MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 62

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Ji Ran saw Ji Wei's group at a glance.

Nothing more, but the bald man's hair has turned bald and is too white. Ji Ranguang recognized him by looking at the back.

At this moment, the bald man turned his head suddenly, his mouth was still broken, and he was caught by Ji Ran's eyes.

The bald man was startled and quickly avoided his eyes and turned back.

This look is chewing the tongue.

"Your group of good classmates are behind." Ji Ran snorted. "Are there no normal people in your life? Every one is like Ba Ba."

"There are such people in every class, only a few, most of them are very good." Qin Man didn't care, he didn't even look back, "Are we going in?"

Ji Ran locked the car: "You go ahead, I still have something to do."

"what's up?"

As soon as Ji Ran was about to answer, he saw a white BMW passing by him, and stopped beautifully in front of his car.

The door opened and a man in a gray suit came down.

The man was slim and got off the car with a bit of anxiety. Ji Ran saw the other side's face clearly, and raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

He saw this man many years ago.

In the small woods of the school, the man's eyebrows are much more immature than they are now. He lowers his head nervously, rubbing his fingers constantly, whispering to his favorite person.

The person he likes is now standing next to his car.

Ji Ran took a look at Qin Man. Qin Man apparently did not notice the person in front of him and felt his eyes. Qin Man raised his eyes: "Huh?"

"... Just go to the tea shop." Ji Ran said.

In the light of Ji Ran, he saw the man in front of him hesitantly walking towards them.

"Qin Man." The man called.

Qin Man turned his head and the two met their eyes.

Ji Ran saw many complicated emotions popping out of the man's eyes-excited, ecstatic, and nervous.

In short, it is not the look of the old classmates.

"It's you." The man's eyes grew slightly. "Do you ... remember me?"

"Remember, I haven't seen you for a long time." Qin Manhao said no to his head.

His tone was flat and there were no waves in his eyes.

"I thought you wouldn't come." The man grasped and became loose again. After repeating it twice, "Will you go in together?"

"No, I still have something to do."

The other side found that Ji Ran was also there.

He had a crush on Qin Man for a whole high school, and of course knew the relationship between the two. He was a little surprised, but didn't ask the question easily, just as Qin Man was passing by, Qin Man was passing by.

Qin Man took two steps and found that the people behind him did not keep up. He turned back and asked, "Don't you go?"

Ji Ran: "Ah."

"Isn't we going to drink milk tea?" Qin Man said, "Let's go, we have to wait in line there."

Ji Ran turned back, "Oh", raised his leg to follow.

Halfway through, Ji Ran leisurely said, "That person is still watching us."

Qin Man paused and said truthfully: "Actually I don't remember him."

Ji Ran Yiyi: "What?"

"There are more than thirty people in the class, too many, I don't remember." Qin Man asked, "Did you ever meet him when you came to me in the class before?"

"Yeah ... fuck, who went to see you in class? I'm going to fix you!"

Ji Ran finished, but couldn't help but said, "How can you not remember, he has confessed to you."

Qin Man: "Really ..."

Many people confessed to him, but there were not many boys, and Ji Ran reminded him of it a little.

He looked at the people around him. "How do you know he confessed to me?"

Ji Ran: "..."


"Did you see it? Or did you hear it?" Qin Manyang asked with a corner of his mouth. "And you still remember it?"

Ji Ran stood in the queue of the tea shop and looked away from him: "Who makes me unlucky and can see anything broken?"

"I remember because I thought the man was blind. What are you happy about?"

The queue finally came to an end, and the boss lady saw Ji Ran, and her smile was a little deeper: "Xiao Ran? Why are you back?"

"Come to school celebration."

The proprietress was a little surprised, because even when Ji Jiran came to the store, she hardly entered the school gate. She asked, "Are you alone?"

"And him." Ji Ran pointed to the people around him.

"The boss is good." Qin Man smiled, even with a very good voice.

The boss lady nodded in a hurry: "Okay. What do you want to drink?"

"Old rules." Ji Ran asked the people around him, "what do you drink?"


After taking milk tea, the two decided to rest in the shop for a while. Half an hour before the start of the school celebration, the sun is poisoning, and no one wants to stay outside.

They sat on tables and chairs next to the glass door.

Ji Ran was absent-mindedly playing a small pinball on the table.

Qin Man looked at him, remembering the skillful tone of the boss lady just now, and asked, "How often do you go back to school?"

Ji Ran sneered: "Why go back to that ghost place?"

"Just come here for a cup of milk tea occasionally."

Qin Manqian tasted a bite. He never liked to drink these things, it was sweet and unhygienic.

"It's delicious."

"Come on, don't think I didn't see you frowning." Ji Ran said, "What do you want to do if you don't want to drink? What a waste."

"I'm not assured, of course I have to follow."

Ji Ran said, "What's the worry, I can leave you here and go?"

Qin Manwaner: "Look around, the little girl is peeping at you."

Ji Ran: "... where are you looking at me?"

Qin Man is really right. The girls in the shop, whether they are graduates or young girls attending the celebration, can't help but glance at them, and most of them are looking at Ji Ran.

Although mature men are good, young girls still have a soft spot for bad and handsome bad boys. Just like Ji Ran, the girl who eats this type has even talked to him in the brain about a terrifying campus love.

Qin Man smiled indiscriminately, looking at the time wall covered with post-it notes.

"what is this?"

Ji Ran gave a meal and casually explained: "... Anyway, it just takes time."

Qin Man nodded: "Have you ever written?"

"How is that possible ?!" Ji Ran didn't even want to think, and even spoke faster, "I'm not so boring!"

Two female students writing post-it notes next to them: "..."

Qin Man held back a smile: "I think it's good. I will look back at my note a few years later, and I will definitely feel novel."

Ji Ran looked at the wall over and over again and again, and was relieved after making sure there was no note of his own.

"What's new ..." Time was coming, Ji Ran stood up, "Go, go in."

As soon as they reached the door of the tea shop, they heard a conversation outside.

"I tell you, Ji Ran must not have been invited by the school! Did he come back to make troubles? Uninvited, but also thanks to his face."

"Okay." It turned out to be Ji Wei's voice, "You always pull him for what."

"..." The man said, "I'm discouraging you!"

"You said that because you were in the box last time."

"No, Ji Wei, why did you suddenly help him talk? Don't you hate him?"

"Hate. So don't mention him, will you?"

"Who do I think?" Ji Ran turned and walked out the door, sneering and interrupting their conversation. "It was you again, Xiaobald."

Seeing him, the bald man was scared and his tongue was knotted: "Little ... what is it ?? Why are you here?"

"What. Just chewing the tongue so happy, why are you panicking now?"

Ji Ran laughed casually, "Rest assured, I didn't come back to make troubles. I came here specifically to sew your mouth, so that you would not be forced to stop behind others all day and night. It can be considered to save the world. "

The bald man was startled, and unconsciously hid behind Ji Wei: "You, you are intimidating!"

"Yeah. How about the police arrest me?" Ji Ran felt funny when he saw his virtue.

Ji Wei frowned: "Okay, stop it."

"Who do you care about?" Ji Ran shouted.

After Ji Ran said it was cool, Qin Man slowly moved forward.

"It's almost time, go ahead."

Ji Ran wasn't in a hurry, but Qin Man's order of speeches was very high, so he couldn't be late.

He snorted and stared at the bald man: "Let me hear you talking about me behind the back ... or someone else's bad words, my **** seal your mouth! Hear no bald?"

Until Ji Ran went away, the bald man dared to utter a sentence: "... no quality!"


A row of people in the etiquette department stood in front of the school, politely welcoming the guests of the school celebration.

The closer to the school entrance, the slower Ji Ran's footsteps.

Qin Man noticed, and followed him to slow down: "What's wrong."

"It's all right." At the gate, Ji Ran lowered his head. "Go in."

After many years, Ji Ran returned here again.

To him, it was a place full of darkness and bullying, and there were few people and things worth remembering.

When the little girl in the etiquette department saw them, came quickly, and blushed and asked, "Hello, may I have an invitation letter? Or a graduate to visit?"

Qin Man handed her the invitation: "Two."

The girl glanced and nodded: "Senior, the school celebration ceremony is about to begin. Do you need me to send you to the small hall? The school has been reformed many times. The small hall has changed places. I am afraid you will not find it.

Qin Man nodded: "Trouble."

Halfway through. Ji Ran suddenly asked: "The back door of the school is still there?"

The girl froze: "What backdoor?"

"To the back mountain ... to the road behind."

"Still, but only the teacher can get through that door. We can't go there."

Ji Ran nodded thoughtfully.

At the small auditorium, the little girl said, "The seat is on the invitation letter, and the troublesome seniors are seated by the serial number."

Ji Ran's seat is in the third row, and Qin Man is in the first row.

They had just reached the front seat and someone came towards them immediately. It is an elderly middle-aged woman.

"Qin Man, you are here." The woman was relieved to see her proud student.

Qin Man respectfully called out: "Teacher."

When the teacher was about to say something, when she saw Ji Ran aside, her expression changed immediately.

Qin Man was her most valued student of the year. Of course, she had heard about the conflict between the two.

Feeling the vigilance and contempt in the other's eyes, Ji Ran smirked and turned into his three rows of seats.

Just two steps later, he was stopped.

"Ji Ran," Qin Man said, "wait for me after the end, don't leave by yourself."


The leaders in the front row couldn't help but turn around and look at them.

Ji Ran pretended not to hear, and continued to walk inside.

"Classmate." Behind him, Qin Man didn't know who he was asking. "Can we change seats? My position is in a row."

The teacher was shocked: "Xiao Man? This is a place arranged by the school and cannot be changed."

This man is inexplicable. Ji Ran thought.

If there is anything you can't talk on your mobile phone, the elders like him to be excellent and clean. He has to do something with him in front of them.

Ji Ran stopped and turned back, "You're so annoying ... I see, I'll wait for you."

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for the nutrient solution and Ray. 2k novel reading network