MTL - My Sassy ‘Crown Princess’-Chapter 148 On the road (15)

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Xin Mingyue took a deep breath and said, "In the past, most of the eighth and ninth stars and beasts moved within a fixed range. As long as you avoid those places, no major problems will occur. Now these stars and beasts are scrambling around. .

Previously, there were few spirits of eighth level and above in this place, but even the golden sacred tree appeared.

"The buildings and others looked at each other, their faces were a little complicated.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Murphy made a scream that was extremely painful in the body.

The building looked at Mo Fei stunned, and asked, "What's wrong?" Mo Fei's eyes widened, and he was full of tangles: "Tang Qiansheng threw a golden apple and threw it into the star beast pile, the golden one Apple is not a golden fruit! It ’s so distressing, it ’s so distressing.

"There are a few black lines on the forehead of the building:" ... Don't be distressed, I think Tang Qiansheng must be more distressed now.

"" What a waste! If I died holding the golden fruit, I wouldn't throw out what I had in hand, that guy would be very helpless.

"Couldn't it be more authentic.

The building smiled, and said, "That is, Tang Qiansheng, who is not brave, how can I compare with you!" Tang Qiansheng, who was tens of miles away, gritted his teeth, and his heart seemed to be severely cut by a knife. If it can Choosing, Tang Qiansheng will never choose to throw the golden fruit out, but he has no choice. The star and the beast behind will be more and more chased. If he continues this way, he will definitely fall into the circle of the star and beast.

It's not enough to give the golden fruit to Zhou Cheng. With Zhou Cheng's temperament, he won't care about his life and death. In his own heart, Tang Qiansheng always holds a little, he can't get it, and others can't imagine it. Mind.

Zhou Cheng saw the golden fruit thrown by Tang Qiansheng, and his heart was resentful.

The gold really was in Tang Qiansheng's hands. Tang Qiansheng would rather throw the golden fruit to the star beast than he would be happy.

236 Secret Realm Change "The Star Beast fought, it fought.

"Is my fist full of excitement?"

"How about Tang Qiansheng and Zhou Cheng?" The building asked.

"The two guys took refuge in hiding. When I looked at their two sharp-billed monkey gills, small noses, small eyes, and small family spirits, I knew that these two guys wanted to wait for the star beast to lose their wounds before picking up the bargain, really shameless.

"Couldn't I frown, authentically.

When Dai Fei and others heard Murphy's words, they were speechless.

Xin Mingyue rolled her eyes and secretly said: Could this guy, only the state officer set the fire on, and the people would not be allowed to light.

As soon as the golden fruit fell into the star beast pile, the star beast immediately ignored the existence of Tang Qiansheng and Zhou Cheng, and several star beasts fought fiercely for the golden fruit.

Zhou Cheng hid to one side, and planned to wait until a few stars and beasts hit almost before shooting. Tang Qiansheng naturally had the same idea.

The golden owl quickly suppressed the other four star beasts and achieved golden fruit.

The four ninth-level star beasts found that they were not opponents of the golden pheasant, and quickly united to resist the golden pheasant.

Although the golden cricket was the strongest, it was hard to beat four hands with two fists, and soon fell into the downwind and suffered minor injuries.

Forced by helplessness, the golden urn can only throw away the golden fruit temporarily like Tang Qiansheng, in an attempt to temporarily save his life.

The golden fruit flew away the golden fruit, and the other four star beasts, which were not in a solid alliance, disintegrated immediately.

The sky-winged sparrow picked up the golden fruit and quickly flew up into the sky.

The remaining three ninth-level star beasts saw the golden fruit falling in the hands of the covering sparrow, and immediately scrambled to follow.

Seeing this, Zhou Cheng got up and chased the past.

Mo Fei's face changed rapidly, "The golden fruit fell on the Chaffinch. The bird now flew around with the golden fruit, and Zhou Cheng followed.

"What about Tang Qiansheng? "Chiba asked eagerly.

Could he raise his corner of his mouth, and said with some sarcasm: "That guy's luck is not so good, and he was caught by gold.

"Chiba smiled coldly," Deserve it.

"Xin Mingyue stood next to Dai Min, and touched Dai Min with her elbow secretly." Miss Dai, do you observe anything? Dai Yan shook his head full of regrets and said, "No, I can only feel a few violent energy fluctuations. It should be those nine level nine beasts fighting.

Xin Mingyue glanced at Mo Fei and said to Dai Dai with some confusion: "Mo Fei seems to see a lot of things, aren't you the eighth-level psychiatrist like Mo Fei?" Dai Dai shook his head, and said, "There will be strong and weak points at the same level. Brother Mo Fei, the soul is more powerful than me."

Xin Mingyue looked at Dai Yan with a serious expression on her face, knowing that Dai Dai was not joking.

Xin Mingyue looked at Mo Fei, and a feeling of alert surged in her heart. Mo Fei's long-distance monitoring ability is so strong. Before that, their actions may be under Mo Fei's eyelids. Tang Qiansheng should not have guessed everything he is doing now. All under the watch of others.

Tang Qiansheng originally wanted to chase the sky tits, but the golden pupa raised his tail and drew towards him. The golden pupa had vaguely understood that Tang Qiansheng was the one who lied to him. He had a deep hatred for Tang Qiansheng and found the trail of Tang Qiansheng , Huang Jinji immediately stunned and fight with Tang Qiansheng.

After being pushed back by gold, there was a hint of indignation in Tang Qiansheng's eyes. A pitcher of black potion exploded, and Jin Qiang issued a harsh scream, leaving Tang Qiansheng aside and fled away.

"Tang Qiansheng scared away the golden salamander with a bottle of black potion. What potion might that be?" Mo Fei asked with a grimace on his face.

Dai Yun thought for a moment, and his face changed suddenly and authentically: "It may be a corrosive potion.

"" Corrosive potion? "Mike asked.

Dai Xun nodded and said, "Yes, the corrosive potion can corrode the star beast's wound, making the star beast's injury quickly.

"" This medicine contaminates the wound, and the blood of the wound will turn black? " "Muffy asked.

Dai Min nodded and said, "That's it.

Mo Fei squinted and asked, "Yes, is the corrosive potion effective for people?" Dai Dai's face changed and she nodded. "Yes."

Mo Fei squinted and said stiffly, "Chiba, be careful when you meet Tang Qiansheng."

Dai pursed his lips and said, "Muff, you don't need to be too nervous. The corrosive potion is a nine-level potion. Stargrass is rare, and the probability of successful configuration is not high. Tang Qiansheng used a bottle, not necessarily on hand.

Mo Fei shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case!" "" The caustic agent can erode the wound, so what if it wasn't hurt? The building asked.

Dai Yan twisted his eyebrows and said, "The heavier the other party is injured, the better the effect of the corrosive agent. If it is not injured, the effect of the corrosive agent is not great.

"" There won't be much problem.

"The building is lightly authentic.

Dai Yan's face was dark, and he smiled coldly, saying, "Then there won't be much problem. You are really conceited. You are so sure that you will not be hurt.

"The building shrugged, Yun Danfeng said quietly:" I'm not the same as your skinny girl.

Dai Dai said angrily: "You're proud of the thick skin and thick meat."

"The fires of the souls of the students outside the mystery went out one by one, causing great turmoil.

"This mystery is too weird.

"Nie Xinghai frowned.

The Fat Principal nodded his head and thought deeply, "Yeah! Yeah! It's weird.

"Dong Yue looked at the headmaster Fat and the thin bamboo pole, and the corners of his mouth twitched. It's a rare thing! The thin bamboo pole and the dead fat man would actually agree on a certain issue.

The Fat Principal walked a little anxiously. The principals of other colleges still knew how many students were alive, but the Fat Principal knew nothing.

Seeing the tragic situation of other colleges, the vice principal of Tianhe College and several teachers chased the fat principal anxiously to ask the situation. The fat principal asked a few questions and made everyone look strange to the fat principal.

