MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 58

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Ji Ran originally wanted to ask him to give way, but he was afraid that this detail would be shot by the camera, and he did not give mosaics in the later stage, and saved face.

He got up and changed positions for Qin Man. At the moment when the two were staggered, he whispered, "You can do it."

Qin Man asked, "What can I do?"


Unfortunately, the two did not know how good the headset radio effect was on He Suran, and their conversation was originally received.

He then changed his face slightly, only half a moment before he smiled and said, "It's just a bowl of soup. It's not necessary."

Qin Man's eyebrows disappeared, and the aim and disdain of his eyes have disappeared. "Since it's a mission, of course it's a bit difficult," he said.

The cricket wrist match on the other end is over.

There was no pressure for Cheng Peng to win. The male star patronized and held hands with Cheng Peng.

"Ah, sorry." The male star bowed his head and blushed. "I'm too young to win the lobster for the team."

Cheng Peng laughed: "You have to say this early, I will let you."

The male star froze, and even his ears were red.

Cheng Peng actually smiled at him? Remember the days when they were together briefly, Cheng Peng didn't even talk to him much.

Yue Wenwen could see something inexplicable-anyone with a good eye could see that Cheng Peng was hooking up with this little male star. However, Cheng Peng is famous for not eating reed grass and never having any relationship with the former foster object. Why did he suddenly change his character today?

And still in front of Chen An ...

Chen An was pale all over her face, her head was low, and she looked pathetic.

Do not understand what these big families are thinking, Yue Wenwen gave up thinking and turned to look at the other side.

The people in the show group reached out and held the fists of the second group of players: "Three, two, one ..."

The rivalry between the two men begins.

Ji Ran looked at Erlang's legs, he could not feel the strength they exerted, but he could see the fists of Xiangsha shaking slightly, the two were evenly matched, and for a time they could not see the outcome.

Yue Wenwen asked with interest: "Xiao Ranran, who do you think will win?"

Ji Ran said, "How do I know."

The answer to this question soon came out, and I saw that the fist was tilted to the left first, and then the angle gradually increased.

After He Suanran lowered his palm, it was even worse, but he refused to give up, and his face turned red.

The driver's hand is very important. At high speeds, he must hold the steering wheel tightly and control the turn quickly and accurately to have a chance of winning. How important is a meal of Wang Ba Tang, and how can He Suiran desperately reach this level?

If they hadn't been to the restaurant together last night, he would have been hungry for several days by the show crew.

Compared with He Suiran, Qin Man seemed much more relaxed. He looked the same as usual, and could not see he was rubbing his wrists.

It didn't take long for He Suran to put the back of his hand completely on the table and lost the game.

Qin Man slowly put his hands up and turned to Ji Ran and said, "I won."

Ji Ran gave a "huh" casually.

Qin Man reminded him: "Are there any rewards?"

Ji Ran: "Why should I give you a reward?"

"I did battle for you." Qin Man spread his palms, meaning to sell miserably. "Look, your hands are like this."

"Who wants you to do it for me." Ji Ran finished, raising his hand to the boss next to the door, "Boss, here is a piece of Wang Ba Tang, boil it a little thicker."

He chilly, "make up for you."

He Suiran's elbow was still on his back, and he smiled for a moment, his face restored.

"Lost." He looked at the camera, trying to restore some of the image, "deceive the enemy."

Qin Mandao said, "If you don't agree, you can do it again."

He Suiran: "..."

"Are you here? If you have nowhere to go, just stay and help the boss feed the chickens?" Ji Ran looked at the swarming staff and asked, "Did you finish the shooting, we're going to have dinner."

The staff froze and did not expect that he would rush out.

Not to mention the popularity of male celebrities in the past two years, let's talk about He Ranran, this time is also a hot search on both ends for three days, no reason and do not know.

When ordinary people see a star, should n’t they be nervous and then try to get their signature?

"Excuse you, we'll take the equipment out."

The male star reluctantly stood up and frowned at Cheng Peng for a long time before turning out of the box.

"Let's go, let's go."

"You go back first." He Suiran raised his lips. "I have something to talk to my friend."

The staff member was surprised: "Do you know each other?"

"Yes, a friend who used to run a car before." He Suiran said, "It's just a ten-minute break, I'll just talk a few words and go back immediately, so that should not take up everyone's time?

The staff kept busy saying nothing, turned around and went out.

He Suiran didn't ask why Ji Ran didn't show up in the restaurant in the morning, but just smiled and said, "This farmhouse can meet you in such a remote place. It really has a fate."

"Fortunately, this morning I went directly to the show car from the restaurant, and the things haven't been put back yet." He took out a human figure from his pocket to do it.

Ji Ran was still careless, and when he just touched the doll in the other's hand, he couldn't help but straighten his back slightly.

In fact, he didn't look too carefully, but with one glance, he could recognize Chester Kennelly's uniform.

Seeing the bright light at the bottom of Ji Ran's eyes, Qin Man narrowed his eyes and tapped gently on the table with his index finger.

"What is this?" Ji Ran asked.

"Kenneli's hands." He Suanran said, "In fact, the company wanted to make and sell before his death, but you know, Kenneley has always disliked these, so it has never been released. Now the company just picked The previous design was limited to 500 fans worldwide. There are not only hand-made figures, but also racing models-the production is more complicated, so the amount is even smaller. If you like it, I can give you one at that time. "

Ji Ran stared at the hand for a few seconds, and then asked, "How much?"

"No money, I'll send you." He Suiran said.

"Then I don't need it."

As soon as this word came out, everyone was stunned.

Everyone knows that Ji Ran fan Kennelly, especially after the death of Kennelley, the idol halo in his mind is even heavier.

Ji Ran drank saliva.

He really wanted this to be done, but he was not helpless, and he didn't have the habit of taking advantage of others.

Besides, they are not familiar with it. Since there are only a few hundred of them in the world, the price is definitely not low, and he doesn't want to be indifferent.

"That ..." He Suiran was also a bit surprised, but he quickly returned to God, "those five hundred, you buy it. This thing was issued by the club, one of the team members. Even the passers-by are not counted. It is useless to put me in place.

What's the difference with the free gift?

Ji Ran said: "No, you take it."

He Suanran wanted to say something, the people from the show group came, saying that the other stars were hungry, he was not there, and no one else could cook.

So He Suiran can only leave for the time being.

"Xiao Ran Ran, don't you like Kennelly so much, why not even do it?" Yue Wenwen asked after others left.

"500 in the world," Ji Ran said.

Yue Wenwen: "Ah?"

"I can buy it myself. I don't need him."

Qin Man picked up a plump crayfish, peeled it a few times, and put it in Ji Ran's bowl: "Try it."

Ji Ran does not like to eat seafood. Mostly because he is too lazy to peel, he puts the shrimp in his mouth.

"It's fresh."

While eating, Cheng Peng suddenly called the waiter in.

"Send two lobsters to the box next door," he said. "The bill is with us."

Yue Wenwen asked, "Why, no one wins the lobster, guilt?"

Cheng Peng smiled and didn't speak.

Chen An picked up the crab. Although his mouth was clumsy, his hands moved quickly, and he peeled the crab meat all night.

He bit his lip and pushed the bowl towards Cheng Peng.

"You eat, do you eat?"

Cheng Peng: "Do not eat."

"I stripped it for you." Chen An whispered, "I, I have seafood, I'm allergic, I can't eat it."

Cheng Peng pushed the bowl in front of Ji Ran: "Eat?"

Ji Ran took it politely and said to Chen An: "Thank you."

Chen An blinked awkwardly, sat quietly and stopped talking.

Although it was said to be Qin Man Wang Ba Tang, Ji Ran himself drank several bowls.

The shop listened to him, and in it, he sipped the food, and it tasted so strong that he couldn't stop drinking.

Qin Man calmly helped him serve the fourth bowl.

The mobile phone squeaked loudly, Qin Man glanced, rubbed his hands and stood up: "I'll go out and take a call."

It was Liu Chen who called and said that the lot he had fancy had been taken down.

Qin Man made a noise and suddenly asked, "Is there anything I asked you to check before?"

"Not yet, this matter ... not very easy to check. Ms. Zhao didn't seem to have any relatives or friends during her lifetime, and her agency has already closed down. I'm trying to contact her former agent."

"I see, you pay attention."

Qin Man still had something to say. At the end of his eyes, he saw a familiar figure. He paused, "I still have something to do, let me hang up first."

He Suiran waited for him to hang up the phone, then slowly walked forward and reached out his hand: "I have forgotten to say hello to you before. I have long been famous, Qin Man."


The two men who had just scratched their wrists shrugged a hand.

He Suanran said, "I heard that something happened in your house, is it okay?"

"Very good." Qin Manying casually.

Speaking to smart people doesn't need to be roundabout. He Suanran decided to go straight to the topic: "Can you ask what is the relationship between Ji Ran and you?"

Qin Manyi said: "This doesn't seem to be your concern."

"I really should be concerned." He Suiran smiled and said straightly, "I don't like to disturb other people's feelings, so I need to figure out the situation before I can proceed to the next step."

Qin Man looked at him calmly: "Do you think you have a chance to take the next step."

"Opportunities are won by myself. Many opportunities in this world do not belong to me, but now they are all in my hands."

Qin Man said, "Have he ever seen you right?"

He Suanran didn't mind at all: "Maybe it didn't before, but now I'm pretty sure he can see me-at least at one point, I have an advantage over you."

Qin Man asked: "What advantages."

"Car racing," He Suanran said with a smile. "He belongs to the track and will one day return to the track. I have a common language with him."

After that, he leaned against the wall. "So, what's your relationship?"

Qin Man raised an eyebrow: "A very close relationship."

That sounds like a lover.

He Suiran nodded, and said: I see, then we should compete fairly? "

Qin Man seemed to have heard a joke: "Fair competition?"

He Suanran: "Did I get it wrong, don't you like Ji Ran?"

"You're misunderstood." Qin Man turned and washed his hands calmly.

He Suiran was unbelievable, and relaxed for the rest of his life after all, after having a bit of wretched thought, Qin Man turned into the number one enemy in front of him.

He yelled, "Is that right? That's my fault ..."

His words were interrupted.

"You got it wrong. It's not that he belongs to the runway, but that the runway belongs to him. It's not only the race that proves he loves racing. At best, you can only be ... have a common hobby? Take a step back and say-even if he Back to the game, in his eyes, you are not even a teammate. "

Qin Man turned, his eyes were full of ridicule and disdain, sneered, "And ... you want to compete with me fairly? You also think of yourself too much, what do you fight with me? Chester Kennelly's hand do?"

He Suanran hesitated, and quickly responded: "That's just the beginning ... Yes, I may not even be his teammates at first, so what about you? He could think of ways to rectify you every day, and know how much I hate you. "

Qin Man smiled angrily and asked, "I just have the ability to let him miss me every day, can you?"

He Suanran was dumb, half a moment, and suddenly laughed: "You said so much, why aren't you together?"

Qin Man raised his eyebrows slightly.

He Suanran seems to have finally caught his loophole, and his smile grows wider: "It's all unrequited love, who is more noble than anyone else? Also, there is no fair competition in the matter of affection. It depends on whom Ji Ran likes. Do you? Dare to say you are sure ... "

"I have got."


Qin Man smiled, his tone was natural: "If he really likes someone, then this person must be me."

He Suiran thought of countless words to refute, but after facing the other's eyes, he couldn't say another sentence.

Qin Man calmly calmed down, as if he was explaining a fact.

A shout came from that end, and it was the staff of the show team calling Heran to return.

He Suiran looked back, a little embarrassed. He was not shocked by the opponent's momentum on the field, but he couldn't say a word in front of Qin Man.

He gritted his teeth and didn't respond with confidence: "No way. You wait and see."

He Zuanran quickly walked towards the show's car, and his shoes stepped on the grass, making a crackling sound.

Corner side.

Ji Ran was called back to the sound of footsteps, and subconsciously hid behind the wall.

He stared, his ears red.

He just listened to the conversation between the two.

He now felt like two bumper cars were bumping around, almost rushing out of his chest—

What does Qin Mangang just mean? ?

Why did he refute when He Suiran asked him whether he liked him or not?

Single, single love?

Qin Man loves him alone?

Ji Ran breathed faster without permission. He knew every word in this sentence, how could he put it together so that his mind could not recognize the meaning? ?

How is it possible that if Qin Man likes him and the sky can save money, the sow will go up the tree.

After He Suanran left, Ji Ran's mind was confused, and he even forgot that he was eavesdropping.

He took the cigarette case out of his pocket and tried to divert his attention. At the moment of ignition, a footstep followed.

"Why are you here." Qin Man turned around and saw him with a bit of surprise.

"Smoking." Ji Ran looked at him, Mumudi replied, he turned off the lighter and put it in his pocket.

Qin Man looked at the unburned smoke on his mouth and laughed: "Don't you want to smoke?"

Ji Ran returned to his spirit and took out a cigarette from his mouth: "... don't smoke."

"What happened to you." Qin Man saw that he was wrong.


Ji Ran licked his lips.

Fuck, why the two bumper cars haven't yet separated, his chest is about to be cracked.

No, what does Qin Man mean?

There was a conversation at the door of the hotel, and it was Yue Wenwen who came out.

Qin Man glanced over his head and said, "Let's go."

"Do you like me?"

This remark fell into Qin Man's ears with the sound of cicadas in the countryside.

Anonymous flowers are blooming beside their legs, accompanied by a faint scent.

"I heard them all just now."

Ji Ran blushed without knowing it.

He couldn't hold it. If he didn't ask clearly, don't even want to sleep tonight.

After saying it, I was not so nervous.

So he gritted his teeth, stared tightly at Qin Man's eyes, and asked again: "Do you like me?"

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for the nutrient solution and Ray. 2k novel reading network

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