MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 56

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The restaurant of this hotel is more special than other hotels. It serves meals 24 hours a day, so now at ten o'clock in the evening, there are still a few tables scattered in the restaurant.

There was only one private room with the door closed. Ji Ran walked over without thinking. When he opened the door, He Suiran was sitting on the sofa, raising his corner of his mouth, and holding his mobile phone for selfies.

"..." Ji Ran was about to close the door and leave.

"Ah, don't." He Suiran laughed twice, "Come in and sit."

Ji Ran feels that this person has changed too much. He used to be introverted and wondered if he had depression. Now he actually slaps his head at the phone.

He sat across from He Suran, with an old-fashioned Erlang leg.

He Xunran shook his mobile phone and explained: "The company has given me a task, and I have to take a picture a week to keep the topic."

Ji Ran is not interested in these things. He nodded: "Are you looking for me?"

He Suanran laughed: "Nothing can tell the old?"

"What's so good about us," Ji Ran said.

"You are still the same as before."

Ji Ran listened awkwardly, how could they say they were familiar?

"I never thought of seeing you as soon as I returned to China." He Suiran said, "It seems we are quite destined. What do you want to eat? You should be hungry just after swimming?"

Ji Ran leaned back: "Which club are you still in?"

"Yes, but the contract will expire next year."

Ji Ran became clear: "Where do you plan to change jobs?"

He Suanran smiled: "ferrari."

Ji Ran's index finger moved slightly invisibly.

Chester Kennelly's team.

"The contract has already been negotiated, and we will wait for the contract to expire now." He Suiran said, "I went to the headquarters to see that there were a lot of equipment and signatures about Kennery hanging from the headquarters. Trivia. If you are interested, I can take you there at that time. "

The waiter brought the previously ordered food to the table.

Ji Ran remained motionless and asked, "The previous club would also let you go?"

"Of course I do n’t want to, I have tossed for a long time." He Suiran sipped, "But they did not treat me as a gold medal player, but just wanted to touch the domestic market by me. In exchange for you ... I'm afraid it is true Not easy to leave. "

Ji Ran said, "Don't say anything extra."

He Suanran asked him, "Why not run a car?"

Ji Ran gave him a cold glance.

He Suanran was not affected at all, and asked directly: "Because of family matters?"

This is the question that He Suiran has been focusing on for years.

Without asking, he felt that he couldn't forget the person in front of him in his life.

"You eat slowly." Ji Ran exhausted his patience and just got up.

He Suiran grabbed his hand violently, Ji Ran's eyes were fast, and he immediately pulled out: "You want to die?"

"I just want to talk to you." He Suiran said, "You were running so fast, even if you were abroad, those foreigners may not win you--"

Ji Ran is irritable.

Today the whole world has made an appointment. Would you like to talk to him? !!

"You're wrong." Ji Ran leaned back and looked at him expressionlessly. "Not only at that time, I'm running fast now."

He Suanran's eyes brightened: "Then we are better than one?"

Ji Ran feels funny. He Suiran now has a five or six digit number for a casual run. There is really no need to go to the side of the road to get acquainted with the old.

"No, you have so much energy, you might as well practice and don't lose too much next month."

He Suanran hesitated: "You also know that there will be competitions in China next month ..."

Ji Ran paused: "I heard it by accident."

"This is the last match I have in the current club." He Suiran said, "It's in Mancheng, do you want to come? I can give you VIP tickets."

Ji Ran sneered: "I lack your ticket?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you that day, and I'll run well. If you want, I want to invite you to visit my car."

"I'm not interested in your car," Ji Ran said. "Dare you show the car to a stranger, don't you be afraid of the car being passive?"

"You won't." He Suanran smiled. "We are not strangers. Strictly speaking, we should barely be ... former teammates?"

What he thought, "Yes, I just saw you and Qin Man walking together. Are you okay?"

Ji Ran: "We didn't quarrel again, what is it good for?"

He Suanran wanted to ask more carefully. The mobile phone on the table suddenly rang. He picked it up and looked slightly, his expression changed slightly.

"Perhaps we should go." He Suiran stood up, "there is a media sneak shot outside."


Ji Ran feels that these reporters have just been looking for him in a group.

The two quickly left the restaurant, and as soon as they reached the lobby, they heard He Suiran saying, "The two people on the sofa were photographing us."

As soon as Ji Ran wanted to see the past, He Suiran first stepped in front of him and reached out to block his shoulder.

"Look down and don't talk."

The distance between them was drawn closer, and the smell of cologne penetrated Ji Ran's nasal cavity, and he could not stop frowning.

Last time in the cemetery, Qin Man also made similar movements. Qin Man's palms were larger and held firmly. Without this acrid taste, he would not feel awkward.

Ji Ran broke his hand subconsciously: "I will go by myself."

He Suanran just laughed when he got on the elevator. "These media are like this. I have to shoot everything. In fact, I haven't done anything bad, but it is annoying to be followed every day."

Ji Ran ignored him and pressed the floor of his room. After the elevator arrived, he went out: "I'm back."

"Wait." He Suiran stopped him. "How long do you live here?"

Ji Ran frowned: "Why?"

"I have a gift and have always wanted to give it to you, but I am not here now, and I will have the assistant deliver it tomorrow." He Suiran said, "You will definitely like it."

What good gift to give?

Ji Ran said, "No, you can keep it for yourself."

"It's just a meeting, it won't delay you much time." He Suiran insisted, "Those media, I will try to say hello to them and let them leave ..."

"Since you know you are being followed by the media every day, don't bother others."

A familiar voice sounded after him. Qin Man stepped out of the corner, grinning at his mouth, but he was not polite. "He doesn't like to deal with those people, so why not meet."

Seeing him, Ji Ran stunned: "... how did you come out?"

"Sit bored, come out and stroll around." Qin Mandao said.

He Suanran said: "I will handle it well, there will be no media."

"I see." It didn't really matter to see him anyway, he would be in the hotel for two days anyway. Ji Ran did not like to stand in the corridor and talk about things, saying, "If you have any questions, please contact me again. The phone number is ..."

"I have your previous phone number." He Suiran interrupted him, "hasn't changed?"

When did he exchange phone calls with He Suiran?

"……no change."

"Okay, I'll contact you." He Suiran smiled, ignoring Qin Man's seemingly absent eyes, "Good night."

As soon as Ji Ran returned to the room, Qin Man's computer was on.

He glanced casually and was shocked: "Why are you looking at this ... how did you find out?"

On the computer is a video of his game a few years ago. The painting is so muddy that Ji Ran would hardly have recognized it unless he saw his car.


"Hello, what are you looking at?" Ji Ran was so ashamed to see that he suddenly gave a big feature on the screen, and wanted to turn off.

"I also want to see what you looked like when racing before." Qin Mandao said.

Ji Ran gave a meal: "... What's so good about that."

Qin Man's eyes sank.

Of course it looks good, otherwise how can you let others remember for so long?


"How about, have you met the person you want to meet?" The teammate asked over the phone.

He Suiran laughed and closed the door of the room: "I see."

"how about it?"

"Character is the same as before," He Suiran said.

"Oh, you know, I'm not interested in his character. I just want to know how strong a racer can keep you thinking about."

He Suiran smiled, but ultimately said nothing.

Hanging up the phone, he threw the phone onto the bed, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and quietly overlooked the night scene outside.

Ji Ran can be regarded as the deepest stroke in his life.

His family was poor, and he was obsessed with racing since he was young. He did n’t support him at home.

Later, he managed to get into the eyes of the training team in a small competition, and Ji Ran became a concurrent racer.

He has never won a game since.

Ji Ran is like a mountain. Every game stands firmly in front of him. The more you pass, the more you can't see the scenery on the other side.

Later, before a certain game, the dealer who drove outside found him.

The opponent asked him to run a few days and said that he would buy Tong Jiran and make a lot of money.

He could have refused-as long as he didn't enter the competition.

But he still went.

He couldn't resist the temptation of victory. He knew that during this time, a foreign team was hiring around, and had recently reached Manchuria, and there was a great chance of appearing in that game.

As long as he joins that team, he will be better trained, and one day he will be able to cross Ji Ran and become another mountain.

In that game, he did his best and finally lost to Ji Ran with a small time difference.

Ji Ran was on the wonderful clip of the big screen. He Suiran stood outside the crowd and suddenly gave his life.

Some people are born with a great family background and amazing talents. Ji Ran is this kind of person. If you put him in the crowd, even if you don't speak, it is the most remarkable one.

He didn't die.

After receiving the runner-up prize, he heard that Ji Ran rejected the dealer's request and reported the other party. The dealer also threatened to kill Ji Ran.

At that moment, unknown emotions flowed from his chest.

Ji Ran helped him to do what he didn't dare to do.

He was dying of even that poor jealousy.

He plans to resign from the coach that night, intends to go home and study, find an ordinary job, and stop dreaming of these unrealistic dreams.

As soon as I entered the locker room, I heard a conversation between them.

"The conditions of our club are very generous and there are reservations in the contract. With your strength, you can run for two years and the value can definitely be more than doubled."

"Really, how much." The boy's voice was dull.

The man reported the number, a figure He Heran never thought of.

"Want to sign me so little?" Ji Ran sneered. "Forget it, let me tell you straight. I won't sign. I'm not interested in your club."

The man was happy: "So what club are you interested in? Do you want to join ferrari?"

"Yeah." Ji Ran laughed loudly. "If ferrari comes to invite me, I might consider it."

The people in the club were silent, but they didn't answer.

Everyone knows that Ji Ran is a talented player, and works hard. It may be impossible to say that over time.

He Suiran didn't like to listen to people's corners and turned to leave.

"If you really want to recruit new people, the second place today is barely reluctant." The boy inside said suddenly.

Ji Ran is here, who will pay attention to other racers.

"Second place?"

"Well, although he is not as fast as me, but he is very stable in cornering, haven't you seen? The car is a bit broken." Ji Ran laughed openly, "Otherwise, he may not lose me so many seconds."

A few days later, he received an invitation from the club.

He Suiran has always been at the heart of this matter. Since then, others have asked him which racing driver he likes best, and his answer is Ji Ran.

When others looked confused, they said they had never heard of it. He thought, it doesn't matter, after a few years, he will let you know him on the track.

I didn't expect him to wait or wait for Ji Ran to appear on the field. It was only later that he heard that Ji Ran stopped playing racing.

He randomly narrowed his eyes and pushed down the curtain's automatic switch button.

He suddenly remembered that Qin Man had reached out and held Ji Ran when he had just separated. Ji Ran hides and does not hide, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this action.

Ordinary friends will not do such an intimate move, and the relationship between the two is obvious.

Ji Ran actually likes men? Still like Qin Man?

... Which side is Ji Ran when they go to bed?

A fragrant picture emerged in his mind, He Suan was surprised, and quickly interrupted his thoughts.

He pondered for a long time, took out his mobile phone, and sent Ji Ran a message.

[Eat breakfast tomorrow morning? 2k novel reading network