MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 88

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Ji Ran held the steering wheel and listened to the ringtone on the phone.

At seven o'clock in the evening, there was a traffic jam in the urban area. He didn't pass the red light after waiting for two trips.

The phone rang, he glanced at it and picked it up.

"How come?" Qin Man asked.

"I am busy."

Hearing his tone was wrong, Qin Man said, "Where are you, I'll go to you."

Ji Ran took a deep breath without leaving a trace.

He hasn't seen the documents, and he hasn't asked anything clearly. He can't draw any conclusions now.

"No." The indicator light turned green, Ji Ran Road, "Drive, hang up."

Ji Ran drove very slowly this time, keeping forty steps slowly moving around the street.

To hide Chen An, Cheng Peng recently lived in a house near the company. Ji Ran parked his car in the parking lot and went straight upstairs.

"Here it is." Cheng Peng opened the door and looked him up and down. "Where have you been from for so long."

"Traffic jam." Ji Ran said briefly.

There were two documents on the glass table in the living room.

"I can confirm these at present." Cheng Peng said, "there is definitely no one found, you look at it."

Ji Ran sat on the sofa and flipped two pages casually.

Cheng Peng looked at him on the opposite side and saw him calm, Cheng Peng was somewhat surprised.

Ten minutes later, Ji Ran closed the file.

Then ask the person in front of you: "Is there water, thirsty."

Cheng Peng said: "Yes, what do you want to drink?"

"Bai Kai." Ji Ran gave a meal and asked, "Is there any wine?"

"Yes, but only beer." Cheng Peng was sympathetic. "If you want to drink red wine, I will send it from the cellar."

"Only beer."

A few minutes later, the sound of beer being opened was ringing in the living room.

Ji Ran squeezed the canned beer, leaned back, tilted Erlang's legs, his posture was casual, as if returning to the previous months.

"Is there a cigarette?" He drank twice and asked again.

"Don't mean to quit smoking?" Cheng Peng said.

"Don't mention it."

When he mentioned it, he felt like a fool.

Cheng Peng handed him a cigarette, Ji Ran bent over and held his mouth, lit a fire, and sighed happily.

The long-lost taste, because he hasn't touched it for too long, he even feels a little hesitant.

Cheng Pengmo looked at him silently, and asked after a while: "What are you going to do?"

Ji Ran spit out a smoke: "I don't know."

He really didn't know.

"You look calm," Cheng Peng praised. "You're right. In this respect, you are indeed better than me."

Ji Ran was silent. There was nothing to be proud of.

To be honest, after knowing this, he didn't have much surprise, but he was inexplicably relieved.

After all, he never thought Qin Man would like himself.

"Why do you think he was going bankrupt?" Cheng Peng lit one and asked.

Why else. Ji Ran thought coldly.

Want to see him silly send him money, silly like him.

Blind him all the way, wait till the final blow to him.

"But I don't think it's necessary for him to spend so much time." Cheng Peng saw his thoughts. "Do you think it will be ..."

"Ninety-nine percent and one percent, which side do you want me to choose?" Ji Ran interrupted him and laughed at himself.

This love affair with Qin Man is a game.

Gambling Qin Man did not lie to him, betting that he hit a big luck, really made such a proud man bow his head to him.

From the beginning, he knew that his odds were too small, and Ji Ran would never bet before switching.

But after getting along in a few months, he realized that his chips had been thrown to the gambling table and there was nothing left. The bet is not refundable, so he can only bet.

In fact, think carefully about what he likes.

He finds Qin Mantian every day and meets with either cynicism or irony. They can't stand for so many years ... unless Qin Man is a masochist.

"Then in case he really likes you." Cheng Peng thought about it, "or is he a Stockholm syndrome patient?"

"Come on, I won't comfort people, just close my mouth and drink with me." Ji Ran touched him with a glass. "I'm fine."

"I'm ready now, don't worry about me."

After drinking a glass of wine, Ji Ran's cell phone rang again.

He glanced at the caller ID, hung up and turned off the phone.

Then he raised his glass and touched Cheng Peng again: "How many rooms do you have?"

"Yes, rest assured."

Ji Ran's alcohol is actually not good, and Yue Wenwen hasn't even been able to drink it yet.

However, he has excellent skills in rolling the dice and punching. He can't drink any alcohol in a game. After careful calculation, he is really not drunk.

When he opened the sixth can of beer, Cheng Peng couldn't help but reach out and stopped: "Don't drink."

"It's all right."

Ji Ran sighed.

He had pink on his cheeks and water on his lips.

After drinking a half cup, he suddenly remembered: "Did my cell phone turn off?"

He fumbled around and couldn't find his cell phone. Cheng Peng busy said, "It's closed, it's just closed."

"you sure?"

"OK." Cheng Peng was helpless.

Ji Ran sounded, rest assured.

Without shutting down, he was afraid of being cheap, and called Qin Man after getting drunk.

Then ask him what he wants to do, if he is playing him.

Like a hysterical clown.

To be honest, he wants to ask now.

Not asking him why he lied to himself.

I just want to ask him, in the beautiful words that he said before, are there any one or two sentences that are true?

Cheng Peng wanted to comfort him, but did not know where to start.

In fact, in his opinion, Ji Ran is now very calm, with few exceptions except for his drunkenness.

Fortunately, Cheng Peng didn't have much wine in his refrigerator.

After Ji Ran emptied the wine, he did not play drunk, nor did he ask him to buy a few more bottles. He only said that he was tired and had to go back to the room to rest.

"Do you stand firmly?" Cheng Peng stood up.

Ji Ran tried it.

