MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 83

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Qin Manben wanted to ask if the noodles should have chili. As soon as he was near the bedroom, he heard a faint choking sound.

He put his hand on the doorknob and eventually didn't get in.

He temporarily turned off the fire, picked up his cell phone, walked to the balcony, and made a call.

When the other person picked up, he asked, "Are you busy?"

"Are you monitored in my hospital?" The dean took off his white coat and breathed a sigh of relief. "I just got off the operating table and was planning to rest. What's wrong?"

Qin Man looked at the street lamp in the distance, his eyes lightened: "I have something to ask for your help."

The dean was somewhat surprised.

Qin Man has been a leader among his peers since he was a child. He never bothered his elders and rarely asked them for help-at least for his first time.

Of course, asking him to help keep the injured secret was not part of it.

"Just say it," the dean paused, adding, "It doesn't do harm to the patient or damage medical ethics."

"Of course not." Qin Man smiled and said his requirements.

The dean agreed almost without thinking, and finally cared about his right hand, and then hung up the phone.

At the other end, Mrs. Ji looked anxiously at the people in the hospital bed.

The old housekeeper has repeatedly advised her to go home to rest, but she has been rejected. She was in a chaotic and emotional mood, and could not sleep.

Ji Guo fainted on the way out of the company. He had a sudden onset this time. Before the operation, the doctors prepared them psychologically. The result was no accident, a malignant brain tumor.

If it is treated properly ... it won't be a big problem to persist for more than three or four years.

Hearing the doctor's words, Mrs. Ji almost fainted.

Later the doctor also said a lot, tens of thousands of cases were singled out to comfort her, and she was even more uncomfortable when she heard it.

Ji Wei was sitting next to her. He had a haggard face. Although he was still wearing a suit, he was not as impassioned as he was half a month ago.

He did not expect Ji Guozheng's illness to be so serious.

Although he learned something about his father, it was difficult for him to raise him for more than 20 years. He rubbed his eyebrows and tried to put on a calm look: "Grandma, go back to rest first. Dad is awake, I will contact you again."

"I won't go back." Mrs. Ji grimace, sarcastic, "You will leave your dad here for a while, and play away from home again."

Ji Wei helpless: "Grandma."

"Your dad was probably angered by you." Mrs. Ji wiped away her tears with a handkerchief, and at this time did not forget Zhang Luo, "If you get married early, he may be better."

Ji Wei has nothing to say: "Grandma ... forget it, I won't argue with you."

Mrs. Ji did not speak anymore. She sat on the chair and looked at the people in the hospital bed.

Three or four years.

Still under optimism.

None of her grandsons have been able to take on the burden of Yongshi. She originally valued Ji Wei most. Although he was unwilling to get married, he had a good working ability. But during this time she found that Ji Wei and his biological mother were in close contact.

That woman has bigger ambitions than those old shareholders.

This is why she and Ji Guozheng decided to recall Ji Ran to the company. One is to facilitate the management, and the other is to beat Ji Wei and let him have no other thoughts.

Thinking of Ji Ran, Madam Ji had a headache.

At this time, the ward door was opened. The dean came in and nodded: "Old lady, it's been a long time."

Mrs. Ji is well-connected, and with her old age, everyone is willing to give her a little noodle.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Mrs. Ji quickly cleared up her emotions, chillyly, "Look at you looking tired, just finished?"

"so far so good."

The dean responded, took the medical records from the doctors around him, and carefully looked at it, "He should always have headaches in this situation ... How can I find it now?"

Mrs. Ji is abroad all the year round, how can she take care of so much. She gave Ji Wei a glance before she said, "It's our fault."

She glanced at the person behind the other person and made a smile, "Dean, let's talk somewhere else?"

The Dean hesitated and nodded. The two went outside the corridor together.

Not surprisingly, Mrs. Ji hoped that he would take over the post of doctor in charge of Ji Guozheng, and made a request for Ji Guozheng to vacate a separate ward.

The Dean did not show his face, and was secretly surprised.

Really guessed by Qin Man.

When Mrs. Ji made these requests, she was well-informed. After all, there was a relationship between them, and there were many people in his family who were in business. It was just convenient for each other.

Whoever thought, the other side was silent for a while, and said, "Old lady, I'm really sorry."

"I currently have a lot of patients, and I usually have a lot of things in the hospital that I need to deal with. I can't spare any more to take charge of one more patient. In fact, Mr. Ji's current attending doctor is very capable and his qualifications are very deep. It's exactly the same as giving it to me. Don't worry about it. "

Isn't she worried? !!

The doctor even said, "It's not a big problem to persist for more than three or four years." How can she believe it?

"As for the ward ..." The director seemed to be unable to see the dissatisfaction of the old man's face, and continued, "At this time, the hospital ward was very tight. Many patients were waiting in line for beds. There was really no way to make a single room for you."

Mrs. Ji stared at her. She lowered the volume: "But these four are too ... crowded." She found a good adjective and was patient. "Did I have a separate ward when I came to the hospital before? That's fine. "

"There is really no way."

"The way people think of it--"

Dean bowed his head: "Sorry."

Just after the son got out of the operating table, Mrs. Ji was in a bad mood, and her tone was inevitably uncontrollable: "Are you willing to help this?"

The Dean looked pale and threw out the scumbag quote top1: "If you think so, I can't help it."

It was already the next day when Ji Ran received the call. He was sitting side by side with Qin Man playing video games.

He looked at the icon of the plane moving closer to himself on the screen: "Boss is coming ... Could your plane stay away from me?"

Qin Man gave a meal, and then shouted, "... Hello, Huang."

Ji Ran controlled his small plane and didn't understand at once: "What yellow ... fuck."

He reacted only a short while later, accidentally exerting force on his hand, and the controlled aircraft hit both sides of the reef, and the game was over.


"It was so easy to reach this level," Qin Man said sadly.

Ji Ran resisted the urge to alarm: "Shut up."

Restart the game. Before entering the game, select the interface of the fighter. Ji Ran said: "Wait a while ... we will change planes."

Qin Man raised an eyebrow: "Why?"

What the **** is this?

Ji Ran expressionless: "I don't allow your plane to be larger than mine."

The phone came in at this time. At the beginning of the game, Ji Ran was operating with both hands. As soon as the bell rang, he didn't care about the electric display and took it.

On the phone, Mrs. Ji opened the door and asked him if he could ask Qin Man to tell the dean to change the ward and attending physician.

After picking up, Ji Ran did not hurry.

It should take two sentences to appear polite.

"No. The hospital doesn't have a surname, and you say you change the ward, you change the ward, you change the doctor, you change the doctor. Who would dare to open the hospital?"

He lazily said, "The hospital is built for the treatment of illness, and it is not responsible for serving people. Those who can be the attending doctors have the ability, and the four-person hospital has a separate toilet. What's your dissatisfaction?"

Mrs. Ji was stunned by what he said, and before she could respond, she was hung up.


On the day of the car race, Ji Ran went to the garage first.

The repairman saw him and stopped his work: "Ran brother, come here today."

"Um." Ji Ran looked around. "What about your boss?"

"Office," the repairman said, "the car is in the garage."


Ji Ran turned back and said to the people behind him, "You are waiting for me, I will go up myself. The owner of this shop is a bit sick and doesn't like crowds."

Qin Man made a noise.

The repairman who heard someone say bad things about the boss: "..."

Qin Man sat on the sofa in the waiting room and glanced around casually.

This is obviously a private repair shop. Although the site is not as big as a big-name car repair shop, the decoration is very delicate. Even the racing room has many models of racing cars on it, each of which looks expensive.

Ji Ran came here to discuss the new car with the boss. To open the club, the car must be in place.

The second is to mention his new car.

He ordered a matte black sports car, the accessories were not the most expensive, but the shape was absolutely cool. He drove out of the garage and compared with the colorful sports cars next to him, it was almost handsome.

He ordered the car months ago, and it is now delivered to him. Above it was a temporary license plate.

The owner of the garage is an unshaven uncle. When the two came out of the office, the boss stopped. "Just take you here. If there is any problem with the car, just drive over."

"What do you think of my car?" Ji Ran stopped and asked.

The boss is inexplicable: "Crap, I did it all by myself."

"Then you sell it for me."

The boss frowned, thinking he heard something wrong: "What?"

"I bought the whole car for 1,400, and I drove it once, and it was considered second-hand." Ji Ran's attitude was casual. "The resale price is one thousand, eight hundred ... You can handle it. Some sellers contact me. "

Boss: "... why the money burnt in your pocket?"

Ji Ran also laughed: "I've been short of money recently."

If this statement is matched with his current bank card balance, it is estimated that many people will vomit blood.

The boss didn't hesitate: "I borrow you."

"No." Ji Ran said, "Also, what commercial vehicles have performed better recently? The kind of classic car that is suitable for driving business talks with people ... give me one for the latest model and the price is arbitrary. "

"..." The boss was speechless. "What's the matter?"

"No, I bought it as a gift."

The boss knew it and asked: "Girlfriend?"

"Almost." Ji Ran smiled and corrected him, "boyfriend."

As soon as Ji Ran was on the road, it almost attracted the attention of the entire lane.

These days, the temperature is just right, and the cool wind is blowing slowly. Ji Ran has air-conditioned for several days at home. Today, he simply opened the window to blow the natural wind.

Red light, Qin Man put down his cell phone, and just about to say something, turned around to see Ji Ran's side window, a white sports car parked beside them.

There were four women in the sports car, all dressed sexy, and two of them were smoking cigarettes.

The woman in the front passenger seat laughed particularly charmingly, with her elbows on the window ... Chao Ji Ran whistled.

Ji Ran glanced at them and ignored them.

"Little brother." The woman was not discouraged, she asked with a smile, "Want to go to the Mancheng Circuit? Add a WeChat?"

Several other people immediately agreed, their exquisite features, cute and charming dresses, although they talked, but their temperament was easy-going, and they didn't make them feel like a price drop. If you change it to someone else, you will definitely chat on it.

Ji Ranruo has been placed on the window button.

As he was about to close the window, Qin Man suddenly reached out to embrace his neck, leaned forward, and looked at the person outside the window.

"Sorry." Qin Man smiled with a light tone. "His subjects are jealous and specifically told me not to let him add other women WeChat."

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for the nutrient solution and Ray. 2k novel reading network