MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 1022 : The sea **** festival begins!

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Jiang Hai’s bait has a miraculous effect. This statement was quickly spread among the people who like fishing in Winslow, but unfortunately, Jiang Hai did not give them too many opportunities. There is no way for Jiang Hai. The rice fields are small.

According to the domestic standards, a publicly ploughed field is only 10,000 to 15,000, that is to say, 15 acres of land to put these, or fry, you have to consider the problem of the death of these fry.

Jiang Hai now only has two acres of land, and it is also an adult fish. Naturally, it is impossible to put it like a fry, so Jiang Hai only came back after only one and a half days of fishing. On the first day, he fished more than 700 tails, including six hundred. The multi-tailed squid, and a hundred small squid, the largest but more than two pounds, put into the rice fields, and will not show much.

But the effect is still quite good. The fish in the evening may not have been eaten yet, but after the fish at noon is put in, it has already started hunting at night, and the insects floating in the water are the perfect ones. Rations.

When Jiang Hai went to see it the next day, the worms that had originally floated on the water were almost one-tenth. Of course, the worms will continue to grow, but these things will be the best rations for these fish.

The next morning, Jiang Hai went fishing for some fish, but this time, he was not only limited to squid and squid, he began to fish the grass roots, the grass roots are actually quite difficult to raise, in order to adapt these people Jiang Hai also specially installed the inside of the barrels of these fishes, and put a hint of aura to ensure that these fish will not die.

Of course, Jiang Hai can't say what fish to fish on, and the fish don't listen to him. When fishing for squid, it's easy to catch squid, let alone catch grass carp, so basically all fish have, but grass roots. It is indeed quite a lot.

After about fishing for two hundred miscellaneous fish, Jiang Hai left, but when he left, naturally, the uncle who had been close to him for a long time, took the remaining insects in Jiang Hai’s hand. After Jiang Hai’s departure, he couldn’t wait to come up with his own prepared sea otter. This time, this uncle is ready to come.

Not to mention, this uncle is really alive. Although he got wet in the evening, he was really harvested. He harvested a total of six big fish. A one-meter-long mirror is quite eye-catching. When I did it, I had a good meal with a few people who were familiar with it. Of course, Jiang Hai did not know about this matter.

He just returned to the manor with his own fish. There were grass carp, squid, black fish and two small squid. Jiang Hai directly dumped the fish and threw it into the rice fields. .

The effect was still very good, basically after an afternoon of slowing down, the fish began to feed.

On the third day, when Jiang Hai and Consonson-Peters went to see it, although there were still bugs on the water, the number was obviously much less, basically only half of the time before the day before, or even one-third. Of course, Jiang Hai does not have to worry that these fish will eat the worms. How fast the worms hatch, everyone knows that it is spring, and the worms cannot eat.

With the success of Jiang Hai's rice-field fish farming, he does not have to worry about the problem of insects and rice being fat.

And the most important thing is that when the water is released in the fall, it is estimated that he will harvest a large number of fish, and then he can taste the taste of these river fish that he owns. I think Jiang Hai can't help but grin, after the sea fish eat more. It is not bad to eat river fish occasionally.

Think of sweet and sour fish, braised fish, and fried squid. Well, it is really good to eat and see.

After solving this problem, Jiang Hai was in a state of decadence. The mayor of Wallis and Jiang Hai greeted him in advance. Three days later, it was the time of the sea **** sacrifice. When Jiang Hai went to walk one day in advance. Then, if you have something wrong, they can change it. In the past two days, Jiang Hai will not let it go, and he will not be able to control it.

In this way, Jiang Hai was so fascinated that he had lived for two more days. On this day, he was not at home. Because he said it was good, he had to go and take a look at Jiang’s position in Winslow. More talk.

Last year, Jiang Hai won the fish tank. This year, Wallis Mayor directly asked him to hold it from the beginning to the end. He only helped when he took the fish tank. Jiang Hai also had nothing to say. Although it is a little tired, he still lives in such a job. Although a fish tank is more beautiful than in previous years, it is about five kilograms. He has little problem.

