MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 53

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When he got home, Ji Ran had just wanted to say something. When he saw Qin Manxian, he stepped into the bedroom: "I'm going to take a shower."

Ji Ran lay on the sofa and dialed out a phone.

Knowing what day it is, at the other end of the phone, Cheng Peng said, "What happened? Something went wrong?"

Ji Ran said, "Can you remember me better?"

Cheng Peng asked, "What's wrong?"

OK, it's really not a good thing.

Ji Ran asked, "I remember you were a little bit involved in the bureau, right?"

"You're doing something wrong?" There was a shutdown of the computer from the phone. "Where are you, I'll go to you now."

"Don't, something happened, but it wasn't me."

Ji Ran hesitated, or said everything just now, "I just hit two people, and I didn't get too heavy. I stopped in the back ... shouldn't this be a situation?"

Cheng Peng was relieved, and thought it was funny. He thought that when you go to school, you will fight with others and enter the hospital, why not worry about this.

Ji Ran seems to have telepathy: "The Ji family is so good-looking and won't let me get into the game. But Qin Man is different. His family just went bankrupt, his parents were abroad, and the money on that land was not available. I'm afraid what will happen to him. "

"Rest assured, if it's just the situation you said, it won't be locked in. Basically it's a fine, and in the worst case, it will be closed for 15 days."

"No," Ji Ran frowned, especially serious. "It's OK to lose money, but he can't."

Cheng Peng teased him: "The treatment inside is pretty good now, it doesn't hurt in 15 days, so don't be so nervous."

"I'm nervous." Ji Ran paused. "I'm worried that he will be shaved and become ugly."

After understanding the situation, Cheng Peng's tone relaxed a lot: "Relax, just on Qin Man's face, you can just put a few more moles on his head as a monk, and you can't be ugly."

Ji Ran heard his ridicule and snorted: "Can you help me or not, I have to find someone else."

"Yes. Don't worry. Those people are not doing personnel affairs. The police uncle is clever. Those reporters really want to keep Qin full for 15 days." Cheng Peng said, "Relax, I will pay attention. See you urgent Yes, I thought it was a big deal, and I was going to find a boat for you. "

"Get off." Ji Ran laughed and cursed. "What happened to your auction? Can you do it?"

"It's all ready. Isn't there any leisure time to go to the hot spring with you? I've been staring at the land for a few months. When I take it down and take you abroad for a few days, you are preparing for the annual leave."

"Okay," Ji Ran said, "I also want you to help me."

Cheng Peng asked clearly: "About those reporters?"

The two have known each other for many years, and they don't need to say more nonsense. Ji Ran said, "Do you have this relationship?"

"Relationships are trivial, just have money." Cheng Peng asked. "Few reporters are so brave now. How do you want me to help you find out who the ghost is?"

"No need to check, I know this." Ji Ran turned over and changed his posture. "These reporters said they are from Entertainment Weekly. You can help me check the truth. If it is true ..."

He said the plan that he had just thought about in the car. "These stinky people must have offended a lot of people. If you go to help me find some of the most hacked ones, I will bring the prosecution fee. Yes, as long as they are willing to come forward. I want to tell this broken magazine to go bankrupt. "

Hanging up, Ji Ran returned with a firm heart.

In fact, when he used to fight with others, he really didn't remember that something happened to Ji family to help him.

Maybe Ji's family thinks it better to stay inside.

But that was his own life. He lived as much as he wanted, whether he went in or escaped. He was alone and had nothing to fear.

Qin Man, however, is different. A person who is so perfect from a young age can't dirty his resume because of this broken thing.

After the matter settled, he breathed a sigh of relief. He turned on the phone and wanted to order a takeaway. After thinking about it, he closed the software again.

He sat up with a carp and turned into the kitchen.

The refrigerator was empty and he would feel insecure, so he bought some ingredients when he came back this morning.

He dropped two bowls of noodles and the soup base was rich and delicious.

Looking around, the person in the bedroom hasn't come out yet.

Shouldn't it fall asleep?

Ji Ranmao was walking, and when he entered the bedroom, he smelled a faint smoke.

There was no light in the bedroom, and the balcony window was open. Occasionally a night breeze blew in, and a wave of waves was set on the curtains.

The man was sitting on a chair outside the balcony with a rare scribbled posture, a pair of long legs spread freely, and a slender cigarette in his hand.

Ji Ran looked for a few seconds before returning to his senses, raising his hand to turn on the bedroom light.

"Do you steal cigarettes again?" He walked in front of Qin Man, and asked, "Don't you let me smoke less? Why do I smoke it in a blink of an eye?"

Qin Man looked up at him and smiled: "It was discovered."

Ji Ran: "What are you doing here, pretending to be melancholy? There is an old lady living across from my house. Do n’t waste your thoughts."

Qin Man put out the smoke.

After taking a shower, his mood has calmed a lot, but Ji Yan's expression was still haunting in his mind when he was surrounded by reporters, and he couldn't keep away.

At that time, that face was angry, violent, and out of control.

There are also grievances and helplessness.

Although the latter two points were weak, he was caught by him.

In fact, this is not the first time he has seen Ji Ran's expression.

When he first met Ji Ran, the other party did not impress him. Just remember that the boy's school uniform was very wide and his hair was loose and loose in his forehead. At a glance, it looked like a stunted fart.

He didn't understand it at the time. Ji Weiming said that his younger brother was shamelessly close to their house, and he could eat like this and live well every day.

I didn't expect that soon, I didn't know where I had provoked him, causing this little fart to look for his stubble every day, doing all the bad things that were irrelevant.

You have to get revenge, you ca n’t commit it, but it ’s impossible for him to swallow like that, so he will fight back one or two times with warning every time. After a long time, he is used to it.

Until one day, he rarely played at school until dusk, and on the way back to the classroom, he saw Ji Ran.

The other side was surrounded by several boys, and at a glance, they knew what was happening.

He also heard about Ji Ran fighting in the school, but he heard that the versions were all bullied by Ji Ran.

It stands to reason that the person who has been looking for himself will be beaten, and he should be happy. But he looked at the indifferent person by the wall, only feeling uncomfortable.

He was hesitant to step in, and it was already inside.

One of the males pushed Ji Ran vividly. When he was about to say something, Ji Ran first cursed swear words, and then hit his head with his head.

At that moment, Qin Man felt as if he had been settled by something. He obviously wanted to step forward to stop it, but he still couldn't take a step.

Ji Ran is very skillful in fighting. He knows where it hurts most. He is full of energy and uses his body as a weapon. It is a deadly posture. Unlike the others, they are careful everywhere, for fear of hurting themselves.

So Ji Ran won that game very easily.

The little fart child was useless, angry and aggrieved, and beat the people in front of him one by one.

The moment Ji Ran walked out of the classroom, Qin Man suddenly returned to his mind. Somehow, he hid subconsciously and avoided the other's line of sight.

He didn't hesitate too much, and he quickly followed after he disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Ji Ran walked to the newly opened teaching building on the right side of the school. After reaching the top floor, he finally stopped.

He looked around, making sure no one was there, and found a corner and sat down.

Then he clasped his legs with his hands, and his cheeks were buried behind his knees.

It should be that the pain of the wound spread and could not stand.

During that time, Qin Man's leg was injured just because he was playing, and his salve was in his pocket.

Think of it as charity, Qin Man thought.

He took the ointment from his pocket, unconsciously letting go, and stopped just two steps forward.

He heard a cry.

Repressed by its master, it was intermittent, and it did not stop for a long time. Those unobvious emotions are infinitely amplified at this moment.

When Qin Man returned to God, the ointment on his hand had been deformed by him. The two were crying and watching each other, and they stayed so quietly for a long time.

The moment Ji Ran looked up, he hid again.

At the corner, he saw Ji Ran crying and his nose was red and red, which was in sharp contrast with the usual obedient.

This scene later appeared countless times in his dream.

A pair of bony palms shook in front of him. Ji Ran frowned: "What are you doing?"

Qin Man returned to his heart and grabbed the hand in front of him subconsciously.

Ji Ran hesitated and pulled his hand back immediately: "Are you addicted or something?"

Qin Man retracted those emotions and chuckled: "I was just thinking about something, what happened?"

"Nothing." Ji Ran staggered his eyes. "I cooked more noodles ... Do you eat them?"

After half an hour, the two had enough to eat and drink, leaving no soup at all.

Ji Ran got into the bed after taking a bath.

As soon as Qin Man lay on the bed, he smelled the faint shower gel on his body.

Strange to say, they obviously use the same shower gel, but he always feels that Ji Ran should be more fragrant.

Ji Ran lowered her phone and closed her eyes at this time to go to sleep. He was wearing only a pair of underpants, and the bedding was not covered honestly. The fair skin down his neck was exposed to the air.

I really want to touch him.

Qin Man's throat rolled and he finally gave up his patience, propped himself up, and wanted to take a cover from the bedside table over Ji Ran.

At this moment, the person under him suddenly opened his eyes. Before Qin Man had time to hide, he saw Ji Ran lifted his head and suddenly took a bite on the corner of his mouth.

Qin Man: "You ..."

"Want to kiss me again?" Ji Ran shouted, looking at the tooth mark on Qin Man's mouth, smirking, "I've caught you so many times, do you have any special habit like kissing?"

Qin Man didn't say anything. He moved his body and pressed half of his body against him, holding his forehead and kissing hard.

Ji Ran hesitated, pushed him, and said vaguely, "You **** ..."

Between lips and tongue, he heard Qin Man saying, "You said, we don't need to kiss except to go to bed."

At last, there was a gap, and Ji Ran opened his mouth and was about to speak, and Qin Man bent down and pressed his lips.

Ji Ran heard the sound of the bedside table being opened. Qin Man took out the sleeve and bit the package with his teeth in front of him, exposing the edge of the circle.

"So I'm not trying to kiss you." Qin Man's voice was low and his eyes were full of surging desire.

"I'm inviting you to make love."

Ji Ran looked at him in shock, his fingertips fluttered uncontrollably, and his heartbeat was nearly exploding.

The author has something to say: 5w nutrient solution added, thank you everyone for the nutrient solution and thunder. 2k novel reading network