The fat head looked hot with a look of contempt from the group of heads around him.

"Master Ming impermanence is here, master Ming is here.

"A loud noise came over.

Hearing the news of impermanence, Fat Principal was immediately excited. "It's impermanence coming. It's great. I went to him and asked, how is my apprentice's luck this time."

"Life impermanence is the most famous astrologer in the imperial city. The iron mouth of the outside is straight off. Most of the words spoken by life impermanence will become reality.

Shou Zhugan looked at the Fat Principal, and said weirdly, "You go to ask for impermanence, don't you say, he's a **** stick, and talk about eating and drinking without nutrition all day, are all the people who look for him an idiot?" Principal Fat looked at President Xingchen with an indignant expression, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, and when have I said such things? I have great respect for Master Ming.

"Nie Xinghai:" ... After all these years, your style of speaking upside down has changed little.

The Fat Principal snorted loudly and said proudly: "I'm not talking to you anymore."

"Fat Principal Fan Bian Bian Bian came to life impermanence, and asked anxiously:" Master, master, look at some of my apprentices, what is going on now.

Are they all OK? "Life and death are rich and rich in heaven, the donor is a little calm and not impatient, everything will be known.

"Life impermanence is slow and reasonable.

The fat principal twitched at the corners of his mouth, and wished to pounce on his fierce neck. This **** old man always talked like this, and said nothing but said nothing.

"Master Fate, or else you can count, my apprentices ... still angry.

"The Fat Principal rubbed his hands nervously.

"Very ferocious and less fertile, ferocious and less fertile ..." Life impermanence had not spoken yet, and the parrot on his shoulder flapped his wings loudly.

The Fat Principal grinned fiercely at the impermanent parrot, and the vice-principal of Tianhe College hurriedly ran over and stuffed a parrot with a snowdrop seed. The parrot immediately replied: "Everything will be fine.

The deputy headmaster was relieved at once. The impermanent parrot was a little magical and could fortune tell.

The parrot likes to eat snow lotus seeds. Before you eat the snow lotus seeds, what do you ask it? It says that it is more ferocious and less. After eating the snow lotus seeds, what the parrot says will be close to the truth. Although it is not accurate, there is a 80% chance. is correct.

The fat headmaster looked at the raised and smooth skin, the swollen belly of the parrot, and could not help but feel an outrage in his heart. He secretly said: The impermanence of this guy is not a lie to eat, drink, or bring a bird out to lie. Eating and drinking, looking at the plump figure of the bird, you will know how much the broken bird cheated.

Nie Xinghai pushed away the fat principal and asked, "Master Ming, do you know what's going on inside?" Ming Wuchang sighed deeply, and said, "I lost three years of my life, and calculated the mystery of Yue Heng. It will explode after three months and then be completely destroyed, this time it should be the last chance to enter the mystery.

"Master Ming, do you know what happened to the mass deaths of the students in it?" Dong Yue stepped forward and asked.

"The high-level star beast inside may also realize that the mystery is about to be destroyed, so it is more irritable.

"Life is impermanent.

"Is this mystery particularly dangerous?" Dong Yue asked nervously.

Life impermanence nodded and said: "It is true, but corresponding to it, opportunities will also increase, big waves and sand, only the best and the most talented people will survive.

"237 Golden Cormorant" "No, the golden cormorant flew over at us.

"Must look alert and authentic.

Chiba squinted and asked, "Are you coming at us?" Mofei shook his head and thought for a moment, and said, "It doesn't seem like it should be a coincidence. It stopped and didn't continue."

"" There seemed to be a cry of babies.

Said the building, tilting its head.

Mo Fei thoughtfully said: "It should not be the cry of a baby, but the cry of a golden cricket.

Chiba tilted her head and said with some confusion: "Golden wailing cry?" How does that golden cricket cry like a child! "Is it a shrug?" Said: "The golden pheasant should be just a young pheasant who is the first three or four years old.

"The building was full of suspicions:" Three or four? No, that golden jackal is very good! Dai Dai looked at the building with a disdainful look, and said, "The golden badger is a natural spirit raised at birth. It is eighth level. It's different from a dull qualification like you. Strange.

Xin Mingyue looked at Dai Yan and hesitated. "Sister Dai, in fact, Lou is not dull in qualifications."

Dai Dai chuckled coldly, and said, "He's just like that, not even a paw of Jin Yuan.

"Building:" ... "Xin Mingyue:" ... "

"Mo Fei suggested.

The building nodded and said, "Yeah.

"When the building and others arrived, the golden cricket was lying on the ground, tossed and tossed with pain, and the tears of fists rolled out of the golden cricket's eyes like spring water.

Found that the building and others came over, Golden Wren stopped rolling and stared at them fiercely.

The golden owl snarled in anger, and the scream of that **** was a bit bluffing.

Could he look at the festering wound on the golden urn, and there was a bit of complexity in his eyes.

The golden cricket and everyone were deadlocked. After the golden cricket roared for a while, the voice gradually weakened.

Although the golden cricket was terrible, he was just a young cricket. In the face of the increasingly severe pain on his body and the opponent in front of him, the golden cricket was full of grievances.

Could it be that watching the crying place shakes the golden shiver, I can't help but be a little speechless, so I can cry! Chiba looked at the golden cricket, blinked, and said, "This cricket really loves to cry!" "I heard that the mermaid cries and tears, and all the falling pearls are the most valuable pearls. Unfortunately, this small cricket is just ordinary. brine.

Zheng Zhengman was completely disappointed.

Crying, heartbreaking Xiaoyan heard Zheng Zheng's words, and suddenly stopped crying. After a while, Xiaoyan cried even more.

Could Mo Fei stare at Chiba and Zheng Zheng fiercely, and said, "What do you say, will you speak?" Mo Fei released his soul power to communicate with the Golden Puppet. The Golden Puppet started to resist, but in Mo Fei, he said When the body had analgesics that could alleviate its pain, the golden pupa was obviously warming up to Mo Fei.

Couldn't he throw two potions into the golden urn, the golden urn extended two claws, and one claw grabbed a potion.

"Nine-level healing potion, nine-level clearing potion, how did these two potions come?" Dai Yan said with a little suspicion.

Could it be that he thought: "I configured it!" Dai Yan opened his eyes wide and said: "You configured it."

Mo Fei nodded, his face blandly said: "Is there anything wrong?" Dai Dai shook her head and smiled strongly. "No, there is no problem."

Xin Mingyue and Mo Bei faced each other, with a little shock on their faces. The pharmacists who deployed Nine-level Pharmacy in Chen Guoneng were all important figures. I did not expect that Murphy had reached this height.

The golden maggot reached out his claws and checked the potion. If there was no problem, he poured the two potions one by one.

As soon as the potion entered the stomach, the injury of the golden pupa recovered immediately.

Feeling the pain diminished, the Golden Puppet immediately became active.

The building slumped his elbows, and Mo Fei asked, "Did this little sister talk to you?

Mo Fei nodded his head and said, "Speaking, he said, his name is Xiao Jin. At the age of two and a half, he met a group of baddies, robbed him of the golden fruit he had kept for more than a year, and lied to him with fake golden fruit. He also said that the worst bad guy, spitting it with a potion, made him sore, and all his body hurt.

The building was full of unexpected authenticity: "It turned out that I was only two years old! Ah, milk bag! Nodded his head, and said, "Yeah!" Dai Yi gave Mo Fei a glance and asked: "You gave it the potion, and when it recovers, you won't be revengeful."

"Jin Huang heard Dai Dai's words and looked at Dai Dai with a scornful look.

Could Fei give Dai Zheng a glance and said: "Xiao Jin said that he is very good and knows best.

Gold opened his mouth wide and flung towards Murphy.

The building quickly stopped in front of Murphy and threw the gold with a punch.

Could there be a scream, saying: "Building, what are you doing?" The building said innocently: "Magic i, that little chin opens his mouth and wants to eat you!" Murphy said helplessly: "Xiao Jin Opened his mouth, it was him laughing.

"" Like that? The building frowned.

Dai Min shrugged and said, "Xiao Min laughed like that.

Xiao Xiao, who was blasted out by the building, roared toward the building with impatience, her eyes full of ferocious intention.

"let's go.

"Building Road.

"Where!" Zheng Zheng asked.

"Go after that cemetery! The golden fruit is so good, it's not white enough.

"The building is authentic.

The building nodded and said, "It makes sense.

"Golden Wong heard some people's words, showing a little daring interest.

As soon as he was ready to open the road, he let the gold go out suddenly.

The building rushed forward and caught Murphy.

Jin Fei looked at Mo Fei flying out, with an innocent expression on his face.

"Muff, there's something wrong with this little sister!" Said the building.

Xiaoxiong screamed with resentment, and said helplessly: "He wanted to be close to me, but he didn't grasp the scale and pushed me out.

"Building:" ... "Xiao Yan heard his words and nodded in excitement.

Mo Fei looked at the behemoth in front of her, and said helplessly: "Xiao Jin, can you be a little bit smaller?"

Xiao Yan flew two rounds in front of Mo Fei with a certain pendulum.

The building lifted Xiao Xiao's tail and raised it up, "It's so small.

"Xiao Xiao bit his hand towards the building.

The building threw out Xiaoyao with a thunderbolt.

Xiao Yan stared at the building with his teeth gritted, looking like he was eating the building.

The building calmly looked at Zhang Yaowu's claws, "Small, to the extent that they dare to play with me.

Xiao Xiaolong snarled milkily at the building, and the building smiled coldly, stamped his feet sharply, and the ground cracked a huge crack. Xiao Xiaolong almost fell into the crack.

"Building, don't recruit him like this, Xiao Jin is better than you, you don't want to be stabbed by him.

"Muffy said helplessly.

The building shrugged and said, "It's awesome, but it's not Longyou Shoal right now.

"Xiao Jin flew over Murphy's head and stared at the building with a stare.

The building folded his arms and looked at Xiaojin lazily.

Xiao Jin stepped on the top of Murphy's head with a small paw, and whispered twice.

Could he frown, and said, "The second time, the effect is not good.

Xiao Jin said twice in disapproval.

The building frowned, and asked improperly: "What did Xiao Xiaolong say?" Shake his shoulders, and said, "Xiao Xiaolong said, he thinks the medicine I gave him just now tastes good and works well. .

"The building was black-faced, holding Xiao Xiaolong, and said," Little devil, what do you think is the nine-level potion! " It's the water in the lake! It's everywhere, it's a nine-level herb, it's expensive.

The little milk dragon glanced at the building with a disdainful look, and raised her head a little proudly.

"What did this guy say?" The building asked squinting.

Mofei reluctantly said, "He said that he is a noble golden magpie. He will be transformed into a dragon in the future. If he goes straight to the Nine Heavens, he should eat the expensive, the best.

The building smiled lightly, and said, "Little milk dragon, hurry up and go aside. We still have business, and I have no time to care about you as such a little ghost."

Xiao Jin stared at the building angrily, and then stepped on Murphy's hair coquettishly.

Mofei reluctantly caught Xiaojin, "Don't make a mess.

"Xiao Jin sobbed a little with some grievances.

Couldn't helplessly took out two tubes of seventh-level potion and threw it to Xiaojin.

Xiaojin couldn't wait to get the potion, and swallowed it three or two times.

Xiao Jin poured the potion and sprayed it again, all over the building's face.

The building glared at Xiao Jin angrily, and said, "Smelly little snake, what are you going to do with moths!" Xiao Jin flattened his mouth and murmured, wow crying.

"What's going on!" The building asked angrily.

Mofei reluctantly said, "He said it tasted bad.

"Oh, I ’m so picky, I still cry so much."

"The building is full of contempt.

Dai Yan shrugged and said, "A child of this age, just like a newborn baby, is the age of crying," the building rolled his eyes, "I never cried when I was a kid.

Dai Dai smiled coldly, and said, "Are you hard-hearted, will you cry?" "Building:" ... "238 Yang Xun was wrapped in Mo Fei's hand, her eyes staring fiercely at Mo Fei's ring, her eyes were full of longing.

Couldn't helplessly look at the little sister-in-law on his hand, there was some speechless in his heart, this is to pick up a food! It ’s still a picky eater. How long has it been since I have lost five nine-grade potions and raised such a thing, sooner or later I will become poor! Xiaoxi stretched out her milk teeth and bite the ring on Murphy's hand.

"Don't bite, don't bite, be careful with your teeth," Mo Fei said helplessly.

Xiao Xiaolong didn't listen and continued to bite Murphy's ring with his small baby teeth.

Is n’t it full of headaches? "Xiao Jin! Don't bite, if the bite is broken, the contents of the ring will disappear. By then, there will really be nothing.

When Xiao Xiaolong heard this sentence, he immediately raised his head, opened his eyes and looked at Mo Fei, his eyes full of panic.

Xiao Xiaolong tilted his head and thought for a while, and screamed pitifully.

"If you need two more, you won't hesitate. What are you thinking about? Tell you no more, no more, why don't you understand?

"Couldn't helplessly say.

Xiao Xiaolong dangled on Murphy's finger, blinking his big eyes, and pitifully rubbed his head on Murphy's finger.

The building looked at Mo Fei and said, "Fei Fei, don't get too used to this little ghost. Give the medicine when you are noisy, give the medicine when you are noisy. How much medicine can you give, this greedy guy, throw it out and raise This guy is too expensive! The whole one loses money.

Xiao Xiaolong covered his face, rushed to the building's head, and stretched out his paw to yank the building's hair.

The building reached out and grabbed Xiao Xiaolong's tail. Xiao Jin swung his tail and pumped the building fiercely. The building let Xiao Xiaolong pull back several meters at once.

Xiao Xiaolong was lying on top of Murphy's head, and smiled proudly at the building.

Zheng Zheng looked at the building and asked, "What's going on! Let such a little guy be repelled.

"The building was a little alert," said Xiao Xiao, who seems to have recovered his strength.

Chiba looked at Xiao Yan and said with a little surprise: "Is it almost recovered? What a resilience! "" It should be not only good resilience, but also the efficacy of the medicament. Could it be that the nine-level medicament you have configured has high purity? Dai Dai looked at Murphy.

He shrugged and said, "That's all.

"Xiao Xiao raised her head on Murphy's head, looked at the building with a high toe, and looked arrogant.

"Damn little thing.

"The building muttered aloud.

Zheng Zheng held down the building's shoulders and said, "Don't be impulsive, people have recovered, but it's not easy to deal with!" The building nodded, and said, "Rest assured, I have a sense.

"Xiao Yanpan extended his head above Murphy's head and hissed twice.

"What did he say?" The building asked.

"He said he would chase the birds and let us follow.

"Muffy said.

"Little bird, which bird? Covering sky tit?" Asked the building.

Xiao Xiaolong nodded happily, indicating that he was right.

Mo Fei's soul power swept around, a little disappointedly: "That covering sky **** is flying so fast, I can't find it anymore.

"Xiao Xiaolong patted his chest with his paw, the expression on his face wrapped around me.

Mo Bei looked at Xiao Xiaolong above Mu Fei's head, and a complex feeling filled his heart.

Golden spirit, such a naturally raised spirit, will sooner or later reach the tenth level.

This kind of golden magpie was so close to Murphy. Could Mo Fe have a nine-level golden maggot, and buildings and other people to help him, he could walk away in this secret realm.

"How do you know where the finches are?" Mofei asked.

Xiao Xiaolong has one claw pointing to the sky and one claw pointing to the ground.

