MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 685 Pinnacle

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Chapter 685: Peak Battle

Above the altitude of 1,000 kilometers, the two giants of the spacecraft carrier and the dragon **** are colliding fiercely. The shield and the dragon claw of the dragon **** collided with a powerful energy storm. In this storm, Jiang Liushi and the speaker Facing each other, they were also hundreds of meters away from the ground. Looking up, there were only two small black spots, but most of the psionicists had excellent eyesight and could see clearly during the day!

In this battle, people originally hoped that the Speaker could kill Jiang Liushi, but now they all hope that Jiang Liushi can win.

Jiang Liushi wins, they still have a way to live, the speaker wins, they are a dead end.

However, facing the speaker of the twin skyscrapers with ease, Jiang Liushi wants to win. How can it be so easy? It is no longer a human force.

Moreover, even if it is only this faint hope, some of them are destined to lose sight, because the flesh is assimilated by the blood of the dragon god, and its own energy is continuously withdrawn. Many people can no longer support it and are dying.

Even those psionics who can persist, have lost most of their power, fell into the realm, and even become ordinary people.

It is undoubtedly a huge blow for them to return from ordinary people to ordinary people.


Some people shouted that the hope of everyone now rests on Jiang Liushi.


Jiang Liushi's figure suddenly disappeared into the storm, as if integrated with the storm, people narrowed their eyes and tried to see the battle, but they could not see Jiang Liushi's figure at all.

too fast!

"You have this speed, but it so happens that speed is my strength!"

The speaker's figure also moved, and the black warframe crossed a dazzling afterimage, and he even accurately found the figure of the flowing river in the storm.


The roar of the air explosion sounded, when the Speaker's epee was cut out, powerful energy burst out, forming a shock wave, rushing in all directions!

"I see how you stop!"

The speaker burst into a loud bang, this sword, like a big mountain collision, hit the river flowing stone heavily, but just at the moment of the blast, a blue light fell from the sky!

call out!

Kilometers of sky and space aircraft carrier emitted a silver light, this silver light is like a meteor landing, the goal is the speaker!


The speaker was shocked. If he continued to attack Jiang Liushi, he would be hit by his silver light!

He flicked his wrist, and this sword picked--

Click! !!

Speaker's sword, and silver light suddenly banged together! As if the stars collided in the air, a huge storm blew in all directions, and the strong wind visible to the naked eye cut like a knife!

The Speaker looked closely, the silver light that flew by him with a sword, spun out quickly, like the propeller of a helicopter.


Jiang Liushi appeared abruptly and grabbed the rapidly rotating object.

The speaker then saw it clearly. It was a silver spear that was caught by Jiang Liushi. The spear trembled like a swimming dragon!

"Huh !? Where did you get the weapon?" The speaker was surprised.

Jiang Liushi sneered, the speaker's weapon came from the ruins, and in the end, the weapon was just a combat suit for the life of extraterrestrial civilization.

The star species is an alien battleship!

How can a battle suit compare with a star battleship?

Although the star species has not completely evolved now, it is already a matter of time. Jiang Liushi sits on the entire Star Warship, which is itself a super arsenal!

This spear is made by the star species, and the star species is much more than that!

"You hit me too!"

Jiang Liushi held a spear, turned his body into a streamer, and came straight to the speaker!


The speaker's body collapsed and he fought with Jiang Liushi.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The body of Jiang Liushi and the speaker burst into a conical white mist. The two broke through the sound barrier instantly, and broke through the speed of sound with physical strength. It took only a few seconds. This terrible acceleration of nearly a hundred G is simply unthinkable. !!

And their speed is far more than that. They are still accelerating. The terrible air shock formed by the breaking sound of several times the speed of sound is whistling over Chinatown, sharp and harsh!

There was a splendid rain of energy in the air. Jiang Liushi and the Speaker of the House ran across Huaxia City, hundreds of miles of Huaxia City. At their feet, they were like mud pills, and they killed each other in tens of seconds!

"Jiang Liushi, I really want to know what happened in the past two years. You really surprised me. I didn't expect that you could reach this kind of strength! However, you will stop here and I will do my best to kill about you!"

During the high-speed march, the speaker suddenly burst into a drink. The energy ball on his chest inspired a gorgeous black light. The speaker's body began to swell with this light. In a blink of an eye, his body grew to more than two meters. The muscles of the body are raised, and the majesty is extremely powerful!

"Second form of weapons !!"

The speaker yelled, his voice also changed, because of the powerful energy blessing, the sound from his chest sounded like a rolling thunder that spread throughout the city of China!


