MTL - My Lord is A Stone-Chapter 79

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Zhao Jinyu comforted Wen's, and was afraid she couldn't figure it out, so she stayed for dinner. It was too late to wait to go. The emperor was anxious, but his face was not obvious.

Wen sent Zhao Jinyu to the door. Zhao Jinyu said, "Sister, I didn't expect that there was a bully like the Peng family who bullied the male and female in the capital. Although I was just a little Zhaoyi, I waited to see your Majesty. He'll definitely tell him about it. "

Wen shook his head and said softly, "You just entered the palace, everything needs to be cautious, how can you talk to your Majesty suddenly about our family? Besides, the sister of the Master Peng family is the Jade Princess in the palace, originally It is the maid next to His Majesty, who has followed His Majesty for more than ten years. The love is extraordinary. Don't hurt you, my sister-in-law is okay. "Wen said with a firm look here. Can you spill on my governor's wife? "

If Zhao Jinyu didn't really see the people who had just run rampant, Zhao Jinyu shook her head and said, "I see that family is nothing but a king. Do whatever you want!"

"Don't worry about me. Your uncle Zhang has sent the two children back to his hometown. If you don't come here today, I'm going to hide in my parents' house. There is no one in the house. Can they still burn the house?"

Zhao Jinyu listened and groaned, and said, "That bitch, please pack up and live to my side first." The Zhao family also has a house in the capital. Only two of these maid-in-laws who followed them can enter the palace. Others People live in the house.

Wen Shi wanted to quit and heard Zhao Jinyu say again, "Xunzi, I was going to starve to death, it was you who gave me charcoal in the snow to save my life. Such a kind of kindness I will never forget in my life. Uncle Zhang is my uncle in my heart. , Sister-in-law, you are my dear sister-in-law, if I do n’t see the evil behavior of those people just now, since I wo n’t let you stay here.

"Good boy." Wen's holding Zhao Jinyu's hand with red eyes, she didn't expect it, but just raising her hand, she would have such a good destiny, "In fact, in Xunzi's heart, you are like Xunzi's daughter. "

Zhao Jinyu knew it was agreed.

Wen's work was neat, he left a letter to Xianggong and packed up and went out.

Who knew the accident happened at this time.

The arrogant Peng family just returned and returned. This time the ambassador also followed. Master Peng's family didn't seem to be hurt. They were driven and walked around.

He saw a group of people coming out, among them Wenshi, roared, "Fortunately, Lao Tzu came quickly, otherwise I will let you **** run away."

Zhao Jinyuqi ’s eyes were all green. She stood in front of Wen ’s house and blocked Master Peng ’s sight. She said, “Do you want to grab someone? Tell you, I ’m Her Majesty ’s close Zhaoyi, and I ’m going to arrest her first. Step on it. "

Li San had a scar on his forehead. The person who took the lead before, only felt a little embarrassed when he heard Zhao Jinyu's words. The hands of the knife he held were a little trembling, and he whispered, "Master, this is also in the palace. Madam, besides that she is guarded by the Guards, should we go home and discuss for a long time? "

Master Peng hit Li San's face with a slap. He only hit Venus with slaps, and it was hard.

Master Peng yelled, "However, can there be a few guards, can they be bigger than my sister?" Then he said to the guards who stood behind Zhao Jinyu, "Tell you, my sister's sister is in the palace Yu Fei's mother is pregnant now, and I also know your deputy leader, Master Xu, so don't put your feet in front of the little master, the little master is not afraid of you! "

The Guards wanted to get out of the way, and they shrank a bit when they heard this. In fact, none of them wanted to offend. If there was no Master Peng who came here before, there would be nothing to say ... It is natural to be partial. Zhao Jinyu, but now ..., Yu Fei, and deputy leader ..., pregnant, these words make them feel numb.

Actually speaking, if Su Qingchen is here, Master Peng's don't say these unpleasant words, it is impossible to get close to Zhao Jinyu a hundred steps, but now there is no Su Qingchen ...... The guards do not have the backbone of the backbone, so naturally some counsel.

Master Peng Jia laughed at Mo Yang's retreat, and laughed happily, dragging Li San's ear and whispering, "Did you see Zhao Yi? I took her out and stripped her clothes. Ruined her innocence. "

Li San opened his eyes in horror.

Master Peng said ruthlessly, "You don't always want to marry Tweety, I'll give Tweety to you when I go back."

Li San said tremblingly, "Master, you are ..."

"This woman will become Her Majesty's new darling, but my sister just happened to be pregnant ... My sister started from Her Majesty's maid, and after boiled for more than ten years, she will soon be boiled out, how can I make her miscalculate? Master Peng patted Li San's face fiercely, and added, "What are you afraid of? One hasn't been grateful to Zhao Yi, and the other concubine is pregnant. Who do you say your majesty will face?" Give me a meal, but we are also innocent, aren't we? Just to catch a bitch, who told her not to advance in the palace, torment here? I'm afraid she has a ghost, right? "

Li San was still a little scared, "This ..."