Because tomorrow is a celebration, Jiang Hai also saw this year's offering, an Atlantic blue dragon.

This thing Jiang Hai also introduced, not much to say here, and this year's article seems to be not small.

I have to admit that the fishermen on Winslow's side are very powerful. I know that this sea otter is very difficult to see. Now it is also a very popular pet in the world. This kind of creature basically lives only in the tropics. The sea, but here on Winslow, sometimes, especially in the early spring, this creature will be rolled up by the current.

When the creature is inside 13-24 degrees of seawater, the appetite is quite strong, but below 13 degrees, or above 24 degrees, they will not eat again, but in the ocean, basic They are all living on the reefs, or they are rolling into a group. This kind of creature is like a worm, but it is an indispensable kind of creature in the ocean because their main food is poisonous. Jellyfish and purple snails are similar to sea turtles.

So in Europe and North America where animal protection organizations are more awkward, this organism is more common in the summer.

On the other hand, the Indian National Ocean, which should have been more, has rarely been seen, and it has basically been taken as a pet.

In fact, this kind of creature wants to extinction is also impossible, because this creature is hermaphroditic, you can have children to play with one person. With such a strong talent, it is really not an easy task to want to extinction.

Holding this glass jar, Jiang Hai and Wallis Mayor, and Sandy Clive, together, walked along the road to be taken tomorrow, Azalina, they are not idle, joking, Jiang Hai came to the parade, what if there is danger?

To know that there are a lot of people tomorrow, so the girls who have stayed at home for a while have begun to get busy.

The monitoring of each location, as well as the selection of police to personally protect Jiang Hai and so on, everything is being prepared in an orderly manner.

With the discussion of the people, the situation of tomorrow has basically been thought of, and then it was overnight. The next morning, Jiang Hai got up. To be honest, he rarely got up so early.

But today there is something. At 6 o'clock in the morning, they all went out. At this time, Winslow was just just brightened. With Jiang Hai, they came to the square in the middle of the town. At this time, the square has already There are quite a few people out there.

There are tourists and locals. When they saw Jiang Hai, these people cheered up. Of course, the loudest cheer is Jiang Hai. If it is not because of Jiang Hai, it is still a poor fishing village.

As for the number of tourists, there are some people who are blind, because most people don’t know Jiang Hai. Although I heard that there is a Chinese who has special money, there are still too few people who have seen Jiang Hai. Now it is basically Listening to the cheers of the locals, they also cheered and made a lot of fun, and in this cheer, Jiang Hai also went to the high platform.

At seven o'clock, with the 32-gun salute, this year's Poseidon Festival officially began. There was no performance, no leadership speech, and no square winding. It was time to arrive, Wallis Town. Long announced that this year's Poseidon Festival began, he directly handed the glass cylinder to the hands of Jiang Hai, and Jiang Hai also lifted the glass jar with the blue dragon high, then went down the stairs, pointing to their original The route to the beach went over.

Along the way, more and more townspeople and tourists joined the parade. In front of the team, the bands organized in the Winslow School and the small pots of the show were also constantly clearing.

On the way, Jiang Hai’s journey was very slow. It was about an hour or so. They walked for four hours before they arrived. At eleven o'clock in the morning, they came to the release deck on the beach. The sea put this blue dragon back into the sea, and all the locals cheered up. This also means that Poseidon has received his own gift. This year, there will be a good harvest. After the release of the Blue Dragon, the ceremony and The parade was over, and then the crowd gradually dispersed and walked over to the three already planned areas. The locals went to the small stalls because they would buy and sell each other. Some old goods, will also buy some small play should.

Visitors are more likely to go to the food area and the play area in the distance. Of course, there are also some tourists who will go to the old goods stalls to see what they are picking up. It is very troublesome for Americans to handle junk.

Wherein I can just throw it away, so we will write about the gale. s Choice.

After Jiang Lan finished the Blue Dragon, he did not hurry to go back, but went directly to the food stall. Although Jiang Hai’s family had something delicious, he was still very interested in the street snacks.

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