The speaker cut out a sword. The sword's qi is more than ten times greater than before, and the sword qi has changed from black to blood red!

The huge half-moon-shaped **** sword qi, like the blood moon falling on the ground in the same round, you can also see the **** gods rising from the sky hundreds of miles away!

At this moment, even Jiang Liushi was slightly discolored, and he could feel the terrible power contained in this sword!

After all, the speaker has been preparing for more than half a century, and has obtained all the technology of the ruins, and used the power of creation to borrow the power of all the abilities in the world.

Although Jiang Liushi has stars, he has only grown for three years.

The huge gap in time made Jiang Liushi feel the pressure of death from this sword.

"Star species, borrow your power!"

Jiang Liushi also exploded. Between his eyebrows, the star burst out with a dazzling godlike mannequin, like the third eye that opened.

Jiang Liushi, from the bottom up, is holding a spear, and the man and the gun are in one. The two most powerful people in the world launched the strongest collision at a height of 1,000 meters!


The horrible explosion sounded again, the huge **** half-moon sword gas cut by the speaker, staggered with Jiang Liushi's pistol, and the huge energy shock shocked both of them! !!

Scarlet half-moment castrated, and blasted to the earth!

"Flash! Quick flash!"

Many psionicists exclaimed, at the juncture of life and death, even if the dragon **** was drawing their energy, they also inspired their full potential and fleeed in a direction away from the **** half-moon!


Where blood-colored half-moon has passed, several hundreds of meters high skyscrapers, and the glass outside their walls, were all shattered before Jianqi arrived! And when Jianqi really approached, the sturdy concrete used to build the skyscraper broke into powder directly, as if hundreds of millions of years had suddenly passed, and the entire building was weathered and turned into gray dust!


A magnificent building, just under the eyes of everyone, collapsed like a sand sculpture pushed in!

Hundreds of millions of tons of dust and sand were so thoroughly broken that they were rolled up by the storm and flew into the sky, and the sun was blocked!

And the ground was cut off by a deep invisible gap with this sword! The power of this sword is creepy and terrible!

"Jiang Liushi! Jiang Liushi will not die!"

People hold their breath, who can stop such a sword? Skyscrapers are directly transformed into sand. This sword is tens of times more scary than just before.

"Wait! Wait! You look at the sky!"

Suddenly a stranger screamed, and people looked up, but saw a very weird scene.

In the original blue sky, a large black hole appeared, as if the blue sky had been broken. Through this large hole, they actually saw the universe. Under the background of the universe, there were stars.

"What ... what happened!"

People were astounded. They actually saw the stars during the day, as if a **** had stitched a piece of night sky here, which was extremely incompatible.

"It's the atmosphere, the atmosphere is torn, and a vacuum channel appears, so we can see the universe!"

A stranger who knew meteorological knowledge said with a trembling voice that people saw that the sky was blue because the scale of atmospheric molecules was close to the wavelength of blue light in the sun, which diffracted blue light.

But if a large area of ​​the atmosphere becomes a vacuum and there is no air, then there is naturally no diffraction of sunlight. This area becomes a black background. People can see outer space through this area and see To the stars!

"Is it ... the shot of Jiang Liushi !?"

People's hearts were stagnant, a shot penetrated the atmosphere, and the terrible gunman opened a channel in the atmosphere thousands of meters thick. The huge pressure emptied the air, allowing the starlight outside the universe to be sprinkled by them. see.

To what extent is the power of this gun!

As if verifying the speculation of the just-speaking psionicist, the black hole in the sky is now becoming smaller with the naked eye, but it completely disappears within a few seconds and turns into a blue sky. This is naturally because of the surrounding air. Added to cover up the void.

However, the afterimage of the black background universe is deeply imprinted in the iris of many abilities. The scene just now is really shocking! Tearing the earth's atmosphere with physical force is more shocking than turning a building into a powder!

Is this the power of Jiang Liushi?

The gods are nothing more!

"Well, we seem to have recovered some strength."

Someone suddenly realized this. Just because the sword gas rushed to the ground, and they ran away with overdraft potential, they didn't feel anything. Now they suddenly discovered that the speed of the dragon god's withdrawal from their power slowed down, allowing them to recover some. physical strength.

"Is it because the speaker was injured? That makes it slow to pull us away?" People suddenly realized this and they looked at the sky.

The speaker is gone, but Jiang Liushi is gone!

The two of them, even the strongest on Earth, couldn't be safe in the horrible collision just now!

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion