MTL - My Lord is A Stone-Chapter 73

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When I returned to the boat at night, Su Qingchen had a dream. In the dream, he returned to his childhood. His young memories were hazy. Every time I always remembered a little, and at a glance, I felt that the blur was like a vision of nothingness. But this time He really felt the past.

His father was a child of the Su family in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou. He hit the second spot at the age of twenty. At the age of thirty-six, he was exhausted from the official to the right, and he was honest and upright. No matter in the middle of the DPRK or in the clear stream of the people, it was a shame that it was completely destroyed in the forty year old ...

Su Qingchen still remembers how difficult it was for her mother to have it when she was thirty-two years old. The first three sisters so loved him so much that even the majestic father would often let him ride in the absence of anyone. Playing around the neck.

That year was also winter. My father went home with his family to save his relatives. He arrived in Qingzhou in an official boat ... and docked on the shore. The light on the narrow side of the shore was bright. The father held him. The mother and sister stood together. Faint, the voice was boiling, and the father bought a pick and stuffed it in his hand. The steamed bread was warm and warm with the scent of food in the winter. The father's majestic face and the mother's gentle smile The elder sister's innocent expression became hazy.

If only time could stay at that moment.

When Su Qingchen woke up, he just felt his face wet, stretched out his hand, and covered his tears ... His heart was empty, as if he had lost his soul.

The moon hung high in the sky, and the air was humid with cold air, as if it could cool down into the bones, making it trembling.

When Su Qingchen came out wearing his cloak, he just saw Zhao Jinyu overlooking from the plywood railing. The wind in the night blew her skirt, her figure was graceful, her hair was light and light ..., he walked quietly, I waited until I realized that I was so afraid that I might get into each other and hold my breath.

"Jin girl." Su Qingchen's nickname, which he called deliberately in order to be close, brought out his true heart.

Zhao Jinyu did not expect that he could still encounter Su Qingchen in the middle of the night, and said with some surprise, "Uncle Su, why haven't you slept?"

Su Qingchen suddenly thought why this uncle's title was a little unpleasant, =. =, Is he so old? Still young, isn't it?

"Just woke up, how about you?"

Zhao Jinyu glanced back at Su Qingchen and turned his head to the mountains in the darkness, across the river bank across the road, and said, "I haven't slept." He said he was hesitant, but recovered quickly. It was firm, "Uncle Su, Aunt Chen and I intend to change boats here."


Zhao Jinyu didn't know how to tell Su Qingchen that Aunt Chen's complexion was white when she saw the two people almost hugging each other. After returning, she kept telling her how important the woman ’s reputation was, but fortunately it was outside. An acquaintance saw, otherwise he did n’t know what to pass on. Zhao Jinyu naturally explained the reason, but still could n’t reassure Chen Rong ... After getting familiar with Chen Rong, Zhao Jinyu knew that she had a child and a baby girl when she was young. But she did not support her. This has always been her heartache. This time, Zhao Jinyu's extraordinary care and unconsciously stacked two people together.

"Miss Zhao, you don't understand how difficult it is for women in this world." Chen Rong sighed heavily. "I don't think there is anything between you and Master Su, but the world has a thousand mouths, and you can spit you out. Drowned, not to mention, there is nothing in Miss Zhao's house ... Although Master Su has never married, he will never marry you at this time. "

Zhao Jinyu cannot deny that Chen Rong is right.

In fact, Zhao Jinyu also wanted to leave with Su Qingchen, but it wasn't Chen Rong who was worried about the problem, but her port would be docked for one day so that her letter would not be delivered until the year of the monkey! She also insisted on not getting off the boat before, mainly because the shipping was much faster than the land transportation. She could send the letter earlier, but Su Qingchen's plan was all upset.

She felt anxious at the thought of her adoptive father still staying in the damp and cold cell.

"It's nothing, just don't dare to delay Uncle Su's business."

