan Mobai was worried and authentic.

"Cang Qian said that masters who touch the realm of God will not easily shoot.

"Muffy said.

Lu Mobai said puzzledly, "Why?" Mo Fei shook his head, and said, "Cang Qian didn't say, but he was pretty sure those people wouldn't take the shot easily.

"Mo Mo nodded, and said," Okay.

"When Mo Feihe and the buildings reached the Stone Forest, it was already night. Although it was late, there were many people in the Stone Forest.

Murphy and the building changed their appearance and concealed the repair. The arrival of the two did not cause much shock.

Could Mo Fei stand in front of the thirty-second stone monument, but the soul power stayed on the fifty-fourth stone monument.

The building is quietly guarded by Mo Fei. Although there are many people in the stele forest, they are still quiet. Most people are seriously studying the contents of the stele.

During this time, Cang Qian raised Mo Fei a lot, which broadened Mo Fei's horizons. The content of the 54th stone tablet is not as difficult to understand as last time.

The next day that Mo Feihe and the building arrived in Stone Forest, a group of young men and women in blue clothes and medicine bottles embroidered on their clothes also arrived in Stone Forest.

"This is the stone stele forest that Yaoduren is proud of? In my opinion, it's just a few broken stones. It's not good!" Gu Fengman was disdainful.

"I heard that the content on this stele is from shallow to deep. If it can understand the content on this stele, it can become a god.

"Culi sneered.

"It's so simple to digest and ascend into God.

"Gu Yan, a young man, is full of disdain.

"I heard that this stele is very mysterious. If you can comprehend the content on the stele, it will make people feel refreshed. If you can't understand it, you will be swallowed by the stele.

"Gu Feng said.

"Oh, this kind of statement?" Gu Ling said curiously.

Gu Feng nodded and said, "Yeah!" "I heard that Murphy, who is known as the first person in the younger generation, also likes to come here.

"Gulin Road.

"I heard that, I heard that last time, Mo Fei saw the fifty-fourth stone stele and was hailed as a peerless genius.

"Coulee said sarcastically.

"Genius is still peerless. Geniuses outside are just so cheap.

"Gu Yan is full of disdain.

"Brother, go and break Murphy's record and let these people see how powerful our pharmacy is.

"Gu Ling shook his fist and sullenly faced Gu Yandao.

Gu Yan nodded and said, "Okay.

"The building looked at a few people, and there was a slight spit in the eyes.

"Who are these young people? Great breath!" "Don't underestimate them. They are pharmacists. The medicament is very powerful. As soon as they got the medicine, they challenged the medicine. There are several well-known pharmacists. It is said that those well-known pharmacists are not the opponents of those people.

"" Those people, better than Murphy? ""do not know.

"How come so many talented people have come out recently?" How else can we get mixed up? "... Gu Yan looked at the fifty-fourth stone stele, which was okay in time, but with a lot of knowledge about medicine, Gu Yan suddenly felt dizzy and swollen.

Gu Ling watched Gu Yanhan look like rain, and eagerly said, "Brother, are you okay?" Gu Yan gritted his teeth and said, "It's all right, it's just this stele, it seems to have some meaning."

Gu Yan recovered her soul power and walked to the first stone monument.

Gu Ling murmured, and cast his gaze on the fifty-four stone stele. When Gu Ling's mind sank into it, he suddenly screamed.

"Linger, are you okay?" Guli said uneasily.

Gu Ling shook his head and said, "It's okay, but this stele is really weird.

Gu Ling turned white and walked to the first stone monument.

The young people of the Yao clan looked at each other, and Gu Yan and Gu Ling were among them. The two with the highest level of potion, since these two people said that the stele was strange, there was indeed a problem with the stele.

The building stood aside and looked at the scene lightly.

If there is a big difference between the level of the drug and the content recorded in the stone tablet, it is possible to be killed by back-bite. Since these two people are still alive, it means that their level of drug is really not low! Murphy ’s concerns are justified. There are people outside and sky outside. These people seem to be young and the level of medicament is so high. The people behind them should have a higher level of medicament.

Could it be that the soul power was extracted from the fifty-fourth stone stele and fell into the fifty-fifth stone stele.

The building stayed silently beside Murphy, the guardian Murphy.

Wu Guyan browsed through the stone tablets one by one, with a thoughtful expression on his face from time to time.

Gu Yan watched the progress of the stele much faster than Mo Fei ’s first visit. In the process of medicine, Mo Fei mostly explored by himself. Mo Fei was rich in the creativity of the medicine, but the foundation was not very solid. Gu Yan was instructed by a famous teacher since he was a child.

... A lightning flashes and thunders over Chiba and others.

A ball was rolling in the thunder, "Little Siren, I am going to be promoted to heaven!" Su Rong enviously said.

Chiba was full of pain and said, "It ’s so strange to absorb so many stars and not to advance. That guy ate five superstars!" Su Rong looked at the pain of Chiba and smiled. "Okay Now, the improvement of the little Kraken strength is only good for us.

Chiba nodded and said, "I only think so, Cang Qian, this guy is not very good at the little siren at ordinary times, but at this critical moment, he is so good to this guy.

"Su Rong smiled helplessly and said," He is also good to Xiao Jinzhang.

Chiba nodded and said, "Yeah! I don't know if this guy could have been here for several days when he came back.

"Su Rong shrugged, and said," Is it true that Mo Fei spent a few months in the Stone Forest before, this time I really don't know.

"Chiba rubbed his hands and said," Might come back soon! If you don't come back, you will lose Xiao Jinzhang and Xiao Kraken at that point.

"Su Rong shook his head in disapproval, and said," There is Cang Qian guarding, even if Mo Fei and the building are back, there are only two more people, watching the family's failure.

"" This will not work! We need to grab, spend, we have to eat everything in front of Cang Qian, use up, absorb light, we need to grab time.

"Chiba clenched his fists.

It took nine days for the 502 vision twin Guyan to see the thirty-second stone monument from the first stone monument.

When Gu Yan approached the thirty-second stone monument, he subconsciously glanced more at the stone monument.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Asked Gu Da, who was guarding Gu Yan.

Gu Yan glanced at Mofei's eyes lightly and said, "It's nothing, but I just feel that person is a little different.

Guda glanced at Mo Fei, puzzled, "Is it different?" Nothing to use! Just an ordinary pharmacist.

"I only saw the thirty-second stone tablet, and the pharmacy technique should not be very good, Guda secretly thought.

Gu Yan looked at Mo Fei a little, smiled lightly, and said, "Maybe, it is my illusion.

Gu Yan turned around and put his mind back into the stone monument.

Ten days later, bursts of blue light came through the stone forest.

"This is the resonance of Beilin, and some people have caused the resonance of Beilin.

"" This ancient Yan qualification is not weaker than Mo Fei! "" The drug clan really has a deep foundation. A young man who walks out casually has such strong strength.

"I don't know who is better than this ancient Yan.

"... Wei Pengfei, Chu Jun and others were originally in the stele forest, but the vision suddenly emerged in the stele forest, and they were all transmitted by the stele forest.

Every golden light came out of the forest of steles, and the green light that originally appeared in the forest was covered.

The dazzling golden light seemed to dazzle the eyes of the flower.

"What's going on, how can golden light come out?" Qingguang and golden light alternately appeared, the vision was amazing.

Wanzhang's light rose from the ground, the stone stele forest was shrouded by a halo, everything inside could not be seen clearly.

"Is there a vision last time, but there wasn't such a big movement! Is this ancient inflammation so powerful?" "Looking at this situation, this vision may not be caused by one person.

"Wei Peng flying.

Chu Jun glanced at Wei Pengfei and said, "Peng Fei, what are you talking about?" Wei Pengfei frowned deeply, and said, "There were 1,654 people in the stone forest just now. At that time, only 1,652 people were teleported out.

Chu Jun frowned, and said, "Brother Wei, you mean that there are two people, and at the same time, the vision of the stone stele forest is triggered.

"Wei Pengfei nodded and said:" Exactly.

"It's unlikely, how could this happen?" Brother Wei, are you mistaken? "Feng Ru frowned.

Wei Pengfei shook his head and said, "No, I'm pretty sure, two people are indeed missing.

Chu Jun leaned her head and said, "Looking at the vision, it may not be alone.

"" Two people are missing, one is Gu Yan, and the other will be? Muttered Chu County.

"Will it be the other members of the drug clan?" Feng Rudao.

Wei Pengfei shook his head and said, "Should not, everyone in the clan, except Gu Yan, should have been sent out.

"Is it him? ? "Chu Jun rolled his eyes.

Wei Pengfei and others looked at each other, Tang Jin frowned, and said, "No, that guy has offended a lot of people recently. Where would he dare to appear?" possible.

"Wei Pengfei didn't take it for granted.

… Gu Ling looked at the stone stele forest, his eyes narrowed, "What kind of broken stone stele forest, what is going on? My brother will not be troubled?" "Linger, don't worry, it is said that the stone stele forest caused a vision Human beings are all geniuses, and they can get a lot of good fortune from them. This is a good thing.

"Culi said.

Gu Ling squinted and said: "This vision does not seem to be caused by one person!" Gu Feng smiled and said: "Linger, no matter who the other person is, it will not be your brother's opponent.

Gu Ling smiled and said, "That's for sure, my brother is the strongest.

Gu Ling looked at the vision in the forest of stone steles, and his eyes were a bit strange. The vision caused by ancient inflammation was blue, the other person was golden light, and the other person caused the vision. It seemed far away. Far away from Gu Yan.

"Thinking about the other person who caused the vision should be an old man who can't live long.

"Gu Ling secretly said.

...... The building stood in front of the stone monument forest, looking at the strangeness in the stone monument forest, and there was a bit of worry in his eyes.

In the depths of the stele forest, Gu Fei inevitably saw Mo Fei in the stele forest. As soon as the vision of the stele forest appeared, Mo Fei's Yirong became invalid.

"It's you, it seems, it's not my illusion, you really aren't ordinary, you are the rumblings that spread from the outside?" Gu Yan looked at Mo Feidao.

Could Fei glance at Gu Yan lightly and said, "Exactly.

"People outside know too little. When you are the first talent, I will let them know what is the best in the world."

Mofei smiled and looked away.

Gu Yan looked at Mo Fei's indifferent attitude, and suddenly felt a little bit more indignant, "No matter who you are, I will definitely prove that I am better than you.

Mo Fei smiled, Yun Danfeng said quietly: "Okay, I'll wait.

Gu Yan looked at Mo Fei's careless smile, and his heart burst into anger.

Gu Yan snorted coldly, and unwillingly put his mind into accepting the gifts from Beilin.

Could Mo Fei close her eyes, the golden stars fell into Mo Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, and Mo Fei felt that her soul power filled quickly.

A stream of golden light swirled around Murphy, and Murphy's pupils turned golden.

Stone shadows flew out of the stone monuments, standing in the sea of ​​Murphy's knowledge.

Couldn't it be more surprising to find that the seventy-two stone monuments actually took root in their own sea of ​​knowledge.

Could he find that the content recorded on the small stele in the sea is exactly the same as that on the stele forest in the stele forest, in the future, he will study the stele and sink his mind directly into the sea. There is no need to travel a thousand miles to feel the stele forest. coming.

Could there be more than a dozen top-quality stars in the space ring? At this moment, his body looks like a bottomless hole. As soon as a dozen top-quality stars are taken out, they are quickly absorbed.

Could it be that the cleaned star crystals were crushed, and dozens of top-quality star crystals were taken out.

Dozens of top-quality star crystals did not persist for a long time, and they were absorbed by Mo Fei.

Could not bear the pain of the meat, took out eight Needle Star Crystals, the star power of Needle Star Crystals, extremely pure.

As soon as Xingjing was taken out, he felt that the star power of the whole body was strong.

Star-strength power merged into Murphy's body, and Murphy's strength slowly rose to the middle of the sky.

The movement over Murphy's side woke Gu Yan.

Gu Yan opened his eyes and glanced at Mo Fei jealously and jealously. He is a genius of the pharmacist and a key target of cultivation of the pharmacist. He has no shortage of resources since childhood, but even so, he just entered the sky not long ago It ’s just that, this guy must have entered the middle of the sky before his eyes.

"With this breath, some people have been promoted to mid-grade.

"Gu Feng said.

Gu Ling frowned, and said, "Brother, not long ago, he has just entered the heavenly class. The person who has been promoted to the middle of the heavenly class should not be him.

Gu Feng nodded. "Not Gu Yan, it's another pharmacist. I don't know who it is."

Gu Ling shook his lips and said, "It must be a dead old man.

Gu Feng narrowed his eyes and said with some fear: "Another person, maybe it's Murphy.

Gu Ling sneered, disapprovingly said: "How could it be, this guy is now a street mouse, so how dare he appear!" Gu Feng said indifferently: "Maybe he would dare."

Gu Ling's face was somber, and there was a haze in his eyes.

... "Is that the person in there, is it possible?" "It should be that no one except him can make such a big noise.

"Muffy's here, and the building is inseparable from Murphy, maybe here too."

"" Will the building be here? Didn't see anyone! "Joke, if people let you see it, how can they mix it up?" ""makes sense.

"... The building hid in the crowd, a little dark flashed in the eyes, and the more people gathered, many of them should be directed towards Murphy.

Couldn't he open his eyes, Jin Guangyan in his eyes.

Gu Yan glanced at Mo Fei, and his eyes showed a complex light.

Couldn't he roll his eyes secretly in his heart, triggering a vision of Beilin, what a great creation! Gu Yan really didn't focus on how to improve his strength, so he devoted so much attention to him.

"Someone came out ... someone came out ..." bursts of shouts followed.

"Muff, it's you, you dare to show up.

"One slammed his palm down towards Murphy.

Mo Fei raised his hand, and a black smoke floated out of Mo Fei's sleeve. The man who shot the shot touched the black smoke, and his blood fluttered and he screamed, highlighting a large blood.

The building quickly moved to Murphy's front, and gave Murphy a gentle robe.


"The building took Murphy's hand.

Couldn't nod his head and leave the building.

Numerous repairers were present, but no one dared to stop. The crowd automatically made way out for Murphy and the building.

Gu Ling looked at Mo Fei's back and narrowed his eyes, and said, "Is that Mo Fei?" Gu Feng nodded, and said, "Yeah! That is the first day of the rumors of the outside world.

"" It looks really young.

"Gu Ling muttered.

Gu Feng nodded and said, "Yeah! I heard that it's less than thirty."

""so small? Gu Ling couldn't help but said that his brother was already 34 years old. Could this guy be less than thirty.

After leaving the stone forest for more than half an hour, Gu Yan walked out of the stone forest.

"Why not?" Gu Yan asked Gu Ling and others outside the stele forest.

Gu Ling shrugged and said, "Leave.

""gone? So he left? Don't you stop him? Gu Yan asked angrily.

Gu Yan reluctantly lowered his head and said, "Did he raise his hand, he poisoned a mid-level master of the Mo Family, and everyone else was frightened, and no one dared to stop him.

Gu Yan frowned, and said, "It's a pity that I originally wanted to compete with him.

"" Brother, is it possible that a variant of the soul-killing poison has been developed? If you solve that poison, you will naturally prove that you are better than him.

"Gulin Road.

Gu Yan smiled and said, "So is what he said.

"503 said," Ah, Murphy, you're back.

"Chiba is full of excitement watching the dusty servants.

Could I look at Chiba and ask, "Nothing happened during the time I left?" "A lot of things happened during the time you left, but they were all good things.

"Chiba said with a smile on his face.

"For example?" Murphy asked.

"For example, Rong Rong was promoted to Heaven, one by one, and the Siren was also promoted to Heaven. Xiao Jin has already been promoted to the middle of Heaven.

"Chiba said.

Couldn't help blinking, she couldn't help wondering: "A lot of good things have happened! Everyone's progress has been great!" Chiba nodded and said, "That's, that's.

The building frowned, and thoughtfully said, "So many good things have happened, how much is left of Star Crystal?" "Chiba stiffened, rubbed her nose, and embarrassedly said," There isn't any star crystal left. "

""what? So many stars, so many top grades, so many superstar stars, all used up, how exactly do you use them? Mo Fei clenched his fists and suddenly raised his voice.

"Fei Fei, don't you be so excited, isn't it just a bit of star crystal! Are you?" Chiba said innocently.

"Not so much! So many stars.

"Muffy said.

Chiba blinked innocently and spread his hands, saying, "Fei Fei! You know, we have so many people, we have so many people, so the consumption is also large.

"Is Patting my chest, my heart ache.

The building supports Mo Fei and comforts him: "Fei Fei, the old one will not go, the new one will not come, everyone ’s strength will increase, and the success rate of robbery will be even higher in the future. Robbing open source is the right path.

Chiba nodded his head in a hurry. "Yeah!" Yes! Buildings make sense. Buildings, you can actually say such things.

Murphy: "..." Chiba gave a high-five and said, "Yes, Murphy, in addition to this good thing, there are other good things.

Mofei raised an eyebrow and said with interest: "Other good things, what? "" Lou Old Assembly spoke.

"Chiba God is mysterious and authentic.

Mo Fei said with delighted expression: "Great, this stinky boy finally can talk. I always worry that this guy is only a big man, not a brain. Now he finally starts to grow his brain. Will he call dad, or will he shout? Dad? "Chiba smiled awkwardly, and said," Daddy! Dad! He doesn't seem to be.

"It won't, what will he shout?" "Is it true?"

Lou Bo stepped on his shoes and ran out, seeing Mo Fei, and suddenly his eyes fluttered towards Mo Fei.

"Fleshy ... meat ... meat ..." Lou Lou shouted excitedly as he hugged Murphy's thigh.

Couldn't he take a deep breath, looked up at Chiba, and said, "He can talk, just shout meat?" Chiba nodded, and said, "Yeah! He will shout something else.

""what? "Mike asked.