The building pouted, and asked a little curiously: "Muffy, this little thing looks like nothing else, what did you say!" "He said that he left a mark on the golden fruit, and he could sense the golden fruit. General location.

"The Mofeidao building is a bit weird and authentic:" Leaving a mark on the golden fruit will also deceive a fake golden fruit. What a silly thing to do.

"Xiao Xiaolong jumped frantically over Murphy's head, a burst of milk and milk growls in his mouth.

Mo Fei tilted his head and said, "Xiao Xiaolong said that when he saw that the golden fruit that was dropped was also golden, he didn't think much.

The building rolled its eyes and said, "That's it! Sure enough the head is simple.

Mo Fei's eyes quickly gripped Xiao Xiaolong's tail, and Xiao Xiaolong fluttered hard and did not throw away, grinning at the building.

"Go and chase the larks. It's late, and the golden fruit should be eaten.

"Muffy said to Xiao Xiaolong who kept tossing.

When Xiao Chenlong heard Murphy's words, he immediately turned his eyes away and flew towards the east.

"Muff, is this small thing reliable?" The building asked.

Murphy shrugged and said, "Even if he is not reliable, we have no better choice now!" Xiao Xiaolong heard Murphy's words, ran over, and roared at Murphy several times.

Mo Fei smiled at Xiao Xiaolong and said, "Xiao Jin! You don't have any general knowledge of the building, he just said it casually.

Xiao Xiaolong swung his tail towards the building and flew forward quickly.

Buildings and others quickly chased them up, and several people chased for an hour. Could Mo Fei once again notice the trace of the covering sparrow.

The status of the covering finches is very embarrassing, the feathers have dropped a lot, and the wings are scarred. Even so, the covering finches are still holding the golden fruit deadly, a posture of living with the golden fruit.

The fierce lion chased the finches from time to time, spitting flames into the sky from time to time, and a great blood ape waving a huge stick, constantly attacking the finches in the sky.

The cloaked eyes were blood-red, and they flickered left and right.

Xiao Xiaolong blinked his eyes and muttered, "The fool covers the sky tits, as long as the golden fruit is dead, it is important to save your life!" Mo Fei pouted his lips and said: "Don't talk nonsense, people are firm-minded, and you are greedy for fear of death. Different.

Xiao Xiaolong lay in the grass and mumbled twice.

The building glanced at Xiao Chenlong and said, "What does it say?" Mo Fei glanced at the building and said: "It said that it is not greedy for life and death, it is wise, wise wandering, it will hide and wait for them to fight You die, I live, and then I try again.

"Oh, this guy knows how the mussels compete for the fisherman's profit at such a young age, a whole bad embryo.

"The building is full of disdain.

Mo Fei gave a glance to the building and said, "Don't talk nonsense, that person is Zaohui.

"Xiao Xiaolong opened his eyes wide and hid there with excitement.

Looking at it, Xiao Xiaolong blew up all of a sudden, and the hairy Xiao Xiaolong rushed out.

Could it have pinched the tail of the dragon, blocking the movement of the dragon.

"What's wrong!" Mo Fei asked, Xiao Xiaolong shouted.

"It saw Tang Qiansheng?" Dai Min asked with a tilted head.

Could Fei nod his head, and said, "Yeah!" Without paying any attention, he let Xiao Jin escape from the palm of his hand.

Xiaojin grew like a balloon, and flew past Tang Qiansheng.

The building narrowed its eyes and said, "I thought it was so good. I didn't expect to lose power when I saw Tang Qiansheng.

Mo Fei shrugged and said: "Although it is a Nine-level Star Beast, it is a little baby girl. It is crazy to see the enemy.

Tang Qiansheng originally hid aside and waited for a few stars and beasts to fight before he shot. However, he did not expect that only a few stars and beasts would hit half, and the golden golem rushed out.

Tang Qiansheng looked at the golden puppet in front of him with a lively life and a tiger, and there was a thick color of doubt in his heart.

Tang Qiansheng's hair was tight, and the strength of the golden cricket was clear. He was a real sword, and he was never an opponent.

He also knows the effect of the corrosive potion. It stands to reason that the golden pheasant should be half dead, but the golden pheasant is now living in front of him.

Huang Jin opened his mouth wide and snarled at Tang Qiansheng, violently shouting, and Tang Qiansheng spit out blood.

When the golden pheasant appeared, the starling beast and other star beasts were all on alert. When they saw the golden pheasant's eyes all on Tang Qiansheng's face, the covert queen and other star beasts were fiery again.

The golden pupa reached out his paw and caught three bloodmarks on Tang Qiansheng's face.

Tang Qiansheng looked a little irritably in front of the golden magpie, covering his wound to avoid the attack of the golden maggot.

Tang Chiba excitedly looked at the wound on Tang Qiansheng's face and said, "Good job! Three on the left! Ah! Three more on the right!" When he realized Chiba was watching a movie on the side, Tang Qiansheng was furious. Come here.

Tang Qiansheng suddenly understood why the golden tadpole recovered so quickly. It was a potion. Someone fed the golden tadpole with a recovery medicament. Depending on the degree of recovery of the golden tadpole, the medicament fed by that person should still be a good medicament.

239 Tang Qiansheng killed Xiao Jin with his head up, and slammed into Tang Qiansheng with jealousy. The golden magpie, a heaven and earth spirit, had amazing strength. Tang Qiansheng let Xiao Jin fly out.

Xiao Jin was yelling at Tang Qiansheng, and his eyes were full of anger.

Tang Qiansheng, who was hit by the fly, landed heavily on the ground, exhaling a large amount of blood.

Seeing the look of Tang Qiansheng's wolf, Xiao Jin grinned proudly, his eyes exuding Zhan Zhan's light.

Xin Mingyue saw the situation of Tang Qiansheng, and thought of the tragic death of the Shangguan court.

Tang Qiansheng, who was so impassioned in the campus, fell to the ground with a wolf.

Xiao Jin chased Tang Qiansheng like a cat and a mouse, and the wounds on Tang Qiansheng kept increasing.

Tang Chiba touched his chin, full of contempt, said: "This guy Tang Qiansheng is really useless! A cowbag dragon can not deal with it, and this guy who claims to be a loss also claims to be the star of the four stars.

Mo Bei glanced at Chiba and said lightly: "If you change it to you, you can't help this little uncle's frustration.

"Chiba took a look at Mobei, and he was so old-fashioned that he said:" Little devil, don't talk nonsense, you know? Who am I, can I even beat a snake? The corner of Mo Bei's mouth couldn't help twitching, and Tang Chiba wasn't much older than himself, so he called himself a little ghost.

Chiba shook his head and sighed long and shortly: "The four stars headed by this level are at this level, and the remaining stars are probably notorious. Previously, the principal said that the four stars are all rice buckets. I still think the principal is jealous of others. Now "Ah ... did they all eat for nothing?"

The building coughed twice, interrupting Chiba's words.

Chiba squinted at the building and asked: "What's wrong with you? Is your health bad? Take care of yourself!" The building looks like an idiot. Looking at Chiba, you can't be confident. "Mobei is One of the four stars.

"Chiba's eyes widened, and he looked at Mo Bei stupidly," Yeah, I almost forgot that you are also one of the stars.

Mobei: "..." Tang Qiansheng gritted his teeth angrily. He had already found the traces of Chiba and others. Before thinking of entering Wonderland, he would pack Chiba to look good, and see Chiba hiding behind him now. Seeing the excitement, he was embarrassed, and Tang Qiansheng was ashamed and resentful.

Tang Qiansheng discovered the trails of Tang Chiye and others. Naturally, he also found Mobei and others. When he saw that Mobe and others were mingling with Tang Chiye and others, Tang Qiansheng was almost mad.

"Aren't you going to help?" Xin Mingyue asked towards Chiba.

"Help? What do you help?" Chiba asked puzzledly.

