MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 94

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As if to confirm what Chen Qianqiong said, in the next few days, Mrs. Ji's phone offensive became more fierce, Ji Ran came to the back, and even the driver of the Ji family's phone went black.

Mrs. Ji couldn't help it, and finally came to the door.

However, she was very angry last time. In order to save her life, this time the elderly did not come in person.

After a period of repairs, Ji Wei has recovered the spirit of the past, not as slumped as when he saw him in the hospital before. He was wearing a gray suit with a bag in his hand and appeared at Ji Ran's.

"Hangzhou Longjing, specially sent by others, don't drink and drink all day, tea is better for the body."

Ji Ran didn't look at the bag at all: "If you have something to say, don't have time to talk to you."

Ji Wei has become accustomed to his attitude, he said: "Since you don't want others to come to your house to annoy you, you must answer the phone."

"It's not that I don't want to take it." Ji Ran sneered. "She's old, and I'm afraid I'll get angry again if I'm not careful."

Ji Wei sighed: "I'm here to inform you. The day after tomorrow my father will be discharged from the hospital, you'd better be there."

Ji Ran gave a meal, looked at him with interest, and then asked: "Ji Wei, you are now standing next to his bed as a filial son, and you can't bear the old woman muttering in your ears, just to fight for that family property? "

Even when Ji Ran had the deepest gap with Ji's family, Ji Ran treated Mrs. Ji with respect.

Hearing the word "Old Woman", Ji Wei glanced at him and said, "My mother has found you."

Ji Ran did not respond, and continued: "In fact, you don't need to do this. The only thing Ji Guozheng can rely on is you. The two mothers and sons will not allow the property to fall into the hands of foreigners. You really want to fight for that. Gadgets ... why not let Ji Guozheng die? Save time and effort. "

"Don't say this again in the future." Ji Weitie faced and interrupted him.

Ji Ran said, "Oh, sorry, I forgot your father's kindness and filial piety. You just want his property, not let him die."

"I'm not interested in his family property, I just want to help my mother get what she deserves."

Ji Ran waved her hand, indicating that she was not interested in this topic.

He hasn't wanted to hear anything about Ji's family for nearly half a year: "It's over, you can go."

Ji Wei frowned and looked around subconsciously: "I have something else to say."

"Okay, nobody's here," Ji Ran said lazily, "said."

"It's about Qin Man. I heard about you two and I heard you ... gave him a lot of money."

Ji Ran looked at him coolly.

"I just want to say that Qin Man is actually not short of money." Ji Wei hesitated. "Grandma said that the two of you were living together ... you had a bad relationship with him before. He has a deep mind, so you have to be careful Don't be fooled by him. "

Ji Ran smiled casually.

Damn, even Ji Wei knew about it. He was blindfolded when he was alone in the drum.

In fact, he later thought about it carefully. There are many details to see that Qin Man's bankruptcy is a problem, but he was abandoned by him and turned a blind eye.

Ji Wei thought he didn't believe: "He is now registering a company, you can find someone to check with the relevant department."

"That's it." Ji Ran interrupted him. "This matter has nothing to do with you, so you don't need to worry about it. When the words come, please hurry up. I have no time to entertain you."

Ji Wei grew up with a gold spoon and was treated so coldly by others. Naturally, he could not bear a few words, leaving the tea leaves and leaving.

Ji Ran looked at the jar of tea, tangled whether to leave it or not, and finally picked it up and placed it high in the kitchen.

When I returned, the phone rang.

Qin Man sent a message. On this message, there were several messages Ji Ran did not return.

q: It's time for dinner.

Having lived with Ji Ran for so many days, Qin Man was most impressed that this person did not like to eat on time.

Obviously he can cook, and contemporary take-away is also very convenient, but Ji Ran likes to drag and do n’t eat when he is not hungry. He often eats breakfast at noon, lunch at two or three in the afternoon, and dinner at nine in the evening. .

The amount is sufficient, but the meal time is irregular, which is still not good for the stomach.

So Qin Man pretended to be hungry every day, so that for a period of time he was always called a starving ghost by Ji Ran.

In fact, Qin Man had this problem in the past, especially during the year-end period, when he could not eat two meals a day, the employees were bitter, and no one dared to say it.

Now that Qin Man's bad problem has come over, he started to correct his ex-boyfriend.

Father Ji: What are you doing?

Father Ji: Give me a blind take-out, then sprinkle all the plants in your yard.

Qin Man laughed and returned a poor expression.

Outside the door, Liu Chen was already waiting in the car. There is a birthday party today, and the owner of the party is not related to him, so he has to go.

I wear casual clothes for a long time, and then wear a suit, I always feel bound.

Before getting on the car, Qin Man glanced opposite. The master on that end seemed to be worried about being peeped by the abnormal door, and the curtains were closed at this moment.

