MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 688 Fishnet

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Chapter 688: Fish Dead Net Break

In the process of being rescued by Li Yuxin, Jiang Liushi felt that his whole body was warm, and all the pains on his body were rapidly improving. Even the fractures were healed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Liushi's injury had fully recovered, while Li Yuxin's face was a little white, his body was soft, and Jiang Liushi was in his arms.

"Yu Xin, are you all right?" Jiang Liushi asked with concern.

"I was just a little tired for a while, just rest a bit." Li Yuxin shook his head and completely cured Jiang Liushi's injuries in such a short period of time. For Li Yuxin, it was a huge natural consumption.

However, at this time, where could Li Yuxin take care of herself, she looked at Jiang Liushi with anxiety. "Jiang, I can only cure your injury, but I cannot help you replenish the energy you consume ..."

"It's enough." Jiang Liushi smiled. The star species could absorb energy from the surrounding space and recover itself. Although not as good as the peak state, he was not afraid of continuous fighting.

The rest of the girls were surrounded by Jiang Liushi. They were all worried about Jiang Liushi, but they also knew that it was useless to say anything at this time. This battle was not destined to end like this.

What they can do is support Jiang Liushi and fight alongside Jiang Liushi to the last moment.

At this time, the attack of the Speaker and the Dragon God on the aerospace aircraft carrier continued, and the voice of the Speaker rang through the sky, introduced the aerospace aircraft carrier, and into the ears of everyone on the ground: "Jiang Liushi, you Dormant for two years just to be a tortoise now? You are really disappointed. However, even if you hide in an aerospace carrier, what can you do? No matter how powerful your aerospace carrier is, you ca n’t do without Earth. Sooner or later I will break your turtle shell. Will you rely on those women to protect you then? "

Then, the speaker raised the epee in his hand and slashed it to the space carrier.

The dazzling sword light cut through the sky, like a **** meniscus suddenly appeared in the sky!

This meniscus smashed into the aerospace aircraft carrier, reminding people of the twin towers, a sword gas, which caused the multi-million-ton building to fly out of smoke, and even the fist-sized stones were left as dust, which was so damaged The power has exceeded the technology that human beings can master.

Even if the aerospace aircraft carrier is even more defensive, under such an attack, it is impossible to be safe!

But just then--

call out!

A blue light suddenly blasted out of the spacecraft carrier, colliding severely with this round of meniscus.


The sound of sky-cracking came, and two huge energies collided together, forming a terrible explosion.

People just felt the buzzing of their ears, except for the light formed by the explosion, it seemed that the surroundings had become dark.

At the same time, a light and shadow swept across the sky, heading for the speaker!

"That ... that's Jiang Liushi!"

A psychic power did his best to look at the sky, and he vaguely saw the light and shadow.

Jiang Liushi appeared again!

The speaker's face was shocked. What happened?

Jiang Liushi was already seriously injured and unable to fight again, but he took over his sword! ?

"Old man, it seems that your attack is not enough. Compared with the two swords before, this sword is like an embroidered pillow, which is useless!"

Jiang Liushi was holding a spear at a high altitude, and he was as straight as a spear.

Embroidered ... embroidered pillow?

People are a little embarrassed. The sword just now can easily split the mountain peak, and the horrible energy explodes, but it is said by Jiang Liushi as an embroidered pillow.

The speaker's face was completely gloomy, and after a fierce battle just now, the consumption of the speaker was no less than that of Jiang Liushi!

The advantage of the Speaker is that the weapon's strong defense prevents him from being injured too much physically, but in terms of energy capacity, the weapon is far worse than the star!

The star species is the core of the interstellar battleship. The weapon is only a combat suit, and it is only by the support of the dragon **** that it can barely compare.

"Jiang Liushi blocked the Speaker's attack! How did he do it?"

"Well !? What about the injuries on him? No, although there was blood on his body, it was only left over before. His injuries were all healed, not even a scar."

Jiang Liushi was standing in the sky, and only those with spiritual ability could barely detect the current situation of Jiang Liushi. Other people were dumbfounded by his description.

Are the injuries all right?

Originally, Liu Liushi's chest ribs were broken, I don't know how many, and the severe wounds of the limbs can be seen. The injury can make an ordinary person die immediately, but he is so good?

What happened to Nima? Even if the game returns to the spring to replenish the blood, there is still a wave of soldiers missing, but Jiang Liushi returned to the spacecraft carrier in less than half a minute.

The strength is so abnormal, and it also comes with mobile spring water to supplement blood. Can anyone still fight him?

"What the **** ..."

The speaker narrowed his eyes, and Jiang Liushi suddenly appeared intact, which made him unexpected. At this time, even if he had the dragon **** as his backing, his heart began to faint. How could Jiang Liushi be so strong!

He never thought that after he had the dragon god, in this world, someone could even stand against him in court and force him to such a degree.

"Don't continue? The attack just now, too weak! Come again!"

Jiang Liushi provoked and compelled each other.

This is not his arrogance, but in the momentum, completely suppress the Speaker.

"Since you don't shoot, change me!"

Jiang Liushi was holding a spear, and the blue energy of the star species was again focused on the gun body.

He is accumulating energy!

The majestic energy, like the surging tide, swarmed into the river flowing stones from all sides, and people saw from a distance that a vortex appeared on the river flowing stones.

At this moment, the figure of the river flowing in the air has become an indelible mark in people's hearts. When a person is as powerful as a god, then whether he is good or evil, he will be adored from the heart. Awe!

This is the majesty of the strong.


Jiang Liushi shouted, holding a spear, he fell from the sky like a meteor and came straight to the speaker!

At this moment, others' guns are united, turning into a rainbow of light and majestic energy, tearing the atmosphere, and the sharp howling sound forms a shock wave, which can pierce the eardrum of a person.

"Boy, don't be pretentious, I don't know how well you hurt, but you're definitely upset!"

The energy of the speaker's chest and the black ball shined brightly. He burst into a drink, holding a sword, and from the bottom to the top, he greeted Jiang Liushi!

This sword, he did his best to burn vitality!

However, at the moment when the spear and the epee were about to hit, Jiang Liushi's rainbow suddenly turned his head!

The galloping meteor makes a sudden turn, and this sudden change makes people feel difficult to adapt.

What is this for! ?

People had no time to think about it, only to see the speaker ’s black half-moon sword qi shot into the sky, while Jiang Liushi turned his back, avoiding sword qi.

He didn't rush to the Speaker, he rushed to-Dragon God! !!

At that moment, Jiang Liushi's whole body seemed to be burning, and the black spear went forward, carrying the power of destroying the sky and smashing into the hill-like head of the dragon god.

The fierce explosion made the world aphasia, the dragon god's skull shattered directly, and the fierce gunman rushed into the domain of the dragon god!


The dragon **** hangs up from the sky. How can its huge body tremble violently? How can the flesh and blood body withstand the frontal blow of Jiang Liushi?

"Well, you !?"

The Speaker did not expect that Jiang Liushi's attack target was not himself from the beginning.

"Damn, I'll break the net with you!"

The speaker burst into a slam, the energy poured into his hands, and the direction of the sword gas was reversed stiffly. Naturally, his sword could not be able to chop the river flowing in the middle of the river. His target of attack is simply the space carrier of the river flowing in the sky!

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion