MTL - My Sassy ‘Crown Princess’-Chapter 148 On the road (1)

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In the palace, Lou Feng paled and tried to run Xing Yuanli.

Nalan Yue looked at Lou Feng with a pale face and a sweaty face, and sighed, "A Feng, you're not healthy yet, don't hurry to cultivate.

"You look at Lou Feng, you can't tell how sad you are." "Mother, my strength has gone backwards by four levels."

Na Lanyue looked at Lou Feng's dim face and comforted him. "Sooner or later I will practice it. You don't need to worry.

Lou Feng shook his fist and was not in a hurry. How could he not be in a hurry. In the final analysis, the world is still strong and not strong enough. Even if he relies on the favor of his father and emperor, his mother ’s support will be lifted up by others. Come down.

Building! Building! It's all this guy.

"Mother and father, how does the Emperor handle the building?" Lou Feng asked towards Nalan Yue.

Nalanyue sighed, and said, "Your father imperially captained his major general and asked him to go to the sunset forest to fight the beast tide.

Lou Feng frowned, Han said, "I let him do this. The father emperor actually sealed his rank and let him build his career. It was unfair.

"Nalan Yue held the excited building wind," A Feng, calm down, the beast tide over the sunset forest is fierce, the building is gone, and you may not be able to come back.

"Night long dreams, I want him to die!" I must have him die.

Lou Feng gritted his teeth authentic.

He knew the talents of the building. The building went to the sunset forest and walked around, and then it might be level seven. When the building was level seven, he would have no chance at all.

Nalan Yue nodded and said, "Okay, okay, mother will think of a way, don't be excited.

Lou Feng calmed down slowly, and there was a thick killing in his eyes.

Nalan House.

Nalan Xing looked at Nalan Tianwu and sighed, "Tianwu, cheer up, a failure can't be counted.

Nalan Tianwu smiled strangely at Nalan Xing and calmly said, "I know Grandpa, maybe he's better than me, but a dead person is better than me, and it's no big deal."

Nalan Xing looked at Nalan Tianwu, his face solemnly said, "You got the medicine in the pharmacy room."

"Nalan Tianwu nodded, taking it for granted:" Yeah! "Nalan Xing looked at Nalan Tianwu and sighed deeply." You take a good rest.

Nalan Tianwu squinted her eyes and secretly said: What you ca n’t get is better than anyone else. No matter it ’s the name of a building or a medicament genius, it ’s just because you are so surprised that you ca n’t die early. climate.

Three Princes House.

The building was full of embarrassment and asked when looking at Murphy: "Murfei, you really decided to take Chiba on the road! Our road will not be smooth, with such a burden, I am afraid it will not be smooth.

"Chiba Tiger faced, looked towards the building, cumbersome, **** it, he was such a big beauty that he became a cumbersome thing in the mouth of the building. Does this guy have any vision?"

He shrugged and said helplessly: "Don't say that, Chiba may help.

"Su Rong dismissively said:" Help? What can I do for you? "Mo Fei rolled his eyes and said," Ah! You see him so beautiful, then, maybe he can turn the killer fan's dizziness from chasing after him, and go against him.

The building looked at Chiba in disapproval, and said, "His peach-faced face is also fascinated by some little girls who are not deeply involved in the world. It is so unreliable to fascinate the ruthless killer.

Mofei blinked his eyes and said, "Maybe he can help deal with the beast tide.

"" Help to cope with the beast tide, do you expect him to be fascinated by the beast? " Could it be that in the eyes of Xingshou, he is a monster with two legs. He has no sense of beauty, and Xingshou will not be interested in him. Oh no, Xingshou may be very interested in him, but that ’s just that His muscles are good, his neck is smooth, and his flesh is delicious, so it fits his mouth.

"The building is full of meanness.

Chiba frowned. The building guy was really poisonous! "Three princes, don't look down on people so much! Master Ben, got into the kitchen, got into the hall, got into the handsome guy, and beat the hooligan. Where would you say that it is so useless?

"Chiba said with a strange expression on his face.

"Did not see it.

"The building is not authentic.

Chiba said indifferently: "I didn't see it, it doesn't matter. If you look slowly, you can always see it.

"Anyway, Chiba still followed the crowd.

The building looked at Chiba sitting in the star car and said, "Chiba, now that you have gotten into the kitchen, then you can cook for everyone.

"Chiba looked at the building with some hesitation, his eyes flashed and said," I, am I alone? " "Can't you? Asked the building staring at Chiba.

"Of course, isn't it just cooking? What's the matter?" Chiba stood up, smiled at everyone, and walked into the kitchen.

Seeing Chiba leave, Zheng Zheng looked at Mo Fei and asked earnestly: "Is it really good for you to bring such an unknown person to the road?" Mo Fei was puzzled: "Is there anything wrong?" "Yes, very much.

Zheng Zheng nodded solemnly, and then continued his face solemnly: "This man's long-billed monkey gills and squirrel eyes, at first glance, are undercover materials. This man has moles on the mountain roots, horizontal stripes, male and female eyes, and cheekbones protruding. , The female voice of a man, hanging needles in the palace of life, the nakedness of the bridge of the nose, this is a perfect match for the wife! "Su Rong looked at Zheng Zheng with admiration," Zheng Zheng, you know so much.

Zheng Zhengang held his head upright, his face awkward.

Could he touch his chin and secretly say: It seems Zheng Zheng has done his homework since eating Chiba in Chiba last time! But is this pure nonsense? Chiba's face is pure white, where's the mole? This guy, Zheng Zheng, learned something, so he moved it hard. The building looked at Zheng Xun with a teachable face, facing Mo Fei cheerfully, and said, "Morfe, Zheng Qiao said a good thing, I think we better throw that guy out.

Murphy said hesitantly, "Not so good!" Now the star car is flying high! "The building confidently said:" Morfe, don't worry, I'll take a shot, I will never lose him, at most, I will lose a half body.

"Muffy:" ... "Chiba came out with a tray in one hand," The dish is here. "

"Chiba carefully placed the tray on the table.

The building looked dark on the plate, and could not see the original dish at all. It looked at Chiba with a doubtful expression, full of disgusting authenticity: "Chiba, what you call the hall is like this.

"Chiba looked at the contents of the plate awkwardly, and said," Ah! I can't blame this, mainly because the tools in the kitchen are incomplete and the ingredients are out of date, so I'm not doing very well. In fact, my cooking skills are not as bad as you think.

Zheng Zheng rolled his eyes and said aggressively: "You actually want to poison us. Take such meals to poison us. You don't think you are too irresponsible.

Chiba looked at Zheng Ye with a disapproval, "Zheng Shao, you can't talk nonsense!" Although the dishes I make may or may not be delicious, they are definitely not edible. Even if you eat and die, it is because your stomach is bad and it has nothing to do with me.

"People:" ... "Chiba looked at Su Rong diligently." Rong Rong, this is the milk I specially made for you. "

Su Rong smiled reluctantly. Chiba brought a lot of things. Unfortunately, only this generation of milk looks normal.

Su Rong raised his cup under Chiba's full-looking eyes, took a sip, and sprayed it all out.

"What a weird smell, how is it salty?" Su Rong said with a distorted expression.

Chiba was awkwardly saying, "Ah! I put some sugar in it. Since it's salty, then I guess I should put salt, eh, Rong Rong. You can't blame me, you know that sugar and salt grow. They are all similar.