"Sugar ... Sugar ... Sugar ..." "Fish ... Fish ... Fish ..." "Grandma ... Grandma ... Milk ..." "Bread ... Bread ... Bread ... "No need to say anything about Chiba, Boss Lou has already cried out holding Mu Fei's thigh.

Could there be a headache for a while, my parents wouldn't shout, what a virtue to yell when eating? "You don't know how to teach my son to order something? Teach him everything to eat.

"Muffy stared at Chiba indignantly.

Chiba shook his head in a hurry, arguing, "You are wrong, you are wronged. None of these things I taught, he learned it completely without a teacher.

Mo Fei smiled reluctantly, and said, "Without a teacher? Chiba nodded and said, "Yeah! Feifei! Your son is very talented at eating.

"" Mofei: "..." Looking at Boss Lou, he couldn't help pinching Boss's face and muttered, "It's getting fatter and fatter.

"... Cang Qian came out casually, with a lot of disgusting eyes, a lot of it." Well, it's mid-grade, good! Mo Feigan laughed twice, and said, "It's all your blessing.

"Cang Qian nodded as a matter of course," said: "That is true, they all said that I am a lucky star, wherever I want to go."

"Cang Qian patted Mo Fei's shoulder, and said earnestly and earnestly:" You can be promoted to the middle of the grade! " It ’s all my blessings, young people, my blessings, do you want to know gratitude, do you want to know grace? "Muffy:" ... "If Cang Qian was a blessing, there would be no such thing as a catastrophe in this world.

"Yes, yes, seniors said yes.

"Couldn't he just point his head and say it insincerely.

"I heard that you were in Yaodu and made a lot of noise.

"Cang Qian was very authentic.

Mo Feiman said unexpectedly: "Is the message passed?" Cang Qian nodded and said, "Yeah! The gossip message in this world is far faster than you think. How fast is this message passed?" For example, one day the building was derailed and you were arrested on the bed. Well, you haven't waited for the building to get up from the bed. There are already more than 10,000 people in the world who know that the building has helped you wear a green hat.

"Building:" ... "Mo Fei:" ... "Mo Fei smiled awkwardly, and said," Senior Cang, you are really funny.

"" Funny? I just kindly remind you that men are the most unreliable.

"Cang Qian disdainfully said.

Could it be "..." "Don't say this, I heard that you caused a vision in Stone Forest at the same time as Yaodu and the genius Gu Yan of the Yao clan?" Cang Qiandao said.

Could he nod his head, and said, "Yeah!" Cang Qian flickered his eyes, and said, "I heard that the vision you triggered was much louder than Gu Yan.

"Muffy shrugged," said: "The visions are mixed, and it's unclear who is strong and who is weak.

Cang Qian said disapprovingly, "You don't need to be so humble. I know that you are better than Gu Yan's little fart boy."

"Muffy smiled, and said," Thank you for your compliments.

"No need to be proud, you are just better than Gu Yan. I am not in Stele Forest, so you and Gu Yan have the opportunity to perform. If I were in Stele Forest, you and Gu Yan It ’s all about restoring dishes. How can you compete with Haoyue for the fire of the candle! "Cang Qian disdainfully said.

Mo Feigan laughed twice and said, "Thank you very much, you weren't there!" Cang Qian waved his hand and said, "You're welcome.

Mo Fei looked at Cang Qian and said secretly: Cang Qian, the jerk, quickly soared, and after being soared, he was suppressed every day by the great **** of the upper world.

"Speaking of which, the people of the drug clan have always felt that they are orthodox in pharmacy, and they are very competitive and look down on pharmacists outside.

"Cang Qian said lightly.

He nodded and said, "I see it.

"From beginning to end, Gu Yan has been provoking him.

Cang Qian smiled and said, "Just know what you are doing. Three days ago, the drug clan has stepped in to study the soul killing poison.

Mo Fei squinted and said, "Senior, in your opinion, when the drug clan intervenes, the antidote to the soul killer, when can it be developed?" Cang Qian smiled and said, "About half a month, maybe ten days.

""what? Cried Chiba, "how could that be so fast.

Cang Qian smiled, and said, "What do you think the drug clan are? They are not the scammers of the Pharmacist Guild. After all, they are the family of the rising ancestors.

Chiba said nervously, "That's it! What should we do if they detoxify? "The building did not take it seriously:" Hit, it is always protected by poison, and it is not always a matter.

Mo Fei squinted and said: "The soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover, let it be.

"Cheng Mobai stepped out of the room," apprentice, are the star grasses for the bone-breaking medicine collected? Nodded his head and said, "Qi.

Cheng Mobai frowned, and said, "Great.

Mo Fei looked at Cheng Mobai and said, "Master, do you care about Wang Weixing!" Cheng Mobaigan smiled twice, and said, "Who cares about him, just to see his half-dead situation, some of them are inconspicuous.

"Mou Fei:" ... "Ten days after the 504 poison division," Gu Yan, the guy really researched the antidote. "

"Chiba held his arms, some were not authentic.

Su Rong shrugged, dismissively saying: "It's just an inhibitor.

"" The inhibitors are out, and the antidote is not far away. I originally planned to make a robbery plan with this poison. It seems that it is not feasible.

"Chiba shook his head and said, full of regret.

Su Rong looked solemnly: "Hurry up to find a way to improve your strength. In the future, I don't know what will happen.

"Chiba is full of regrets:" Happy days are always so short ... "" Isn't there a pharmacy now? " "Su Rong asked.

Chiba nodded and said, "Yeah!" "I don't know, what's going on now. Listen to Cang's predecessor, this bone-breaking medicine is a high-grade medicine.

"Su Rong said.

Chiba smiled and said, "Isn't that the pharmacist guild's gangster with a sham name, and this level of medicament can't help him.

"Su Rong nodded and said:" So is it.

Mo Fei once again triggered a vision in the Stone Forest, and his strength has also risen a bit. There should also be a notable breakthrough in pharmacy. Su Rong secretly said.

… "Brother, I knew you could do it. I didn't expect that you were so fast, so I developed an antidote.

