MTL - My Sassy ‘Crown Princess’-Chapter 133 Chiba Stay (1)

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Could he frown slightly as he looked at the questions in the preliminary round.

This round of test questions gave a hundred kinds of star grass. The test requires students to select the star grass in the middle period to prepare a medicament, and the principle and function of the composition of the medicament must be indicated.

The more recipes you write, the higher your score. Do you have a look at the given herbs? There are more than a dozen recipes in your mind.

Mo Fei twisted his eyebrows and thought of Wu Gouyue's threat, he chose six formulas and wrote them down.

The entire answering process is limited to two hours. There is no sound except the answering sound on the stage.

Some players on the field are conscientious about eyebrows, some of them write like gods, some of their brows are sad, some of their chests are made of bamboo, some of them scratch their ears and cheeks, and some of them are calm and calm ... Lou Feng looked at the focused Mo Fei, a flash of light flashed in his eyes Suspicious, "San Brother, does it seem that he is playing well! The pen has never stopped."

The building smiled, and said lightly: "Maybe, he only covered it up, hoping that the teacher would give a little friendship.

Lou Lou looked at the building disapprovingly. "I can't see it!" Third brother, you queen princess are a good person! "The building smiled strongly and said," Brother, lift up. "

"" Third brother, sometimes, I really envy your Yunqi.

Lou Lou stared at the building road.

The building's mouth twitched, "Luck is not something everyone can have.

Lou Feng squinted his eyes, and there was a deep jealousy in his eyes.

Chiba leaned on the seat and said with a little disappointment: "I thought I could see the pharmacy, but it turned out to be just an answer, it was really boring! Oops, I'm so thirsty!" Chiba finished the last sentence and surrounded Chiba A group of fans immediately passed him a dozen bottles of drinks.

Chiba calmly selected a flat honey tea from it, the girl who gave the honey tea to Chiba almost fainted.

After taking a sip of Chiba, he turned his head to Mo Yi and said, "Jade flute, do you want to taste this kind of honey water? This brand of honey water is delicious.

Mo Yi smiled reluctantly, and said, "No, thank you.

Chiba shrugged with regret, and said, "That's a pity.

Zheng Yeya stared at Chiba with a grin, and looked like he was about to choke Chiba. Chiba smiled at Zheng Ye with a good temper, and didn't take Zheng Ye's provocation into his eyes at all.

Two hours later, the preliminary round was over.

Seeing the end of the game, Zheng Zheng couldn't wait to pull Mo Yi away.

Chiba watched Zheng Zheng hurriedly dragging Mo Yi away, can't help but find it interesting.

The faces of many contestants stranded on the stage were a bit bitter, and obviously they were not confident in their answers.

Lin Feiyu walked towards Murphy and asked tentatively: "Murfei, how many recipes did you write!" Murphy shrugged, and said quietly: "No, six.

Lin Feiyu's eyes widened suddenly, unbelievably authentic: "What can you say? Six? Nodded his head, and said, "Yeah!" Are there a lot of six? Lin Feiyu pursed his lips before he wrote three. The third formula was a coincidence, and he thought it would be hard to come up with three.

Nalan Tianwu smiled coldly, "Six are not many. If it is a blind match, don't say six. Sixty are easy things. You must not think that if you write too much, the score will be high and invalid. The formula of the potion is not divided! "Mo Fei nodded, and he was instructed to answer," Oh, the blind match is not worthy of sharing! "Nalan Tianwu looked at Mo Fei and gave a soft sigh.

"Sister Nalan, you have a concentrated potion!" Meng Feifei asked curiously.

Nalan Tianwu smiled confidently and said, "Five species.

"Meng Feifei's eyes flashed a bit of admiration." Sister Nalan, you are amazing. I only think of three kinds. The third kind is my brain. When the game is about to end, I think of it.

Lin Feiyu glanced at Meng Feifei and secretly said: The sky sky college really has a deep foundation, and any student is so outstanding.

After the competition, participating colleges gradually dispersed.

The building stepped forward and sent Murphy and Lin Feiyu to the star car.

Could it be very cooperative, without mentioning the difference, let the building can not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the grading room of the Royal Academy, Wu Gouyue quarreled fiercely with a man.

"Wu Gouyue, you have to be partial, not so partial. Putting Moonlight Grass and Tianxianghua together will definitely cause the medicine to deteriorate, and this medicine formula will not work at all.

"" If it doesn't work, why it won't work. If you can't, it doesn't mean that others can't.

"Wu Houyue, did Mo Fei write all over the city, but you said he wrote everything right, don't go too far.

"I'm too much? It is clearly that you are overdoing it. Six pharmacy formulas, obviously each is true, but instead of saying that four formulas are not working, you only intend to give two formula scores. You are a bully to me as a student! "I have tried all four of these recipes, and I can't make a potion at all.

"" You can't formulate a potion, it shows that you are incompetent, it is not that the formula written by my students is wrong.

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel anymore, so give the four recipe points.

"No, obviously leaving a recipe is true, how can you only give the score of the four recipes."

"Wu Gouyue, don't go too far, you have already given you the scores of the two spent potions.

"........." Mofei sat in the star train with his eyes closed, ignorant of the disputes in the scoring room.

Lin Feiyu sat behind Murphy, thoughtfully, suddenly, Lin Feiyu and Murphy's messenger rang at the same time.

Lin Feiyu checked the information and realized that the scores of the original contest had come out.

Lin Feiyu saw the score sheet, his eyes narrowed, his score was six points, could it be eight points, Nalan Sky Dance was ten.

Seeing the score sheet, he found that his ranking was behind Nalan Tianwu, and there were still a few people who were equal with him. He was puzzled by his score and left the matter behind.

The star car stopped in front of the Three Princes' House. Could it be that he stepped out of the star car and did not enter the house, staying at the door and looking around.

The building looked at Mo Fei's expression, and his heart suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

"Muffy, aren't you going in?" The building asked tentatively.

Could Fei waved his hand and said, "No, you go ahead, I have to wait for someone.

"Wait, who are you waiting for?" The building voice asked hurriedly.

"He's waiting for me!" A moving voice came from behind the building.

The building jumped violently, and turned around, and saw a man in a black cloak and a long glamorous presence in front of him.


The building looked at the man with a smile on his face, and his eyes widened.

Chiba nodded his head and said with some pride: "It's me! Three princes, fortunately!" "Mofei, what's going on?" The building couldn't help but ask Mofei.

"That's right. Chiba has recently stayed in the Imperial City for filming and will live with us for a while.

"Muffy simply explained.

The building widened and was full of resistance: "He lives with us? Does he have nowhere to live? Why live with us?" Chiba smoothed his long hair and sighed, "I certainly have somewhere to live. , But I'm so popular, every time I live in a place, there are always many people sneaking to the place where I live and want to kiss me strong, so I always feel intimidated, I ca n’t sleep well! ”Building Rolling his eyes, he said, "What is your relationship with me if you can't sleep well?" Chiba blinked innocently, and said, "The three princes said that the third prince's house was relatively quiet, so I moved here.

The building frowned and looked at Mo Fei. "How can you let her live here?" Even if you want to let him live, you don't have to discuss it with me.

Mofei waited for the building, disapprovingly said: "Why not? You didn't find someone to live with, nor did you discuss it with me!" The building paled a little when thinking of Lin Feiyu.