"Su Rong:" ... "Mo stood up, sighed helplessly, and said," I'll do it. "

Chiba looked shocked and said eagerly, "It's great. I want to eat milk bird's nest porridge and give me more honey."

The building gave Chiba an unhappy look, and said, "It's not yours!" "Chiba sighed lightly, aggrieved.

"What did you say before? I seem to hear you say me.

"Chiba tilted her head and looked at the crowd.

"Nothing, nothing really!" Murphy said.

Zheng Zheng took a step forward and said with high toes: "We are saying that you have a long-billed monkey gill and a squirrel-eye, and at first glance it is undercover material. This person has moles on the mountain roots, horizontal stripes, male and female eyes, cheekbones Convex, male female voice, hanging needles of life palace, naked nose, this is a perfect match for the wife! ”Chiba's face was pulled down, and the fire was shining in his eyes.

Zheng Zheng looked at Chiba's face, somehow, suddenly felt a strong murderous spirit.

Chiba took a deep breath, and then flew towards Zheng Ye, and Zheng Ye raised his hand and flew Chiba out, "Indecent assault! Indecent assault! Zheng Ye, how can you plot against me .

Chiba shouted aloud, but how he shouted, Mo did not come out, Chiba was a little disappointed.

Seeing that Mo Yi didn't mean to come out of the kitchen, Zheng Zheng was at a loss whether Mo Yi believed in himself or was too lazy to care about his own affairs.

Zheng Ye looked at Chiba, yelling, and his anger rose from his heart. Zheng Ye raised his sleeves and looked at Chiba with a grimace.

"Chiba quickly hid in Tibet, shouting sadly," The three princes, help! I also succeeded in handing down my family's heirlooms, and I had a lot of responsibility.

"Helplessly helped Fufu's forehead, pulled Zheng Zheng's sleeves, and said:" Apologize, apologize! Zheng Zheng filled his teeth unwillingly. "Why should I apologize? I'm right."

Mo Fei looked at Zheng Zheng helplessly, and said, "You don't apologize now. He will go to your bedroom and spit in your bed, and you will sleep on drool at night."

"Zheng Ye:" ... "Zheng Ye heard the words of Mo Fei, looking pale and white for a while.

The building took a deep breath, and said gravely and earnestly: "This road is not smooth. You save a little effort.

"Chiba Aya nodded.

Zheng Ye looked at Chiba with anxiety, and said, "If you dare to spit on my bed, I will ..." Chiba blinked curiously, "What about you?" Zheng Ye revealed a white tooth, "I Just put saliva on your face.

Chiba smiled innocently and said, "Zheng Ye, are you going to kiss me indirectly?" What you said is implicit, you ... not my dish! "Zheng Ye:" ... "After the 149 Gold Star Eater drove safely for two days, the building suddenly stood up.

Couldn't he glance at the frowning building, and said strangely: "Building, what's wrong with you?" The building gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what's going on. Suddenly I feel uneasy. I feel something is about to happen.

"When he heard the building, could he give up his soul and swept around, a little confused:" No problem! " "Must have quietly shifted his eyes to Chiba. Chiba had amazing talents in his previous life. He was a tenth-level master. Now he has changed his shell and reached level six.

When Chiba heard what the building said, he didn't take it for granted, but he didn't find anything, but then a thick sense of crisis surged in his heart, and Chiba's bland expression suddenly became heavy.

Chiba winked at Murphy, who knew immediately that something was happening.

Murphy's soul force swept around, and he was startled and said, "A large group of flying ants are flying towards us, a lot of flying ants, a large one.

"I realized what was flying over," Chiba said busyly. "Fall down, it's a gold-eater, and our star car will be eaten by them immediately. If we fall down from such a sky, we will be smashed into flesh." Pie.

When the building heard what Chiba said, it quickly dropped the star car.

"Gold-eating ants, what's the matter? Gold-eating ants? This flying ant shouldn't show up here! Chiba, would you be mistaken? This kind of thing can't be talked about.

Su Rong looked at Chiba Road nervously.

The building complexion said, "Chiba is right, there is indeed a gold eater.

"The gold-eaters once flooded and became a disaster. At that time, in order to contain this kind of ants, several senior pharmacists jointly developed a gold-inducing agent. The taste of this gold-inducing agent was extremely light. Ordinary people could not smell it at all. A little effect, but the attraction of this agent to the gold eater is fatal.

Many masters united that year, using this agent to guide the gold eater to a specific place for encirclement and encirclement. The encirclement lasted for a full half month. After half a month, the number of gold eaters dropped sharply, and the introduction of the agent gradually declined Up the stage of history.

The building took a deep breath. At the beginning, among the pharmacists who developed gold triggering medicaments, there happened to be a pharmacist of Nalan's family. Nalan Yue still shot.

A large group of dark flying ants flew towards the star vehicle and landed on it.

The glass around the star car was also covered with black flying ants. The flying ants surrounded the star car rigorously. The outside situation was suddenly invisible.

Could it have been creepy to hear the rattling sound of the metal-eating ants?


"Must be frightened and authentic.

Flying ants came in from the hole, and Mo Yi released a series of water arrows, hitting the flying ants to the ground.

Su Rong released the wind knife, and the gold-eating ants that flew in were halved.

There are too many flying ants, Chiba pulled Zheng Zheng who wanted to set fire, "Can't set fire in a star car, it will explode.

"There are more and more bitten holes in the star car, and more and more gold-eaters are flying in. Could you just close your eyes and make a loud noise.

As soon as Mo Fei's mental attack erupted, the gold-eaters in the star car immediately died of blood loss.

Without waiting for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief, more gold-eaters flew into the star vehicle from all directions.

The star car shook and shook, and the star car suddenly broke a large hole.

Thankfully, the star car finally stopped on the ground.

Was he stunned, drained the last strength in his body, made a long howl, opened a passage, and everyone rushed out of the star car.

The gold-eating ants that covered the sky swarmed towards the star car. It didn't take long for the star car to be scooped up.

Seeing this scene, the building was fortunately secretly fortunate to find it early, otherwise the star car would disintegrate in the air and they would die in an air crash.

The star car was wiped out, and the gold-eaters that had lost their targets flew over towards several people. Murphy and others had been in the star car for a long time, and their bodies were stained with the taste of gold priming agents.

Zheng Yan, who had already ignited a fire, released a series of fire dragons and burned the gold-eating ants flying over into ashes.

The building glanced at Zheng Yan, who was aggressive, reminded: "Don't waste the source, the other party is afraid that there is a backhand.

When Zheng Zheng heard this, he immediately woke up from his anger. The golden eater looked endless. Even if there was no chaser behind him, he couldn't take it easy.

The building issued a lightning attack. Each time the lightning exploded in the densest ant colony, each explosion could take away a large number of flying ants.

The fire dragon was flying in the middle of the ant colony, and wherever it passed, the flying ant slapped.

Lightning flashed, many flying ants turned to ashes in the light.

Under the protection of Mo Yi, Mo Fei was infused with a recovery potion, and the originally exhausted mental power was quickly restored under the effect of the potion.

"Someone is here. There are five people in total, one level seven and four level six.

"Muffy hurriedly.

Building and Zheng Zheng glanced at each other, both of them became serious.

The building had a shameful face, with flying ants in front and chasing after it, which was really troublesome.

