MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 64

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Ji Ran runs and finishes, don't be too comfortable.

Mancheng High School is not a private school. If you dare not tamper with the tuition and other account books, you can only start in the other aspects. The principal of this session is too greedy. In addition, he has worked well with those powerful parents. Ten years have not been taken down.

Few parents are willing to make trouble with the school. They also think that it is a small matter and a small amount of money. It is not necessary, but the students are suffering. Ji Ran is because of the high school food that he would have eaten. Douyong is also a pleasure to go to school.

Outside the small auditorium, there were some students who came to watch, and when the door was opened, they subconsciously gave it aside.

Ji Ran walked out of the small auditorium, breathed the fresh air outside, took out his mobile phone and sent it to the discussion group.

Father Ji: The school blew up.

Yue Wenwen didn't know why, but he responded faster than anyone.

Yue Wenwen: Well fried!

Ji Ran didn't want to be involved in the broken things inside the school. He was not a messenger of justice, and the broken school had nothing to do with him.

Who would have thought that Ji Guozheng gave him such a chance, he simply pushed the boat down the river and did what he wanted to do a few years ago.

After ten seconds, Yue Wenwen reacted.

Yue Wenwen: I fuck, wait. Are you really fried?

Yue Wenwen: No? Don't be impulsive, which is worthy of your imprisonment!

Yue Wenwen :?

Ji Ran laughed. He didn't reply and turned off the phone.

Someone must come to him to settle accounts. He is in a good mood right now and doesn't want to quarrel with Ji Guozheng. What's left to talk about.

He stood outside the auditorium, glanced at the grey sky, and breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a playground outside the auditorium. Today the school is celebrated. The playground is full of people, and it used to be lively at a glance.

Ji Ran didn't plan to go crowded. He turned around and walked towards the back door of the school.

To make it easier for parents to get in and out, the back door is open today. Ji Ran put his hand in his pocket and was about to go out. He saw a black car just stopped outside the door.

The car stopped, the driver quickly got out of the car and opened the back door. The middle-aged man came down from the car with a calm face. He still had a serious expression on his face. .

Ji Ran thought that he should have heard the shutdown sound.

Alas, he forgot that many parents came to this school celebration, how could Ji Guozheng not receive the invitation letter.

He wanted to be quiet for a while.

Ji Ran did not move in place, thinking about how to return to his mouth for a while.

The moment Ji Guo was raising his eyes, Ji Ran's arm was suddenly grabbed and he pulled him aside.

Unguarded, he was easily pulled behind the wall and avoided the look.

"They promised to wait for me." Qin Man squeezed his wrist and asked, "Why did I keep my promise?"

Ji Ran hesitated for a while, not paying attention to how close their posture was, and staring, asking: "How come you are here? Don't you have a speech?"

"The stall you left is too big. I can't fix it. Let's just run together."


If Ji Ran had anything to say, he heard a familiar voice beside him.

"He really said that ?!" Although Ji Guozheng tried his best to restrain the volume, his voice was unshakable. "The media is here today. Some time ago, he was so upset. I want to take this opportunity to give Regain a little face at home ... Is he still on the scene now? What? Go away? Why don't you stop him! ... OK, I'm going now, you wait for me in the place. Let me deal with it ... I want this time Cut off his living expenses! "

Ji Ran sneered, and wanted to hear a few more words, and was held down by the back of his head, twisting his face back.

Qin Man: "Shh."

After leaving, Ji Ran returned to God.

No, why did he avoid Ji Guozheng? As if he was scared.

"What are you doing?" He said. "I say hello to my dad. What are you stopping me from doing?"

Qin Man laughed: "Do you really want to say hello to him?"

Ji Ranbai gave him a glance: "Okay, you go back. I don't leave now, so it's not a promise."

"Where are you going?"

Ji Ran originally wanted to go to Houshan to see the sea, but he looked over from here and found that the big tree was no longer known when it was bald, and even the branches were more than half off.

"Stroll around."

"I accompany you." Qin Man said, "I will be scolded if I go back, so I won't go back."

"Scolded? I think those old leaders are anxious to hold you up and kiss." Ji Ran sneered.

Qin Man had good grades at school, won a lot of awards, and graduated from a prestigious school. If he did n’t do business at home, he would definitely be a big figure in the academic world. Whether it is a teacher or a leader, they will like such a student.

So his class teacher changed his expression when he saw himself, and he understood it.

It's as if the old mother was worried that the little punk outside would cause her own daughter to be bad.


Ji Ran sneered again.

"I don't want to be held by them." Qin Man raised an eyebrow. "What are you laughing at?"

Ji Ran ignored him and turned to take out the cigarette box and left.

The turmoil that the radio just brought to the students has subsided and the playground was restored to its original vitality.

Ji Ran casually chose an empty bench and sat down.

"Students are all around." Qin Man sat next to him and said, "It's not good to give them second-hand smoke."

Ji Ran paused and put away the cigarette case: "Would you care?"

The court in front is holding a basketball game, and a little girl is surrounded by a circle, cheering.

Suddenly, one player was too lazy and the basketball hit the rebound and bounced to the left. All the girls standing here happened to be squatting down, and the ball flew towards Ji Ran.

Ji Ran subconsciously raised his hand to take it, but someone stopped him first.

Qin Man got up and stopped the ball, then supported it with one hand, and patted it twice.

Because the crowd gave way, they could see the sweaty players inside from this angle.

"Throw the ball back!" Xu was too tired, and the players forgot to care about politeness.

Qin Man turned his head and asked, "I remember your ball skills are very good. Would you like to play?"

Ji Ran's ball skills are good. The only class activity he has participated in is basketball. He is the second-ranked forward in personal grade in the grade.

The first is Qin Man.

"No," Ji Ran said, "I'm not interested in playing with children."

The player realized his problem and repeated: "Brother, trouble throwing the ball back!"

Qin Man patted the ball at his fingertips, and the basketball returned to the player's hands beautifully according to his strength.

"Listen to Yue Wenwen, you and Cheng Peng often play together?" Qin Man asked.

Ji Ran frowned: "He tells you everything."

"Bring me in the future, I will be your cheerleader." Qin Man looked at the girls screaming and cheering in front of him.

"... I can't afford you."

Ji Ran was sitting on the stone bench, unconsciously glanced at his favorite teaching building.

When he was going to school, the building next door was not yet open, but the tables and chairs were all brand new. If he was sleepy in late repair, he would go to sleep there.

The teaching building is now in use, with exaggerated banners hanging on it to celebrate this school day.

He had thought about a rare trip and simply went in to see it, but if it is what it is now, there is no need to go back.

After sitting for a while, he felt boring and got up and said, "Go back ..."

Immediately after he finished speaking, he saw a group of people walking not far away. It was Ji Guozheng and the school's major leaders. The two class teachers in his junior high school stood on the left and right sides, holding his hands in front of his face, Sad.

They didn't look well, their expressions were serious and serious, as if they were discussing something important.

Ji Ran failed to escape Ji Guozheng's eyes this time.

Ji Guozheng frowned, his voice sounded like Hong Zhong: "Ji Ran!"

how to say.

Ji Ran is certainly not afraid of Ji Guozheng.

But this large group of leaders stood staring at him in the distance, and there was a class teacher beside him ... This made him seem to be back in his student days. When he was fighting or smoking, he was caught by the school leader.

So Ji Ran's subconscious response was to run away.

He just ran two steps forward, as if he remembered something, turned around and wanted to take Qin Man away.

Who wants the other party to react faster than him. At the moment he reached out, Qin Man took the lead to grab his wrist and dragged him forward.

The head teacher of Ji Ran High School is much more angry, but when he took over, the other party had become a hard bone and couldn't bite. Seeing Ji Ran running away, he also shouted habitually: "Ji Ran-stand still !!!"

Then he hurried to catch up.

Ji Guozheng: "..."

School Leader: "..."

Ji Ran hasn't run so fast in a long time.

Not his intention, but Qin Man's speed was too fast, he was dragged, can only speed up to keep pace with the opponent.

The weather is a bit gloomy today. It looks like it is going to rain.

Ji Ran ran to half, and found that it was wrong, and earned his wrist: "Ah ... no, what am I running?"

"Exercise." Qin Man clenched tightly and turned to smile.


The two ran into the grove.

The school has changed everywhere, only the grove is still in place, and it is no different from a few years ago, but there are more flowers and plants.

For the sake of beauty, there are walls made of grass and trees in the grove, which are similar to a labyrinth design. The crossroads inside are very narrow, and the two of them must pass sideways.

Going deep, Qin Man finally stopped.

Ji Ran supported her knees with both hands and kept breathing.

"You, you fucking, run so fast ..." He gasped, "How can you, run, why ... why not just sign up for the national team?"

Qin Man saw that his face was running red, and his forehead was still sweating. "You usually have too little exercise."

"Fart, I exercise every day before I go to work."

Ji Ran calmed down after a while, and he stood up straight: "This school break is really boring. Let's go, go back."

Qin Man asked: "Aren't you here?"

"What's so good about it? I want to see the grass. I'll take you to Yue Wenwen's house to see it. His mother made a garden of several hundred square meters for you to see enough."

At this moment, I only heard a sound of sounds, as if someone came in.

The comer stayed at the other end of the grass on their right side, because the lush and towering grass was covering them, and the two sides couldn't see each other, but Ji Raneng heard their conversation without a word.

"Are you doing anything?" The girl's voice was soft and particularly sweet.

"I ... have you been here before?" The other boy was a little shy.

The girl smiled: "Are you stupid? Of course I've been here. I passed here every evening before school and returned to the dormitory."

"Then you know that others say there is a legend in the woods." The boy coughed softly, "said that as long as he confessed to the person he likes here, that person will agree."

A fart.

Ji Ran thought to himself that he had witnessed someone being rejected in the grove.

He didn't want to eavesdrop on the confession scene of Hua Ji, and turned to want to leave, but Qin Man stopped to the right, blocking his way.

Ji Ran gave a meal and looked up at him.

"Have you heard of it?" Qin Man looked down at him and asked wryly.

He did not turn down the volume, and the two on the right heard it and snorted immediately.

Ji Ran pushed his shoulders with no effort, and lowered his voice: "... Get out."

"I like you." Qin Man didn't move, but moved forward.


The bumper car in my heart is open today as usual.

Ji Ran was backed a little by him, and his back was leaning on the branch, his eyes stared straight at him, warning him not to mess.

"Ji Ran, I like you." Qin Man said, "You tell me, is that legend true?"

"Hey, the opposite brother." The student brother on the other side was anxious and shouted at this side, "Can you be particular about coming first?"

Qin Man smiled: "I'm sorry, I didn't hold back."

"... Are you sick?" Ji Ran was called back to God by the voice of the student, warming his face, "Let ’s go, go back."

After that, he rested his wrist on his mouth and walked away from the gap next to him.

The other person finally heard the voice of the other, and they looked at each other in surprise.

Two ... two men? 2k novel reading network

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