"But this is the Three Princes' House, it's me ..." The building was full of resistance.

If I interrupted the building impatiently, "I know this is the third prince's house, what is your place! He can't live in the third prince's house, and I live with him.

The building froze for a moment, and looked at Murphy in disbelief.

"You are my princess and you want to live with him.

Mo Fei's cold eyes stared directly at the building, his voice resolutely said: "If you feel that I am wearing the crown prince's name and someone else who has lost you, and I have given you a green hat, I can leave you.

The building looked pale and took a few steps backwards. Seeing that Mo Fei turned and left, the building grabbed Mo Fei's arm and said, "Sorry, I'm not right. He wants to live and live. You don't want to be angry.

Chiba, who had been silent on the side, smiled brightly and said, "That's right! I haven't lived in the Prince's Mansion, I hope it won't be too shabby, don't stick to it, just open the door! My legs are sore.

Zheng Zheng looked at Chiba and couldn't help but pinch a cold sweat. When this Chiba came, the three emperors and Mo Fei almost stunned, it was definitely a hard character! Chiba had her hair on her head, and her mouth was full of A faint smile, a cynical look.

Lin Feiyu looked at Chiba with some curiosity.

Chiba walked into the hall carelessly and lay down on the sofa.

The building looked at the person lying on the sofa, and there was a haze in his eyes.

Chiba watched the building's dark face with interest, his face full of gloating smiles.

"The three princes.

"Chiba Jiaosheng called toward Murphy.

Couldn't he frown, and asked, "Is there something?" Chiba smiled, and said with some resentment: "It's no big deal, but I'm so hungry, I want to eat rock candy Sydney bird's nest porridge, can you cook it for me? The building looked at Chiba gloomily, and did nothing. Couldn't he have made him the rock candy Sydney bird's nest porridge? Why, the family ordered Mo Fei to come here.

"Eat yourself and cook.

"The building is not authentic.

Chiba grimaced and said plaintively: "Three emperors, you can cook a bowl for others. They are so hungry! They are going to starve to death.

"The building looked towards Murphy. He thought that Murphy's temperament would refuse. No matter how, Murphy agreed," Okay.

Chiba tilted her head and looked at Mo Fei full of affection, and said, "I know that you still hurt me the most, put more honey, I like sweet most.

Mo Fei gave Chiba a complex look and nodded, "Okay.

"Master, you have a rematch tomorrow, I'll go.

"Mo together.

"There is really a son of Lao Yudi.

"After waiting for Murphy to speak, Chiba smiled gratefully at Mo.

Mo Yi smiled reluctantly and went directly to the kitchen.

Did Fei go to the laboratory, Lin Feiyu looked at Chiba a few times, and left.

134 Xia Mawei building stood aside, looking up and down the purple-haired man.

Chiba looked lazily playing with her hair, looking at the building delicately and authentically: "Three princes, do you look at me like this, have you fallen in love with me? I'm so sorry, although you are handsome, but not my favorite type.

The building smiled at Chiba, and said, "You can rest assured that you are not interested in monsters like you.

"Chiba smiled indifferently," Death! Third prince, do you want to arouse my interest with the radical method? I've seen more of this set, it doesn't work.

"The building smiled coldly, and said," Is the radical method ineffective? I do n’t know if it ’s working for you? "Chiba frowned, looking at the building innocently, and said," Three princes, you are really joking.

"The building clenched his fists." I'm not just kidding.

Chiba blinked his eyes and said, "Don't mess around!" I told the three princesses in chaos that you had a bad heart for me and wanted to **** me.

"Building:" ... "Zheng Xun sat angrily across from Chiba, leaning leisurely on the sofa, and turned his eyes to Zheng Xing, who was staring at him opposite.

"Zheng Shao, why are you looking at me like this? The people watching are a little shy.

"Chiba rested his chin, watching the grievance of the person across the road.

Zheng Zheng smiled fiercely toward Chiba, and said, "If you are good enough, leave quickly. There are no more guest rooms in the Three Princes' Palace.

Chiba frowned, thinking thoughtfully, "No more guest rooms?" will not.

Zheng Zheng said sharply: "I said that there would be no more.

Chiba dangled her hair, and said a little stupidly: "Since there are no more guest rooms, where do you sleep, Zheng Shao!" Zheng Zheng smiled and said with a little pride: "The last room let me occupy it.

"That's it! Then I'm here now, there is one less room, don't you want to make a floor.

"Chiba looked at Zheng Kun with sympathy.

There was a flash of murderousness in Zheng Yan's eyes, "You want to grab my room.

Chiba smiled sweetly and waved his hand. "How is that possible?" How come I can't control the room with Zheng Shao, you think too much.

The building looked at Chiba and asked, "Chiba, what are you trying to do to Murphy?" "Chiba looked at the building with sorrow, and said," Three princes, you don't have to warn me like this. In fact, I love the three princes at first sight, the second sights, and the third sight. I think he is me It's a shame to be protected all his life! I met him a little later. If I could meet him earlier, I believe that everything would be different, but it would not be too late if the third prince you and the third prince reconcile.

Every time Chiba said something, the expression of the three princes became more gloomy.

"You're looking for death!" The building roared loudly, and flung over Chiba's neck.

"Help! Kill!

"Chiba opened his throat and shouted.

The building rushed towards Chiba, Chiba quickly hid, and picked up a vase and threw it at the building.

The "bang" of the vase fell to the ground and made a huge noise.

Hearing the movement, Mo Fei stepped out, and saw the building aggressively chasing Chiba, trying to get rid of him quickly.

Could it be blocked in front of Chiba, "Building, can you not target him.

"The building was black." He asked for it.

Chiba took Mo Fei's hand and said tearfully: "The three princes, I can't die, my life is very expensive, and I want to succeed to our family! My family can only rely on me to succeed.

Mo Fei took a deep breath and looked at the building with some helplessness. "Building, if you hurt him a hair, I will immediately take him out of here."

"He's so heavy either?" The building looked at Murphy, and asked with gritted teeth.

Could he nod his head and seriously say, "Yes!" The building sighed deeply, saying in despair: "I see.

Mo Fei glanced at the building and sighed: "I went to the laboratory.

"" Go, go, don't worry about me, help me research, is there any potion that makes me more handsome! " Although I'm already handsome, maybe I can be even more handsome.

"Chiba is lazily facing Murphy.

Could Fei give Chiba a glance, didn't speak, and turned away.

Mo went to Chiba's side with the porridge bowl and pushed the porridge bowl to Chiba.

"Mr. Chiba, this is your porridge.

Mo Yi glanced at Chiba.

Chiba raised a big smile to Mo Yi, "It's working! You son of the flute, how nice you are, I see you for the first time, my heart is beating for you constantly, and I feel you are my destiny Your lover, Jade flute, do you have any interest in forming a good relationship with me for a hundred years! "The building looked at Chiba in disbelief, his eyes changing.

Zheng Zheng looked at Chiba, with anger in his eyes, thinking about the building's previous end, Zheng Zheng finally calm down.

Staring at three pairs of eyes, Chiba narrowed his neck a little uncomfortably.

Chiba used a spoon to dig up a spoonful of porridge and brought it to his mouth. He suddenly thought of something and put down the spoon again.