The ant colony suddenly issued an uneasy scream. After the scream, the flying ants stumbled, and the gold-eaters became restless.

The building looked weird.

Zheng Zheng said strangely: "What's going on, why are so many gold-eaters dying like this?"

Mofei shrugged and said, "Maybe they have indigestion, no matter how they die, we run away.

The building nodded and said, "Yeah, let's leave here first.

"If in the heyday, they might not be able to fight in the face of the chase behind them, but they will consume too much in the face of the ant colony.

Several people left quickly, but the gold eater reluctantly followed up. Couldn't frown, took out a tube of medicine, and evenly spread it on everyone.

The thick odor emanated from everyone. The odor covered the smell of the gold priming agent, and the flying ants behind them did not continue to catch up.

Several people endured the stench of their bodies, hurry up and escaped.

After escaping for an hour, it was confirmed that the people behind could not catch up, and several talents sat on the ground to rest.

Not long after Mo Fei and others left, four men and one woman came to the wreckage of the Star Car.

"The gold-eaters are really good. All the rest are glass and the metal is eaten up.

"The woman in black was a little bit worried.

"Captain, there are no corpses of buildings and so on. They want to come alive.

The square-faced man in the team reported to the headed Eagle-Eye man.

"There is no corpse in the building, there is no corpse in Chiba, the little star has no ability, but always likes to wear a bunch of gold ornaments on his body and should be bitten to death.

"The woman in black said.

"There are no corpses, no corpses.

"The square-faced man looked solemnly.

"This is really strange. In the past, this method has not been lively. There was a seventh-level wind system star division, which also consumed the flying ant colony.

"The woman in black looked weird and authentic.

The hawk-eye man picked up a gold-eater, and a little doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Captain, what's wrong?" The woman in black asked, looking at the dignified expression of the eagle-eyed man.

"It's nothing, it just feels strange that these gold-eaters are dead.

The eagle-eyed man squinted, and the corpse of the gold eater in his hand turned into shreds.

Could anyone wait to sit by a stream and rest.

Zheng Zheng came to the building and looked at the building and asked, "Three princes, what are you doing?" The building looked faintly, "Nothing? Just research it.

"There are more than a dozen dead gold eaters in front of the building. These gold ants were caught by him before he fled.

The building caught a gold-eating ant from the ground and brought it to Zheng Ye's hand. Zheng Ye twisted his eyebrows. Before they left, the blade of an ant colony was unreasonably violently seen.

Zheng Zheng looked at the gold eater on his hand and found that the metal eater's belly had been punctured by the metal eater's belly.

"This gold eater was something he let himself eat and killed him.

Zheng Zheng's face was strange and authentic.

"It seems to be overeating and swollen to death.

"Couldn't you come over.

The building smiled and said, "I think so too.

The building lowered its head and secretly said: If the gold-eaters were so easily swollen to death, they would not have flooded in those days.

The building glanced towards Chiba. Before the gold-eater ants were collectively violent, he clearly felt a wave of star power from Chiba.

Zheng Xuan looked at the building's gaze, and a little suspicious flashed in his eyes. The building found that Chiba was wrong, and Zheng Xuan would not be completely ignorant.

Su Rong looked at Chiba lying on the ground exhausted, and looked disgusted.

"Isn't it just a group of ants? Seeing you scared, stunned, you're pale, you still say that you are a brave and fearless person.

Chiba's face was full of grievances, full of grievances: "I grew up, even an ant couldn't bear to step on it, and was devoted, but I didn't expect so many flying ants to eat me, oh, I'm so sorry ..." He snorted coldly, "For your good fortune, the group of gold-eaters are all swollen to death. Otherwise, you will definitely become the group of gold-eaters.

Chiba thought to himself: Su Rong, an unconscientious thing, he had no blood in his meeting, not because he was scared. He drained the star power in his body, but it was not easy for the undigested metal in the eater to mutate. Let the group of gold-eaters die on the food they eat.

Chiba closed her eyes and absorbed the power of the surrounding stars. The gold eater is actually the nemesis of the gold star master. If the level of the gold eater is higher, it will be eaten by itself. Gold Master Xingyuan is a great supplement to the gold eater! Chiba glanced at the sneaky building and Zheng Zheng, and smirked at the corner of his mouth, took out the healing potion in the space ring, and poured one.

150 Chiba proposed to sit by the lake, watching the fish swimming in the lake, swallowing.

"This fish looks good!" Murphy said brightly.

The building looked at Mo Fei, smiled, and said, "I catch the fish and grill them for you.

Mo Fei looked at the building in wonder and asked: "Will you grill fish?" ""Yes! Although I can't cook as much as a chef, I can always be better than some people who have been in the hall, and can definitely be imported.

"The building already pointed, and looked at Chiba, who was dead on the ground.

Chiba rolled his eyes secretly, and said, "Idiot, the third prince!" It will definitely be punished.

Zheng Zheng looked at Mo Yi and said carefully, "One by one, I will catch the fish for you to eat.

Probably remembering the finals of the Top 100 Hegemony, Zheng Zheng's face was a little nervous.

Mo Yi nodded in the face of Zheng Xi's expectant eyes.

Zheng Zheng saw Mo nodded, and excitedly ran to catch the fish.

The building picked up a branch, sharpened it, and nailed it down into the water. Three fish were nailed to the branch.

Mo Fei clapped her hands and said with joy: "Three birds with one stone are very powerful.

Zheng Zheng glanced at the building, went down one by one, and caught four fish out.

The building saw Zheng Zheng's move and reluctantly forked five fish up.

Zheng Zheng frowned, thinking of the six fish coming up, but found that the fish in the water were shocked and fled.

The building glanced at Zheng Ye proudly, and Zheng Ye suddenly became frustrated.

Could it be funny to look at two people who are like a child, vying for strength?

Mo sighed helplessly, and said, "Zheng Ye, don't make any trouble, grill the fish.

Zheng Zheng heard Mo Yi's words, and went to grill fish from the good and busy.

Mo Fei was sitting with the building, Zheng Zheng and Mo Yi were sitting together. Su Rong looked at the pair of four people and sighed with jealousy.

As soon as Su Rong turned his head, he saw Chiba who was full of eyes. Chiba patted the position next to him, "Rong Rong, come and sit!" Su Rong took a step back in disgust when he heard what Chiba said, Chiba Looking at Su Rong's move, his face was injured.

Mo Fei picked up a fish and stung it. The building smoothed Mo Fei's hair and said gently: "Eat slowly, it's all yours.

When Chiba heard what the building said, he looked at the building with a sour expression, and the building smiled calmly and chose to turn a blind eye.

The smell of grilled fish lingered on the tip of Chiba's nose. Chiba was full of thoughts. These **** didn't know how to send the sticks to themselves after they grilled the fish.

Chiba looked at Su Rong, who was busy on the side, and said with joy: "Rong Rong, are you helping me grill the fish?" Su Rong gave Chiba a glance, and said, "If you want to eat fish, grill it yourself."

"Chiba rolled her eyes and said: These are all dross.

Could it be that he was eating grilled fish and stopped suddenly, "A chaser is here."

There was a bit of irony on the building's face. "One level seven and four levels six should be the top elite of the Nalan family. In order to deal with me, the Nalan family was really willing to give up their blood.

"The building stood up, and said solemnly," Give it to me here, you go first.

Chiba nodded in a hurry and said, "Okay, Rongrong! It's dangerous here now, so let's hurry and leave such a dangerous place to the three princes.

""shut up.

"Su Rong wasn't angry.

Chiba frowned, "Rong Rong, you are so fierce.

"" To go you go, greedy for life fearing death.

Su Rong cursed fiercely.

Chiba blinked his eyes and said innocently: "Rong Rong, aren't you assured of the building! You can rest assured, I have calculated it for the building. His character is particularly hard, and it must not die, but you are different ..." mouth.

Zheng Zheng cursed fiercely.

Chiba closed her mouth with an aggrieved look.

Zheng Zheng stood up and said solemnly, "I stay to help the three princes. You take the three princes first.

""what about me? "Chiba asked quickly.

Zheng Zheng glanced at Chiba and said, "You? Who cares about you! It's best if you die."

Mo Fei frowned, Han said, "I can't go anymore, people are here."

With Murphy's words, four men and one woman appeared in front of several people.

The hawk-eyed man saw a few people by the lake, and there was a fascination in his eyes.

Nalan's family has also used the priming drug to murder the people of the hostile forces. Never before has the other party escaped with no casualties, and the rest of them, even if Chiba actually escaped.

"Chiba son.

"The woman in black looked Chiba with interest.

Chiba smiled, with all kinds of authenticity: "beauty, you know me, are you a fan of me.

"The woman in black smiled coldly, and said," I have no interest in a guy like you who is not male or female, but my sister is your fan, crying and crying to marry you. .

Chiba blinked and said sweetly, "It turns out that sister likes me!" The woman in black looked at Chiba ironically, and said, "My sister likes you, but unfortunately, when I see your face that is neither male nor female, I feel annoyed. I think you are still dead. It's good.

Chiba smiled dryly: "Don't! I'm dead, how sad your sister is! "The woman in black smiled badly at Chiba, and said somberly:" Rest assured, my younger sister is erratic. If I want to come, if I kill you, she will immediately find a new favorite.

"Chiba:" ... "The woman in black raised the whip in her hand and drew it towards Chiba's noodle door.

Su Rong pulled Chiba and dodged the blow.

"Be careful, her whip is poisoned.

"Su Rong said.

The woman in black glanced at Su Rong with an unpleasant look, "The eyesight is good! Unfortunately, knowing that it is poisonous, it is a death if you can't escape it.

The woman's whip was drawn towards Su Rong like a snake, and Su Rong was dodging.

The building and the headed Eagle-Eye man fought, Zheng Zheng alone met two six-level masters, and Mo Yi fought with the remaining one.

The red light flashed in the eyes of the eagle-eyed man, and the building was hiding sideways sensitively. The two red lights in the man's eyes fell on the big tree behind the building. Under the two red light, it turned into debris.

The eyes of the eagle-eyed man's world are awakened.

The building looked at the big tree turning into a piece of debris behind him.

The blood pupil black hawk is the trump card of Nalan Xing! Grandpa once had a powerful man who died in the hands of this man.

A thunderbolt was emitted from the building towards the Hawkeye man. The blood pupil's eyes were powerful, but after each attack, there was a certain pause, which was his opportunity.

The building box hawk-eyed men are about the same size, Zheng Zheng's side is also deadlocked.

"Five sisters, don't drag your feet around, make quick decisions.

"The Hawkeye man who was stuck with the building sternly.

Hearing the words of the eagle-eyed man, the woman's offensive in black suddenly became fierce.

The black whip was wrapped in a strong wind, and it was drawn towards Su Rong's head. If this whip was drawn, Su Rong's head must be opened.

Su Rong only heard the sound of whip tearing the air in his ear, and a strong feeling of weakness surged in his heart. Su Rong closed his eyes in despair.

The whip stopped abruptly, Su Rong opened his eyes and saw that the whip tip of the woman in black was held in her hand by a golden hand, and a golden rose penetrated the woman's neck.

Su Rong looked at Chiba, unbelievable.

The woman in black fell straight, her eyes widened, and she seemed to see something incredible.

Several people who fought against the building, Zheng Zheng, and Mo found that this scene was suddenly stunned.

The building saw the hawk-eye man lost his sight, seized the opportunity to launch an attack, and severely injured the hawk-eye man's shoulder.

Su Rongman looked at Chiba inconceivably. "You, you, you ..." The four people on the hawk-eye man quickly gathered together, and the blood pupil and black hawk were so dignified that one person had been killed, but the other Hiding a master, the situation faced them greatly disadvantaged.

There was a clear smile on the corner of the building's mouth. "After so long installing the garlic, the son of Chiba finally gave up.

Chiba smoothed his hair, and said eloquently, "Three princes, I'm not pretending to be garlic, but I'm hiding it. If it wasn't for watching you play so hard, Master Ben would be lazy."

"Chiba's eyes moved to the black woman who fell to the ground." "Damn bitch, actually said that I am not a man or a woman. I don't know if anyone who said that has died clean?" "Su Rong:" ... "Su Rong thought to himself: He didn't seem to scold Chiba for being male or female, female or female, but Zheng Zheng's guy, his mouth was closed with dead shemales, male or male, female or female.

The eagle-eyed man looked at Chiba, and there was a deep shock in his eyes. "I can't think of the famous Chiba son, who is actually a sixth-grade gold star master, and the Chiba son is really hidden.

"Chiba smiled and said shyly," I am a low-key person. Although I know I am strong, I never tell anyone.

The hawk-eyed man looked at Chiba with hatred, and the anger in his eyes seemed to burn Chiba to ashes.

Chiba smiled brightly, "Three princes, Master Zheng, shall we come to the game!" Zheng Yan raised his eyebrows and asked with interest: "What are you better than?" "Where! The other party is left In the next three levels, let ’s play. Whoever kills one first will get Fei Fei, how about Mo Yi or Su Rong ’s kiss? ”Chiba said with a smirk.

Murphy, Mo Yi, and Su Rong look weird.

The eagle-eyed man heard Chiba's words, and the Qi Qiqiao made smoke.

When Zheng Yan's eyes brightened, he should say, "OK", without a word, he flew towards a sixth-level master.

When Chiba saw Zheng Zheng ’s actions, he suddenly yelled, "Cheating! Cheating, I haven't yelled at it yet!" The hawk-eyed man saw Chiba actually treating the slaughter as a game, and his eyes were broken. Rushed towards Chiba.

Chiba ’s whole body turned into a golden needle, and flew towards the man with the eagle eyes. "Give me a side, dead fisheyes, rabbit lips, and a long base image. Master Ben is not interested in you.

"Eagle-eye man shook his angry lips when he heard Chiba's words.

151 out of car "Ah!" With a scream, the square-faced man in the other killer was hit by the thunder ball in the chest, and died of blood loss.

Zheng Xun's luck was not good. He shot first, but the opponent's sixth-level master was defeated. The other went to support him. Every time Zheng Xun succeeded, he would be blocked by another person. Red, but nothing.

The building picked up a bargain and went to the remaining level six and grabbed it.

When I saw the building first, Chiba burned in anger, scolded, and scolded, "Damn bitch, you are bothersome, I won't get the first place, you bitch, bitch!" Hawkeye The man had seen his companions who had been born and died dead one by one, already angry, and heard the scolding of Chiba, and spit out blood directly.

Su Rong could not help feeling a little sympathy for him when he saw the hawk-eyed man spit out blood from Chiba's bluntness.