Although Su Qingchen had a moment of confusion, she quickly recovered her reason. He had heard Zhao Jinyu more than once, why did she stop here for a long time? Is she in a hurry?

He was able to come here, and naturally explored everything. He knew that Zhao Jinyu had gone to the prison cell before going to see his adoptive father, Zhao Changchun, and the dartist next to Zhao Jinyu was the well-known Xingtian Dart Board director The darts are young, but they have great skills. In recent years, they have rarely played darts, but this time they took the initiative to follow Zhao Jinyu ... This is an unusual event.

He thought of Zhao Changchun's case, and frowned again, thinking ... Is this what Zhao Changchun is looking for?

Su Qingchen's gaze stayed on the stone worn by Zhao Jinyu's neck, and she couldn't help defamating her belly. Why was this stone on her?

The emperor's will still seemed to be still in his ears, "The errand that I asked you to do today is a bit unusual. It is to protect a stone. The stone is spiritually important. You must wait for it With all my heart, it was born at first and was curious about the world. You should take it to look around. Exquisite food and things to play must not fall. As for Miss Zhao, she must do her best to help each other, and don't take it easy. " Also called Ruifu brought a brocade box with two Yuxue pills lying in it and said, "The first time Miss Zhao took the boat, she was unwell, and you took her two pills and gave them to her."

At that time, although Su Qingchen was calm on his face, he was shocked in his heart, and not to mention that the first time he heard a stone had saneness, it was unheard of, and it was very rare. It was also said that this Yuxuemaru was very even in the palace. Precious, because the medicinal materials are hard to find, up to ten capsules a year, and one copy has been copied. Even if it is so, it is priceless. Who knows that the emperor would easily take it out for an ordinary woman. If this woman is seriously ill , Even if urgent help is needed, the illness is nothing but seasickness! How can we not be surprised? This favor is too grand.

As a subordinate, always try to figure out the thoughts of the superiors, so that it can last for a long time. He estimated that the stone was the one that the emperor asked them to look for last time ... but why he found it but did not bring it back, he was naturally hard to ask, Waiting for a few days to get along, he guessed, probably estimated that the stone needs to be raised in such a way that it cannot be kept at home, but Zhao Jinyu has a very important connection with the stone, so let her carry it.

Who knows, he tried his best, but was moved by Zhao Jin, and his mood changed a bit. Stone, the emperor's will, Zhao Changchun's case, his adopted daughter Zhao Jinyu, and the purpose of going south. Now I want to come to these many things screwed together, a little unclear.

It ’s just that you do n’t understand things. If you give him time, you can always see the clues?

Su Qingchen thought of her current situation again, and she felt a little bit more pity. Su Qingchen was accustomed to being cold and warm, and extremely indifferent to people. Today, she feels that her mood is soft and incredible. I can help you. "The Emperor said, anyway, take care of her as much as possible?

Zhao Jinyu froze, "..."

Su Qingchen laughed loudly, her eyebrows were soft, and she was very bright. She said, "Tomorrow will change to an official ship, and keep going all the way, make up for the delays in these days. Are you OK?"

She stunned in her heart ... How did Su Qingchen feel that his eyes were discharging? Such a handsome mature man has the charm of time accumulated on his body. If he is full of horsepower, there is no resistance at all. How did she tell Chen Rong before? of? Say she can resist?

Zhao Jinyu's face was blushing. Although she knew in her heart that there could be no two people, and she didn't like him, but the other side was so excited and aroused that as a normal woman, she would always be a little bit agitated.

Su Qingchen is so old that he has experienced many things and can reach his current position. Naturally, he has paid a lot of invisible efforts to ordinary people. Among the people who came out of the big waves, the dragons and phoenixes, rare characters, can make Zhao Jinyu have such a mood. .

The air was ambiguous, and the last sentence of Su Qingchen, who Zhao Jinyu always felt, was too gentle and gentle, like the whisper of a lover.