"Ah! I suddenly remembered that I want to lose weight recently and I have a hard time eating at night.

"Chiba is full of difficulties.

Mo Yi squinted, a flash of suspiciousness flashed in his eyes.

Zheng Ye stared at Chiba fiercely. "You don't overdo it. This is cooked one by one. If you do n’t eat it after cooking, what do you want!" Chiba looked at Zheng Ye and said, "Zheng Less, or let you drink this porridge.

Zheng Zheng looked at Chiba suspiciously. "Let me?" Chiba nodded and said, "Yeah! Let me tell you, it's the son of Yudi who cooked it. If no one eats it, it can only be dumped. What a pity.

Mo Yi looked at Chiba faintly and heard Chiba's words, his face was always calm.

Zheng Zheng looked at Mo Yi's face and saw that Mo Yi did not stop him. He took the porridge bowl and drank.

Chiba watched Zheng Xie gobble, and said with some sympathy: "Drink slowly, don't choke, is Zheng Shao hungry? Eat so fast.

Chiba blinked and smiled at Mo with a regretful smile, and said, "If I weren't filming tomorrow, in fact, I would really like to taste Yudi Gongzi's technique.

"Mo Yi's eyes narrowed all at once, and at the same time, horrible chickenpox appeared on Zheng Ye's face.

Seeing the familiar chickenpox on Zheng Yong's face, Su Rong looked at Mo Yi and said in surprise: "One by one, you have taken medicine in the porridge.

"Mo Yi pursed her lips and didn't answer, but it was the default.

Mo Yi frowned and was puzzled in his heart. He suddenly decided to start, and even Murphy didn't know it, but Chiba seemed to know it already.

Zheng Zheng was shocked when he saw his face. "One by one, one by one, why didn't you tell me ..." Mo Yi gave Zheng Yi a slight glance, "Tell you, Why should I tell you, how old are you, without telling you, you ca n’t eat anything from strangers? ”Zheng Ye looked at Chiba with disgust, and Chiba looked at Zheng Ye innocently.

Su Rong looked at Zheng Ye's expression of killing, and pulled Zheng Ye to say: "Zheng Shao, don't worry, this medicine is only a beauty treatment, but it has a more potent effect. Now it looks horrible. Rest. Just one night.

Zheng Zheng calmly calmly heard Su Rong's words.

Zheng Zheng secretly said: With one-by-one temperament, it is impossible to apply any serious consequences. Most of them just want to teach this guy in Chiba, but just miss the assistant car.

"You bastard.

Zheng Zheng stared at Chiba fiercely.

Chiba looked at Zheng Ye innocently, "Zheng Shao, how could you be so wrong with me, I didn't know about it once I took the medicine!" Zheng Ye looked at Chiba with a grimace on his face and gritted his teeth. Face of innocence.

"Jade flute.

"Chiba Yang said.

Mo Yi glanced at Chiba and said, "Is there anything wrong?" "Can you help me to call the third prince, I have something to discuss with him."

"Chiba looked at Mo with anticipation.

Su Rong rushed to Chiba, "Did you know the difference! Under the eaves of others, you have to bow your head, do you understand? You sent this, sent that, who are you ?!" Chiba grumbled and looked As Su Rong said, "Who are you?" Su Rong sighed in his throat and couldn't hold up. "I'm Su Rong, the prince of the three princes.

"Chiba nodded thoughtfully, and said," Su Rong! You can't look wrong. Are you interested in passing on my lineage? Su Rong's eyes widened and he looked unbelievably at Chiba.

Buildings and Zheng Zheng's eyes fell on Su Rong.

Su Rong looked at Chiba fiercely, "What are you kidding.

""joke? I'm not kidding! What an excellent breed I am, you are not wronged if you give me the line. It would be a shame if I were such an excellent person! "Chiba means something meaningful.

"What did you ask me for again? I didn't enter the lab until you sent me a message.

"Must step out and ask Chiba.

Chiba said a little bit wrongly: "I don't want to send you a messenger message, it is troublesome to send a message, but no one wants to run a leg for me!" Mo Fei helped his forehead and said, "What are you doing! Say! .

"" It's not a big deal, but it's not a trivial matter. Is it the room where I sleep? You know, I'm very picky about the room. If the room is not good, I wo n’t sleep well. If it ’s not good, I wo n’t It is a good succession for our family, not for our family. I am the eternal sinner of our family! What if I become a sinner through ages? "Chiba grabbed Murphy to succeed, his eyes staring at Murphy.

Looking at Chiba indefinitely, he said, "Which house do you fancy?" Chiba smiled implicitly and pointed towards the upper floor.

"That room, sitting north to south, the sun is shining, and it matches my life number, it is very prosperous to me!"

"Chiba looked at the building suspiciously." Is that your room? "" That one won't work, you change it.

"The building doesn't take it seriously.

Chiba dismissively said: "Three princes, if you are not willing to change, you can sleep with me!" Building: "... let you.

135 Annoyed Chiba saw the building promised his request, and his face couldn't help but a little joy.

"Three princes, you are such a good person that you are willing to give up in your bedroom! I know that you have a deep affection for me. Although you are not interested in me, but you still like me in your heart, I will say How can anyone in this world dislike me! "Chiba said, looking at the building with a touch of his face.

The building smiled uncomfortably, and his face was extremely ugly.

Chiba looked at the building full of intoxication, and said with a look of wonder: "Thinking that I can lie on the bed of the three princes and three princes in the future, I will feel bloody! Three princes, if you can't bear the bed, you can Come and sleep with me! But first of all, you can't move your feet manually, you are not the one I like.

The building grated its teeth and took a deep breath. "No, I'm not interested in lying with you."

"Chiba whispered softly," Three princes, you really don't know how to be blessed! " How many people in this world are begging to go to my bed? "Chiba turned his attention to Murphy." The three princes, the three princes are not interested in helping me warm the bed. Are you interested? Although he is not the one I like, but you are! If you have to kick your hands, I can also cooperate! "Chiba blinked his eyes, innocently.

The building looked at Chiba a little irritably, "Chiba, you still have to shame!" Chiba touched his face, and rightfully said: "Face, I naturally want to face, I am so beautiful, shameless What a pity! "Chiba slowly said:" My face is very valuable. The company gave me 2 billion insurance on this face. If it is ruined, it can compensate 10 billion. I rely on The face eats, how precious my face is, you will not understand.

"Building:" ... "Chiba gave Zheng Zheng a glance and looked at Mo Fei with a embarrassed expression:" Three princes, there is something I don't know when I should say it properly. "

Zheng Zheng passed a gloom of his heart and couldn't help saying: "I don't know when to say it inappropriately, you'd better not say it.

Chiba gave Zheng Zheng a displeased glance, then looked at Mo Fei pitifully.

Could he frown, look at Chiba, and sighed: "You said.

"That's right. I heard Zheng Zheng just now that there are not many guest rooms, if the guest rooms are not enough ..." Chiba turned around and pointed at Zheng Zheng with his fingers: "Three princes, you better he bang Go out, look at his tip of mouth, tip of nose, tip of mouth, nostril dew, eye dew, mouth dew, ear dew, throat dew, three point and five dew all accounted for, this is the standard face of wealth-breaking! Such people cannot stay! You'll break your fortune sooner or later.

"Chiba looked at Murphy seriously.