Chiba saw the hawk-eyed man vomiting blood, and his face was disgusted. "Dirty and dead, the blood has come up to me. Can you talk about hygiene!" Su Rong swallowed, secretly said: Chiba's mouth is full of lethality.

The successful building ignored Zheng Zheng and went directly to support Chiba.

Although the eagle-eyed man vomited blood, he had the idea to retreat, but he was stopped by the building as soon as he wanted to escape.

At first glance at Zheng Xi's hard work, he shot one of them.

As soon as Zheng Zheng came over to help, he was immediately enthusiastic, and his shot was even more severe. Zheng Zheng quickly solved the six masters in his hand, and teamed up with Mo Yi to kill the last one.

The hawk-eye man was pinched by Chiba and the front and back of the building.

It was found that Zheng Ye killed his last two companions, and the Hawkeye man sank.

Zheng Zheng watched Chiba and the building unable to attack for a long time, ran over to help, and the three teamed up. The Hawkeye man quickly fell out of power and died in the hands of the three.

Su Rong looked at Chiba, but he couldn't look back.

Chiba couldn't help but look proud of Su Rong's shocked look.

The building walked up to Mo Fei, his eyes staring at Mo Fei.

Could it be to look at the malady building and blink innocently, "What are you doing?" Murphy asked as if he were facing the enemy.

The building extended his fingers and nodded his face, and put his head to Murphy's front. "A kiss.

"You asked Chiba to go."

"Couldn't I roll my eyes.

The building didn't take it seriously: "I'm not interested in that dead lady, I just want your kiss.

Could it be that the building couldn't be entangled, and had to kiss the water on the cheek of the building.

Zheng Yan's eyes looked extremely hot, looking at Mo Yi's eyes, like a hungry wolf.

Mo Yizheng turned to Zheng Zheng's look and turned away without saying a word.

Chiba blinked and looked at Su Rong with grievances: "Rong Rong, if that **** stopped me, I should be the first one to succeed. Rong Rong, your fragile heart was badly hurt. Could you kiss me and comfort me.

When Su Rong heard what Chiba said, he stinked his face and didn't overdo it.

Chiba sighed resentfully and sang with a throat, "Only mothers are good in the world. Children with mothers are like treasures, and children without mothers are like root grass.

Zheng Zheng looked at the building with a look of jealousy, filled with resentment and added a foot to one of the two sixth-level star divisions who had previously teamed up to deal with him who was now dead.

After the incident, several people began to clean up the scene. Could Mo squat and rummage over a few dead people, the more they turned, the more ugly they were.

Mo came helplessly and said, "Master, it's not that they are poor ghosts, but that you are a tyrant!" They are not as rich as you.

""is it? Asked Murphy, blinking his eyes.

"Of course.

"Mo Yixin vowed to be authentic.

Couldn't it be better for a hawk-eye man to have a potion? The building looked at the potion in Mo Fei's hand, and there was a thick killing in his eyes.

Nodded his head and responded, "I understand.

The building frowned, and secretly said: The gold-eating ants they would have encountered before were really arranged by someone.

After clearing the battlefield, did he look at several people and said, "Let ’s go, without the star car, but we still have to go to the sunset forest.

"The building nodded and said," Muffy is right.

"Well, do you lean on two legs?" Will it be too inhumane? My legs are not suitable for such long journeys! "Chiba said solemnly.

The building took out the map on his body and looked at it, "We are tens of millions of miles away from the sunset forest. If we walk, there are still 20 days to go. I'm afraid it's too late.

The building frowned.

"Let's go buy another star car.

Su Rong suggested.


Mo Yi said, "We are now in a backward city. There is no star car for sale."

"" What then? If the time is not up to the sunset forest, it is a delay of the military plane, and the three princes will certainly find trouble.

Su Rong was worried and authentic.

Chiba leaned against the tree lazily, "Rong Rong, you don't need to worry, only the three princes will be found in trouble. We are safe, we can slowly, all the way up and down the river, you can reach Sunset over the forest.

"Su Rong rolled his eyes and said:" You slowly swim the mountains and water alone, we have no time to accompany you.

"Chiba:" ... "The building took out a map and looked at it:" There is a valley near here, and there are ant colonies and two-headed doves, which fly very fast.

Mo Fei looked at the building and asked, "You want to catch the two-headed dove."

The building nodded and said, "Yeah! Zheng Zheng looked at the building and said hesitantly: "I heard that the two-headed dove has a very strong temperament.

"The building did not take it seriously:" It should be able to conquer.

"Have you ever subdued?" Asked Mo Fei, looking curiously at the confident building.

The building's face was a little stunned, "I have encountered a two-headed dove before, and I want to catch it ..." "Then what?" Chiba watched the building stop and couldn't help urging.

"Then he didn't agree, and I started to piece it together.

The building raised his fist, and a bit of fierceness appeared on his face.

"You softened it?" Murphy asked curiously.

There was a little embarrassment on the building's face, "I temporarily stopped my hand and strangled it.

"People:" ... "The building looked at the expressions of the crowd and said:" Actually, it should have been softened, but I didn't master the power, and accidentally killed it. "

"Muffy shrugged," said: "Let's catch the two-headed dove first.

"Chiba looked at the building with a disdainful look, and said to Mo Fei dissatisfied:" Morfe, you really believe in his gossip, the two-headed dove is very boney.

The building dismissed it authentically: "Conquering the two-headed dove is difficult for others, but it is not a trivial matter for Chiba's son. Chiba's you are full of charm. Can't they match a few birds? "Chiba:" ... You make sense.

"Nalan's house.

"Have the Blackhawk not heard the news?" Nalan Yuehan asked in a voice.

Nalan Xing shook his head and said, "No, they haven't heard from them all day.

""How could this be? "Nalan Yue frowned.

Nalan Xing's face was extremely serious: "I have explained to them, as long as there is a breath, I want to spread the news. Now this situation, maybe ..."

"It doesn't make sense! There are very few people who survive the gold-eating ants tide. Even if the buildings and other people can escape, they should consume a lot. The black hawks are all masters. As for the end that cannot escape.

"Naland didn't take it seriously.

Nalan Xing frowned, and said, "Wait a minute, there should be news.

Nalan Yue pursed her lips, took a deep breath, and said, "It won't be an accident.

"Nalan Xing also had such speculations in her heart, and really couldn't believe it.

"The Blackhawk has never missed it. I have sent someone to track their whereabouts, and there should be news soon.

"The two were talking, a middle-aged man hurried in," Father, it's not good.

"Nalan Xing looked at the person and frowned." What's the matter, rash, what's the matter? "

"The shadows are all dead.

"The man looked pale and authentic.

Na Lanyue's look suddenly darkened, "How could all be dead, the Black Eagle is a seventh-level master, and the other four are not weak. There are only him and Zheng Zheng who are sixth-level masters on the building side. The whole army will not be overwhelmed! "The middle-aged man handed a stack of photos to Nalan Xing, which are the bodies of black eagles and others.

Nalan Yue took a photo, and there was a coldness in her eyes. "What's the matter with this picture?" Nalan Yue's hand took a close-up of the body of a woman in black.

"The person sent out checked the scene. The black widow Maru was pierced by a gold rose and died of a throat. On the body of the black hawk, he also found traces of his encounter with the gold star master.

"Said the middle-aged man.

Nalan Yue frowned, and said, "So, Chiba has something wrong.

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "It should be, the strength of Chiba's son should not be weak.

Nalan Yue frowned, her face darkened.

Nalan Xing gritted his teeth. "I'll just say, how did the three princes treat the Chiba boy differently? It turned out to be a master.

"In the palace, the awaited building wind finally saw Nalan Yue in the evening." Mother, is there any news in the building? " Lou Feng looked at Nalan Yue expectantly and asked.

Nalan Yue's face was a little dull, "The people sent by Nalan's family have missed.

"Lou Feng closed his eyes." Mother, you said that you have arranged everything, foolproof.

Na Lanyue looked at Lou Fengyan's face and comforted: "Ah wind, don't worry, a miss is not a big deal.

Lou Fengyin faced, and said, "But if he missed it once, he was prepared, and it will be difficult to succeed in the future.

"152 continued on the road to the valley, two big, one small and three double-headed doves fell to the ground and howled.

The two big two-headed doves are level six, and the small one is only level five.

Although the three two-headed doves were suppressed to the ground, their eyes were full of ferocity.

Looking at the building towards Chiba, he said sincerely, "Chiba, please talk to these three birds and let them take us to the sunset forest!" Chiba watched the three stare hard at him. The fierce bird blinked his eyes and looked at the building innocently, and said, "Three princes, you really look at me!" The building smiled, and said calmly: "Chiba's son is famous and charming. You! "Chiba gritted his teeth and smiled strongly." I try my best.

The building smiled brilliantly: "I believe that such a trivial matter must not fail you, Chiba.

Chiba smiled and said, "Thank you for the wrong love.

"Chiba walked to the suppressed two-headed dove, and a golden light flashed in her eyes.

The two-headed dove was confused, and soon came to awake. The two-headed dove soberly fluttered its wings, and looked at Chiba with a stunned look.

Chiba was almost pecked by the two-headed dove.

Chiba looked at the two-headed dove who gave no face at all, and his face was a bit ugly.

The building looked at Chiba's embarrassment, saying proudly: "Chiba son, it seems that your charm does not have much effect on the two-headed dove!" Chiba looked at the gloating building on the side, and said angrily: "Not me The problem is that this bird does not know the goods.

The building shrugged and said quietly: "Maybe.

"Chiba looked at the building and looked a little bit dissatisfied." What expression do you have! " Look down on me! This bird will not buy my face, nor will it buy your face.

The building looked at Chiba helplessly, tilted his head and said, "Chiba son, don't get me wrong, I definitely don't look down on you, I'm just a bit sorry.

"Chiba:" ... "" I'll try.

"Must step out.

The building looked at Murphy, and said unexpectedly: "Murfei, you ..." Murphy touched his chin and said: "Maybe, this little guy will sell my face."

"The building looked at Mo Fei with a confident look, and didn't stop him." Be careful, this little guy is a bit fierce.

"Nod nodded, he let out his spirit and shrouded the little dove in the past.

When the little two-headed dove saw Murphy, there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Could Mo Fei's mental power be shrouded in the little two-headed dove, the little two-headed dove made two sharp hissing sounds.

Seeing the response of the small two-headed dove, the two large two-headed doves screamed with excitement, and Zheng Ye managed to suppress the riots of the two large two-headed doves.

The scream of the little two-headed dove gradually sank. After a while, the little two-headed head fluttered its wings and froze Mo Fei intimately.

When the building saw this scene, a bit of suspicion flashed in the eyes.

"Mofei, you are so good, much better than this man who is neither male nor female.

"The building couldn't help it.

Hearing the building, Chiba subconsciously walked towards the building.

Chiba secretly said: The building guy is looking for death, it must be.

Mofei smiled and said, "This is nothing.

Mo Fei filled the small two-headed dove with a bottle of healing potion. Under the effect of the potion, the small double-headed dove's injury quickly recovered, and the small double-headed dove tilted its head and thought, ran over, and faced Two big two-headed doves barked twice.

When the two big two-headed doves heard the cry of the small two-headed dove, they didn't agree with each other. The little two-headed dove continued to scream a little eagerly, jumping around from time to time. The two-headed dove was finally moved.

Seeing the two big two-headed doves bowing their heads, the small two-headed dove jumped to Mo Fei excitedly. Mo Fei took out two tubes of medicine and fed the two big two-headed doves.

The building saw this scene and couldn't believe it, "You must have done it.

Mo Fei waved his hand, proudly said: "It's not a big deal, trivial, trivial.

Zheng Zheng looked at Mo Fei with a different expression on his face, and Mo looked strangely.

"We are on our way.

Su Rong urged.

Could he nod his head and answer: "Okay.

"Six people sat on three double-headed doves and flew in the direction of the setting forest.

The building was sitting on a two-headed dove, and his face was extremely ugly.

After negotiation with the two-headed dove family, the two large two-headed doves stated that their babies were too young to carry only one person, and the two large two-headed doves could carry three people in turn.

The building originally wanted to give away Chiba to the smallest two-headed dove. How could you know that the little two-headed dove didn't recognize anyone? When he saw Chiba, he stretched his neck and pecked him hard.

In desperation, the building can only communicate with Chiba.

Su Rong sits on a bird.

The building stood on the largest two-headed dove, his eyebrows narrowed, and his face stared at Chiba in depression.

Chiba dangled her hair and looked helplessly at the building, saying: "Three princes, don't put on this stinking face, and I don't want to sit with you on a two-headed dove, isn't it helpless? Who said this? Yes, life is like rape. If you can't resist, just bear it! "The building resentfully said:" ... you, a useless guy, can't even get a bird.

"Chiba stared hard." What are you talking about, you idiot, you dare to say that I'm useless, my little man has been with you for a long time, and I've been fighting with you. "

"Su Rong closed his eyes helplessly." Chiba, don't make trouble, this is on the two-headed dove.

When Chiba heard Su Rong's words, he nodded his head and said in good faith: "Yes, yes, Rong Rong, you're right, I don't have the general knowledge of the three princes, Rong Rong, you must know that I am not asking for trouble, yes The third prince is owed! me! I have always been a pacifist.

"Zheng Ye and Mo Yi sat on a two-headed dove, Zheng Ye carefully looked at Mo Yi:" One by one, will you stand still? " Do you want me to hold you! Mo Yi glanced at Zheng Zheng and said nothing.

The building secretly said: Zheng Ye this idiot! Hug! Hold on before talking! When the ants thought that Zheng Ye could do nothing, Zheng Ye actually dared to hug him up. Mo Yi struggled a little, didn't fight away, he simply didn't struggle.

The building's jealous eyes were red when they saw this scene, "When did Zheng Zheng change his mind?

"Chiba said with some pride:" I taught! "The building looked towards Chiba, a little puzzled:" You teach? "Chiba chick nodded like a pecking rice," Yeah! I taught Zheng Zheng that he must be shameless as a man, oh ... no, he must be brave.

"Building:" ... "in the palace.

Lou Feng looked at Nalan Yue anxiously and asked, "Mother-in-law, is there still no news about the building?" Nalan Yue shook her head and said, "Not yet. Since the Star Car crash, the building has disappeared.

"" Why not? With so many of them, can they disappear from nothing? Lou Lou did not take it seriously.

Nalan Yue frowned, and said, "Maybe some of them were seriously injured and took cover to recover.

Lou Feng gritted his teeth and said, "If this is the case, it is definitely a good opportunity!" Get rid of them all while they are injured.