"Tang Qiansheng! After all, you are brothers!" Xin Mingyue reminded.

Chiba rolled her eyes and said, "Girl, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm so handsome, he's so crippled, we don't see a little similarity, how can we be brothers? Girl, you can eat rice randomly Can't talk nonsense.

"Xin Mingyue:" ... Tang Qiansheng, in fact, can grow long.

"As far as she knows, Tang Qiansheng is young and promising, and she has a lot of strength. Many sisters and sisters like him, and she has several people around her.

"Girl, your taste is too low. At this level, you can also count it as a building, so you can barely get along with the handsome person.

"Chiba is full of disdain.

Xin Mingyue: "..." "Master Mo, Sister Xin, Sister Dai, haven't you shot yet? But you said you would give me your full support.

"Tang Qiansheng Yang said.

When Dai Qian saw the cut made by Jin Qiang on Tang Qiansheng's face, she shook her head in a hurry. She didn't want to look disfigured! The golden cricket is so powerful that they ca n’t help it. Tang Qiansheng is too bad and wants to drag himself into the water. "Tang Qiansheng almost vomited blood when he heard what Dai Dai said.

At the beginning, he tried his best to prevent Li Tianjian from entering the secret place, and strongly recommended Dai Min, but Dai Min did so to him.

Mo Bei and Xin Mingyue looked at each other and did not move. The ninth-level Tang Chiba was not an opponent of the Golden Puppet, let alone them.

Golden Wren looked at Tang Qiansheng, who was more and more impatient, and his attack became sharper.

"Ah!" Tang Qiansheng screamed suddenly.

One arm of Tang Qiansheng let the golden sip bite down and the blood flowed like a broken arm.


"The Golden Wren spit out Tang Qiansheng's arm in disgust.

The eyes of the building looked at Mo Bei and others coldly. If the golden cricket really killed Tang Qiansheng, these people could not stay. In case, these people leaked the news, letting people know that the golden cricket is related to Mo Fei. It's dangerous.

Seeing the killing intention of the building, Mo Bei's heart sank suddenly.


Mo Beiyang called out.

Could Mo Fei turn his head and looked at Mo Bei and asked, "Is there anything wrong?" "Does Mo Fei want to take the golden badger out?" Mo Bei asked and nodded, and said, "Yes! Any questions? Mo Bei said lightly: "If you want to take him out, don't let Tang Qiansheng die in the hands of the golden urn.

Mo Bei's thoughts rolled over: the enemy and I were weak, and the other party had a golden partner to help each other. I knew the other party's secrets. To dispel the other party's thoughts of killing and killing, we had to stand on the same boat with the other party.

Xin Mingyue suddenly understood something, and immediately explained: "Tang Qiansheng was planted with the soul and soul seal by Tang's parents. Once he died, the soul and soul seal was transferred to the soul who killed him.

Mo Bei nodded and said, "Xin Shimei is right. Tang Qiansheng is the key training object of the Tang family. He is dead, and the Tang family will certainly not give up.

Tang Qianye blinked and said, "Oh, the Tang family's protection of Tang Qiansheng is really leak-proof!" Tang Chiba looked at Tang Qiansheng, and thought of the tragic predecessor, and could not help but feel a little bit sour.

When Tang Qiansheng heard what Mo Bei and Xin Mingyue said, he suddenly lost his breath. The two **** of Mo Bei and Xin Mingyue actually stood together with the people of Tianhe College.

"Meibei, Xin Mingyue, you two eat inside and out.

"Tang Qiansheng cried angrily.

Xiao Xiaolong found that Tang Qiansheng still had the strength to scream, and once again tried his best to knock Tang Qiansheng out.

Mo Bei looked at Tang Qiansheng faintly, passing a touch of taunt in his look.

The stars and the four stars are not in harmony with each other, Tang Qiansheng is jealous and arrogant, and Mo Bei does not like Tang Qiansheng at all. Of course, he will not shoot.

Tang Qiansheng gritted his teeth, and his heart was full of hatred.

"Xiao Jin, don't kill him.

"Did not drink coldly.

Golden flicked his tail and threw Tang Qiansheng out. Tang Qiansheng was smashed, but still angry.

"Xiao Jin, come back" Murphy shouted.

The golden uncle hesitated, and returned to Murphy's hand with a swing.

Tang Qiansheng stared at Murphy fiercely, "Dare you kill me, the Tang family will not let you go.

The building raised its hand and threw a potion at Tang Qiansheng. The potion bottle exploded, and a thick scent of astral grass smelt sweetly.

Gold smelled the smell, pounced on the body, trying to pounce on the fragrance, let Mo Fei choked his tail.

"Similar fragrance?" Mo Bei asked and nodded. "Yeah!" Xin Mingyue bit her lip. Although she is not a pharmacist, she still knows a little about fragrances.

The pseudo-fragrance potion can mimic the taste of high-grade star spirit grass and attract the idea of ​​star beast.

In this regard, Tang Qiansheng should have become a Dabu star spirit grass in the eyes of Xingshou.

The voice of a beast of stars and stars came, "Quickly withdraw.

"Mike is cold.

Several people quickly left the place, a large group of stars and beasts rushed towards Tang Qiansheng.

Mo Bei looked at the swarming stars and beasts, and there was a thick suspicion in his eyes. "Where there are so many seventh-level stars and beasts, shouldn't it!" "Ah!" The screams sounded.

"Tang Chiba, you must not die! Tang Chiba, you will be punished!" Tang Qiansheng's resentful voice hovered in the sky.

Chiba squinted and said unsatisfactorily, "Tang Qiansheng, this bastard, cursed such a handsome man for me not to die.

"Xiao Jun lies on top of Murphy's head, rubbing Murphy's hair with his paw.

Couldn't it be more helpless to say, "Okay, don't make a noise, that's not a high-level star spirit grass, it's a smelly man, but just sprayed a layer of perfume on it, so it smells very fragrant and tastes bad in the mouth. Didn't you taste it just now? "Xiao Yan nodded, his gaze reluctantly looked in the direction of Tang Qiansheng.

"Tang Qiansheng should be dead.

Zheng Zheng said.

He nodded and said, "It should be.

The 240 news spread that Zhou Cheng stepped out of the dark, watching Tang Qiansheng's fragmented body bitten by the star beast, Zhou Cheng's mouth evoked a mocking smile.

At the beginning of Tang Qiansheng's entry into the secret, he vowed to make the Tianhe Academy people look good, but in the end Tang Qiansheng died under the calculation of the people he was clamoring to kill, which was really ironic.

Zhou Cheng picked up Tang Qiansheng's space ring and left the place.

Outside the mystery, the fire of Tang Qiansheng's soul suddenly extinguished, causing a huge sensation.

Several elders of the Tang family broke out on the spot.

Principal Xingchen's face was dim, and the whole man was a lot older.

The Principal Fat always hears the news of the death of other college students these days. He scratched his ears and hurriedly regretted that he had lost a few pounds in a hurry.

Hearing the news of Tang Qiansheng's death, the principal Xingchen looked bleak, and the principal Fat was also ashamed.

Tang Qiansheng's mother, Zhao Ruixue, knew the news of Tang Qiansheng's death and was overwhelmed and passed out.

After Tang Qiansheng's father Tang Baisheng knew it, he sighed slightly and didn't say anything.

After Zhao Ruixue was awake, he heard that Tang Baisheng knew the news of Tang Qiansheng's death, but just sighed slightly, and did not say anything, and almost passed away.

For Zhao Ruixue, Tang Qiansheng is her best son and all her hopes, but for Tang Baisheng, Tang Qiansheng is just one of his many excellent sons. He died and can be cultivated again. Can be regenerated.

Tang Baisheng is the head of the family. When thinking about things, he will proceed from the interests of the family. The dead genius has no value to the Tang family.

Tang Qianming heard the news of Tang Qiansheng's death, and his face was full of ridicule. For Tang Qiansheng, the prince of the Tang family, Tang Qianming always has a strong jealousy in his heart. Now Tang Qiansheng is dead, Tang Qianming feels psychologically balanced. Now, he was unlucky, Tang Qiansheng was even worse, and he lost all his life.

The other children of Tang Baisheng heard the news of Tang Qiansheng's death, but he didn't show it, but his heart was gloating. Many people are flexing their muscles, wanting to perform well, to replace Tang Qiansheng's position.

Tang Qiansheng was able to enter the ninth level so quickly. On the one hand, it was his own talent, on the other hand, it was the key cultivation of the family.

Zhao Ruixue looked at the children of the Tang family who had fisted Huohuo, and his heart was full of resentment.

Star Academy.

Li Tianling was with Li Tianjian beside him, his face was full of ridicule, "Brother, you didn't go to the secret realm, Tang Qiansheng is dead, now the secret realm is too dangerous.

"Li Tianling is grateful for the truth.

Li Tianjian smiled coldly, and said, "Tang Qiansheng was so strenuous to find Tang Chiba's trouble. As a result, his ambition died before being rewarded! It is sad!" Li Tianling sneered and said, "That overwhelming Things, I really thought that he was promoted to the ninth level to be the first of the four stars, and he was better than your brother, daydreaming.

"Tang Qiansheng didn't look at how old he was. The four stars were the oldest when he was promoted to the eighth level. He had a face that claimed to be the first of four stars.

Li Tianling said sarcastically.

Li Tianjian sighed, shook his head, and said, "Okay, sister, everyone is dead, don't say it.

Li Tianling said indifferently, "Isn't I happy? "Li Tianjian looked at the distance lightly, his voice was cold:" Let's have a classmate, Tang Qiansheng is the leader of the Star Academy again. It stands to reason, sister, you shouldn't be happy.

"Li Tianling rushed up, grabbing Li Tianjian's neck," Brother, that Tang Qiansheng is dead, are you happy? " Li Tianjian nodded and said: "Happy! Speaking of which, it's so easy to die, it's really cheap. "Li Tianling:" ... "Li Tianjian tilted his head and said," Speaking of it, there is one thing that is strange.

""what? Li Tianling asked.

Li Tianjian frowned, and said, "Tang Qiansheng is dead, but Mobei survived.

Li Tianling shrugged and said with a sneer: "There are rumors in the school that Tang Qiansheng could not have died. He sacrificed himself to save Mobei.

Li Tianjian smiled ironically, "nonsense! People like Tang Qiansheng, once in danger, are lucky not to pull others out of their backs. It is ridiculous to deny themselves.

Li Tianling nodded and said: "I think so too. There are a few new female students who have believed and cried. It's really an idiot.

"Li Tianjian:" ... "Yue Heng's mysterious Xiao Jin rushed forward, and when she saw the sky **** in the sky, Xiao Jin shouted.

Xiao Jin looked at the covering sparrow in the sky, full of unhappiness, Xiao Jin secretly said, this **** little sparrow actually ran away secretly while he was fighting with the big bad guy, which is too much.

Isn't it full of admiration watching the sky covering the sky tits, the feathers of this cannabis bird are almost gone, and the golden fruit is still dead, it is really a model of perseverance! Xiao Jin shouted anxiously towards the sky, "Mine, mine.

Mo Fei held the small horn on Xiao Jin's head and said, "Calm, calm, can't eat hot tofu.

Chiba licked his mouth and said, "This bird is really kind. Knowing that we are hungry, we have taken the initiative to shave our hair, and it is really unsatisfactory not to eat it!" "Su Rong nodded and said:" It looks fat.

Chiba busy echoed: "Isn't it? The meat is toot and must be delicious.

When Xiao Jin heard Chiba and Su Rong's words, he nodded his head in a hurry, and a suspicious water stain was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Could it be: "..." A purple sword coagulated on the building's hand, and the building held a sword, and the sharp sword gas directly cut open the pagoda's paw holding the golden fruit.

The golden fruit fell off with the paw's claws, and chased the three ninth-level star beasts of the zebra, all fluttering towards the fallen golden fruit.

Xiao Jin rushed out eagerly and fought with the three-headed star beast.

Seeing the golden fruit fall, the bald **** spattered towards the culprit building.

The building squinted and stared at the fierce covering sparrow.

With a wave of wings, the sky-winged queen was surrounded by sand, and the hurricane had to be rolled out.

The building stood firmly in place, reached out its fist, and smashed fiercely towards the covert sparrow.

Xin saw the building's arms turn purple tomorrow, and he was shocked that the building turned into a thunder hand.

Mo Bei's heart froze a little, and his heart flashed a little surprised.

The fist of the building, with a thunderous thunder, hit his finch on the covering bird. The place where he was hit was suddenly black.

There was a scream from the louver, and the building flew forward, grabbing the louver's wings, and got used to the ground fiercely, "Boom, boom, boom.

The screams of the louvered squirrel were smashed, and a huge pit was smashed on the ground.

The building smashed before letting go, and Dai Yi was frightened to find that the bones of the covering finches were all broken and the breath was gone.

The building gave Dai Zheng a cold glance, and Dai Zhen took a step back in fear of the building.

Xin Mingyue's teeth trembled a bit. Even though the louver was seriously injured when he found the building, it was scary enough to smash the louver to the building.

Dai Yan swallowed his mouth carefully and hid behind Xin Mingyue.

Xin Mingyue blinked and said secretly: I heard someone said that the building had a bad temper and was very cruel, and thought it was a rumor. Now it seems that there is no wind but no waves.

Watching the cemetery smashed to death, Xiao Jin's eyes showed a bit of confusion. After confusion, Xiao Xiaolong howled.

The building squinted and asked, "Muffy, what's that little muffin doing? She jumped up and down, and the sheep was crazy?" Murphy shrugged and said, "It's asking you for help.

The building nodded and said, "I know, this guy can't do much without me.

The building rushed forward and fought with a lightning dragon, Zheng Zheng and Chiba came forward to block the flame lion.

Xin Mingyue looked at the buildings, Zheng Zheng, and Chiba rushing up, and there was a thick suspense in his eyes.

"They just rushed up like this?" Xin Mingyue said.

Could Mo Fei ask in doubt: "Is there anything wrong?" Xin Mingyue shook her head and said, "Nothing.

"The fierce fighting sounds rang from time to time.

Dai Yan's eyes widened. Those in the building were all eighth level. The nine-level star beast that faced them rushed up like this, and they couldn't fight the wind. It was terrible.

Damn, she also told the building before that she would intercede with Mo Fei and let Tang Qiansheng let Mo Fei go. Now Tang Qiansheng is dead. Tianhe College did not have a staff reduction. At that time, the building must be laughing at her.

The 241 golden fruit succeeded, and the lightning dragon rushed towards the building, and the two sides bumped into each other.

With the impact of one person and one beast, the ground cracked huge cracks.

Dai Yan was sore with some soreness: "Li Qi of the building is actually on par with the Nine Stars and Beasts.

Mofei shrugged and said, "He didn't have such great strength. Before entering the mystery, he was beaten all day long, and he was thick and strong with his arms around him.

"Bad?" Who hit him? Mo Bei asked curiously.

In his opinion, the strength of the building is amazing. Among his peers, he rarely meets rivals. Mobei secretly said: Is there a master of snow in Tianhe College?

"It's the principal's dead fat man!" Mo Fei justified his mouth.

"Principal? Chen Tianhe" Xin Mingyue asked with some confusion.

Could he nod his head and said, "Yeah! That's him.

"Chen Tianhe hits the building, isn't that bullying? "Xin Mingyue said in amazement.

Could he nod his head and said helplessly: "Don't you know that the thing our principal likes to do is to bully us?" Xin Mingyue; "......" Lightning Dragon opened his mouth wide, A giant thunderbolt blew towards the building.

A faint purple light emerged from the building's body, and the lightning bolts attacked it. It quickly disappeared when it hit the body of the building.

Mo Bei's eyes widened, and there was a thick surprise in his eyes. Thunder was a congenital spirit, born with lightning and immune to lightning attacks. Not only that, they could also absorb the attacks of lightning opponents and use them for their own purposes.

Mo Bei looked at the building with surprise. Such a good qualification actually ran to Tianhe College, which was really a waste.

A more massive light of thunder and lightning emerged from the building and hit the Lightning Dragonfly severely, and a large blood hole quickly appeared on the Lightning Dragonfly.

The building leapt leaps and jumped dozens of meters high, with a layer of golden fluorescence lingering on the feet of the building. The golden fluorescence is dazzling and full of strong killing power.

The building jumped heavily and kicked the lightning dragon.

Dai Yan glanced, she faintly saw a ghost image of a dragon flying out of the building's feet, hitting the lightning dragon cricket severely, and the lightning dragon cricket was kicked and flew for several meters.

"Golden dragon legs.

"Mo Bei said with some suspicion.

"This martial art actually made him practice.

"Xin Mingyue is full of surprise.

"Is Jinlong's legs very powerful?" Mo Fei asked, tilting his head.

Xin Mingyue nodded and said helplessly: "Yeah.

"As long as any secret technique has something to do with Dragon and Phoenix, it is definitely a very powerful secret technique. The practice of Golden Dragon Legs requires the Star Master's physique to be very strong, and the flesh is not strong enough to be able to get started. No more than ten.

The golden cricket repelled the Optimal Blood Ape, and was about to take over the golden fruit, a sharp sword, slammed it over.

The Golden Wren didn't expect that someone would come out to pick peaches at this time, and all of them suddenly frizzled.

"Jianqi, Zhou Cheng.

"Couldn't you see the sight of him, and his heart sank.

Mo Fei's mind was turning quickly. Zhou Cheng had been staying with Tang Qiansheng all the time. So, if Zhou Cheng didn't take the shot, he wouldn't feel it, **** it. "Spirit cut.

Mo Fei made a soul attack without hesitation, and when he saw Zhou Cheng, Su Rong and Mo launched an attack at the same time.

After being attacked by Mo Fei and others, Zhou Cheng's action was delayed, and this one-second delay allowed the Golden Eagle to regain the initiative.

Huang Jinzhang grabbed the golden fruit and looked at Zhou Cheng with hatred.

Zhou Cheng looked at the menacing buildings and others and chose to retreat.

"Building, don't let him go.

"Is it cold?"

Xin Mingyue's eyes widened, and she looked towards Murphy, which meant Murder and death.

Couldn't this group of people who have reached the ninth level actually want to kill Zhou Cheng, who realized the sword.

The building heard Murphy's words, throwing away the lightning bolt, shook his fist, and pursued Zhou Cheng.

"Boom!" Tian Lei hit the sword that swept everything, and the building and Zhou Cheng stepped back at the same time.

Xin Mingyue's eyes widened, and the building was able to withstand Zhou Cheng's sword attack in an effort to break through all kinds of methods, which was really terrible.

Zhou Cheng looked at the building, weighed it, and chose to retreat.

The building saw Zhou Cheng leave, and could not help but feel sorry for Zhou Cheng. He may still have a chance to win, but Zhou Cheng was going to flee, and he could not stop it.

Dai pursed her lips and secretly said: Zhou Cheng was scared away by the building. The building guy was really amazing.

Seeing that Xiao Jin killed the Optimal Blood Ape, could Moyin Chuan ask Xiao Jin to help the building deal with the Lightning Dragon.

Xiao Jin probably didn't pay much attention to the building, raised his head proudly, instead of helping the building as Murphy said, but pretended to help Zheng Ye and Chiba solve the flame lion.

After fierce fighting, several nine-level star beasts died one by one.

After the opponent is resolved, the problem is divided.

"Xiao Jin! Give me that fruit, shall I give you three potions?" Mo Fei said, squatting in front of Xiao Jin with a smile on his face.

Xiaojin shrank to about a meter, and the golden fruit was pressed by Xiaojin under his tail.

Hearing Mo Fei's words, Xiao Jin raised his head, and looked away, disdainful.

Mo Fei said helplessly: "There are a lot of three. Do you know how many stars can be exchanged for three nine-level medicaments?" Xiao Jin turned his face to Mo Fei, looking interested.

Could Mo Fei make an exaggerated gesture and said, "I can exchange the star crystal that buried you.

Xiao Jin thought about it, and stretched out two paws, shaking it constantly.

The building looked at Xiaojin impatiently, and asked Mofei, "What did this milkbag say?" "It said that three were not enough, and it would take three hundred to change.

"Is it a black line?"

"Three hundred! You should just grab it!" The building said to Xiao Jin angrily.

Xiao Jinzhang made a double-stroke gesture toward the building, and said helplessly: "Xiao Jin said that three hundred sticks are a friendly price and others don't sell it.

"Chiba sighed, squatted down, facing Xiao Jinzhang, and said," Xiao Jin! Almost on the line, golden fruit is a good thing, but it is also very dangerous! If you eat, there is a 99% chance that the shed will explode.

"Xiao Jinmao crooked her head and yelled.

Mo Fei's face sank suddenly. Lou Yu looked at Mo Fei and asked, "What's wrong?" "Xiao Jin said that he must become stronger and stronger, otherwise, he won't be long before he will ... dead.

"Mo Fei said solemnly.

Chiba puzzled and asked, "Will it die? Why did it die?" "I don't know, Xiao Jin said, his instincts will not change and he will die.

"Mofei frowned.

Chiba: "..." Dai Dai yelled: "Heaven and earth spirits like the golden tadpole will have a sense before the crisis is coming. He must be aware of something, maybe a change from the mystery. related.

"Chiba looked at Xiao Jin and said temptingly," Xiao Jin! Think about it! If you eat this golden fruit, not only will you not become strong, you will also smash it into a ball of minced meat. What a pity that a handsome dragon like you is fried into minced meat! When Xiao Jin heard what Chiba said, he thought for a moment, and reluctantly gave up the golden fruit.

Could Mo Fei look at Dai Dai and said, "Dai Dai, what about your potion formula, take it out and take a look.

Dai Dai looked at Mu Fei's face for granted, and asked with a stern face: "I'll give you the formula, what good will you give me?" "Is it difficult to look at me?"

Dai Dai thought for a while and thought, "Golden fruit is boiled together with other potions, and you can cook a pot of potions. I want one potion of this potion."

Nodded his head and said, "Yes.

"Dai Yun got the promise of Murphy and handed in the golden fruit formula.

The golden fruit's medicine is not so precious, and a few people put together a little, and then all the herbs needed were mixed.

Couldn't he take out a medicine tripod and start cooking the potions, and the building and others should seize the time and recover the lost vitality.

Dai Yan stood beside Mo Fei, watching Mo Fei boil the potion.

In general, the higher the level of the pharmacist, the higher the fusion rate of the boiled medicine, the higher the purity. The medicine that is being boiled, the fusion is nearly perfect, the impurities in the medicine are continuously removed, and the purity of the medicine is also Surprisingly high.

The medicinal properties of the golden fruit were thoroughly incorporated into the potion, and a strong fragrance permeated it. If it had been forbidden by the surroundings, this escaped fragrance would attract many stars and beasts.

Xiao Jin kept Harako, staring at Yao Ding in front of him.

The building clung to Xiao Jin's tail and did not let Xiao Jin fall into Yao Ding.

A burst of golden light emerged from the medicine tripod, and the rich fragrance continued to attract the hearts of everyone.

