MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 5

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"That's it." Yue Wenwen had watched enough, holding her chin and smiling with joy. "Masters, why do you let women drink wine? It's not good, Gu Dashao."

Gu Zhe froze for a moment, but he did not expect Ji Ran to just shake it, and he could shake a leopard out.

"When did you learn the technique?" Gu Zhe smiled, but her expression was not very good. "This can all be shaken out, shouldn't you have any mechanism in Dice?"

"You are too deserving of yourself. Drinking a wine is worth my trouble." Ji Ran shrugged. "Do you want ten glasses of wine? Or do you really want your woman to help you drink?"

His words seemed to be interrogative, but the contempt within him could no longer be hidden.

"What's wrong with it." Gu Zhe smiled, moved her shoulders ruthlessly, flung the Lily away without a trace, and picked up the glass, "I don't really want her to help me drink, this is not what I want Change your game? "

The wine glasses in the nightclub are actually not big enough, but they can't hold the wine strong. For the whole person, Gu Zhe buys high-quality wine. The two kinds are mixed together in a special mouthful. After ten glasses, he gets a little bit up.

"Drink all." Ji Ran raised his chin, and pointed to one of the wine glasses with some liquid left. "Stay so much, and use it to raise fish?"

Gu Zhe held back, took the cup again and took another sip. Although Lily followed him shortly, she also knew his temper, and let Gu Zhe go back with fire. The victim must be herself. So she immediately picked up the bottle and tried to pour it into Gu Zhe, and did some tricks to keep the liquid in it from becoming too full.

Gu Zhe raised her hand and blocked the mouth of the cup.

He sipped a few glasses in front of him, and with these ten glasses of spirits, he was a little bit timid, and his courage was a lot bolder. His eyes fell on Qin Man.

"Boss Qin, it would be boring to sit alone." Gu Zhe said, "Come, get me a drink."

The surrounding sight immediately gathered on Qin Man.

I saw Qin Man raising his eyes, sweeping him coldly, without moving.

Ji Ran raised her eyebrows and looked back subconsciously. The man behind him had sharp features, the alienation and indifference of the past flashed by, and he recovered quickly as usual.

Seeing that he did not respond, Gu Zhe urged: "Hurry up, don't delay us drinking."

When Qin Man opened his mouth, he was cut off by Ji Ran.

"Why did he pour you wine?" Ji Ran raised his lips with a smile, making it difficult to tell whether he was really scolding or joking. "You have no hands, or is there no waiter in this bar?"

Ji Ran originally wanted to say, "You are worth it," but felt that this sentence faintly raised Qin Man, so he changed his mouth temporarily.

Qin Man is a typical tiger Luoping Pingyang was bullied by dogs, Ji Ran confessed that he is a bad dog, or a good hand to fall down. But Qin Man was his prey. He was able to take the tiger home and be torn apart, but he was not willing to let someone else come and lick it. Not to mention this person is Gu Zhe.

Gu Zhe was stupid and heard this wrong: "Ji Ran, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, don't you understand?" Ji Ran stopped talking with him and opened his mouth. "Gu Zhe, we are really not familiar enough to sit and drink together."

Gu Zhe drank so many glasses, and was so stabbed by Ji Ran that his face was flushed.

"Do you mean you played with me before?"

Ji Ran shrugged: "Do you see that I have time to play with you?"

Gu Zheten stood up and said, "You--"

"Two big bosses!" The nightclub manager who stood aside for a long time saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately stepped forward, "How are you two sitting together? It ’s crowded. Gu Dashao, we still have your place Then, should you go back and sit? "

Gu Zhe also stood with a tie on his face, Ji Ran took his face in front of so many people, and if he swallowed his breath, he would still be a fart.

The hotel manager looked bitter, and was at a loss as to what to do. Both of them are uncles with bad tempers, and he can't bother.

Yue Wenwen worked hard to win over Ji Ran and let Gu Ran give Gu Zhe a step down. After all, Qianglong couldn't beat the ground snake, Gu Zhe's father had a dark background. In such a messy place, they were afraid they couldn't really do Gu Zhe.

But Ji Ran did not accept his hint at all.

He does not take the initiative to provoke Gu Zhe, it does not mean that he is afraid. He had just wanted to understand in just a few minutes, and the man should be in front of him for three days and two heads, sooner or later.

That might as well turn now.

Still want him to step down to Gu Zhe? He didn't slap this silly kick behind him, and he could be regarded as amiable and bodhisattva.

"It's a bit crowded. With your position, why are you still rushing to occupy someone else?" Qin Man said suddenly, faintly, "Is this lack of money for this meal."

No one expected that Qin Manhui would open his mouth. Gu Zhe first stared, and then followed his eyes wide open: "I lack--"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Man suddenly leaned over to Ji Ran, his tone was natural: "Since you are an old friend, why don't you help him settle the bill?"

Ji Ran leaned lazily on the sofa with a casual attitude. Hearing the words for a moment, he waved to the manager and said charitably, "Keep my account."

"I'm short of money for you? Are you two deliberate?" Gu Zhe laughed, picking the soft persimmon first, "Qin Man, let you interject? What do you think you are? Big Boss? Believe me or not, let me come in upright and go out horizontally today? "

Ji Ran doesn't want others to be grandpa in front of him: "Who are you scaring ..."

"You really have this ability." Qin Man's face did not change his face, "Why would someone be broken his leg six months ago?"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was stunned, and even Gu Zhe was dumbfounded, and his expression was even more shocked.

He had previously caused trouble in another night market and bumped into people who shouldn't be touched. The other person had his legs broken and he lay at home for several months.

The man was so influential, let alone him. Even his dad didn't dare to provoke it.

But that night he went to the nightclub alone, and that matter was not publicized ... how could Qin Man know? !!

This thing doesn't look good. Once it is fermented, he won't have to come out in the future.

Gu Zhe's departure can be called a fart.

Yue Wenwen was entertaining. After the gang of demons and ghosts walked away, he came up and asked across Ji Ran: "Qin Man, what is the story of breaking the leg? You must tell others!"

"It's nothing." Qin Man smiled. "He moved people who couldn't move, and his legs were discounted."

"Really? I haven't heard of such a funny thing?" Yue Wenwen was stunned, took out WeChat to turn the discussion group, "Lao Niang's ninety-nine city gossip group died ?!"

Qin Mandao said: "It may be that the intelligence officers inside are not well informed."

"That is, they don't do serious business every day, they know to watch handsome guys every day." Yue Wenwen held his mobile phone, and winked at Qin Man. "Brother Qin Man, you have passed the review of our gossip group, how about it, is there any? interest?"

"Is Ji Ran inside?" Qin Man asked.

Ji Ran frowned: "What does it have to do with me?"

Yue Wenwen peach blossomed his eyes: "He thinks we are noisy and he doesn't want to enter."

Qin Manwaner: "I won't go in then."

Ji Ran: "..."

Yue Wenwen also laughed and blinked at him: "Okay, that day, you are interested, please send me an application at any time."

Yue Wenwen couldn't rest. As soon as the big show ended, he immediately headed for the dance floor.

After being around, Ji Ran snorted lightly: "Threatening people with this kind of thing is immature."

He was ready to start working with Gu Zhe, whoever thought it was so light and over.

"It just works." Qin Mandao said, "The security of this shop is in charge of Gu Zhe's dad. You do something wrong with him."

Just after finishing speaking, a man not far away suddenly came forward, and half-bent over to Ji Ran said, "Ran brother! Thank you for the last thing. You introduced that repair shop is really powerful and has all the accessories. I thought my car was going to be scrapped. That car has been with me for several years, and I ca n’t bear to break it. ”

Ji Randao: "Small thing. Be careful next time you turn, you have to turn too fast every time and it is easy to get out of the track."

"Okay, am I not trying to learn from you, are you handsome in drifting? Don't say, I'll toast you."

"Don't learn, you can't learn." Ji Ran picked up the wine glass, bumped into a friend, and drank it.

"Ha ha ha ha, you are great. And there is ..." The man filled himself with another cup, crossed Ji Ran, and respected Qin Man, "Hello Brother, long and long."

Only then had he witnessed the whole journey, and the man did not expect Qin Man to respond. As soon as he wanted to have a drink by himself, he felt that the wine glass in his hand was slightly hit.

"Hello." Qin Man looked natural, took back the wine glass, and sipped.

The man was flattered and quickly drank: "Man, you may not know me, I, I have seen you at the reception before."

"A bit impressed." Qin Man lowered his glass, seemingly inadvertently, "you just said the track, is ..."

"Oh oh, you don't know? Ran brother and I recently entered a super running club, and we went for two laps without any problems. Both are regular tracks. Man, are you interested?"

"You explain to him so much." Ji Ran sat upright to interrupt him. "Come, play dice with me."

"I don't play with you. You can kill me with this dice." The man hehe said, "Brother, Gu Zhe has been behind your **** for so long before, does he not know how powerful you are playing this? Dare to find You're better than this, it's funny. "

Ji Ran chuckled, picked up the dice and shook it, and covered the table: "Don't ask, play two games."

Qin Man sat and watched him. The nightclub lights were not on, hitting Ji Ran's face, and he was able to draw his outline.

Just a shy and tough person, the facial lines are surprisingly gentle, and the delicate features are rubbed together, which is ten times more beautiful than the star actors on TV today.

The feeling of vibration came from the thigh, Qin Man retracted his gaze, took out his mobile phone and looked at him, then stood up: "I go to the toilet."

After the person left, the talented person in front of him said: "Ran brother, I have to tell you. Qin Man is not so provocative, you ... don't compete with him. I met him at the reception, you know to follow him Who are you chatting with? "

Ji Ran held a cigarette and asked, "Who is it, Laozi?"

"Almost. It's not an exaggeration."

"Regardless of who he is, it's not my responsibility now." Ji Ran paused. "Hurry up, don't rely on it."

Qin Man went to the toilet and answered the phone: "Mom, what is it?"

"Don't sleep yet?" The middle-aged woman's voice was a little tired. "What's that voice over there? Still outside?"

"Well, there is a date," Qin Mandao said, "are you in the United States?"

"Yes, your dad and I are here today. When you just packed your house, when are you coming over?"

"I'm not in a hurry. You live first. I'll come and see you when I have time."

Mother Qin nodded: "Okay, then I'll keep the flowers in the garden and wait for you to come back to accompany me. You don't go out to entertain me everyday, your dad just managed to take it easy, and it's your turn again. Remember, Your body is tight. You must go to bed early at night and eat your meals on time. "

"Ok, I know."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Man turned to the washstand and washed his hands.

"Qin Man?"

Qin Man heard his words, looked up, and saw a familiar face standing behind him. He was the young boss of a company.

"It's you." The little boss looked surprised and hid those surprises. "Why are you here? It's a coincidence that I just wanted to find you these two days."

"It's a coincidence. I'm here to accompany my friends." Qin Man pulled out the paper towel, wiped it twice, and smiled slightly. "Are you looking for something?"

"Yeah ... I'm sorry about your family." The little boss looked around. Although there were not many people in the toilet, there were still three or two drunks around. "Let's find a quiet place to talk?"

Qin Man refused: "Just say it here, I will go back."

"Okay," said the little boss, "then I won't get in touch with you. Qin Man, since your family is already in this situation, have you considered ... going to other environmental developments?"

"It's not convenient to talk here, let me make a long story short. There will be a new big project at the end of my company. As long as you are willing to come here, it will be yours. The commission, I can give you this number." Virtually compared to a number.

Qin Man glanced: "Your company is generous."

"Where is generous, I know there are a lot of companies that want to recruit you. I don't think it's anything at all." The little boss's eyes lightened: "What do you mean--"

"But I'm sorry." Qin Man laughed. "I'm currently looking for a good part-time job and plan to take a break. I don't think about formal work yet."

Qin Man returned to the deck and found that Ji Ran was no longer in his seat.

He asked the person who had just toasted him: "What about Ji Ran?"

The man froze and explained quickly: "Ran brother just suddenly received a call. It seems that there is something urgent, and he left in a hurry. Why ... didn't he tell you?"

The night breeze was slightly cold.

Qin Man walked out of the club and stopped a taxi.

As soon as I reported the driver's address to the driver, I saw a WeChat pop up on my phone.

[Daddy Ji transfers you 1,000 yuan]

Immediately after, a few seconds of voice picked up. That head was a car window opened, the wind screamed, and the boy's voice was mixed with it: "Well ... I have to go first, and you can take the money and take a taxi back home."

Qin Man received his money as usual and passed it on to a friend in WeChat who subsidized the welfare home all year round. 2k novel reading network

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