Zheng Zheng's face was flushed and his eyes were staring at Chiba. "What are you talking about? You idiot, there is something you can tell me again!" Chiba hid behind Murphy and said solemnly: "Three Princess, what I said is true. If you do n’t want to break your fortune, blast this guy out early and leave this kind of person at home. You wo n’t be able to make a fortune in your lifetime! Ah! What a terrible thing! "Zheng Xuan patted on the coffee table, and the coffee table was torn apart instantly.

"Look, I'm right, this guy not only has a wealthy face, but also likes to destroy things, really can't stay!" Chiba was solemn.

Could not look at Zheng Ye, a little helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Zheng Ye looked at Mo Fei, flashing anxiety in his heart, "Three queens, you won't really believe this idiot, you want to drive me away.

Mo Fei blinked his eyes and stared at Zheng Zheng solemnly. "I think I'm a small temple here and I can't stand your big Buddha."

"Chiba looked at Murphy with admiration." "Concubines, you are absolutely right."

"You ..." Zheng Yan shook his fist, his face as if to kill Chiba.

Could Mo Mo wink a wink at Mo Yi, Mo frowned and froze for a while, finally resisting Mo Fe's pleading look, "Zheng Ye, go back.

Zheng Zheng looked at Mo Yi unwillingly, "One by one, you drive me away, do you believe him?" Where can I have three points and five dew! He's nonsense.

Chiba dismissively said: "One beauty, I didn't talk nonsense!" I think he not only has the appearance of breaking the fortune, but also the face of the wicked wife, you must be careful! Would you like to consider me! My horoscope is particularly prosperous. Follow me and you will surely be fragrant and spicy. Think about it carefully! I look much better than this guy, and, most importantly, I'm better than him. I've been through many battles and can do anything.

Zheng Zheng clenched his fists and blasted towards Chiba.

Couldn't hesitate to stand in front of Chiba, and Mo Yi couldn't wait to take Zheng Zheng's move.

Mo Yi was taken a few steps back by Zheng Ye who was blasted by Zheng Ye. When Zheng Ye saw this scene, he looked pale! Mo Yi closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "You go first.

"One by one, you drive me away too.

"Zheng Yiman is aggrieved with authenticity.

Mo Yi closed his eyes helplessly, "In the end, you are from Marshal Zheng's house, and it is not good to always stay here.

Zheng Zheng gritted his teeth and looked at Chiba, Chiba smiled and said, "Actually, although Zheng Ye's appearance is particularly bad, he is not helpless.

Mo Yi looked at Zheng Ye, "What is it?" "Chiba smiled confidently, and said," I figured it out for him. I think he is suitable for bed, more suitable for flooring. If he hits flooring every day, his life will definitely change.

Zheng Zheng looked at Chiba and took a deep breath. "I hit the floor."

Chiba smiled and said, "Zheng Shao, I know you're mad at me, but I'm doing it for you!" These days, too few people like me are outspoken.

Zheng Zheng: "..." Chiba touched his chin and said, "Ah! I'm going to take a shower, my body is smelly, oops, does anyone want to take a bath with me! "A few people's eyes were fixed on Chiba, Chiba tilted his head and smiled with a captivating smile, and said," I'm in good shape. Take a bath with me.

"Chiba saw a few people still did not respond, and sighed helplessly:" It's a pity, I'll go alone.

The building looked at Mo Fei and said, "Mo Fei, why are you protecting him this way? That person is simply a playboy.

Mo Fei closed his eyes and said: "Anyway, he is whole-hearted about me.

The building couldn't believe it: "Mr. What are you kidding?" How could he be single-minded about you, are you crazy? Mofei pursed her lips and said, "I'm not kidding, you don't understand.

The building looked at Mo Fei's expression, and clenched his fist helplessly.

Could Fei take a look at the direction Chiba left, turned to the laboratory, and Mo Yi could not help catching up.

Mo Fei looked at Mo Yi who followed him, raised an eyebrow and said, "One by one, do you have something to ask.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Are you a magic barrier?

"Mo Yi asked solemnly.

Mo Fei sighed, and said, "One by one, I do n’t have magic illusions, I am sober, I will accommodate Chiba because he saved me many times, and ... I almost killed him, I owe He is many, many.

Mo Yi frowned. "Master, you almost killed him?" Nodded his head, "Yeah!" He almost lost his life because of me, so what he wants, I can only satisfy him as much as possible. Moreover, he also shoulders the heavy task of succession.

"Master, he's too much.

"Mo Yi couldn't help it.

Mofei closed his eyes helplessly and said, "He's just a little wayward, and his nature is not bad.

Mo Yi pursed her lips, some disapproved, and said, "Maybe."

"" One by one, I know that my request is a little too much, but I hope that you can treat him like you have treated me in the past, "Murphy said with some seriousness.

Mo Yi bit his lip a little, and said helplessly, "I try my best.

Buildings and Zheng Zheng were black-faced, sitting on the sofa, Su Rong could not look at the direction of Chiba's departure.

"Three princes, who is this Chiba son, who is it!" Su Rong asked puzzledly.

"I don't know, this person is a disaster star!" The building said angrily.

Zheng Zheng gritted his teeth. "Asshole, don't let me find an opportunity. If I find an opportunity, I must strangle him.

"Su Rong scratched his head, a little puzzled:" What is going on with the three princesses! " Actually brought such a person to the house.

Su Rong was a little bit embarrassed. Lin Feiyu already had an irregular bomb at home, but the three princes got another one. Su Rong originally thought that Lin Feiyu was a bit embarrassed. When he saw Chiba's fighting ability, Su Rong felt Lin Fei The rain is really okay.

Su Rong glanced at the building and Zheng Zheng with some sympathy, and secretly said: The big wrist is the big wrist, and it really has the means. On the first day, he gave the three princes and Zheng Zheng a dismissal, which is terrible. In the future, I'm afraid it won't stop.

As soon as Mo Fe and Mo stepped out of the laboratory, they heard Chiba's shout, "Someone doesn't! Come out personally!" "What's the matter!" Mo Yi asked.

After hearing Mo Yi's words, Chiba's head protruded out of the door. "Ah! Someone is finally here. I took a shower and found that there were no underwear to wear, Jade flute, can you bring me a pair of underwear!" Mo Yi held his forehead. "Sorry, I don't have the right underwear for you.

"Chiba looked at Mo Fei diligently, and said," Three queens, can you help me! " "Muffy:" ... A door was opened violently, and the building threw the things in his hands rudely on Chiba's face.

Chiba took over what was thrown from the building and asked critically: "I want the new one, not the one you pass through.

"Rest assured, I didn't pass.

"The building chilled.

Chiba raised his corner of the mouth and said, "Three princes, you are really innocent! You also wear boxers, do you have fun underwear! I like to wear beautiful ones."

"Building:" ... "" If you don't wear it, don't wear it, you'll be naked. "

"The building said badly.

Chiba pursed her mouth, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Death, I hope people are naked. The third prince and the third prince are bad, not serious! At a glance, I know that he is not a gentleman.

Nodded his head and answered, "Yeah!" Mo Yi: "······" Building: "······" 136 Chiba and Su Ronglin Feiyu heard the movement and walked out in pajamas. Could it be that Lin Feiyu saw Lin Feiyu? uneasy.

