MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 6 Doomsday is coming

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Jiang Liushi did not know the exact time of the disaster, or even what it would be like after the virus broke out.

He knew, however, that the virus had recovered from the moment it was found in the permafrost. The virus was not only super infectious, it had spread silently to the world, and it was more dangerous. Is beyond the sum of all the viruses in the world.

It explodes quickly after a period of incubation, as if it had detonated a serial bomb.


A ringing bell suddenly sounded, making Jiang Liushi, who was nervous in his nerves, suddenly agitated. He quickly responded, not anything else, but his cell phone was ringing.

Jiang Liushi quickly picked up the phone. He glanced at the caller ID. It was Li Yuxin: "Hey, I'm going right now. You must be at home and don't go anywhere!"

He was worried that Li Yuxin didn't fully listen to his words. It would be awful if he made the call now and told him to make an appointment.

"Jiang Liushi, sorry, I'm leaving soon." Li Yuxin's voice came. As soon as she spoke, Jiang Liushi's heart sank suddenly.

"Where? Where are you going? Li Yuxin, listen to me. You must stay at home and lock the door of the room. This has to do with ..." Jiang Liushi said quickly.

"Jiang Liushi, listen carefully to what I said." Li Yuxin interrupted his speech as if he was not listening to Jiang Liushi at all. And her tone was more dignified, as if to say something very serious.

"You may find it unbelievable, but the end of the world is coming soon, and it may be what happened in these days. I also only know today. Now the car is waiting outside, and I must go immediately. You promise For your own safety, and then go to the Shenbei Expressway entrance, the army is there. After you come, they should take you to the Shenhai Safety Island! "Li Yuxin lowered his voice and said very quickly.

"Remember, you have to get to the high-speed entrance today. There are troops there, and they will protect the people from evacuation ..."

At this moment, there was a shout of urgency on the other end of the phone. Li Yuxin could only hurriedly said, "Jiang Liushi, you must remember, I am not kidding!"

Then, Li Yuxin hung up the phone, and there was only a rush of busy tone in the receiver, and then she resumed quietness.

Jiang Liushi held his mobile phone and did not lower his arm for a while. Sure enough, the evacuation has begun, Shenhai Island, I don't know what kind of place it is ...

Jiang Liushi was grateful for Li Yuxin's move. Although she should have remembered that she was going to her home today, she called here specifically. She was as kind as ever.

But ... even if Li Yuxin was taken away, it was not really safe.

Jiang Liushi knows that the virus has spread. I am afraid that the entire human scientist suddenly discovered the existence of the virus after the virus spread.

The onset period of this super virus is not long. In this extremely short period of time, scientists have spent a lot of time from researching a small amount of results to inferring the existence of the doomsday.

At the high level of human beings, when they learn that the end is likely to erupt, they have very little time to deploy and respond.

In this case, they cannot save all humanity, and the only thing they can do is to preserve the human elite.

Throughout the world, "safe islands" have been established to ensure the reproduction of humankind, but ... before entering the "safe island", it must undergo a cleansing and isolation.

Perhaps now, even human scientists are not so convinced of the results they reasoned about, so that major governments are afraid to take extreme measures to destroy humanity.

However, once they really see the cruelty of the doomsday and the terribleness of this super virus, then the means they adopt will become extremely bloody!

During the conversation between Jiang Liushi and Li Yuxin, the two porters who took the wages were squatting not far to smoke and rest, and from time to time they turned their attention to Jiang Liushi's minibus.

"This car, this decoration, oh, god!"

"The rich people's gadgets are different. If you pull a few beautiful women and travel around the world together, that's cool."

The two moving brothers pursed their lips, seemingly already fantasizing that they were driving the RV and taking the beauty to travel around. Look at the scenery during the day and pop at night. I have a kitchen when I'm hungry, and a bathroom when I'm dirty. Can I take a bath?

But in such a fantasy, a moving brother suddenly had a fainting, an abnormal flush appeared on his face, and he almost fell.

"Yo, dude, what?"

Another person immediately came to help.

"It's okay." The buddy pushed away the other's helping hand, and soon recovered. "I can talk, buddy, you don't know.

The man said, and also hammered his chest with two punches, his chest was full of strong muscles.