Nalan Yue smiled and said, "Your father's order for the building requires the building to report to the sunset forest tomorrow. If the building cannot be reached, we can take the opportunity to give him a trip.

Lou Feng was full of dissatisfaction, saying: "What use is it to make a trip, the building is not dead, he can always find a chance to turn around, only when he is dead can he be one hundred."

"Nalan Yue looked at Lou Feng's gritted expression, and didn't know what to say.

In the jungle.

The small two-headed dove suddenly screamed in a glee, flapping its wings, turning its direction, and whistling and flying towards the northeast.

Seeing the action of the small two-headed dove, the two large two-headed doves whistled and followed the small two-headed dove.

Could it have heard the cry of the little two-headed dove, and he looked up, "Ancestral ancestors! There is no time, you can stop to stop! When the sunset forest, I will find you delicious every day.

The little two-headed dove ignored Mu Fei's words and flew straight to the northeast. Soon after, a silver-crowned bird appeared in front of Mo Fei and others. The little two-headed dove chased after it with interest, stretched its neck, and thought To peck someone's head.

Could it be that the little two-headed dove looked excited, couldn't help but sweat a little two-headed dove, and the silver-crowned bird on the opposite side was three times larger than the little two-headed dove, and its grade was also higher than the little two-headed dove. One level higher, this **** little guy dared to provoke.

The silver-crowned bird was irritated by the small two-headed dove, and wanted to launch an attack on the small two-headed dove, and was killed by the buildings and others who came behind.

When the little two-headed dove saw the silver-crowned bird dying, it walked around the silver-crowned bird's body with two toes in an airy manner, and looked like a villain.

The three two-headed doves ate the silver-crowned bird with interest, and returned to the road.

The two-headed dove is flying very fast. Originally, they could reach their destination two days ago. However, the small two-headed dove likes to catch birds and eat. When it feels the tracks of other birds on the way, it must chase after them and eat them.

Although the small two-headed dove has small strength, it is not timid, and once provokes a seventh-level flamingo.

Buildings, Zheng Zheng, and Chiba joined forces to kill the bird.

The three two-headed doves ate the flamingo, and they gained a lot of benefits. The two large two-headed doves took advantage of the willful behavior of the small two-headed doves, along the way, The three birds provoke a lot of powerful birds.

The three two-headed doves that had eaten the silver-crowned bird finally stopped a bit and started on the road again.

Zheng Zheng glanced at the building and asked: "Three princes, how far is it from the sunset forest, can we get there at our current speed?" The building checked the map and said quietly: "There is still one day to go. You can get there without any moths on the road.

Zheng Zheng looked at the two-headed doves, and frowned a little uneasily.

The building caressed the forehead of the big two-headed dove and said somberly: "Listen, next, you dare to fly around, killing me until the time reaches the destination, I will cook the three of you and eat, see you The three eaten along the way are shiny and slippery, and the quality of the meat must be good.

The six-headed two-headed dove already has the wisdom. When the big two-headed dove heard the words of the building, it called unwillingly two times. pit.

Many of the spatters that splashed out splashed on the big two-headed dove. The big two-headed dove screamed aggrieved, then chose to bow his head.

The building looked at the big-headed dove, and smiled with satisfaction.

The big two-headed dove yelled twice at the small two-headed dove. The small two-headed dove heard the big two-headed dove and pulled down its head.

The next day, the three double-headed doves performed extremely well.

153 arrived at the destination "Have the three princes not yet arrived?" Asked a man with a handsome appearance in the sunset forest command.

The man is the supreme commander of the sunset forest commander Wang Yan.

"Not yet. Today is the last day. It should be coming soon.

"Fengxin thoughtfully.

"The three princes are too irresponsible. Reports like this should be at least two days in advance. He hasn't even revealed a movie so far. He would be superior if he felt that he was a prince.

"A man with a scar on his face was slightly unhappy.

"Actually, the three princes have not arrived yet, and it is not strange that the three princes.

Feng Feng said with his chin.

"How do you say?" Scar Man Chen Bing looked at Fengxin with a strange look and asked.

Feng Xin sighed and said: "The three princes encountered a medium-sized gold-eater on the road, and there was nothing left of the star car being slain?" As soon as Feng Xin said this, the conference room was silent.

"Medium-sized ... Gold-eating ant colony, that's not easy to deal with!" After a while, Scar Man couldn't help twitching his eyes.

Feng Xin nodded, fully agreeing with the authentic: "Yeah! It's really difficult to deal with, Chen, if you encounter it, it is estimated that even bones and dregs will not be left.

"Hearing Feng Xin's words, Scar's male face appeared a bit murderous.

"Golden ants appeared in groups, and the seventh-level masters were inevitable. The three princes were afraid that they would be more ferocious.

"A one-eyed man squinted.

"None have appeared yet. It seems that the three princes are not very lucky!" Scar Man shook his head.

"The third prince is unlucky, or someone wants the third prince to be unlucky.

"Feng Xin said in a cool and authentic way.

"Will the three princes have been ..." The one-eyed man said quietly.

"Should not, the three princes came this time, accompanied by Master Zheng Zheng from Marshal Zheng's House. If something happened to Zheng San, it should be impossible for Zheng Zheng to be spared. It has been a few days since the incident, but And Marshal Zheng's house has always been calm. If two people have an accident, the two Marshals should not be indifferent.

"Feng Xin is confident and authentic.

"Zheng Ye is with the three princes? Isn't Marshal Zheng always neutral to the royal family?" Wang Yan said strangely.

Feng Xin nodded and said, "Marshal Ji is always neutral, yes, Zheng Zheng will follow the three princes, which is exactly what he meant.

"Scar Scar said strangely:" I haven't heard that Zheng Ye and the three princes have a good relationship! Feng Xin glanced at the Scar Man coldly, full of disdain: "At first glance, you don't care about national affairs. Zheng Zheng is chasing the followers around the three princes, so they will approach the third prince.

"The Scar Man rolled his eyes." Children have long love, what a national matter. "

Wang Yan smiled, with a solemn expression on his face: "Some people have long-term relationships with their children. They can control the current situation, but I heard that Zheng Ye liked it before, and it was a man named Xu Zihan!" When did she become the servant of the three princesses?

Feng Xin shrugged, disapprovingly said: "Admiral, your news is out of date, Zheng Zheng and Xu Zihan have been making noises.

Wang Yan smiled. "Is that so?" Feng Xin nodded and said: "Yeah! Before, Marshal Zheng saw Xu Zihan very unpleasant, but Zheng Ye was very good to Xu Zihan, and did not know how to turn sexuality later.

"The Scar Man grinned and said," The servants around the three princes, Zheng Shao's taste is really unique.

"The servant of the three princes is not simple. Currently under 20 years old, she is already a fifth-level water system star master, much stronger than the original Xu Zihan.

Fengxin countered.

The one-eyed man touched his chin and said: "The three princes will follow the three princes?" Feng Xin nodded and said: "Yeah!" The three princes will not be willing to help.

"The one-eyed man's eyes flashed brightly.

Feng Xin rolled his eyes and said, "When the third princess arrives, you can discuss with him. The third princess and his party of six people, including the recently famous Chiba son.

"" That star like a flower butterfly? "The Scar Man is a little bit confused.