Lin Feiyu looked at Mo Fei with a curiosity and asked: "Mo Fei, who is this Chiba man? He doesn't seem simple!" "He is naturally not simple. He is so beautiful and so attractive. Why? Will it be simple? "Murphy looked authentically with honor.

"What is his relationship with you!" Lin Feiyu asked suspiciously.

"What relationship? Friendship.

"Mo Fei thought for a moment.

"Friends? It seems more than that. If you were an ordinary friend, you would bring him to the Palace of the Three Princes? Ordinary friends, would you be so good to him?" Lin Feiyu said indifferently.

Could Mo Fei twist her eyebrows, and a feeling of unhappiness surged in her heart. Mo Fei quickly suppressed the discomfort in her heart and smiled brightly at Lin Feiyu, saying, "It really is more than you and the three princes. Relationship, what is the relationship between me and him, you must understand? "Lin Feiyu:" ... "Shake his shoulders at Lin Feiyu," It's getting late, Lin Shao went to bed earlier, I'll go to bed first.

Lin Feiyu looked at Mo Fei's back thoughtfully.

Su Rong was so sleepy that he suddenly heard a loud knock on the door. Su Rong was struck by a constant knock on the door, at least he got up anxiously to open the door.

A handsome man of all sorts and styles is standing in front of Su Rong's door in a variety of dressing gowns. The beauty is like a jade, and his style is beautiful and pleasing. The problem is that Su Rong is too sleepy to appreciate.

Su Rong looked at Chiba, scratched his head, and raised his spirits and asked, "Do you have anything, Chiba?" Chiba twirled his sleeves and said, "There are no major issues, nor trivial matters, just I can not sleep.

Su Rong took a deep breath and said, "You can't sleep, what are you doing to me?" "" I think so, if someone tells me the bedtime story, I will probably fall asleep.

"Chiba said shyly and shyly.

Su Rong rolled his eyes and couldn't help but said, "How old are you, and someone needs to tell you a bedtime story, or should someone let you sing a lullaby!" Chiba Yiting immediately came to be interested, "If you are willing If you sing to me, that's good! I like singing to me the most.

"Su Rong grabbed his face, and said angrily:" I'm kidding. I can't sing. "

Chiba sighed and said with regret: "It's a pity, but rest assured, even if you can't sing, I won't dislike you. I have a forgiving heart. Since Rongrong you can't sing, You tell me a story.

""I do not speak! "Su Rong said a little irritably.

Chiba frowned, and said with some grievances: "If you don't speak, I'll go to Zheng Zheng.

"Su Rong grabbed Chiba and said helplessly:" I'll tell you.

Su Rong secretly said: Chiba went to Zheng Ye, maybe Zheng Ye's temper was up and slaughtered Chiba directly. In this case, no one would have to sleep tonight.

"Really?" Chiba asked, looking at Su Rong full of emotion.

Su Rong nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "Of course it is true.

"Chiba walked into Su Rong's room happily, lay inside Su Rong's quilt, Yi Yi pointed at Su Rong, said," Speak.

Su Rong looked at the man lying on the bed and couldn't help grinding his teeth.

Su Rong took a deep breath and secretly said: What exactly is this guy in Chiba doing, grabbing the rooms of the three princes and the three princes but they can't live?

Su Rong asked tiredly, "What story do you want to hear?" Chiba said generously: "Anyway, I don't choose, I'm good at serving.

"Su Rong said a little perfunctoryly:" Then I will tell you about Princess Cherry and the seven dwarfs.

Chiba said unhappyly: "I'm not a child.

"Then I'll tell you how the mussels compete for the fisherman's profit."

"Too old-fashioned.

"Then I tell farmers and snakes?" "I'm not as stupid as a farmer, and I'm afraid of snakes.

"" You say it casually.

"Su Rong said a little irritably.

"That can't be just that.

"Chiba is confident and honest.

"What the **** are you listening to?" Su Rong asked.

Chiba mysteriously said: "I want to listen to ... what is the ugly thing about the three princes? In this way, I know myself and I have won every battle!" Su Rong took a deep breath and spit out slowly, Su Rong tried to calm himself In the excited mood, the fierce **** highlighted four words: "I don't know.

Chiba frowned, and said, "I don't know, how could you not know it!" Otherwise, let me give you some examples to inspire you! I have been a student of both quality and excellence since childhood, but in private, I do everything.

"Someone once saw me as unpleasant and called me sissy, so I pretended to be his girlfriend to give him a drink, secretly put a laxative in the drink, and he spit and diarrhea.

"When I was young, my stepmother was not good at me, so I secretly spit into her meals. Later I learned that my brother often spit into her meals, and I do n’t know if the saliva and saliva will rise. reaction.

"" My stepmother had a cat that had torn my clothes, and I secretly cooked the cat and ate it. Then, I also told other people that the cat had a bad behavior, was ungrateful, could not resist the temptation, and Other night cats eloped.

""…………"the next day.

"Building, have you seen Chiba? No one is in the room.

"Couldn't it be a little confused.

The building smiled a little smugly, and said, "Maybe he knows, and he left.

Murphy touched her chin and said, "Impossible!" He is not such a person.

"Bang" Su Rong opened the door, and rushed out bitterly, then Chiba calmly walked out.

Seeing this scene, the buildings, Zheng Zheng, Mo Yi, Lin Feiyu looked different.

"I'm eating! It's a coincidence that it's not as good to get up as early as possible. You can eat together when you get up together. Oh, my life is so good.

"Chiba is authentic and happy.

Looking at Su Rong, he asked curiously: "Su Rong, Chiba slept in your room yesterday!" Chiba nodded and said, "Yes! It was too late yesterday, we were lying in a bed .

Mo Fei's eyes widened, and she was curious: "Did you receive the heirloom.

"Su Rong's face brushed red." No, no, without this, we did nothing, we just lay together.

The building looked at Su Rong and encouraged: "Su Rong, don't be so nervous, even if you really pass on the line, it doesn't matter.

"Su Rong:" ... "Zheng Rong looked at Su Rong and pondered:" Su Rong, in fact he is good. You and him make a pair, and it is also good. "

Zheng Zheng secretly said: Su Rong is his own rival. Chiba can also be regarded as his own rival. If his two rivals are together, it would be a good thing to have two fewer rivals.

Chiba gave Zheng Ye a grateful admiration. "You are so rare!" Zheng Ye smiled and didn't answer. Su Rong wanted to eat Zheng Ye's expression.

"Eat fast.

"Mo Yi was helpless.

Lin Feiyu looked at Chiba, a little doubt flashed in his heart.

Calming down from the initial anger, the building could not help but have some doubts about the relationship between Murphy and Chiba. Although Murphy is very protective of Chiba, it does not seem to like Chiba. After all, several people see the people they like Lying in bed with others, still indifferent.

Could you look at Chiba and ask, "Chiba, what are you doing recently?" Chiba lazily said, "Busy filming! The third prince, do you want to make a guest appearance! I can let the director arrange me and Speaking of your kiss show, in this show, I will give you my first kiss, which I have saved for more than ten years. If I give the first kiss to the three princesses, I will not feel sorry.

"The building looked at Chiba in disgust," "Don't think about it.

"Chiba rolled his eyes and muttered a little displeasedly:" Stingily.