Waiting for him to sit in the back seat, Liu Chen took out a gift box from the co-driver: "Boss, the gifts are all bought, look at ..."

"No." Liu Chen was relieved. Qin Man pulled down the window, still looking sideways, and suddenly said, "Wait, don't hurry. You press the horn twice."

Liu Chen Yiyi: "What?"


"Boss, this humming ..." And there were no cars nearby. What horns to empty the street? !!


A short horn echoed in the street.

Seeing the curtains motionless, Qin Man said: "Press twice more, a little longer, it's fine."

Liu Chen gritted his teeth and slammed it twice.

The curtain next door was severely opened, and Ji Ran raised his **** without hesitation when he saw him.

Qin Man smiled and said to him, "I'm out."

Ji Ran didn't hear clearly, but understood his mouth shape. He opened the window: "Go away! I'll call the horn and call you!"

Until Ji Ran pulled the curtains back, Qin Man smiled and looked back: "Let's go."

Liu Chen: "..."

After more than half a year's vacation, his boss seems like ... personal quality has become a bit lower?

Qin Man hasn't appeared on such an occasion for a long time, which caused him to be respected a lot of wine as soon as he arrived in the banquet hall.

Someone who came here tried out, and some people who knew Qin Man's family in the first place.

The owner of this birthday banquet is nearly seventy years old and has great authority in Mancheng. Therefore, although there are not many guests attending this dinner, all the people who can receive invitations are the best in Mancheng.

"You are really right. Why didn't you come to see me after such a big incident?" The old man sat in a wheelchair and rebuked Qin Man. Although the old man is old, he still looks 100 times more spiritual, which is today's birthday star.

The old man is close to Qin Man's grandfather, so he loves Qin Man very much.

"Not a big deal." Qin Man smiled.

"The court has issued the notice, isn't it a big deal?"

Qin Man smiled and said nothing.

In fact, it was not difficult for him to save the company, but the company was founded by Qin's father. Qin's father was married. Although he has always loved Qin's mother, he has listened to gossip for decades. It is inevitable that one or two sentences will be put in his heart. So until the company went bankrupt, he was unwilling to drag his wife and son because of his own affairs.

The old man was the main force who did not agree with Qin's low marriage. Especially after his friend died, he was even more dissatisfied with Qin's father. He must be ridiculed when he met. This is why Qin's mother did not appear at the banquet table today.

The old man immediately understood, and said coldly, "The company is dead! It still cares about those faces!"

Qin Mandao said: "They are also old. It is time to rest and let me honor them."

The old man looked up at him and suddenly said, "Look at me, isn't it a few years?"

Qin Man laughed: "You are living longer, rest assured."

"Relax," said the old man, "can you let me hug my grandson?"

"You have three grandchildren." Qin Man reminded him.

"That's different, I have to help your grandpa remember! You are so old, don't you worry? I and your grandpa are at your age, the children are hugging each other!" The old man remembered what it was, and moved to the side Waving, "Clear, come here."

Shi Shiran, a woman wearing a big high-definition long dress, came up, "Grandpa, what's the matter?"

The old man did not answer her and looked at Qin Man: "Xiao Man, this granddaughter, you have seen, called Qingqing. You two know each other, and keep a phone number."

The woman froze, glanced at Qin Man, and suddenly blushed.

Qin Man immediately understood the meaning of the old man. He smiled: "Grandpa, if you know it, the phone won't change. My lover will get angry when he sees it."

"Love?" The old man was angry. "Then don't you show me someone today ?!"

Qin Man said euphemistically, "We have had some conflicts recently."

"You still have trouble with people?" The old man thought it strange, and waved his hand. "Ah, it's all like this. They make trouble out of no reason, so you can let them alone, no matter what? Just lower your head and make a mistake."

"You're right." Qin Man smiled.

Midway through the banquet, the old man's family Zhang Luo wanted to take a picture.

After taking a picture with the elderly, a family member is finally a family portrait.

The family is in a good shape. When the photographer was about to shoot, he saw the old man raise his hand: "Wait."

He waved to Qin Man, "Xiao Man, come here and stand behind me and shoot together."

Qin Man raised an eyebrow: "Grandpa, not very suitable."

"You called me grandpa, what's wrong!" Said the old man. "I won't take pictures if you don't come!"

The old man's temper is the hardest to figure out. Qin Man had no choice but to step forward.

In the second half of the banquet, the old man was out of energy and left the scene first. The rest was the entertainment exchange between businessmen.

Qin Man is full of mysteries and is popular with the elderly. Wherever he goes, he is the most lively and most concerned place.

He was talking about the cooperation with the people around him, and at a glance, he saw a slightly familiar face.

If you ca n’t recognize your face, look at the other person ’s head, and you ’ll immediately understand.

