MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 618 "Kamikaze"

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Only half a minute after Ran Xiyu issued a warning, a few dark spots appeared in the sky northwest of Tyumen.


Jiang Liushi froze for a moment. He thought it was a house-sized beast. He didn't think it would fly. If he didn't hear the roar of any engine, he would think it was approaching.

The small black dots kept zooming in and could see clearly that it was a black giant with two wings.


The sharp howling came uninterruptedly, like the sharp long noise that was emitted when the school radio went away, the decibels were huge, and it was extremely harsh!

"It's ... a bat !?"

Ran Xiyu spoke. In fact, at this time Jiang Liushi also saw clearly. It was difficult for him to associate the huge thing in the sky with the bat.

This wingspan is less than ten meters!

Ten meters doesn't sound very conceived, but if you really let this big guy fall to the ground and a wing spread out, you can easily cover a small car!

Compared to that huge wing, its body is smaller, but it also has the size of an adult tiger. Look at the sharp teeth, enough to bite through the steel plate, what is it like a tiger with wings? That's it!

Jiang Liushi inevitably associates with an extinct ancient sky overlord-Fengshen Pterosaur!

This is the largest flying animal ever discovered by humans. Legend also has a wingspan of more than ten meters. Although Aeolus pterosaur may have a longer neck and even stand up to the height of a giraffe, but if we talk about weight alone, I am afraid we will not see it. Overcome these giant giant bats in the air!

It's hard to imagine how such huge things fly!

"What is this!?"

Jiang Cheng was completely shocked. Does the island nation still have such a beast?

Today I first saw the giant pangolin, and then saw this flying bat giant. Everything that happened in front of him was beyond his knowledge.

He suddenly felt that his strength was so weak, and compared to this grand world, it was hardly mentioned.

Jiang Chengdu has this feeling, not to mention the people of Longtengcheng. They have seen such a scene, such flying beasts, even if they are a lion, they will be caught by the sky hard to tear.

But the tattooed man was so excited when he saw this monster!

"Kamikaze! Really a Kamikaze! Is this a Kamikaze? I actually saw a Kamikaze!"

The tattooed man was almost incoherent.

This caused Jiang Liushi to stun for a moment. He did not expect that the tattooed man recognized the giant beast flying in the sky.

He knew that to the island nation, the Divine Wind was admired by the Chinese people and was similar to spiritual beliefs. When the imperial Mongolians swept across the Eurasian continent, the island nations were blown to the ground by the typhoon and the island nation was destroyed Destiny, this typhoon is the so-called Kamikaze. Later in World War II, the island nation formed a Kamikaze death squad when the general situation had gone, and so was it.

The tattooed man called the bat a divine beast, and he was extremely worshipped, enough to prove that this bat is almost a totem to sword killing communes, and even to some underworld organizations in the island nation today.

This is enough to see the impact of "creating" in the island nation.

Although "Creation" is a worldwide organization, it does not seem to penetrate China well. After all, China's social system makes it difficult for this organization to penetrate. However, it is different in the island country. "Creating" a beast controlled by a congressman has even become a beast of these people.

"Kamikaze! Kamikaze comes to save us!"

Another member of the Sword Commune shouted. They were all suffocated by Jiang Liushi. They saw Jiang Liushi turning the huge meteor hammer without the courage to resist him. Now he sees the Kamikaze coming. However, they seemed to fight chicken blood, took up their weapons, and started fighting.

"Grass! I asked you to pretend, smell sweet, you beat it down, they didn't call it!"

Yuan Fei spoke, and the sweet smell he said was the girl in the uniform next to him. The girl ’s name sounded sweet, but her actions were not sweet at all. After hearing the order, she said nothing and took a thick shot directly from the back. Sniper rifle, this is a Barrett!

As an anti-equipment sniper rifle deployed by the M State military, it has withstood the test of the Gulf War, with great power and high accuracy. Barrett's fame is more than that of the AMR-2.

Now it falls in the hands of a girl with a tall figure, which has a considerable visual contrast effect. If before the end of the world, even the five big and three thick special forces, with this large caliber anti-equipment sniper rifle, can only shoot prone, otherwise, the air waves emitted by the bullet hit the face like an air cannon, and were lifted on the shoulders. It hurts for a long time.

But now, Wen Tian directly shoots the bat with Barrett, and the ammunition on it is a shell-piercing piercing bullet. This bullet can penetrate a 35MM steel plate at a distance of 500 meters, and its lethality is amazing.

The smell of sweetness was only instantaneous, from reloading to aiming.


A huge gunshot was extremely clear even in this messy battlefield. The shell-piercing armor-piercing bullet traversed a straight trajectory in the air and hit the bat's head directly!


It's too late to smell sweet, and the expression on his face freezes suddenly.

He saw that the bat he had hit just raised his head back and continued to fly to Dragon City!

what happened? Missed?

Wen Tian was very surprised. Her power was related to shooting. She didn't believe she would miss it.

If it were the mutant armored beast on the land, she wouldn't be able to fight it, but now it's a flying thing in the sky. Such things as bats are covered with fur, so they are all light armor.

The sniper rifle in her hand, but the armor-piercing projectile can penetrate a thick steel plate. The mutant beast is also a flesh and blood body. There is no thick skin and scale armor to protect it. How did it stop the armor-piercing projectile?

Wen Tian felt unbelievable, and just then, Yuan Fei next to him flew her over.

"Be careful!"

Yuan Fei yelled, and at the same time, a tremor trembled where they just stood, and then a scene that made Wen Tian's thriller happened. The slate they stood on turned into stone powder in this tremor. Blow and flutter up.

What an attack! ?

"It's ultrasound!"

Yuan Fei speculated that ultrasound is powerful enough to shatter an object, which is called ultrasonic disruption. In medicine, ultrasound can be used to shatter stones in the human body, but it takes a long time. In this way, the stone slabs were crushed into powder within a second, which is still hard to imagine.