"Chiba turned his attention to Su Rong." Rong Rong, are you interested in coming in as a guest! "Su Rong shook his head in a hurry, and said," No, no, I won't film.

The building dismissed it authentically: "No filming, you can learn! I can teach you! If it were you, I would be very patient.

Zheng Zheng nodded in a hurry, "Su Rong, you are very talented at first glance, you must learn quickly.

"That's it, you go on a cameo.

"The building sounded.

"Su Rong, Chiba is a big star, and you are not wronged if you are kissed by him!" Zheng Zheng advised.

The building nodded and said, "Yeah! That's an opportunity that many people can't ask for!" Su Rong: "..." Su Rong looked at the building and Zheng Zheng with a speechless expression, secretly saying: These two have no conscience Things, you know the misfortune.

Could Fei tilt his head and look at Chiba, thinking: "Chiba, it's not a problem for you to confuse the music circle!" Chiba nodded and said, "Yeah! Filming involves a large part of me Energy. Some time ago, I had a tight hand and had no choice but to go to the entertainment industry. Now I want to get away, but it is not easy.

""why? "Mike asked.

Chiba was a little embarrassed to say: "The fine for breach of contract is 10 billion yuan.

""so much? "Zheng Ye was a little surprised and authentic.

Chiba nodded and said, "Yeah! Who made me worth more! What a higher value, naturally the penalty fee is also higher!" Mofei frowned, "I will pay the penalty fee?" Chiba was moved with emotion Looking at Mo Fei, "Three empresses, are you going to redeem me? You are so affectionate to me, and they will be yours in the future. I will give you my heart.

"" I will pay the penalty.

"The building is not authentic.

Chiba blinked, looked at the building, and said to Mo Fei very solemnly: "Mo Fei, the three princes have a bad heart towards me. You must be careful that he is derailed. This rich man will rely on a few stink Qian, Chao San Mu Si, Chao Tai Mu Chu, I hate it the most. Three princes, don't think that with such a small favor, you can buy me! "Building:" ... "Su Rong took a deep breath, looked at Chiba, and asked Says: "Can't you say a few more words?" Chiba blinked and proposed excitedly: "Rong Rong, kiss me, I say a few words!" Su Rong: "... whatever you want to say .

Chiba gave Su Rong a glance. "Death, you know the truth. I know you want to kiss me, but I'm sorry.

"Su Rong:" ... "137 The bustling voice of the interview passed into the building's ears, and the building could not help frowning." What sounds outside seems to be very noisy! " Chiba smiled, calmly and calmly: "No big deal, just a group of reporters."

""reporter? The building asked Chiba puzzled.

Chiba nodded, and of course said, "Yeah! Where there is me, how can there be no reporter! I am a superstar! No matter where I go, the group of reporters will come up like a bee who sees nectar. The charm is too great, sometimes it is really a very troublesome thing! I think you will never understand it.

The building froze, looking at Chiba spookily, and said, "You go out and dispose of this group of people. You will have to go to the game in a while!" "Chiba frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction:" OK, I know. After I finish eating, I will go out to attract people away. "

"" When you finish eating, when do you want to go now? "The building is not authentic.

"Three princes, you have such a ruthless heart! You didn't even give me food. Do you want to starve me to death? Tell you, you won't succeed.

"Chiba Toe said with high spirits.

Building: "..." As soon as Chiba stepped out, reporters flocked up.

"Mr. Chiba, why do you show up at the Palace of the Three Princes?" "I was invited by the three princes to live here, but the hospitality is difficult, but I ca n’t refuse.

"Person Chiba, what is your relationship with the three princes?" "Relationship! how to say? The three princes said that they didn't like me to show up outside and wanted to redeem me.

"Person Chiba, how would you deal with your relationship with the three princesses?" "" Three princesses! I believe we will be happy together.

"Person Chiba, you are now living under the same roof with the ex-boyfriend of the third prince, Lin Feiyu, and the third prince is not living under the same roof. Do you feel pressured?" Chiba smoothed her hair, confidently said, "Stress, how can I be stressed?" I think the pressure of the three princes will be greater.

"... The buildings and other people looked strangely from the monitors in the house.

Chiba, led by a group of escorts, left the Three Princes' Palace.

Most of the reporters followed Chiba, but many reporters stayed.

The building chilled and gritted its teeth, saying, "This scum, I know nonsense.

Mofei sighed and said, "It seems that the reporters outside should not leave easily.

The building was shameless, and said, "It should be.

"As soon as the building went out, the rest of the reporters stepped up.

"Three princes, what is your relationship with the son of Chiba?

"" No comment.

"Three princes, is it true that you are going to redeem the son of Chiba?" For your own exclusivity, you just obstruct the future of a superstar. Do you feel that you are selfish? "" No comment.

"..." Su Rong looked at the besieged building, and a large string of black lines appeared on his head. "The three princes are really pitiful.

Mofei couldn't help sighing. "Who made him change his heart with Chiba is retribution."

"Su Rong," "... the three princes, didn't change their heart for Chiba's son."

Mo Fei snorted softly, disapprovingly said: "How can it be, every time the building looks at Chiba, it's grim.

"Su Rong:" ... "Where is it!" We hurried away, the reporter was led away by the three princes, we had better leave.

"Mo Yi reminded.

Could he nod his head, and said, "Yeah! Go.

"If you are late and miss the game, Wu Gouyue will certainly not let him go.

It wasn't long before people waited for the match to start the rematch.

After the preliminary round, there were only a few hundred people left. The two players who were not satisfied with the formulation of the medicament written during the preliminary round were eliminated.

The second round is closely related to the first round. The competition requires the players to formulate the pharmacy formula written in the first round into a medicament.

Could it be that looking at the pile of materials in front of him, the medicament began to be deployed.

Doesn't it know that several judges at the contest had a big argument about the formula he wrote. Some people think he wrote it all blindly, and some people think he wrote it reasonably.

In the end, Wu Gouyue reluctantly agreed to give the scores of four Danfang, but Wu Gouyue required six prescription medicinal materials for the second round of the game. Make up the score.

According to the rules of the competition, the formulations that were deemed invalid were not required to be administered.

Regarding Wu Gouyue's request, Nalan's eighth-level pharmacist, Nalan Xing, sniffed and determined that Mofei could not make a medicament, but he still agreed with Wu Goyue's request.

Wu Gouyue also agreed to the other party. If he couldn't match the medicine, he would deduct the extra points.

Because of the huge controversy that Mo Fei caused earlier, many of the judges' eyes were fixed on Mo Fei, and Mo Fei didn't feel much about it.

Is it possible to handle the medicinal materials in his hands skillfully, extract the medicinal solution with ease and fuse into a medicament.

Wu Houyue looked at Mo Fei's movements, and her mouth raised.

Nalan Xing looked at Wu Goueyue's confident smile, and an ominous premonition surged in her heart.

Seeing that Murphy had deployed a third tube of medicine, Nalan Xing finally changed his color, "Impossible.

"In Nalan Xing's view, except for the two well-known medicaments, the remaining four medicaments written by Mofei have no possibility of deployment at all.

Wu Gouyue smiled coldly, "It's impossible, there's nothing impossible. I already said that if you can't do it, it doesn't mean that other people can't do it. You are old.

"After hearing Gou Yue's words, the faces of several judges were a little ugly.

When the third medicine was deployed, Nalan Tianwu Kankan began to deploy the second medicine.