"Ha ha ha! I think you were too much sleepy last night, and today you are thinking spring again, all of a sudden!"

The two laughed and flew all over the place.

But not far away, Jiang Liushi watched this scene silently. He didn't feel the slightest smile, but felt a chill slowly rising from the back.

He knew that this syncope was just a prelude to the virus.

It's been less than an hour since the end of the day!

The porter was still chatting with another person as if it were all right. Jiang Liushi sat in the car and looked at them with a cold look.

In this case, he couldn't do anything. He was driven to death by the porter. He couldn't do it, and once he did that, it would immediately cause riots. Without knowing the exact time of the eschatology, he Doing so puts you in great danger.

Not to mention Jiang Liushi, even the government can do nothing. In just an hour or two, the world is doomed to a catastrophe.

The two porters seemed to have no business for the time being and started to sit in the shade and smoke.

Jiang Liushi looked at the time. It was now 1:20 in the afternoon, and he waited silently.

When the last days erupted, everyone in the world would have a strong immune response, including Jiang Liushi himself, because they were all infected with the virus.

The difference is that after the immune response, some people resisted the virus, while others became infected with monsters.

As time passed, Jiang Liushi clenched the steering wheel with both hands, and slowly drew a trace of cold sweat in his palm.

He frequently looked at his watch. It was two o'clock, two thirty, and two forty.

Slowly, perhaps because he was too focused, Jiang Liushi looked at the hands on the dial, and there was a ghost.

This ghost image became more and more serious, and even several dials appeared in front of Jiang Liushi.

this is……

Jiang Liushi felt a sudden faint in his head.


He felt a pain in his forehead, and seemed to be struggling heavily on the steering wheel, while at the same time, a strong headache felt like a tide.


Finally came, the virus broke out.

Jiang Liushi knew that he would eventually carry the outbreak of the virus, but even so, the unbearable feeling made him almost faint.

And at the same time, the same scene broke out in everyone around the world.

headache! Hallucinations! twitch! nosebleed! Syncope!

Everyone ’s response has some differences, and without exception, everyone is very distressed, especially those who can't bear the virus infection and start to mutate, and they even hurt the bone marrow!

Many people scream, and this scream is like a sound erupting directly from their lungs, unlike humans, but like the roar of a beast!

"Bang, bang!"

On the expressway, the vehicles collided together and a series of collisions occurred. Hundreds or thousands of cars rear-ended. The car was squeezed into a discus by a large truck, and the driver was killed. Some drivers instinctively stepped on the emergency brakes at the moment of pain, and the harsh braking sound cut through the sky.

The car exploded, smoke billowed into the sky, and in cities and factories, people also twitched and lost consciousness. Accidents were frequent, some people were killed tragically, and fire spread ...

The alarm sound of auto-sensing fire cut through the sky, there were accidents all over the place, and the dead were numerous. Jiang Liushi was already in a state of insanity at this time. He faintly heard these noisy sounds, but he could not tell what it was.

The hallucinations flashed in his mind. He seemed to return to his childhood suddenly, seeing his parents are alive, gathering with his sister, and seeing his carefully prepared cake on his birthday.

Later, he even saw that he started his family and found a happy relationship with his wife and children, and that wife had a shadow of Li Yuxin ...

He didn't know how long he was immersed in this illusion before suddenly waking up at a certain moment.

He opened his eyes sharply, only to find that his hair and clothes were soaked with sweat.

He still held the steering wheel tightly, his fingers were tingling with excessive force.

The windows and doors were locked, he felt as if he had collapsed, and he was very tired.

He breathed heavily, glanced out the window, and suddenly his heart sank!

Outside the car, it has changed ...

Looking around, there is a mist, like a layer of haze covering the building, the buildings and streets are faintly covered by the haze.

It was dark and everything around them became grey and oppressive.

Faintly, a noisy alarm sound came from afar, irritating Jiang Liushi's eardrums, making him feel a little irritable.

I glanced at the watch on my hand. At thirty thirty, the date was still ...

I was just in a coma for more than an hour, but it felt like it had been years.

At this moment, Jiang Liushi knew that this damn, dull eschatology ... finally came!

From today, he will drive this car and run for survival.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Liushi started the car and set off!