"Gu Ling is full of joy.

Gu Yan smiled faintly, and said, "The research is only an inhibitor for the time being. It is almost impossible to completely solve the poison in these people.

Gu Ling smiled indifferently, and said, "Even if it is an inhibitor, it is hard to get it. I heard that Mo Fei had tossed for a long time to suppress the poison of the soul poison. Brother, you are much better than Mo Fei.

Gu Yan smiled and said, "Is it?" ""Yes! "Gu Ling took it for granted.

Gu Yan's face was a little more bleak. Although the inhibitor of the soul killer was said to have been researched by him, Gu Yan knew very well that without the help of his elders in the clan, he would not be able to research the inhibitor so quickly. Yes, the antidote researched by the elders in the clan was based on the antidote of the soul-killing poison previously researched by Murphy.

Is this guy i really amazing? "Where have you gone now?" Gu Yan asked.

Gu Ling shrugged and said, "Go to Huozhou, he and Cang Qian are together.

Gu Yan squinted his eyes and said, "Don't you be too selfish, and stay with a guy like Cang Qian, not afraid to become a dead body."

Gu Ling sneered, and said: "This guy is short-sighted, he should not know the true face of Cang Qian.

"" Also, secrets ten thousand years ago, those people, what do you know! "Gu Yan disdainfully said.

... Cang Qian is also a pharmacist, but Cang Qian belongs to the pharmacist poisoning division, and ordinary pharmacists study how to use pharmacy to save people.

Poison divisions are not. Poison divisions focus on how to make toxic potions and kill others.

Pharmacists are not acknowledged by orthodox pharmacists, and the number is not large. Many pharmacists have ridiculously died on the poisons they studied.

Cang's potential poisonous technique is quite deep, and many poisons have been developed.

Cang Qian's natural venom is immune to all poisons. The more toxic the poison is, the better it is for him.

...... "Gu Feng, is there any news over there?" Gu Ling asked Gu Feng when he saw Gu Feng going out to inquire about the news.

"Muffy's side, it's calm for the time being, but there is something strange. Someone saw Wang Weixing's broken arm and it grew again.

"Gu Feng muttered.

Gu Ling stared in amazement, and said, "It's growing again? How is that possible? Isn't Wang Weixing's arm cut off?" Gu Feng nodded, and said: "That's right, and the Mo people It was also determined that the arm could not be picked up, but Wang Weixing did recover.

"" Bone broken regeneration agent, is a broken bone regeneration agent.

"Gulin Road.

Gu Feng nodded and said, "I think so too.

"Although Cang Qian is a poison division, it does not mean that he has not researched ordinary medicaments. Cang Qian has a lot of formulations on his hands, and the broken bone regeneration medicament is one of them.

"Broken bone regeneration medicament is a high-grade medicament.

"Gu Feng muttered.

Gu Yan's complexion changed, and the potions he can deploy now are only the junior level.

"Is this potion configured, or is it not configured?" Gu Ling bit his lip.

Gu Feng frowned, and said, "It should be Murphy. Rumors that Cang Qian's remedy, no matter what kind of remedy, will become poison.

Gu Yan's eyes passed a little haze.

... Must stay in the laboratory, researching the medicament, Cang Qian sat lazily holding the seeds, while Lou Bo sat in Cang Qian's arms, and accompanied Cang Qian to make seeds.

Could Mo Fei raise his head and look at Cang Qian, and said: "Senior Cang, can you please leave for a while?" Cang Qian blinked and said innocently: "What's wrong? Did I affect you?" Mo Fei nodded his head seriously : "It's true.

"Well, young man, you still need to experience! You know, an outstanding pharmacist has the ability to do his own thing at all times.

"Cang Qianyu said with a serious heart.

Could he close his eyes and take a deep breath, and said, "Senior, the shell of the seeds you spit is about to splash into my potion bottle.

Cang Qian blinked, innocently, "Is that so?" I'm really sorry.

"Muffy:" ... "I was embarrassed and hurried out.

Cang Qian tilted his head, and said, "Mofei, why don't you be careful, you can't avoid it when you see the seeds.

"Muffy:" "..." "What potion are you studying?" "Cang Qian asked.

Could he take out a recipe for the potion and say, "It's this potion.

Cang Qian looked at the formula on his hand, rubbed his nose, and said, "Jiantian potion! This potion is said to bring the Celestial Master to the next level.

Nodded his head, and said, "Yeah!" Cang Qian swiped his lips and said, "Unfortunately, a few flavoring ingredients in this potion are gone.

"The higher the level of medicine, the more lost it is. There are thousands of miles. The advanced medicine such as Jietian Elixir has been researched by predecessors for millions of years. Any change in the formula of any medicine may change. The medicinal properties of the medicament, several ingredients of this medicament formula are missing, and the difficulty of recovery is amazing.

He nodded his head and said, "I know, I'm wondering if I can use some star grass instead.

"Cang Qian shook his lips and said," Must you know, the supplement of the potion is also very precious. It is not easy to find an alternative formula. With this time, you might as well study something else. " of.

Mo Fei nodded and said, "I know, but I still want to try.

"If this medicament is developed, Cheng Mobai, Wang Weixing and others can be promoted to the middle of the sky in an instant, and for them, it will be of great help.

Since the seventy-two stone tablets took root in Murphy's mind, Murphy found that he had some suspicion.

For example, there is a mysterious simulation space in his mind. He doesn't need to actually do it. He only needs to experiment in his mind to determine the feasibility of the pharmaceutical formula.

Could it be sure that the seventy-two stone monuments in the forest of stone monuments are definitely not ordinary, this thing should really come from the upper world.

Cang Qian shook his lips and said, "It would be better to study the poison directly if you waste that time.

Mo Fei looked at Cang Qian with suspicion, and said, "Senior, you seem to be particularly interested in poisons, aren't you afraid of being poisoned?" Cang Qian rolled his eyes and said, "What are you talking about?" How could I be poisoned? Do you think I'm as fragile as you guys, and will die when I touch it? "I always think that the poison is not the right way, and the smell of the poison always makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Mofei frowned.