The several judges on the jury seat were a little surprised to see Mo Fei, and some senior pharmacists talked a little bit.

"Muffy's fast! The fourth potion has been deployed.

""Yes! His technique is really amazing, without decades of effort, he should not be so skilled! "" The three princesses have a very high success rate in deploying medicaments, and the previous three medicaments have not missed.

"" The three princesses are really capable! Princess Naland really had a bright eye, and she picked such an excellent one for the three princes.

"I used to be only if Mo Fei was good at singing and dancing, but I didn't know that Mo Fei's talent in pharmacy was also excellent.

"I heard that Mo Fei came from a remote area. Who did he learn from? The strength is so strong.

"" Speaking of which, the weight of star grass is not right! "The eighth-level pharmacist Gu Tian feared that the world would not be chaotic.

Nalan Xing frowned. The pharmacist will always have a certain chance of failure when configuring the medicament, so all the stars and grass prepared by the contestants are three.

However, Nalan Xing determined that Murphy's prescriptions were written blindly, and it was a waste to give more. Although all the herbs needed for the six drugs were given, each gave only one copy.

Wu Gouyue faced coldly and hummed.

Several judges were a little embarrassed when they heard Wu Houyue's cold hum.

Seeing that Mo Fei had deployed the fourth medicine, the judges' faces became shocked.

It can be said that luck is not lost in the configuration of one kind of medicine, it is a coincidence that two kinds are available, and three can be said to be strength plus luck, but it is a bit scary to successfully deploy four kinds of medicines without losing hands.

Does n’t he know that the organizers do n’t have enough medicines for themselves? They will arrange the medicines one by one according to the requirements.

When Murphy deployed the fifth potion, except for Wu Gouyue's smiling face, the other five judges had strange faces.

"Mr. Wu, you student, your talent is really awesome!" "Where, where! He still needs to be experienced, very tender, very tender!" Wu Gouyue proudly and authentically.

Nalan Xing's face was extremely ugly, and each formula was very precious. Since he could configure the medicine he wrote, it meant that four new kinds of medicine were about to come out.

Could the last medicament be deployed, and he was finally relieved.

Several pharmacists on the jury's stage were stunned when they saw that Murphy had finished the pharmacy configuration.

Wu Houyue smiled, and said with high spirits: "I said that the formulations of the medicaments were all effective. You would not believe it, and now I have nothing to say.

"Nalan Xing said a little unwillingly:" It is too early to say that it is effective. Although the six drugs seem to be configured, they have not been tested yet! Wu Gouyue rolled her eyes and said, "The real gold is not afraid of the fire. You can test it.

A few looked at Wu Gouyue's self-confidence, could not help but startled.

Lou Feng saw that Mo Fei had successfully deployed six kinds of medicines, and there was a thick surprise in his eyes. Although he had long suspected that Mo Fei's medicine level was not low, it was confirmed at this moment that Lou Feng still felt deeply Startled.

The testers of the contest tested the medicines that Mo Fe had configured, and the test results were quickly sent to the judges.

The purity of each of the six drugs is around 92%.

Seeing the results, the faces of all the pharmacists were shocked.

Seeing this result, Wu Gouyue smiled lightly and secretly said: This guy from Mo Fei still did not go all out. With Mo Fei's strength, it should be easy to improve the purity of a few points. More than enough.

Lou Feng looked at Mo Fei, his eyes narrowed, and an unknown emotion rolled in his heart. Mo Fei, if he couldn't get together, he could only kill, so as to prevent future troubles.

Yan Chen looked at Mo Fei, a little disbelief flashed in his eyes, "One by one, did Mo Fei deploy six potions!" Mo nodded and said, "Yes!" "No! Each formula of the first round had two points. Could it be that six formulas had been written? It should be twelve points. How could there be only eight points? "Yan Chen asked suspiciously.

Mo Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know.

Many people have noticed the strangeness of Murphy, and many people are shocked to see Murphy's eyes.

Different from the first round of competition, after writing the formula of the medicament, it needs to be reviewed. The results of the second round of the game can be shown on the spot. For each second round of pharmacy, it is three points.

Could it be that thirty points top the list, Nalan Sky Dance failed in the second round of a medicament configuration, and only scored 12 points, plus the first round of points, a total of 22 points, the third is a student of the sky At twenty, Lin Feiyu was still ranked tenth.

138 relationship Nalan Tianwu looked at Mo Fei, his face was full of disbelief.

Unlike Murphy, who knows nothing about the scores of the preliminary rounds, Nalan Tianwu already knew from the grandfather Nalanxin that the judges disputed the scores of the preliminary rounds. Like Nalanxin, she is true to all six formulas of Murphy. Scorn.

In the second round of the match, Murphy ’s stopper was next to Nalan Tianwu. When Nalan Tianwu was able to deploy the fifth potion, he was so anxious that he configured a complex level four in the formula. The potion missed again and again.

Not only was Nalan Tianwu surprised by Mo Fei's performance, but the others were incredible.

Lin Feiyu looked at Mo Fei in shock and anger. Lin Feiyu had long doubted that Mo Fei was probably a brilliant pharmacist, but when the truth was close to him, Lin Feiyu still felt like he was being choked. Neck is uncomfortable.

His proudest pharmacy talent is worthless to Mo Fei. Lin Feiyu frowned. Without Mo Fei, he would be the youngest fourth-level pharmacist among the pharmacists who entered the final. One, but now everyone's eyes are on Mo Fei, and his achievements are not worth mentioning at all.

Lin Feiyu couldn't help but blushed, and secretly said: Before that, he also said that he must point to Mo Fei. At that time, Mo Fei must have ridiculed him in his heart.

Lin Feiyu churned his fingers, but felt that his face was red and red, and people all over the world were watching their jokes.

Lin Feiyu was full of unwillingness to look at Mo Fei, the building, the building style, the talent contest first, and the pharmacy contest first. Mo Fei seems to be trying to **** up all the good things, making people not jealous.

Wu Gouyue just felt his eyebrows exhaled, and the smile on his face couldn't stop.

Yan Chen looked at the list and could n’t believe it. “Murfi ’s score is actually higher than Nalan Sky Dance. Maybe I have n’t woken up yet?” Mo Yi smiled coldly and said, “Young Master Bina Lan Tianwu's girl is strong. What ’s so strange, Yan Yan, you said before that if the young master would give him a bonus of 500 million yuan, go back and prepare the money earlier.

Yan Chen nodded and said, "Okay, it should be, it should be, it must be a god!" Not only, I am proficient in music theory, but I am also proficient in medicament. Even if you tell me now, it is not strange for me to practice training.

Mo Fei's heart trembled, his face said as usual: "What's your joke!" The practice array is a masterpiece of painstaking work by several researchers in the laboratory.

Yan Chen nodded and said, "I know, I'm kidding.

Mo Yi pursed his lips and secretly said: Mo Fei's limelight is too much. Although Yan Chen is inadvertent, but it is difficult to guarantee that other people will not practice the practice and think of Mo Fei.

Building looked at the ranking on the list, frowned slightly.

Lou Feng looked at the building, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "Three brother, you don't seem to be surprised by this result!" The building smiled and said, "Is it just good luck?

"" Six potions, never missed one time, what kind of luck can we do to achieve this! There was a cold smile in Lou Feng's eyes.