Fengxin looked at the Scar Man in amazement, "Well, you actually know Chiba, when did you like to chase the stars?" "Chasing the stars, I have no time, but my sister likes that guy. I went to him last time At the signing sale, she did n’t turn to sign, and she went home with a big fire. I really do n’t know if the guy who is not male or female is any good. So many people like him.

"The Scar Man said helplessly.

Feng Xin smiled and said, "It is said that the third prince and the Chiba son have a leg. This time, he actually brought the third prince and the Chiba son together. I really don't know what he wants to do.

The Scar Man smiled, and said a bit harshly: "Since they encountered a gold eater tide on the road, the Chiba man might have been eaten by the gold eater.

Feng Xin nodded, agreeing with the authentic: "It's very possible!" That Chiba boy always wears a gold ornament, and it is difficult to meet the golden eater without being eaten! "A guard came in hastily, and said," Some adults, the three princes and others arrived.

Fengxin raised an eyebrow. "The third prince is here?" How many are there? "Six.

"Guard said.

Fengxin said with a little suspicion: "There was no downsizing.

"Wang Yan and others went out together to welcome the arrival of buildings and others.

Three two-headed doves hovered in the sky, and when they saw three aggressive two-headed doves, the faces of many soldiers underneath were in awe.

"That seems to be a two-headed dove! Isn't that kind of bird always dead and unyielding, isn't it easy to be surrendered?" Chen Bing frowned.

"It seems that the rumors are wrong!" Feng Xin said with interest in the sky.

"Well, what a wind! Since the two-headed dove can be conquered, I will catch one the other day.

"Chen Bing's eyes burned authentically.

Feng Xin glanced at Chen Bing, and said disdainfully, "You? I advise you not to do stupid things, and be careful to eat the two-headed dove.

When Chen Bing heard Feng Xin's words, he resentfully said, "What do you mean, do you look down on me?" Feng Xin calmly glanced at Chen Bing and said earnestly: "I'm for your good."

When Chen Bing heard Feng Xin's words, his face was tangled.

"Two level six and one level five, the three princes are good! This flying star beast can also be conquered.

"Wang Yan is full of appreciation for authenticity.

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, the three two-headed doves slowly landed with six people.

Seeing that the three princes and Chiba were riding a bird together, could it be that they were alone, and a lot of doubts flashed in the eyes of many people.

The building saw a lot of soldiers' eyes ambiguously turning around Chiba and himself, feeling annoyed.

As soon as the three two-headed doves landed on the ground, they turned around Mo Fei, and their eyes twinkled with longing.

Mo Fei took three tubes of potion from the space ring, fed one of the three two-headed doves, and drank the potions. The three two-headed doves showed unusual enthusiasm for Mo Fei.

As soon as Mo Fei ’s medicine was taken out, Fengxin recognized it as a fourth-grade medicine to promote cultivation. Such a precious medicine was actually fed to three birds.

Fengxin looked at the three birds with envy, and when he returned to God, Fengxin felt that he was envious of the birds.

Fengxin swept left and right, but found that everyone's eyes were envious, especially Chen Bing. This guy almost looked out of the eyes of the three birds.

Wang Yan walked towards the building with a smile full of smiles: "Three princes, welcome to you.

The building arched his hand toward Wang Yan and said: "I have seen General Wang. Although I encountered a little on this way, I was finally shocked. I would like to ask the general for advice.

Fengxin looked at Chiba with interest, Chiba covered his body with gold, and the whole person looked like a glittering money tree.

There was a hint of confusion in Fengxin's eyes. The size of the gold eater tide that the three princes encountered before seemed to be not small! This guy is full of gold, but he can still survive, not only does he survive, it seems that he has not received any lessons.

The building and Wang Yanhan trembled, and when he saw the dissatisfied expression on the side of Chen Bing, the building couldn't help but be a little embarrassed.

"Lieutenant General Chen, you don't look well?" Asked Building Han with a smile.

Chen Bing frowned, and said, "Three princes, my old Chen always talked heartily. If there was any dissatisfaction, I said it in person.

The building nodded and said, "Please enlighten General Chen.

"Three princes, this is a battlefield, not a place for pleasure. You do n’t have to bring the third prince over, and you bring the third prince, don't you think it is too much?" "Chen Bing said coldly.

Chiba was holding his arms, watching the excitement, and hearing Chen Bing's words, Chiba couldn't help but touch Su Rong with his elbow, "Little three? Rong Rong, who is this guy talking about?" Su Rong looked helplessly. Looking at Chiba, Chiba noticed that many people's eyes fell on themselves.

Chiba blinked and said, "Rong Rong, this guy is talking about me!" Su Rong nodded, and said, "It should be.

"Chiba's face suddenly changed." Bastard, what are you talking about? "Xiao Bailian, dare to be a primary three, did not dare to admit it.

Chen Bing looked angrily at Chiba.

Could Fei quickly take two steps back and mutter: "It's over, it's over, it's about to fight.

Wang Yan looked at the angry Chiba, with an ominous premonition in his heart.


"Chiba sighed coldly, her black hair turned golden, and a mighty coercion came through from Chiba.

Fengxin blinked and shivered, and said, "Sixth-level, Sixth-level gold abilities?" 154 Chiba flew, Chiba Liumei frowned, and launched an attack on Chen Bing without hesitation. Chiba startled.

Chiba ’s gold wristband turned into a golden chain, and the chain caught on Chen Bing ’s arm at an instant. Chiba grabbed Chen Bing ’s arm and carried people around on the ground.

Before Chen Bing responded, Chiba grabbed his arm and waited for Chen Bing to think of fighting against resistance, only to find that the skill could not condense at all.

From time to time, the sound of the collision between human sandbags and the ground passed into everyone's ears, and everyone watching around was stunned.

Fengxin glared and couldn't help but be shocked. At this moment, the doubt in his heart was finally resolved, and Chiba itself was a master, so he escaped from the tide of ants without any damage.

Wang Yan couldn't believe it, because he was so surprised that Wang Yan even forgot to stop Chiba's atrocities.

Chiba smashed Chen Bing's face, and then let go of his hand contentedly.

Chen Bing got up from the ground with a black face, angrily.

Chen Bing looked at Chiba with his teeth gritted. Chiba didn't have a heavy hand. The problem was too shameful. Chen Bing was so shameful for the first time.

"You sneak attack.

"Chen Bing blushed angrily.

"If you lose, just lose. What excuses can you afford! Can't you afford to lose so much?" Chiba was a little teasing and authentic with her waist around.

Fengxin grabbed the furious Chen Bing and persuaded: "Okay, okay, scar, take a step back to the sea and the sky.

"Chiba clapped his hands, and smoothed his head again, and his beautiful eyes swept across the soldiers around him, proudly:" Small, dare to call me a junior and scold me for a small white face, it is really not long .

When Chen Bing heard Chiba's words, his eyes were so divided that Feng Xin took nine cattle and two tigers to pull the angry Chen Bing.

Wang Yan's eyes flashed a deep shock, and Wang Yan adjusted his expression and smiled at Chiba: "I can't think that Chiba's son is such a hidden person, just now Wang is awkward.

"Chiba smiled and caught Wang Yan's neck, and said," You still have the vision! No wonder you are the biggest official here, and I like most people to boast that I am hidden.

"Wang Yan:" ... "Chen Bing looked at Chiba in shock and anger, but there was nothing radical about it.

"Is there any extra room here? The wind meals and sleeps along the way, have not even slept, have you