"You don't want Tweety? When things are done, I will let you live and fly." Tweety is the house of Master Peng's house.

When Li San thought of the charming Tweety, he said ruthlessly, "Okay." Although he knew that his young master was just a poisonous snake, he might not recognize his account in a blink of an eye, but the temptation was too great for him. Maybe he wanted to try it on the ground.

Master Peng saw Li San agree and showed a cruel smile and coaxed at several guards, "We just want to catch that woman, and we won't embarrass you, just take Zhaoyi away."

How is Zhao Jinyu willing? Several people ripped apart. Li San went to drag Wen, Wang Gonggong, Li Yi, and others to protect Zhao Jinyu. The Guards looked at a loss, at this moment ... Note that Zhao Jinyu stretched out his hand and pulled straight forward.

"Ah ..." As Zhao Jinyu screamed, the outer clothes were pulled apart, revealing the inner lining, and it was only then that Zhao Jinyu realized that these people came at her and wanted to destroy her. Festival!

Li Yan's eyes cleared and he quickly took off his clothes and covered Zhao Jinyu's body. His angry eyes were all red, and he shouted, "You evildoers, I fight with you!"

The Guards were frightened. Did n’t Master Peng just catch that woman? That ’s why I wanted to come forward and protect me, but I heard Master Peng ’s lazy saying, "Oh, the original Zhaoyi mother-in-law took off her coat in the public court. Did you see the guards? Do you want to confess your sins? "

The Guards were stunned, thinking ... yeah, this is a misconduct.

"But I don't think you are surprised. It is Zhaoyi's mother who is sensual, and she doesn't know what to do. Even if she doesn't enter the palace directly, she still comes to such a house? I'm afraid she just came to see her old lover? She should deserve this kind of outrage! "Master Peng Jia snapped his hat on Zhao Jinyu himself.

The Guards began to hesitate again. Now Zhaoyi is out of joint. This is an indisputable fact ... but everyone wants to live. If it is not their ineffective protection, but Zhao Jinyu's out of joint? Master Peng's master is a master of juggling, and suddenly the guards changed their minds.

The prince is going crazy, this group of **** are intentional!

When Li San saw the Guards hesitant, he was bolder, let alone when he touched Zhao Jinyu just now ... the taste of ice muscle was almost **, and he went forward and pulled.

"Stop it!" Just then a majestic voice came.

Master Peng's head didn't look back and said, "Don't **** act, and think you are your Majesty? He also claims to be Hey! Hey, His Majesty will come to this broken place?" Who knows how he felt when he just finished speaking? His pale faces all kneeled on the ground.

Master Peng's body was scared and stiff, and he slowly turned around and saw the emperor riding a horse, sitting majestic on it, with deep eyes and a kind of coldness that he could not understand, followed by a group of mighty soldiers.

Zhao Jinyu lowered her head, her hair bun was torn off, scattered green silk, and the straight clothes that had been ironed now pulled like rags, with the neckline half open and the ice muscles exposed.

Actually speaking, Zhao Jinyu looked very embarrassed. She didn't have the dignity of the beauties in the palace, nor did she have the pitiful and charming temperament. She just dragged her neckline tightly, and she looked stubborn and refused to give in.

But it was this look that made the emperor's heart burn like a fire, a anger that could burn everything.

The emperor did not help, he jumped off the horse neatly, and the boots on his feet showed the contours of his slender legs, tall and thin, and very handsome.

Zhao Jinyu saw that she had an extra pair of boots in front of her, embroidered with golden threads on it, and she was exquisite. She was actually a little unbelievable. The emperor would come to her in person?

Yes, that's what she thought. The emperor couldn't leave the palace leisurely, even if it was out of the palace, it was necessary to pick a good day, why is it so at night? Apparently for her!

She could also think of the reason. Su Qingchen went to tell the emperor, but he didn't wait for her, and finally went out to look for it.

But why?

Although all the doubts were in the direction of the emperor's coming for her, but why?

An emperor, the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, is noble and extraordinary. Will he leave the palace for a show girl?

Unless ..., Zhao Jinyu's heart was beating, that imagination was like a mind in her heart, and suddenly it grew like wild grass after the rain, and it couldn't stop it!

Unless the stone body is the emperor!

In this way, everything is solved easily. Who is the emperor? What's more, when caught by Tianguijiao, she clearly heard that Master Xu Xiang said ... The dark guard who guarded her was the dark guard in the palace!

Zhao Jinyu's heart is now divided into two, one side is an excited self, can not suppress the excitement, stone is the emperor? What a wonderful thing the emperor is a stone?

But there was a voice on the other side saying, "Save, right?" An emperor is willing to be kept as a pet? It is simply delusional.

The more people care about this, the more nervous they become. Zhao Jinyu suddenly doesn't dare to look up, and he dare not meet the other person's eyes, for fear that what he sees from inside is not distressed but disgusted.

Yeah, if it ’s a rock, she will definitely jump off her feet, and ca n’t wait for her to be angry, and if the emperor is n’t a rock ..., then as a woman who has been out of step, what she sees is disapproval.

Slender Bai Jing's hand gently held Zhao Jinyu's chin with warm temperature, and finally Zhao Jinyu still saw the other person's face.

Mountain-like eyebrow peaks, lake-like dark eyes, the man in front of him is flirting with rare luxury and luxury, and just standing here makes people unconsciously want to worship.

At this moment, there were many complicated emotions in these beautiful eyes, anger, pity, remorse, and so strong that it could not hide love.

This strong feeling set his eyes like the most beautiful gem in the world.

Zhao Jinyu's eyes began to burst into tears, and she felt that her vision was a bit blurred ..., shouting uncertainly, "Stone?"

The emperor only felt a kind of bitter and oppressive feelings pouring out of the sea. He was about to lose his mind, bent over, hugged her, and slammed into his arms, as if he should not be separated in his whole life. Said, "I thought you wouldn't recognize it."

The two hug tightly together, like a long lost lover.

The emperor lifted his cloak to cover Zhao Jinyu, and a warm voice blew on Zhao Jinyu's ears, with hot love, and said, "Good, you are here."

The emperor remembered the moment when his stone body was broken. There was no pain in the imagination and no fear in the imagination, but he was full of reluctance, and he could not leave it, he could not lose it, as if his heart was dug Come out, empty.

Waiting to wake up was changed back to the emperor's identity, and then he could no longer be turned into a stone. He just started to look forward to cracking this dilemma, but waited for the crack to break, and it just started. For several nights he couldn't sleep ... sometimes, it seemed that in the middle of the night, Zhao Jinyu, who was sleeping beside him, could hear a shallow breath.

In the past six months, I missed him severely!

The emperor hugged Zhao Jinyu tightly and said, "I will never let you go."

Zhao Jinyu buried her head in the other's arms fiercely. This is her stone. Although she changed her body, she was actually alone in her heart.

Su Qingchen looked at Master Peng with a sneer, crushed his head with his feet, and said with a voice from hell, "Brother Yufei? Master Peng? Your mother knows who this house is Who? That's my sister-in-law! The one you're teasing is my nephew! "

Su Qingchen went to appease Wen's family, and he heard the ins and outs clearly. He was violently thundering and said, "It's all my negligence! If there had been an errand outside these months, why wouldn't I know that such a thing had happened at home ! "

Seeing Zhao Jinyu's gentle appeasement by the emperor, Wen felt both surprised and very happy. He finally did not drag Zhao Jinyu and said, "We don't want to make it difficult for you!"

"Sister-in-law, don't you take me as a family?"

"No?" Wen's eyes were red after seeing Su Qingchen, and he quickly hurriedly comforted. "Your brother is just worried that you are in trouble. You know the Peng family ... his sister is Jade in the palace."

Master Peng stepped on the ground by Su Qingchen finally came back to her, crying, "I know something wrong, spare my life, my sister is Yufei!"

Su Qingchen sneered, and said, "Oh, Master Peng, you may not know? Yu Fei, who did not abide by the woman's road when she left the capital, and conceived a wild seed with the guard, was already given the death by her Majesty."

"No way, I was ... a few days ago ..."

"I gave it to you today." He spit into his face randomly, and said, "Don't say that your sister was given death without doing anything out of nowhere, even if she was alive, she had to give way to this! Do you know who this Zhaoyi is? Is that the future lord, you can insult you at will? "

The emperor gently looked at Zhao Jinyu and said, "He's right, you are the puppet queen." The emperor identified Zhao Jinyu long ago, but the purpose of closing her Zhaoyi was just to scare Zhao Jinyu, because no one ever ascended the sky. They are directly named queens, unless they are first married.

Zhao Jinyu felt that the grievance had just gone, all the pain had disappeared, and the rest was sweet syrup. She lay on her back and said, "Will you always spoil me?"

"Yes." The emperor holding Zhao Jinyu was like holding a treasure that was recovered.

"Then I will be your queen."

Everyone took a sigh of relief. What was the identity of this woman? Shouldn't the emperor be so whispered, shouldn't she have given thanks? Why did you repay the emperor?

But no matter what other people think, the emperor is happy and can't help himself, saying, "Okay, I must always spoil you."

The emperor took Zhao Jinyu to the horse, and went down to the Master Peng's horse, and said, "This rogue ..." He also pointed to the Guards, "and those who said they were loyal to the puppet, but it was nothing but Cowardly people who are timid and afraid of death will never want to see them in the future. "

In fact, if according to the emperor's previous temper, he could only wait to kill Master Peng personally, but now Zhao Jinyu was in front of him, he was afraid of ... scaring him, and had to press his anger to let Su Qingchen handle it, he knew ... idea.

The sidelines of the Guards all fell on their knees, their faces utterly defeated, and they knew they were over ... but they couldn't say a single rebuttal, the importance of women ’s fame was so taboo for ordinary people, let alone as The emperor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, they just assumed that people would insult the future queen. 2k novel reading network