MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 633 fruit Ninja

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Jonathan didn't speak friendly. In fact, Jonathan had noticed Jiang Liushi before, and he just found a man and walked with a group of beauties.

Jonathan was also very surprised at the women around Jiang Liushi. Even if the woman in this military gathering area is very good-looking, after a year of torture, mental despair and material deprivation, they will cause them more or less. Fewer crickets, this kind of crickets cannot be concealed by makeup.

But the women around this man do n’t have such problems. They are full of beauty and vitality, full of youthful temptations, but in the capacity of Jonathan, if the woman does not take the initiative to embrace, he will not take the wine glass to take the initiative to chat But he is going to run for the election 20 days later, and everything has to be a five-star general.

I felt Jonathan's indifference, and Jiang Liushi's voice was not very polite: "I'm not interested in whether you like tea or not, I just want to do business with you, I want to buy some secondary mutant nuclei."

"Oh?" Jonathan chuckled. This man came to make himself and wanted to do business with him. He wanted nothing more than to make money from him, but he had such an attitude. How could he ignore him?

"Since you are not interested, I don't think we need to talk."

He doesn't lack anything. He doesn't need to do business with people at all. He insists that he lacks something, that is, the girls around Jiang Liushi are very interested.

However, Jonathan can feel that these girls are full of power fluctuations, not weak, it is not realistic to want to treat each other as a commodity.

"All right, then there is really nothing to talk about." Jiang Liushi said.

At the same time, there was a voice in English behind Jiang Liushi: "Since there is nothing to talk about, please let it go."

Jiang Liushi turned around and looked at the person who spoke. It was the island warrior who had lined up with him to drink wine and had a dispute with Jiang Zhuying.

They brought wine together, and naturally they toasted together. The island warrior looked at Jiang Liushi with a contemptuous glance, came forward with a whisky, and toasted Jonathan.

"It's Mr. Yamada."

Different from the indifference to treating Jiang Liushi, Jonathan is smiling this time. Although he prefers to talk to beauties, the Japanese samurai is now one of the more powerful islanders in the Mi Jun area. He still has to fight for the island nation. People's votes naturally greet with smiles.

"If you really want to meet Major General Jonathan, I can recommend you."

After toasting, Yamada glanced at Jiang Liushi with a smile. Of course, the words of the winner's gesture were showing off.

In his opinion, Jiang Liushi was like a clown who wanted to express himself but was completely ignored.

Jiang Liushi just smiled, too lazy to care about this Yamada, he withdrew from the crowd and came to a corner.

Jiang Liushi looked at Jonathan in the crowd and gently rotated the tea cup in his hand. Although he retreated, he did not intend to leave.

Since arriving at this military base, he will not miss the secondary mutant nuclei here. In the last days, there are not so many rules. Strength is everything. In the face of the threat of "creation" that intends to annex the entire world, Jiang Liushi will not Void morality gives up the opportunity to improve one's strength.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad that you can come and celebrate this day with me. In that year, the patriarchs of the United States, crossing the ocean on the Mayflower, came to the strange and barren land of the New World. Many people died because of the torture of disease. Later, thanks to the help of the good Indians, they got a good harvest. They celebrated the harvest with the Indians, and that was Thanksgiving. "

"Thank God and give us food, and then we will have a powerful rice country."

"But after the last days, the land has returned to barrenness. How similar we are now to the ancestors of the Mi Kingdom. We have traveled across the ocean to East Asia and rebuilt this land with the people of the kind and beautiful island nation. Celebrating this great day, I propose that today be our new Thanksgiving! In the future, someone will describe our story today, and we will be a pioneer of a new country! "

Jonathan's words were so enthusiastic that he made many people cheer like waves. Jiang Liushi saw many island girls left tears and desperately shouted for Jonathan. He had to admit that this guy is an excellent speaker and desperate. People in China are indeed easily infected by such speeches. Jonathan's popularity is not without reason.

Of course, from the perspective of Jiang Liushi, all these are mirrors and flowers. In the face of "creation", this small country is worthless.

"Our chef has prepared the food and enjoy the food!" Jonathan talked. Someone had opened the door behind the hall, exposing a large grass field behind the house. A bonfire had been set up in the middle, and all kinds of food were set. On the table.

There are beauties dancing around the bonfire. These are seven or eight island nation beauties in bikinis. They show their great body without any hesitation. With their crazy dance, the waves of spring light are cascading and beautiful.

Of course, these hot shows are indispensable for the bonfire party.

People in the United States who like to express themselves, go up and show their skills.

A fire-powered person performed a spitfire, and the fire he blew out exceeded the bonfire in the center of the square for a while.

Then a Mi-country soldier came up and performed a precise artillery. I saw that he was holding two guns. With a dazzling movement, the left and right targets were centered on the bullseye, and no bullet wasted.

At this time, an island warrior came on stage, and he was going to perform a knife technique. It was a coincidence that this island warrior was with Yamauishi who lined up with Jiang Liushi to drink wine and toasted Jonathan.

Yamada held a samurai sword and performed a sword-drawing technique and a fine snow invisible knife method. Especially when he performed fine snow without marks, the entire square was full of sword lights flying like snowflakes.

A little brother under his hand took the stone and threw it to Yamada. The little stone that this little brother threw was fast and numerous, but all were cut accurately by the katana in Yamada's hands, and some stones were even cut into several petals. , The fracture is very smooth!

Many Mi people have applauded, most Mi people are still used to using firearms, not to mention they are originally soldiers playing with guns, they are very interested in this ancient and mysterious oriental sword technique.

In particular, the knife light looks amazing, the hard stones can be cut in large chunks, and it looks much more enjoyable.

"Oh! This is Fruit Ninja!"

Seeing this situation, Jiang Zhuying laughed. She was stunned by this Yamada before. Two bottles of wine for a woman? This kind of person pretends on the stage, how can the character of Jiang Zhuying be tolerated?

As soon as Jiang Zhuying spoke, it attracted the attention of many people. After all, Fruit Ninja is a small game that swept the world before the end of the world. Now what Jiang Zhuying said, really, ah, for a time, Yamada, who had played a sword, did n’t know why. It's kind of funny.

One of the soldiers in the rice country laughed, Yamada stopped the knife and frowned at Jiang Zhuying.

"You're a bit tired of throwing stones! How about me?"

Jiang Zhuying said to the islander who threw the stone.

Yamada laughed when he saw Jiang Zhuying. He knew that the little girl wanted to target him because he had argued with him. However, his swordmanship was unparalleled and he was not afraid of this kind of targeting. How fast could the stones she threw? In this way, his knife is faster!

Moreover, Yamada sees that Jiang Zhuying is not a power-type ability. The speed of the stones thrown out may not be as good as his men.

"Do you seem to be a phantom? Why? You want to attack me while throwing stones?"

"Oh! Are you scared? Rest assured, I won't do anything to you, I'm afraid it will be disgusting to myself."

Jiang Zhuying said with a smile.

"Huicui has a self-knowledge, little girl, so arrogant in the last days will be dead." Yamada said with a sneer, such a arrogant little girl, he wanted to discipline.

"You're right. Too arrogant in the last days will die." Jiang Zhuying talked, but instead of holding a stone, he picked up a fruit plate from the table ...

Then, Jiang Zhuying scooped a banana from the fruit plate ...

"You?" Yamada stared. "Are you kidding me?"

Throwing stones can easily deal with him, but Jiang Zhuying even planned to throw bananas, which is an insult to his sword!

"Isn't it a fruit ninja? Miss Ben throws a banana and you can cut it. It's good." Jiang Zhuying laughed and played with the banana in his hand.

"Ready, three! Two! One!"

Jiang Zhuying specially gave the countdown time to let Yamada prepare the banana before she threw it out. She threw it randomly. The banana swirled in the air and crossed an arc. It fluttered softly and seemed to be slow. "Angry Bird" just thrown out by a slingshot.

Seeing this scene, Yamada's face was completely gloomy. The girl was playing with herself!

The soldiers of the Rice Kingdom around him also hissed when they saw such situations.

I thought this little girl had any means. I didn't expect to be stupid at all. What's the point?

"You think you are playing with others, but you are playing with yourself!" Yamada raised his katana, even if it was a fruit, he would cut it open!

At this moment, Jiang Zhuying who threw bananas blinked at Jiang Liushi.

Jiang Liushi knew his sister too well. When Jiang Zhuying picked up the banana, he knew what his sister was thinking. He shook his head helplessly. This little girl was really uneasy.

Of course, he is still accustomed to his younger sister. At this time, how can he make his sister suffer?

He gently moved his fingers, a blue light energy, like a ghost submerged in a banana.

And at this moment, Yamada's sword fell like lightning!


The blade of light ran across the banana, but at that instant, an incredible rotation of the banana occurred, which actually made the lightning-like knife empty.

Then, the banana was still spinning, flying down from the head!

Yamada was frightened with a stab in the air, and he tried to dodge, but somehow, the banana, which seemed to be flying very slowly, seemed to be enchanted. It seemed to be slow.


The banana hit firmly on Yamada's face and made a crisp sound!

Yamada still kept the katana's waving position, but his movement was completely solidified as if casted with plaster.

The banana slowly slipped from his face, and Yamada kept this position, staying beside the campfire ...

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