Cang sneaked like a thunder, saying, "What are you talking about? What is bad about you, an idiot who doesn't understand appreciation? You can save a person with a common potion, and I can kill a person with a poison. , Poison is more powerful, the smell of poison, always so intoxicating.

Mo Feigan laughed twice and said, "Senior, don't you be so excited, I just talk about it! Cang Qian stared at Mo Fei angrily, and said, "Speak responsibly. The evil comes out of your mouth, do you know?" Nodded his head in a hurry, "I know, I know."

Cang Qian snorted coldly, and said, "It's good to know.

"Is Mofei looking at Cang Qian with a little doubt in his eyes.

Chiba told him that before he took the medicine, all the poison he had left was stolen, and the thief left no trace.

Chiba suspected that the thief was Cang Qian, because that thief was too powerful. More than one Chiba was stolen. The self-defense agent beside Zheng Ye and others disappeared for some reason, but they did not find anything by themselves. How was stolen, and after the thing was stolen, the opponent did not have any other actions.

Could it have been thought that Chiba was nonsense, after all, Cang Qian had no motivation to commit the crime! Chiba feels that Cang Qian steals the poison, mainly to eat. Cang Qian has not eaten anything for 10,000 years. He can eat anything hungry. For Cang Qian, the poison is Qiongjiangyuyu.

Could it be that Chiba's reason was unreliable at first, but now it makes sense to think about it. The appearance of Cang Qian is really impossible to hold back his mouth and steal poison.

Cang Qian looked at Mo Fei and said: "What are you thinking?" Mo Fei shook his head and said: "Nothing, nothing!" Cang Qian snorted coldly, "No?" Mo Fei nodded in a hurry, "No, no, I didn't really think about what you were eating."

Cang Qian was dark-faced and grabbed Mo Fei's neck, and said, "I never eat secretly, I always take it upright, you know?" Mo Fei nodded and said: "I know, I know.

"505 spirit pets are soaring." Someone is here.

"Mo Fei suddenly raised his eyes, his expression solemnly.

Cang Qian let out his soul and swept around, rolled his eyes, and said, "Someone came, but you found it really fast.

"Cang Qian's heart couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

With his demigod soul strength, it was also after Murphy that he found someone coming over. Murphy's soul strength was so strong that it was really surprising.

Mofei smiled and said, "I just happened to find it.

"" It's almost a day, the people of the drug clan have researched the antidote for the poison, and those people finally have to hold back.

"Cang Qian chuckled.

Could you look at Cang Qian and ask, "Senior Cang, someone came to hit us. You seem very happy.

Cang Qian nodded and said, "I like watching fights the best.

Mo Fei: "..." Cang Qian looked at Mo Fei and was full of disdainfully authentic: "Although your fighting has no technical content, people can't help yawning. Now, we can only make do.

"Mou Fei:" ... "The building walked into the house and said," Fei Fei, there was an enemy attack. "

"Is it looking at the building?" She said unexpectedly. "You also found it?" "Before, in the stele, his soul strength broke through again, because there were 72 more steles in his mind, and his soul strength was even more incredible. He could find the enemy attack, not surprising, but, They also found the building, it was a little weird.

The building nodded, "Go.

"Mo Fei followed the building and walked into Wang Weixing's house. There was a huge screen in Wang Weixing's house. The screen showed the images of the whole valley.

A bee was flying around the house, and it was a little surprised to find that the bee was a cricket, and these bees had the function of detection.

"How did these bees come?" Murphy asked.

"It is a masterpiece of Senior Wang.

"Mo together.

"Looks good.

"Muffy said.

Mo smiled and said, "Before you were away, our investigation scope was greatly reduced. Only then did Senior Wang make this kind of bee help.

"At that time, Wang Weixing had only one arm left, but he still made thousands of sting bees with extraordinary perseverance.

... "This ghost place is so hot! Could they really like to stay here?

"Isn't it that they're street mice now, good places, and he can't wait for him!" "" It's the same thing, what does Mo Fei think about it, and mix well with Cang Qian.

"Do inhibitors in pharmacological studies work? Do we really need to be afraid of that poison? If he didn't fight, he was poisoned, and he died too badly.

"Rest assured, the predecessors of the pharmacists said that the medicament is absolutely effective. Those guys in the pharmacists' association, you can't believe it, seniors of the pharmacists, can't you believe it? ""of course not.

"After Gu Yan and others visited the Stone Tablet Forest, several elders of the Yao clan also went to the Stone Tablet Forest.

A veteran of the Yao clan, from the first stone tablet, has always seen the 60th stone tablet, breaking the records of his predecessors and shocking the world.

Now in Yaodu, the Association of Pharmacists, it has been completely forgotten.

... "Master Murphy.

"A loud shout came over and echoed endlessly in the mountains.

Couldn't he frown, some strangely said: "The other party called me?" Chiba touched his chin, and said, "Well, the other party is calling you. This sound is really awful.

"What is it?" "Mike Yang said.

"Master Mo Fei, you are an ancient master of pharmacy. You are extremely talented and clever. Why should a genius like you mingle with evil spirits? Waste your talent.

"That voice makes sense.

Could it be a bitter smile, secretly said: He can't beat the evildoers, so he has no choice but to! "Master Mo Fei, as long as you surrender the evil devil and the sea monster near you, seniors of all ethnic groups have stated that they can be blameless in the past.

"Said the voice again.

Could Mo Fei's face change, he originally thought that the evildoer said by the other party was Cang Qian, but how did he know that he had become a little golden urn and a little sea monster.

When Xiao Jinzong heard the man's shout, he snarled.

The excitement of the dragon's groan kept echoing in the mountains.

Xiao Jinzhang turned into a few hundred meters long, and her tail swept around angrily.

Chiba looked at Xiao Jinzhang and shook his head. "Young, just can't hold my breath, and being said a few words, it's crazy. This guy, his tail sweeps around, into the volcano, and it's hot Ah? "Zheng Zheng held his arms and said," It's hot and ready to eat, Xiao Jinzhang, Dabu! "Chiba:" ... "Murphy took a deep breath and said:" The other party I asked for Xiao Jin, and actually wanted a little Kraken, alas, I had to lose them, and didn't want me to give up Cang Qian.

Chiba shrugged and said, "Even if this group of people asked you to surrender Cang Qian, you don't have the ability!" "Mo Fei:" ... "The building looked at Xiao Jinzhang and said:" The amount of rewards for Xiao Jinzhang outside is constantly rising. Those guys have a higher enthusiasm for Xiao Jinzhang than Qian Qian.

Chiba shrugged and said, "No way! Cang Qian's strength is too strong, and those guys can only stare, drooling, drooling, Xiao Jinzhang is different, this guy is very tender, just start.

"Xiao Jinzhang swooped down from the sky, and opened his mouth to Chiba.

Chiba took two steps back, full of headaches and authentic: "Xiao Jinzhang, I haven't brushed my teeth for a few days, and my bad breath is serious! This guy has splashed me with saliva, ah! It's a jerk!

"Su Rong looked at Chiba, shook his head helplessly, and said," Who made you owe! " "Chiba:" ... "" Xiao Jinzhang went to the enemy.

"The little Siren is gone, and it should have passed."

"" These two guys are really impatient! Anxious to eat hot tofu! "Chiba could not help but shook his head.

"Okay, stop joking, let's go.

"Muffy said.

When Mo Fei and others arrived, Xiao Jinzhang and Xiao Kraken were dealing with a pair of dozens of heavenly teams.

Xiao Jinzhang's body was glittering with gold, as if cast by gold. The little sea monster stood on top of Xiao Jinzhang's head and let out a red cloud of soul.

An early master of the sky who was touched by the soul cloud, the room was burned to ashes.

Seeing this, couldn't help tightening his eyes.

"What is that strange red cloud?" Chiba said, looking at the clouds below.

Could Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know, it's a bit like the soul cloud before the Ghost Sect.

"The soul cloud of the ghost ghost monk, can weave illusions, deceive the mind, this soul cloud released by the little sea monster and the soul cloud work in the same way, but it seems that it is much more powerful.

The little Kraken absorbed a lot of soul clouds when the ghosts were in chaos. When they could n’t use the star power in a different place, they absorbed a lot of soul crystals. Why Cloud is red, with a force of destruction, makes Mo Fei a little puzzled.

"Why is the soul cloud of the little sea monster carrying a force of flame?" Mo Fei was puzzled.

"Perhaps because he ate a lot of Skyflame.

"Chiba said.

"Sky flame stone?" Couldn't he be surprised, "Can he eat the sky flame stone?" Chiba nodded and said, "Yeah! This guy has a good appetite, can eat anything!" After the level, the sky flame stone was useless to him. The few crickets left by him before have been devoted to mining the sky flame stone. The mined sky flame stone has been sold for a small part, most of them , Into the stomach pocket of the little Siren.

The little Kraken screamed loudly, and that scream made people's hearts tremble.

The one who was attacked at the same time by the little Kraken Sonic and Soul Cloud, stunned, Qiqiao bleeds.

"When did the little siren become so fierce?" Zheng Zheng couldn't help it.

The building smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe he has been very fierce, but we just didn't find it.

"Xiao Jinzhang roared, one repaired to let Xiao Jinzhang bite in half.

Chiba suddenly remembered the appearance of Xiao Jinzhen before, exposing himself to the blood bowl mouth, fortunately, okay, fortunately, Xiao Jinzhen did not rush down to bite him.

"Xiao Jinzhang, this guy is also very fierce! However, that person is too irritated, why is it so fragile, it breaks into two parts.

"Chiba murmured.

"That man, was hit hard by the attack of the little Kraken's soul before, otherwise, it's not that simple.

"Building Road.

Mo Yi looked at the little golden magpie and little sea monster who showed great power in the field, and some of them couldn't get back.

In his impression, the little Kraken is a round mascot that can be rubbed as a ball. The little Kraken has a good temper. No matter how he pinches, there will not be any radical reaction. At most, he is staring. Called twice.

Xiao Jinzhang is a counselor, although he is a noble Jinzong family.

But the courage is a bit small, still greedy, often stealing, in order to eat, sprinkle and roll, can do anything.

"Are we going to help?" Chiba asked.

The building thought about it and said, "For now, this pair is not needed. The strongest one is only in the middle of the day. It should be only a vanguard team. Let's test our details and let the little siren and Xiao Jinzhang deal with it.

"Master Murphy, your pet is so hurting, don't you care? "A shouting shout out loud and chased by Xiao Jinzhang.

Could he roll his eyes secretly and said, "This guy is really going to get sick in a rush," "Is there a problem with this man's head?" Su Rongman said sarcastically.

Chiba rubbed his nose and said, "This sound is a little familiar. Earlier, it seemed that he was advising Murphy to keep Murphy from mixing with the evildoers.

Su Rong smiled coldly, and said: "It seems that even if Mo Fei had handed over Xiao Jinzhang and the little sea monster, this guy had no life to enjoy.

"" My pet's rebellion period has arrived, very naughty, I am the owner, I can't help it! "Mofei slowly shook his head with regret.

506 Poison House boss holding the submerged thigh and biting his teeth.

Cang Qian kicked the boss of the building and said angrily: "Walk away, walk away. This is not a pig's trotter.

"Boss Lou was holding the Cang Qian's thigh tightly.

"Oh, you little kid, I told you, this is not a pig's trotter, be careful I kick you!" Cang Qian said with agitation.

Boss Lou showed a big smile to Cang Qian, "Xiang Xiang, Xiang Xiang.

"" Hong can't bite.

"Cang Qian looked helplessly at his trouser legs." Little ghost, you see, it's all your saliva, it's dirty.

"Boss Lou bit his finger and looked blankly at Cang Qian.

Su Wudi held a small wooden sword and poked at Cang Qian.

Cang Qian gave Su Wudi a severe glance. Su Wudi continued to chop his sword at Cang Qian without knowing it.

Cang Qian took a deep breath and showed a sullen expression to Su Wudi. "Little devil, cut me again, I will kill you.

Su Wudi blinked innocently and stabbed Cang Qian with a wooden sword.

"Ah, you little devil, your family, are in awe of me, do you dare to treat me this way?" Cang Qian raised Su Wudi angrily, angrily.

Su Wudi looked at Cang Qian with an innocent look, his face innocent.

"Little devil, you give me some convergence, you know?" Cang Qian said resentfully.

Su Wudi waved his hand and slap it on Cang Qian's face.

Cang Qian reluctantly released Su Wudi, "I really owe you.

Zheng Yu, with a small face, spit fire in a serious manner toward Cang Qian.

The flames sprayed on Cang Qian, and naturally went out.

Cang Qian smiled coldly, said? : "Burning fire at me, I'm still very tender, but I am the ancestor of fire.

"Cang Qian looked into the distance. Could it be those guys who actually let me look at the children, let people in my identity show them the children, that **** bastard."

Cang Qian suddenly looked towards the distance, and there was a bit of seriousness in his eyes. "Poisonous mist, where is the poisonous mist?" Cang Qian waved his hands, and the boss, Su Wudi, and Zheng Yu were wrapped in one. Transparent bubbles.

Large swaths of poisonous mist converged and merged into the body of Qian Qian.

"It's very potent! Could it be that they should be in trouble.

"Cang Qian muttered quietly.

Cang Qian glanced at the boss in the bubble and waited for a moment. The poison was so severe that they had contacted it and could support it for a while. However, when they contacted the boss, they were almost finished.

Lou Bo was rolling around in the air without knowing it, giggling from time to time.

Zheng Yu was playing a fire breathing game in the bubble.

Su Wudi held the small sword in the air.

Cang Qian looked at a few people, and a cold smile crossed the corners of his mouth. "Toss, toss, burst the bubbles, and you're dead.

"..." Brother Mo, can we treat these people with this poison? "" Brother Gu, you are too kind-hearted and soft-hearted. To deal with such wicked and wicked people, we are not at all polite.

"" Brother Mo said that there are still some innocent people in Gu Zhong.

"Ancient brother, whoever achieves great things, does not stick to the bar, for the sake of the overall situation, sacrifice is inevitable.

"I heard that the children of Murphy and others were still in the valley.

"Those children, although they are not sensible now, but when they grow up next to Cang Qian, they must also be wicked and evil, ancient brothers.

"... The building stared at the green mist floating in the valley," What's that? "Mo Fei's face changed and changed:" It's poisonous mist. Be careful, the mist is floating over. "

"Mo Fei's soul power floated out, and I was shocked to find that green mist was blowing in many places in Huozhou.

Could Mo Fei's heart tremble, so much poisonous mist, the amount of medicine given by the other party is definitely not small, the other party's handwriting is more than him.

"Someone poisoned?" The building frowned.

He nodded and said, "It seems so.

When he was poisoning before, he was worried about hurting innocent people, and he controlled the poison to a certain extent, but the other party poisoned, but he didn't seem to have any worries at all. These **** guys said in their mouths that they wanted to help justice and do The things that come out are like this.

"What is the little siren doing?" Mo Yi frowned.

The little siren's body flickered, and a lot of green mist gathered towards the little siren.

Could he twist his eyebrows and said, "Looking at this situation, you should be eating poisonous mist!" "This guy, won't there be any problems with eating?" Chiba worriedly said.

"That guy's taste has always been so unique and there should be no problem.

The building thought.

"Don't worry, he won't have any problems. Before that, he even drank the poison you made, and nothing happened.

Zheng Zheng said.

Couldn't he twist his eyebrows and wondered: "Little Siren has eaten my poison?" Zheng Zheng nodded and said, "Yeah!" Chiba poked his lips, his face was strangely authentic: "Little Siren's taste However, I really miss that guy with Cang Qian. I hope that this guy will grow up and not be as stingy as Cang Qian.


"Mo Fei's face sank suddenly.

The building looked at Mo Fei and said, "What's wrong?" "Boss, they don't know what happened? This poisonous fog, we may not be able to live with it. Boss, they contacted, what should I do?" Mo Fei couldn't help it Worry authentic.

The complexion of the building changed, and said, "If there is a submerged look, nothing will happen.

"Muffin gritted his teeth, looked at the poisonous mist in the distance, and said secretly: That's the only way to think.

A large amount of poisonous mist gathered towards the little siren, and the little siren was rolling in excitement with excitement.

Probably the poisonous mist was too thin, and the little siren gathered more poisonous mist.

The little siren is like a large poisonous mist vacuum cleaner, constantly absorbing the surrounding poisonous mist.

Couldn't he fill a poison repellent and drag a ray of poison over.

The building looked at Mo Fei and said, "How is it?" Mo Fei frowned, and said, "The toxicity is very severe, more severe than the poison I studied before.

"" It should be shot from the ancients.

"Building Road.

He nodded and said, "I think so too.

"Ordinary people can't come up with such a handwriting, this is the people of the ancient family, declaring war on him.

Cang Qian's eyes rolled around, "Shouldn't the amount of so many poisons be studied recently? The ancients, haven't they been studying the poisons all the time?" Cang Qian smiled coldly, and the Gu family always claimed to be decent Secretly, the poison should have been studied long ago.

"What's that?" Cang Qian frowned slightly suddenly.

A billowing ball entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

Cang Qian saw a lot of poison pouring into the body of the ball.

Cang Qian slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, "This dead leather ball actually robbed me of food.

People in the ancient family knew that Cang Qian was a poison division, but they did not know that Cang Qian was a special species of poisonous phoenix in Phoenix. To Cang Qian, poison was the best nourishment.

The Phoenix family, a red-colored statue, shameful ashamed, unfortunately, Cang Qian is a black phoenix.

Once Cang Qian was born, he was abandoned by his biological parents.

More than 10,000 years ago, the world changed drastically, and the star power was extremely weakened. The Phoenix Will contacted the Upper Phoenix family, opened a channel, and collectively relocated the Phoenix family to the Upper World. Cang Qian as an abandoned Phoenix

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