The building pursed its lips and said nothing.

Lou Feng shook his fist violently, suddenly raised a smile, looked at the building, "Third brother, you had practiced your exercises too fast and suffered a dark injury. Now it's all well, it should be the blessing of the three princes .

The building froze for a moment. Although Lou Feng had a smile on his face at the moment, the coldness in his eyes couldn't hide it.

The building looked at the building wind lightly, and said, "Second Brother, you laughed, that little injury, it will be natural as time goes by, and it has nothing to do with Mo Fei.

Lou Feng smiled undeniably, and the building saw a look of Lou Feng's expression, and there was a hint of murder in his heart.

Could he look at the scores on the list, his eyes flashed with doubt.

Nalan Tianwu stared at Mo Fei fiercely, as if he had any **** hatred with Mo Fei.

Could he look at the horrified expressions surrounding the competition, scratching his head awkwardly.

The building pulled Murphy's hand, "The game is over, go back.

"Is it not good to see the buildings? I didn't say much, just followed the buildings and left.

Lin Feiyu looked at Mo Fei, a little puzzled in his heart, "Mo Fei, with whom did you learn the potion! Even Nalan Tianwu is not your opponent, your master must be very powerful.

Mo Fei smiled and said, "How can there be any master, I am just talented, talented and extremely clever, so I will allocate so many potions."

"Mr. Fei, you're kidding. In this game, the four potions you wrote, even a few eighth-level pharmacist predecessors, may not be right or wrong. In the end, the compromise gave you eight points.

Lin Feiyu didn't take it seriously.

Couldn't hesitate, "How do you know about the scoring?" Lin Feiyu smiled and said, "I heard what other contestants said.

Mo Fei thoughtfully said, "So what! Mo Fei returned to the Three Princes' Palace and went directly to the laboratory. Mo Fei was sitting in the lab with a bit of bitterness on his face.

"Good, why did you go to the first? Obviously I was the second in the first round.

"Is he scratching his head a little irritably.

The building reluctantly said: "In the first round, some judges could not determine the accuracy of your pharmaceutical formula. After Wu Gouyue's efforts, a group of judges barely agreed to give you eight points. In the second round, you dispensed the medicine. Come out and those judges will supplement your score.

"" I can't determine the accuracy of the formulation of the medicament. After all, I write all the ordinary formulas.

"Murmured softly.

The building was shocked, and said quietly: "You think it is normal, but they may not have seen it!" Mo Fei pursed his lips. "The people here are really useless!" He has already kept enough, and the result is still the same ... The building pursed its lips, "Don't leave me lately, I suspect that the building wind will start with you.

There was a haze in Murphy's eyes.

There was a sound of footsteps, the building frowned, and looked at the door.

Chiba stood at the door, looked at the two, and raised an eyebrow, and said, "The third prince is also here!" "How do you know this laboratory?" The building stared at Chiba with a dim look.

"The three princes told me!" Chiba took it for granted.

The building looked at Mo Fei, and was a little bit dissatisfied: "How did you tell this guy?" Mo Fei said indifferently: "What are you afraid of, Chiba is not an outsider, and Lin Feiyu knows this place, why can't Chiba know.

"Chiba nodded his head, and said," Yes, yes, I am not an outsider, I am an insider. "

"Building:" ... "Chiba looked at the building with some embarrassment:" Three princes, I have a personal matter to talk to the three princes separately. See if you can go out first.

The building looked at Chiba with dissatisfaction, and said, "No.

"No? "Chiba looked at the building full of prayers.

The building looked away and said coldly, "It won't help me to wink.

"Chiba rolled his eyes." It's a puzzling bastard. "

"Building, you go out first, Chiba wants to talk to me about personal matters."

"Couldn't help but say.

The building looked cold and looked at Mo Fei, "Mo Fei, why do you trust him so much, maybe he is a spy.

""spy? What jokes are the three princes doing! Who am I so handsome, who is willing to let me be a spy? Isn't this sending sheep into the tiger's mouth? In my opinion, even if there are spies, it is absolutely impossible for me.

"Chiba shook his hair.

Building looked at Chiba and said, "Anyway, I will never leave.

"Three princes, you are forcing me to kill!" Chiba smiled, raised her chin, and said, "Three princes, don't regret it. If you want to eavesdrop on my private conversation with the third prince, I will tell my fans that you want to **** me and want to pull me together with The three princesses play Shuangfei.

The building looked at Chiba with its teeth gritted, and said, "You're ruthless!" "Chiba smiled, and said," Three princes, go out and see if dinner is all right by the way. "

Could it be that the building left, raised an eyebrow at Chiba, and asked: "What's the matter!" "" The prince seems suspicious of you. I suspect that the cultivation team has something to do with you. Someone already knows.

"Chiba said with his head sideways.

Could there be a headache, "It's really troublesome.

Chiba nodded his head and said with deep conviction: "It's a little bit troublesome, but if you are strong enough, you won't be troublesome. The point is that you are too weak now.

Hearing Chiba's words, could not help rubbing his forehead.

Chiba looked at Mo Fei and asked, "Are you a Level 4 psychiatrist now?" Mo Fei nodded and said, "Yeah! I just entered Level 4 the other day, thanks to the psychic stone, but unfortunately, the psychic stone With too much use, this body has already developed resistance, and it is unlikely that you will be promoted by spiritual power in the future.

Chiba looked at Mo Fei with disappointment, and said, "You are really useless. You have to be able to enter the fourth level with the spirit stone. The speed will not be slow. Even if you are a psychic, you can cross the challenge, but it is still difficult to cross two levels, so you don't have to be suppressed by his life.

"Is Mochi looking at Chiba a little irritably," Are you mistaken! You actually scolded me, you eat me now, drink me, and want me to pay you to redeem me, do you still scold me? Chiba smiled awkwardly, and said, "Don't I care about you?" By the way, give me a lotion for beauty treatments. I gave this medicine one by one before. Unfortunately, I was in trouble the next day. I did n’t dare to use it. I will take leave tomorrow.

"I'm staring at Chiba," "I was stared at, you still have time to do beauty.

"Chiba shrugged." What are you anxious for? You are the three princes, and there is a marshal behind him. Mo Yi has a good relationship with Zheng Ye. Even if the big prince wants your life, he won't take it easy. "Muffy:" ... "" Brother, how did you come here? " "Couldn't help wondering.

"I came with you. Didn't the people from those two companies fight in the laboratory to grab your medicament and caused a laboratory explosion directly? At that time, I happened to go to you and encountered an explosion.

"Chiba shrugged.

"I'm sorry brother.

"Isn't it a bit guilty?"

"What did you say? Aren't your brothers dead? Right, when did you recognize me?" Chiba said indifferently.

"From the moment I saw the first golden rose, I knew it. Only my brother, you will use this rose to lie to others. This is the case in past and present. Brother, how did you recognize me?" Asked Mo Fei curiously. Road.

"Cultivate things like arrays. Only brothers who you raise will make them. As soon as arrays are launched, I know you are next to the third prince.

"Chiba smiled.

139 Chiba's method "Ah!" Lin Feiyu was shocked when he saw that his face was full of acne, and he was still braving the black water.

Lying on the sofa, Chiba opened her eyes and glanced at Lin Feiyu, showing a bright smile.