The medicinal properties of the golden fruit boiled can only be maintained for one day. After more than one day, the medicine will deteriorate. Considering that there are many boiled medicines, and Xin Mingyue and Mobei have also issued adjuvants, they must agree to give Mobei and Xin One potion for the moon.

Dai Yan looked at the boiled potion and said, "Although the potion of golden fruit boiled is not as violent as the potion of gold fruit, the potency is still fierce. You should pay attention to the limit.

Nodded his head and said, "I understand.

One of the 242 psychic grass Dai Dai, Xin Mingyue and Mo Bei took a potion. Given that Dai Min had a formula, could he give Dai Min an additional potion.

After allocating the potion, could not wait to fill a tube of potion, and the potion entered the body, and Mo Fei screamed and fell to the ground.

Could it be that a ferocious beast was scrambling in his own meridians, his body burning like a fire?

After his body seemed to be burned by fire, Mo Fei felt that countless ants were biting on himself and could not help but reach out to scratch it.

The building flew over, holding Mo Fei's arm tightly, and holding Mo Fei in his arms, "Fei Fei, calm down.

"When he heard the sound of the building, he was slowly awake.

Chiba looked at Mo Fei's hot face, and reminded: "Morfe, run Star Source quickly!" Mo Fe heard the words of Chiba, closed his eyes sharply, and quickly started Star Source.

Xing Yuanli swept across the meridian like a clear spring, and felt that a coolness appeared in his body, slowly relaxing.

The building was relieved to see that Mo Fei was sober.

Dai Yan saw that she was sweating and trembling with pain. She couldn't help shivering. The medicine was so fierce. She took an extra medicine and most of it wasted.

Xiao Jinzhang saw Mo Fei uncomfortable, rolled her eyes with a bit of disdain, and her tail slammed into the ground.

Couldn't help seeing the scornful look of Xiao Jinzhang.

Xiao Jinzhang raised her head, and then plunged it into a porcelain bowl filled with medicaments. Xiao Jinzhao sucked and drank, and drank the medicine in the bowl three or two times. The medicine in the porcelain bowl was about five. Amount of medicament.

Xiao Jinzhang drank the potions, and there were little ones on his body. Xiao Jinzhuang yelled, rolling on the ground with pain.

The building looked at Xiao Jinzhang, grabbed another identical porcelain bowl, and grunted all the medicine in the bowl.

Could it be that the building has drank all the medicine in the bowl?

"Building, are you crazy?" Murphy said with surprise.

There was a crisp sound in the bones of the building, and the meridians suddenly burst out.

"Bang bang.

"There was a cut on the building's body, and a little golden blood came out.

The building was surrounded by golden light, and the cracked wound quickly recovered.

The building is rapidly running with Star Source Forces, absorbing medicine.

The complexion of the building was blushing, with blue muscles on his forehead. Although the body was suffering abnormally, the building still did not hum.

After half an hour, the medicinal effects of the golden fruit were absorbed.


The building waved a heavy blow, causing a shake.

Dai Yan bit his lip, his heart thumped. The trick that the building just made was the Sky Thunder Hand. When the building used this trick before, the arm would turn purple. Now, the building ’s arm is lightly worn. Golden.

Tian Lei's hand turns purple into the arm, which means getting into the room with gold on the arm, and turning the arm into purple and gold is the realm of success.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky. "What's going on?" Su Rong muttered.

Chiba said sourly: "It looks like it's about to advance.

"It is indeed the three princes.

"Su Rongman is the Tao of worship.

Chiba poked his lips and said, "A stupid man is just a stupid blessing.

The surrounding star source force quickly poured into the body of the building, and the star source force within five kilometers around was completely absorbed.

The momentum of the building quickly rose, breaking through smoothly and becoming a nine-level star division.

Xiao Jinzhang looked at the building and took two steps backwards. Xiao Jinzhang felt a strong breath on the building, making it unbearable.

Chiba and others drank the potions one by one, and the strength of several people rose a lot.


"The building grabbed Yao Ding.

Xiao Jinzhang grabbed the medicine tripod with her claws, and cried a little eagerly.

Could I have rolled my eyes, and the medicament extracted from the golden fruit was converted into a quantity of more than one hundred sticks.

Could it be that so many potions could not be drunk at all, how could they know that the two masochists, Xiao Jinzhang and the building, had such a good appetite, so much was not enough.

Could it be that looking at the stalemate in the building, a helper divided the remaining potion in the medicine pot into two and gave it to the two.

"Okay, let's go.

"Muffy said.

Could I take out the map and suddenly thought of it, facing Dai Dai and others, saying: "Sister Dai, what about your map? Take it out and see, everyone can communicate and supplement each other on the map!" Dai Min turned over With a blank eye, he said, "Is there something on your map? Is there anything we don't have on our map?" Mo Fei said innocently: "Sister Dai, if you think there are few things on our map, I can paint Point! If you like mountains, I can draw a mountain for you. If you like water, I can draw a river for you. If you like crows, I can draw for you. You can discuss everything.

Dai Dai: "..." Mo Bei rolled his eyes and took out the map. "This is a map of our Star Academy, but it is impossible to do.

"Is it impossible?" "Ask me inexplicably.

Mo Bei nodded and said, "This time the changes in Yue Heng's Wonderland are very large. Not only have the advanced stars and beasts left their original residences, but the terrain has also changed a lot.

"Couldn't he have a headache and said," That's it! That's troublesome.

Mo Bei looked at Mo Fei, thought for a moment, and asked, "Are you looking for something?" Nodded his head, and said, "Yeah!" Looking for psychic grass.

Dai Yan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to make the medicine for the pulse?" Murphy continued to nod, and said, "That's it.

Dai Yan tilted his head and asked a little clear: "For the little ghost called Xiaocai?" Chiba gave Dai Yan a glance, and said coolly, "Girl, what do you ask them for?" Don't know the more you know, the faster you die? Girls, dumb and stupid are cute.

Dai Yan rolled his eyes, and said uneasily, "Don't ask, don't ask?" Couldn't it be more frowning, "Master said that the setting sun splashed with psychic grass. At this moment, it is not easy to find the setting sun splashing!" Xin Mingyue looked at the yawning yawn above Murphy's head, and said, "Mofei, you can ask for the golden mule!" He's been in secret for a long time, and maybe he will know something.

Couldn't help but feel refreshed when he heard what Xin Mingyue said.

"Xiao Jin, have you seen psychic grass?" Mo Fei could not wait to ask.

Xiao Xiaolong held his head high, and Chuan Yin asked: "What kind of ghost grass is psychic grass? I see a lot of grass every day, and I don't look at ordinary grass.

Mofei reluctantly drew the appearance of psychic grass on the ground, and nodded to the ground with his hand, and said, "This is the grass."

Xiao Xiaolong glanced proudly at the grass on the ground, shaking his head like a rattle, with a bit of contempt on his face.

Mo Fei's character suddenly became gloomy.

The building looked at Mo Fei and asked, "What's wrong?" Mo Fei said helplessly, "Xiao Jin said that he had eaten this grass by mistake, it tasted bad, and he hated it. He also said, I actually find this difficult The grass we eat is not pursued.

"Building:" ... "" You have eaten by mistake, is there still? " "The building was black-faced and stared at Xiao Jin. Damn it, this violent creature.

Xiao Jin looked at the fierceness of the building, flinched, and said, "Eat, I've eaten it all."

"" Git thing.

The building scolded.

Xiao Jinhu stared, staring fiercely at the building.

Mo Fei sighed and asked with some discouragement: "Xiao Jin, have you seen this kind of grass anywhere except you eat it?" Xiao Jin tilted his head and thought for a while, nodded bouncing. .

"What does it say?" The building asked.

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "He said that he had seen many in the crow's nest.

"Crow's den?" "The building asked in doubt, somehow, a weird feeling came to his mind.

Xiao Jin nodded, indicating that it was right, it was the crow's nest.

Xiaojin walked three with a few people

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy