MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 107 Cheng Peng x Jiang Yunjian (3)

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Supper order takeaway, hemp small.

Jiang Yunjian did not expect that one day he could have supper with Cheng Peng face to face, and even afterwards, he was not even proficient in peeling shrimp.

"Can't peel it?" Cheng Peng said, putting the freshly peeled shrimp in front of him.

Jiang Yunjian shook his head: "Yes, I'll peel it myself, I won't bother you."

Cheng Peng didn't speak. He took off the plastic gloves and turned on the TV in front of him. He tuned in an entertainment TV station with the highest ratings.

The person in front appeared on the TV, wearing a simple costume issued by the show, with his hands behind his back, standing on the edge of the stars, with a good smile. Although the position of the station was not conspicuous, it was still visible at a glance.

Jiang Yunjian was caught off guard when he heard his own voice on TV and turned his head.

He hasn't been used to watching himself on the screen, with a bit of shame.

Cheng Peng put down the remote control, and it looks like he doesn't plan to change channels.

"Otherwise ..." Jiang Yunjian said, "This variety show is a script, but there is nothing really good about it."

However, Cheng Peng asked, "A few years ago at the farmhouse, was it also a script?"

Jiang Yunjian peeled the shrimp and said, "... Do you remember?"

Cheng Peng laughed: "I don't have that bad memory."

But you don't remember my name.

Jiang Yunjian thought so in his heart, but didn't care. He was flattered enough to remember that variety show.

A few years ago, of course, there was a script in the farmhouse. At that time, there was a "professional" arranged by the program group in the private room next door. But as soon as he arrived at the farmhouse, he saw Cheng Peng smoking in the corridor. At the game stage, he made an advocacy and went to the box where Cheng Peng was located. He Suran's thoughts coincided with him. Walking towards the private room, the crew didn't respond.

Later, the director saw the men in the box a good match, and for the effect of the show, they let them go.

"Yes." Jiang Yunjian replied, "There are not only scripts but also people."

"Personnel?" Cheng Peng raised an eyebrow. "What is your character?"

Jiang Yunjian was particularly embarrassed: "In the farmhouse ... it was silly and sweet."

Cheng Peng laughed, he looked at the screen: "Now still?"

"It's not now." Jiang Yunjian said sincerely. "Because I've been making a few realistic movies recently, so I have to transform. The staff has changed to warm men and luck kings ... But this year I won't accept variety shows. It was my last shot. "

Cheng Peng glanced at the slogan in the lower right corner: "Close tonight?"

Jiang Yunjian nodded: "Yes."

Cheng Peng thoughtfully, for a moment, suddenly stood up. Jiang Yun's eyes moved unconsciously with him.

Cheng Peng took two bottles of canned beer from the refrigerator, opened it and handed it to him, and clinked with him: "Congratulations."

Jiang Yun froze.

"Don't want to drink beer?" Cheng Peng said, "It's better to eat hemp with beer, or I'll get a bottle of red."

"No, it isn't." Jiang Yunjian held the wine glass in both hands and touched Cheng Peng again. The glass was filled with the coolness brought by the refrigerator cabinet.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Yunjian consciously put away the plastic box.

"Recently, do you have the resources you want?" The man behind him asked lazily with a lazy voice.

Jiang Yun made a move.

He had forgotten that they were improper male relations.

Although Cheng Peng was busy during this time, he still took a moment to look at Jiang Yunjian's information. After all, he was the person who placed the pillow, even if he was a lover, he had to find out. The situation between Jiang Yun was as good as his imagination, and it was indeed very red. Cheng Peng was curious as to what kind of resources would make Jiang Yunjian rather take risks to come to him.

Jiang Yunjian was silent for a while.

Cheng Peng laughed, thinking he was embarrassed: "It doesn't matter, it's good to be ambitious."

Jiang Yunjian now feels weird. His heart is sour, and it's like lying on cotton.

He thought about it and reported a director: "I want to be in his crew."

The director is a famous director. Every year, there are actors in his crew in various awards. Many film emperors are picked out in his films.

Really a big resource. In fact, Jiang Yunjian had already talked to the director about cooperation and signed a contract. He knew that Cheng Peng would only leave the matter to the assistant, so he was not worried that he would know the details.

The person behind did not speak.

Jiang Yun added quickly: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't work, I will work harder."

"I see, I will deal with it." Cheng Pengying.

Now, even if this matter is settled.

Packing up the lunch box, Jiang Yunjian doesn't know what to do next, he can never sit down with Cheng Peng and watch the show he starred in.

Looking up at the time, it was twelve o'clock and it was time to rest.

"... Mr. Cheng, if you're okay, I'll go back first?"

"Well," Cheng Peng said, "drived?"

