MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 1002 : Tsukuji

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"Hey, call, my leg!!" The next morning, when Jiang Hai walked out of the room, his feet were playing.

It is really because of the feelings of last night, not enough for outsiders. The five professional teachers are not professional. After teaching the students, they also personally guided the three students and teaching equipment, that is, Jiang Hai. After several close contacts, Jiang Hai felt that their fighting power had surged, and Jiang Hai did not know what to say.

So that he got up this morning, he was playing in the air, and after he came out, the other girls and teachers also came out. The status of the teachers was not high, so they greeted Jiang Hai. After that, they each left. Of course, when they left, they each received a cheque of 100,000 US dollars sent by Jiang Hai. One dollar is equal to 115 yen, and 100,000 US dollars is 115 million yen. According to the person who said yesterday, the general actress's appearance fee is between 300,000 and 800,000 yen. These tops are about a million yen, which is about 60,000 soft sister coins.

Now Jiang Hai directly gave tens of millions of yen, and these teachers are not to be grateful to Dade, but also in the heart, this is Jiang Hai's recognition of their teaching last night, and they are also very moved.

The Chisaki-Jessica over there also asked Jiang Hai, they didn't need to come to teach this evening. They can't charge for it this evening. After all, tens of millions of yen, it is indeed a lot of money in the island country.

However, Jiang Hai waved his hand and indicated that they were not used. It was not uncomfortable last night. It was too comfortable, but it was so comfortable. It is estimated that Jiang Hai’s body may not be able to stand up. After all, what is the drop of blood? He can't help it anymore.

After these teachers left, Jiang Hai also went to have breakfast. The breakfast in the island country is actually very simple.

In the former Western world, the island’s trade door was opened with artillery. Therefore, the island’s acceptance of some foods in the West is extremely high, like domestic, although some people drink coffee and eat sandwiches in the morning, but more The family still eats big fruits (fried dough sticks), drinks tofu brains, eats ramen noodles, and simmers. This is the Chinese eating habit.

The eating habits of the island countries are more similar to those of the West. It is also because they do not have time to eat breakfast according to Chinese or Japanese style. The pace of life here is too fast, in order to sleep more, in order to You can not crowd the trams of so many people, the breakfast of the office workers is Western-style, sandwiches, coffee.

If you live with your parents, there may be something like a rice ball, and that's it.

Jiang Hai, after they arrived at the buffet restaurant of this hotel, they basically saw Western-style. Of course, there are rice **** and sushi. Among them, Jiang Hai likes to eat a potato cake. thing.

This thing is made of potatoes, ham slices, bowls of beans, and eggs. It is a cake-like thing. The eggs are wrapped in these kinds of play, and then there is ketchup next to it. This is just put, foreigners, Especially in Europe and the United States, people like to eat ketchup, but the island country continues the taste of Chinese people, so the acceptance of this thing is just fine.

After eating breakfast, Jiang Hai is just free to go out to play, come to East-Jingyi, it is impossible to not go at all!

So they went to the East-Beijing Tower, the Sky Tower, or any landmark building. At noon, they went to eat a famous ramen called a lamp house. There are three ramen noodles in this house. Kind, noodles, noodles and noodles.

Tang Khan is also divided into two types: thick fish and aromatic alcohol. The soup of their family is completely free of pork bones according to the online saying, so the taste is not the same as the general ramen.

So the ramen's emperor, the porpoise ramen is not here, but the other ramen tastes quite good.

Jiang Hai ate their signature, the barbecued pork with thick noodles, had to admit, this taste is really good.

In the island country, ramen is actually a dish, not a noodle. There are quite a few people who want to eat ramen with food. Jiang Haike can’t stand it, so he ate two bowls of ramen and didn’t have any rice noodles to match. .

After eating ramen, Jiang Hai went to play for another afternoon in the afternoon. At night, the two sons and sons of Nakamura came again.

I didn’t see them today, because they are arranging propaganda on the Tsukiji market. As far as the current situation is concerned, the effect is still quite good. The dinner at night is naturally arranged by them, but they have no more female body.

Because they also learned from the side, Jiang Hai does not eat raw food, and that thing can be seen once, so this evening they specially called a teppanyaki master and gave them a teppanyaki.

If you talk about teppanyaki, it is estimated that many people think that this thing is an island country. Actually, this kind of eating method was originally invented by the Spaniards. It was a way of eating poor people. Later, It has spread to the United States and Mexico. That is to say, this kind of eating method, in fact, Americans are more proficient than those of the island countries, but it is the island nation.

So now that teppanyaki is mentioned, everyone only knows that there is an island country, but they do not know that there are places like Spain and the United States.

But I have to admit that the level of the island country to do this master is quite good.

Teppanyaki is almost something that can be done, fish, shrimp, scallops, vegetables, beef, etc., you can do whatever you want, for fried rice, fried noodles are no problem.

Jiang Hai likes this kind of eating method very much, but in normal times, Qi Ya has no such skills to be used by nearly 20 people to eat and drink, so at home, Jiang Hai can not eat this, but in It’s just fine.

For a dinner, Jiang Hai was quite satisfied with this meal, and then went back to rest. For the next two days, Jiang Hai and Pula-Walton always went out during the day and tried in the hotel at night. New moves and the like.

Unconsciously, it is already the day to auction the fish!

Jiang Hai’s place to auction fish is the Tsukiji market. There may be many people who have seen foreign farming novels. They are not strange to the Tsukiji market. This is the island’s largest fish market and the second largest farmer’s market in 1935. Opened in the year.

Here, Jiang Hai does not endorse it. After all, it is also possible to check the Internet. It is like the information on the street in Kabukicho. It is not easy to find on the Internet, so Jiang Hai will go to popularize it and cough.

The Tsukiji market was originally the largest fishing market, but now it is the largest fish market and the largest tourist market. The same stores in the market have been clearly separated. Some are wholesale, some are retail, just like one. Some shops in Fan Street do not do foreign business, and most of the shops here do not do foreign business.

If we say that in this world, the island nation and South Korea are definitely on the list when it comes to the change of state self-respect.

If you have a big place, you have to add a big word in front of your own nation and country to reflect your uniqueness.

However, compared to the South Korea’s bones, the Republic of Korea is actually worshipping foreign life. The island country needs to be more united. After all, it is an important resource in South Korea, imported cars and foreign tourists.

But in the island country, to be honest, there are very few people who import cars. In addition to some face cars, the local car of the island country has a large proportion, and the tourist destination here is also the same, often not doing foreign business, for When foreigners come to travel, their attitude is also love coming and not coming down. This is also related to the economic environment. Although one million islands are not pleasing to the eye, it is the second largest economy in the world before the rise of China. Now China Rise, it is also the third.

On the afternoon of the auction of the fish, Jiang Hai and Pula-Walton joined them and drove a team to the Tsukiji market.

This is the first time Jiang Hai came to the Tsukiji market. After coming, I found that this market is really arrogant. There is a sign hanging outside the market, which reads the rest time of the market, rests every Sunday, the whole market is not open, rest every morning. There are two days off every month, and the end of the year and the Bonan Basin will be closed for three consecutive periods. The foreign vehicles must be registered. Otherwise, they are not allowed to enter. The taxis are not allowed to enter, etc., according to the words of Pula-Walton. She said that she has been here several times. There are no parking lots nearby. If it is not because they have built a Wal-Mart nearby, there is no place for their cars to stop.

In addition to the huh, huh, Jiang Hai can't say anything else. It seems that the people of the island country are really very exclusive.

The car drove into the nearby Wal-Mart supermarket. Jiang Hai first went to the venue and just entered. Jiang Hai saw that his huge blue-fin tuna had been placed on the booth of the venue. Keep it fresh.

After watching the circle, Jiang Hai did not have any good-looking, so he was ready to play in the Tsukiji market. Pula-Walton sent four bodyguards to follow, while Jiang Hai also took Azalina and Gorgeous. - Shelley, a group of seven people, came to the following Tsukiji market. As soon as he walked in, Jiang Hai smelled a fishy smell and stinks. Fortunately, Jiang Hai has long been used to this taste. Into the market, Jiang Hai also had to nod.

The Tsukiji market is a big market. It can be said that the island country has no saying that it is forbidden to kill certain fish. Therefore, in the market of the island country, what kind of marine animals are seen, including whales, sharks, dolphins, of course, these things are It is dead.