Then laughed: "Maybe help."

I can still laugh, it should be fine. Cheng Peng helped him up, carried him into the guest room, adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner, and covered him with two quilts before turning out of the room.

Looking at the empty cans on the ground, Cheng Peng sighed.

He didn't plan to pack anything, thinking about waiting for Auntie Cleaning to come tomorrow. Is going to go back to the room, Yu Guang glanced, and saw a cell phone on the sofa, Ji Ran.

Afraid of falling into the gap of the sofa, he picked it up and just put it on the table, the ringing tone of the call rang through the living room.

Ji Ran turned off the phone early, and his cell phone rang.

He glanced at the strange phone number and turned to walk out of the balcony.

"Which one?"

"Excuse me." Qin Man sat on the sofa, staring at the black TV screen. "Do you know where Ji Ran is?"

"Are you looking for him?"

"He's with you?" Qin Man stood up, picked up his coat hanging on the sofa, and said decisively, "I'll pick him up now."

"No need to come." Cheng Peng looked at the night scene and said, "He shouldn't want to see you now."

Qin Man made a move, and his hand holding his clothes dropped to his side: "What do you mean?"

Cheng Peng replied: "Congratulations in advance, those few plots in Wangxing should be able to sell for a good price in the next two years."

The other side of the phone was silent.

For a long time, Qin Man asked: "Where are you now?"

"If you don't get the answer, don't ask it all the time." Cheng Peng lit the cigarette. "Qin Man. I know that you and Ji Ran have conflicts when you go to school. If you don't accept him, there are many ways to do it. It ’s thin, it wo n’t work for you, you really do n’t need to use this time-consuming and laborious means. "

"I don't." Qin Man rubbed his eyebrows, forcing himself to calm down, "You said that, I don't have to ... Is he by your side now?"

He had just been making Ji Ran's calls and no one answered them, thinking that Gu Cheng or someone else had done something, and his heart was very anxious.


"I'll pick him up."

"No, at present it seems that he shouldn't need to worry about you any more," Cheng Peng said lightly. "You still want to explain to him how you should break up. It's not too ugly."

Qin Man's tone was even cooler: "We will not break up."

Cheng Peng smiled, meaning unknown: "Is there anything else?"

"……What is he doing?"

"go to bed."

The wind outside the balcony was too strong, and Cheng Peng felt cold, and turned back to the living room. Who knew a few empty jars hit the road, snoring.

The voice was heard by Qin Man, and he asked, "Did he drink?"

"Drinking two drinks."

Judging by that noise, I'm afraid it's not two or three cups.

Qin Man silently said, "Are you drunk?"

Cheng Peng frowned and couldn't help asking: "How much did he drink? Does it matter whether you are drunk or not?"

Qin Manchang is so big that almost no one talks to him in this tone, in exchange for other people's other things, I am afraid he hung up the phone early.

He looked at the empty living room, threw his coat back onto the sofa, and sat back again: "... He is easy to get drunk. You give him hot milk and don't let him touch the water. He did n’t eat much for dinner, and he drank on an empty stomach. , You put stomach medicine and water on his bedside, he would wake up half an night to be able to respond. "

After that, he paused, "Thank you."

"... He is my friend, and I help him with things. I don't need your thanks." Cheng Peng silent for a while, said.

"Trouble." Qin Man repeated.

Cheng Peng was silent for a long time, and Qin Man thought that the call had been hung up.

"Ji Ran was poisoned when he was a kid, do you know?"

Qin Man froze, holding the phone harder.

"After his mother died, the nanny who lived closest to him gave him medicine, and he washed his stomach many times before he washed it."

Cheng Peng slowly said, "The father with whom he has the deepest blood relationship ignored him, and the most leading teacher in his development turned a blind eye to him. Even after I and Cheng Peng had contacted him for many years, we finally reached him. This relationship today. "

"But because of those things, his sense of security was almost zero."

"So he has very few friends, and he has drawn a clear line with his loved ones. But such a person is willing to fall in love with someone who hated him since childhood ..."

Speaking of this, Cheng Peng sighed inaudibly.

"... He's real, he's working hard to believe you."

After hanging up, Qin Man sat on the sofa for a long time.

It wasn't until he felt pain in his palms that he looked back a little, and looked down, only to find a red mark on his palms.

He couldn't help but called Ji Ran again.

The girl's voice was cold and poured into his ears like a basin of cold water.

He called Liu Chen and asked the other party to check Cheng Peng's house. It didn't take long to get a reply.

Qiao Man got up and went to the study, opened the drawer, and wanted to find a pen and paper to write down the address.

But I saw a piece of printing paper in the drawer, with the words "Budget" on the top.

Office land is 12 million in three years.

Renovated two million.

The company uses four vehicles for a total of two million.

Employee salary of 4 million (tentatively to be changed).


Although he didn't understand it, Qin Man knew very well what it was. Many of these figures are inaccurate, and it can be seen that the person who compiled the form did not understand this.

Ji Ran had no interest in starting a company, so this form ... was made for others.

Who this other person is is self-evident.

Further down is a car sales contract. Qin Man hurriedly looked at a few lines, but felt that his chest seemed to be pinched, and he drew pain.

Cheng Peng is right, Ji Ran is really trying to believe him.

I also worked very hard ... I wanted to be good to him.

This relationship is frank and enthusiastic, unreserved, pure.

Qin Man held this hot contract, his mind was disordered, and he was at a loss for the first time in his life.

The author has something to say: 一 更.

The second one is in the middle of the night. Let ’s look at it tomorrow morning. Today is particularly sleepy, and the code word is always out of state. 2k novel reading network