"No, I came by car." Jiang Yunjian took out his mobile phone. "I just use a taxi software to get a taxi."

After Jiang Yunjian left, Cheng Peng turned off the TV and returned to the bedroom.

The big bed was cleaned up neatly, Cheng Peng couldn't help laughing, it seemed that he had just tossed hard, and Jiang Yunjian even had the energy to help him make the bed.

He picked up his cell phone, walked to the window, and dialed a number.

The call was answered, Cheng Peng said, "Uncle Wu, didn't bother you to rest."

"I heard that your new show is about to be filmed. Is there a seat for the sponsor?"

"... Yes," he bowed his head, and laughed. "I can't hide it from you. I have a child who wants to join your group. It looks good and has a good personality ... it shouldn't be worse than acting ... called Jiang Between clouds. "


Five days of annual leave, Jiang Yunjian stayed at home for two days, and the remaining three days were spent at Cheng Peng's house.

The first day was his cheeky mouth. The next two days were the weekend, and Cheng Peng sent a message to let him pass.

The first text message was [Are you free?].

The content of the second time became [the thing ran out, buy something by the way, reimbursement].

The consequence of excessive libido is that Jiang Yunjian yawned repeatedly on the first day of his work after the annual leave.

"Brother Jiang, what's wrong?" The makeup artist cared. "Did you sleep well last night?"

Jiang Yunjian said: "No, I slept early last night."

He did not lie, and had a ridiculous day with Cheng Peng, and fell asleep at home at ten o'clock.

Fortunately, today's work is not heavy. I just took a magazine cover and finished it in about one morning. After putting on makeup, while the staff was still adjusting the final scene, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Cheng Peng without hesitation.

Once done this kind of thing, it is not so difficult to do it again.

As soon as the news was sent out, the mobile phone interface changed, and the incoming call from Bozhen came in.

"Small room." Bo Zhen's voice couldn't hide his excitement. "Are there anyone around you?"

Jiang Yunjian looked around the empty dressing room: "No, why?"

"I take back what I said before." Bo Zhen said.

Jiang Yunjian inexplicably said, "What is it?"

"Say that you don't need resources, you don't need to talk to Mr. Cheng ... and so on." Bo Zhen excitedly, "Your next watch endorsement is set."

Jiang Yunjian was also stunned when he heard the brand name reported by Bozhen.

"No one in the country has ever won the endorsement of this brand. Even the former film emperor just appeared in a micro-movie to promote their new season." Bo Zhen rarely had such a restless moment.

This is also normal. Before he received a call from Assistant Cheng Peng, he never thought that this brand would recruit a spokesperson in China.

"Are you still in the studio?" Bo Zhen asked. "Why not talk? Happy?"

Jiang Yunjian thought back: "No, it's still in the shed."

"Then I'll talk to you in the past and pick you up by the way."

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Yun hesitated for a moment, still opened the dialog box with Cheng Peng.

[Jiang Yunjian: Thank you. 】

[Jiang Yunjian: Will it be troublesome to talk about this endorsement? 】

[Cheng Peng: No trouble, they have cooperation with the company. 】

[Jiang Yunjian: Thank you. 】

[Cheng Peng: Your belt fell on my house yesterday. 】

"..." Jiang Yun froze, no wonder he got up this morning without a belt for a long time.

His clothes are all high-definition, and there is no out-of-fit condition. In many cases, the belt is just a decorative embellishment. Without a costumer to remind him, it is indeed easy to forget him.

[Jiang Yunjian: Sorry, I should have forgotten to take it with me. I'll take it tonight, can I? 】

[Cheng Peng: I do n’t need to apologize, it ’s my solution. I remind you to wear it next time. 】

Jiang Yunjian suddenly became dry.

The next message sent him back.

[Cheng Peng: I do n’t have time these days. You do n’t have to come here. I ’ll send the belt to your assistant. 】

When Cheng Peng's assistant arrived, Jiang Yunjian had just taken a set of photos with his partner and was about to change a suit.

"Mr. Jiang, this is Mr. Cheng's assistant. This is your belt." The assistant handed him the bag and presented his business card with both hands. "Mr. Jiang, if there is any need in the future, please contact me."

The assistant has been with Cheng Peng for twelve years. This is the second time he said this to Jiang Yunjian.

He didn't change a word, his tone remained unchanged.

Jiang Yun passed the bag indirectly, pursing his lips: "Thank you, the business card will not be used, and I still have your contact information."

This time the assistant's turn was surprised. Afraid of Jiang Yunjian's embarrassment, he deliberately did not mention the previous events, but he did not expect that Jiang Yunjian was much more frank than him.

After the assistant had left, Jiang Yunjian carried the bag back to the dressing room. He had just entered the front foot, and then someone followed in and raised his hand to lock the door.

Jiang Yunjian looked back and looked at the partner he was shooting today, a little fresh meat just graduated from college.

"Brother Yunjian." Xiao Xianrou lowered the volume and asked with wide eyes, "Is I just sending you something, is it Cheng Peng's assistant?"

Jiang Yun's face changed, and his mild face turned into ice in a few seconds, and he looked at him with vigilance: "No."

"Impossible, I recognize him ..." Xiao Xianrou finished, and then reflected what Jiang Yunjian was thinking. "Brother, don't get me wrong, I don't mean that."

Jiang Yunjian couldn't relax at all, and his brain had begun to move quickly. If Xiaoxianrou talked about this, how could he pick Cheng Peng clean.

"I've met him before," Xiao Xianrou said, "Ah, that's the assistant. I'm from the same university as Cheng Peng's boyfriend, and the assistant came to our school to pick him up."

"..." Jiang Yunjian's hand holding the bag loosened.

"Really, my classmate is Chen An. I don't know if you've heard it? Not in the circle."

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes and controlled his tone: "I don't know and don't know your name."

He really didn't know him. He had only seen his face and didn't know his name.

Xiaoxianrou thought he didn't believe it, picked up his mobile phone and turned it around for a long time before finally turning out a photo in the circle of friends: "Well, look, this is the man."

Jiang Yunjian wanted to stop this topic, heard the words, still couldn't help looking over his face.

The white and tender face was a boy who sat beside Cheng Peng a few years ago.

He only glanced and then looked back: "I don't know each other. I just came to my friend. I know his job is an assistant, but I don't know where he works."

Xiaoxianrou suddenly said: "Oh-like this, I thought ..."

"Why?" Jiang Yunjian said.

Xiao Xianrou shook his head quickly: "Nothing."

Jiang Yunjian put the bag in the corner and pretended to inadvertently ask, "Have you said before that you met my friend at school? Is he often sent by his boss to pick up a boyfriend from school?"

People who do n’t usually gossip suddenly ask gossip, which is very exciting.

Xiao Xianrou said, "Yeah, but your friends don't come often. Most of the time, it's Cheng Peng who comes by himself. It is said that Cheng Peng comes at least twice a day on Friday."

Jiang Yunjian said, "Aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

"He is a big boss and not a star. Of course, he doesn't need to look at others." Xiao Xianrou smiled. "But Chen An is quite scared, but he can't hide it. I'm not in the same class as him. I heard that It's okay. "

Jiang Yunjian: "... I thought the big boss was usually very busy."

Didn't find anything wrong with Jiang Yun, Xiao Xianrou said haha, "The boyfriend is definitely different."

The small fresh makeup artist came to knock on him. Xiaoxianrou unlocked the door: "Brother, I'll go make up first."

"Wait." Jiang Yunjian called him, "... What kind of person is Chen An?"

Xiao Xianrou: "Ah?"

Jiang Yunjian laughed: "Suddenly curious."

"I haven't had much contact with him. I don't know much about his character. But he looks pretty good. You saw it just now. It's short, thin, and harmless to humans and animals. To be white is to say * *, Tennen, like a junior high school student. Oh yes, he still has a little stammer. "Xiao Xianrou said, surprised," So ... the taste of the big boss is a bit dangerous? "

When Bozhen arrived in the studio, the shooting was just over.

Jiang Yunjian sat in a daze on the chair, holding a bag on his leg, his makeup removed, and a pale feeling.

"There is a traffic jam on the road, have you been waiting for a long time?" Bozhen walked quickly to him.

"No, just finished." Jiang Yunjian looked back and stood up.

Bo Zhen was full of joy, and he was talking about endorsements along the way: "There is a very good talk there, advertising campaigns, magazine shootings, official channel promotions from various channels, there are all! Small room, you ..." He turned his head Just going to say, seeing Jiang Yunjian's expression, he said, "What do you want?"

"Nothing." Jiang Yunjian was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Bo, am I getting old?"

Bozhen is inexplicable and has four questions: "Are you old? Who says you are old? You have n’t had your twenty-fifth birthday! You are so young at this age, I do n’t know how many people are jealous of you! Why do you go on Wei again? Have you read those sunspots in a big size? "

"... Twenty-five?" Jiang Yunjian said dumbly.

"All ..." Bo Zhen, who was in his thirties, was almost out of breath. "What's wrong with you?"

It's twenty-five.

Innocent, tender, thin, and short, he couldn't touch it.

Had it not been for the small fresh meat, he would have forgotten that he would have been a few years old.

It is not the type that Cheng Peng likes.

The author has something to say: Hey, I write that I fell asleep again, you scold me 8 and I lie flat.

Remove my day flag.

Thanks everyone for the nutrition fluid and Ray. 2k novel reading network

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