It was his high school classmate who forgot his name and remembered that Ji Ran called him a little bald.

The bald man softened and soaked for a long time before his boss finally let him talk to his boss as an assistant at the banquet—the kind of assistant who specially handed the business card to the boss and blocked the wine.

I didn't expect he would see Qin Man here ...

The point is, Qin Man actually talked with these business leaders and talked about it? !!

Isn't this bankrupt? ?

The bald man saw his boss walking towards Qin Man with a smile on his face, and lowered his position during the conversation. He followed the boss, cold sweat.

Qin Man shouldn't see him, right? !!

"Then I look forward to our chance to cooperate in the future." The boss laughed. "I have the honor to exchange business cards with you?"

The bald man panted, took out his business card in a hurry, and lowered his hands to the boss.

"Ah." Qin Man's eyes turned, looking at the bare head, "Little bald?"

Bald man: "..."

"Do you know each other?" The boss was pleasantly surprised.

The bald man nodded hurriedly: "Yes ... Qin and I are always high school classmates."


It's okay, the bald man comforts himself, and just because of Qin Man's temperament, he shouldn't hold revenge ...

The boss laughed and held up his business card: "That's just ..."

"It's a pity." Qin Man also laughed, and the tone of the words suddenly became quite cold. "I had some unpleasant troubles with him. Since he can represent your company at such occasions, it may indicate that our work philosophy is somewhat different. "

He nodded. "That's the case, I have something to say, goodbye."

After all, he ignored the desperate expression of the bald man and turned to leave.

On the other hand, Qin Man really doesn't hold any grudges--to put it bluntly, there are not many people who can really make him love. It will not affect work because of private affairs.

But this person has chewed Ji Ran's gossip, and more than once or twice.

That's another account.


Ji Ran didn't expect that when he was bored in the middle of the night to brush a circle of friends, he could reach Qin Man.

The person in the circle of friends is a female racer named Qingqing. She was known by the owner of the repair shop. She just made a few days ago, and the family members sent her the high-definition skirt.

[Qing baby: Family portrait. Happy birthday to Grandpa, Shoubi Nanshan. 】

In the photo, Qin Man is standing behind the old man, standing side by side with Qingqing. The old man is holding a person on one side, and looks like a pair of sultry people, very harmonious.

Family portrait?

You are really great.

Ji Ran sneered and liked the photo.

I was thinking of plugging the ring into Qin Man's nostril, and the doorbell rang.

Outside the door, Liu Chen was on the verge of collapse.

His boss is drunk.

In fact, this is not a rare thing. For entertainment, it is inevitable that there is some uncontrollable amount. But Qin Man used to be drunk and quiet in the past. It was done when he got home, but this time it was extraordinarily difficult.

The boss was tall and big, and he managed to carry him to the doorstep of the house. He was about to take the key. Who knew Qin Man opened his eyes and suddenly began to struggle.

Non-fuck said this is not his home!

It doesn't matter, it's not just holding his neck, he turned around stiffly, pointed to the opposite house, and said that it was his house.

They spent more than ten minutes at the door, and Liu Chen had no choice but to ring the doorbell on the opposite side.

Ji Ran opened the iron door and looked at them blankly.

Qin Man looked up, saw him, smiled, and said dumbly: "Primary school brother."

Liu Chen: "..."

Watching Ji Ran's face dark at the speed visible to the naked eye, he stiffened his head and said, "Sorry, my boss is drunk, but you are his home.

Ji Ran: "..."

Qin Man could not feel the atmosphere between them.

He raised his hand and escaped from Liu Chen's support. The whole man moved forward, and his head was directly clasped on Ji Ran's shoulder.

Ji Ran felt the heat exhaled from his neck. Qin Man was in his ear and whispered, "... Primary brother, I have a headache."

Liu Chen's scalp was numb.

Seeing that the expression of the person in front of him was getting more and more horrible, Liu Chen stepped forward: "Sure enough, I still help him home and disturb you ..."

Ji Ran raised his hand and pressed it on Qin Man's waist.

"No, you go back. It's hard for you, and you still have to serve this lunatic." Ji Ran said.

If Liu Chen was granted an amnesty, he immediately retracted his hand: "No hard work, no hard work! Please take care of it, we will have a meeting tomorrow morning, and I will come over early to take him away. If you need me to bring breakfast, you can tell me at any time.

"Breakfast is not necessary," Ji Ran replied coldly. "Give him the vice coffin. Trouble."

Liu Chen froze, and before the reaction came, the iron gate was closed.

He witnessed his boss like a pig waiting to be slaughtered, and was pulled into the house with his hands on his hips.

The author has something to say: I have a cold, the code is too slow, and I can only let Qin Laogu send 200 red envelopes in the comments in this chapter to thank him.

Thanks everyone for the nutrition fluid and Ray. 2k novel reading network

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