At this moment, Zhao Jinyu felt a pain in her neck. It turned out that the stone was jumping upset unhappyly, pulling the red rope hard, and she almost burst into tears.

Although Su Qingchen knew that the stone was not easy, he was still surprised to see it moving, and stared at the stone in amazement.

Zhao Jinyu was taken aback because she was scared to be found so excited that outsiders would rarely be so excited. She hurriedly held the stone and said, "It's late, I'm going back."

Back inside, Zhao Jinyu asked in amazement, "Little thing, what are you doing?"

The emperor squinted at Zhao Jinyu and felt that his heart was dull. Zhao Jinyu's shameless appearance constantly appeared in his mind, stimulating his atrium over and over again, making him hard to keep his mind, saying, "You are stupid. There is no cure, even if a person like Su Qingchen is not married, there are countless beautiful people in the family, not to mention a frequent visitor to the blue house, the most understandable woman, it is not easy to coax a woman who is raised in a deep boudoir? But a few words Are you sweethearted? "

Zhao Jinyu was stunned, ashamed and angry, and said, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm afraid that you, a stupid woman, will be deceived." Stone said harsh words, it was hurting invisible, "You really should take a mirror to look at yourself, the province often forgets that you have a few pounds or two."

Zhao Jinyu's chest was undulating, her eyes were red, and she seemed to be about to cry.


The emperor in Wuling Hall stared at the rich breakfast for a long time in the morning, but did not eat a bite, which made people withdraw. He sat gloomily on the cymbal under the window, seeming to be very depressed.

Ruifu couldn't help wondering. The emperor was in a very good mood these days. Last time, I asked him if the board injury hurt him? If it hurts, you can cultivate for two days, and he is just flattered. He just feels that the sun is coming out from the west. Why does Her Majesty suddenly feel so reasonable? Who knows that something went wrong early in the morning, it seems to have recovered a little before Temperament.

This appearance only made Ruifu sigh, thinking to himself, when is it going to be a head?

The emperor had already gone, and the great prince had also gone, but the queen mother was half dead and dead, but she was also a dead person. All the past had disappeared. Her Majesty should also look forward.

After the early dynasty, Ruifu brought lunch early, but it did n’t drip in the morning. This was not a good thing. But looking forward, the emperor ’s dishes are now very different from the past. Potato stew with bacon, meat dumplings, mung bean noodles, lamb intestines ..., and today we added a candied fruit, =. =

Ruifu didn't know how the emperor would know about these many folk dishes. Anyway, the chefs in the royal dining room were tired enough. In order to make authentic taste, he urgently recruited several chefs from outside the palace to make local dishes. There was no chicken flying. Dog jumping can also be considered as well-managed in the royal dining room.

Because the candied fruit was ordered by the emperor, Ruifu placed the candied fruit closest to the emperor.

Sure enough, the emperor was very fond of candy gourds, and waved his hand to let the maid who waited for food to step down. He himself held the candy gourds, looked at the orange petals on it for a long time, and then took a bite. Who knew that Half of it was thrown on the plate again, making a loud noise.

The **** eunuch who waited on the side waited to kneel, and Rui Fu lowered her face and said, "Your Majesty, but this sweet gourd tastes bad? Should you punish the cook?"

The emperor's eyes were gloomy and did not speak. Last night, the sky was cold and cold, and there was white snow everywhere, but the narrow road was crowded with people. Under the dim light, the girl smiled like a flower, but not facing him ... He stood up again, looking at the window lattice in the distance, still remembering that she was sitting under the window like this last night, and asked him with tears, "I really can't let you look at it like this? As long as a man treats me and Yan Yueshui Baba posted it? Is that what I see in your eyes? Since you despise me like this, you will live your life in the future, and I will go my way, let's go our separate ways. "

The tears were crystal clear, rolled down from his cheeks, and seemed to touch his heart.

The emperor's eyes turned to the cantaloupe thrown on the plate again. The color of the syrup was round and transparent. The size of each tangerine was neat, and the white lines were carefully stripped off. The sign was fine sandalwood, which is really luxurious. Extremely, but that's it, the taste is not as good as a string of candied gourds on the five copper plates at the night market. At that time, Zhao Jinyu handed him the candied gourds that were sweet, with a little sour, the syrup was not greasy, and the mouth melted.

"Withdraw," said the emperor impatiently.

Rui Fu stood up and asked a little unwillingly, "Your Majesty, use some more, Your Majesty, but take care of the dragon body."

The emperor saw Rui Fu stoop, with a worried look on his face, and unconsciously replaced his face with another worried one. "Little thing, you eat a lot of this, what if you can't restrain it?"

Ruifu wondered if he would be so daring to offend the emperor. Some of them were frightened, who knew the emperor said, "Give me a meal."

The potato stew was soft and delicious. The emperor filled a spoonful of potatoes, mixed it with rice, and ate it bit by bit.

Rui Fu's chin is about to fall ... What is this way of eating? Where did he know that the emperor had seen Zhao Jinyu eat so many times, so he wanted to try it.

Although not as delicious as the stone, the emperor ate half a bowl of rice, which made Ruifu very satisfied. He looked at the emperor with joy, even happier than he ate.

The emperor couldn't help thinking, in fact, he wanted to make them happy ... It was very simple and simple. I still remember that Zhao Jinyu would show such a cheerful look every time he obeyed.


It was snowing again in the afternoon, but for a moment the entire palace was shrouded in snow. This year, it was snowing extraordinarily. The snow disaster was reported everywhere. The emperor also set out a disaster relief plan and opened a granary to help the people. For those The wealthy households who donate voluntarily will be commended by the emperor.

But for ordinary people, life is still very difficult. The grandmother Lu of the Tao family traveled along the carriage and saw many beggars, while her waitress who was waiting for her said, "Grandma, this is all from He fled in Lincheng, hey, it's pitiful. "

Lu Shi bowed his head without saying a word, and Baoer said, "They all said that it was God who was punishing him. At that time, the great prince Ren was generous and dazzling, but he was extraordinary ..."

"Shut up for me!" Lu said, "Is you impatient?"

Bao'er has been waiting for Lü Shi since she was a child. She has a lively temperament and is clever and smart. She likes Lü Shi very much, so she is more indulgent, so that she has no worries about speaking in front of Lu.

"Grandma, when you got the blue eyes of the great prince, if not ... why did you marry the Tao family, and now even the aunt and grandmother from that small family must show grandma's face." Baoer said unwillingly.

When Lu Shi saw Bao'er raise the prince, his eyes suddenly turned red, but he couldn't say a word.

At the gate of the palace, Mrs. Guo, the granddaughter of Cheng Guo, was waiting. This is a very beautiful woman. Yuxue's skin, Emei peach cheeks, and great temperament. Just looking at it makes people feel beautiful. When she saw Lu, she nodded with satisfaction and said, "Come with me."

Lu was hesitant, saying, "Is this really feasible?"

Guo's head was slightly raised, with arrogance, and said, "Your husband is in danger now, but you still want to relax easily, which is really ridiculous."

The investigation of Yan Shangshu's affairs became more and more implicated. Dow's husband was also implicated in the household. Although he had not yet been arrested in the cell, it was also less ferocious.

Lu hesitated and finally nodded, and said, "I'll follow you."

"That's it. At the time, you and me, as well as His Royal Highness ... the emperor's love was grown up together, I don't believe it, he can be so ruthless?" Guo's gritted teeth.

The two entered the palace. The emperor would not see the female relatives, but the emperor Cheng Guo had a token on her face, which could be face-to-face. So the two were quickly led to the Wuling Hall.

After sitting for a while, I saw the emperor wearing a bright yellow robe coming up surrounded by the crowd. The two hurriedly performed the ceremony of worshipping three to nine, saying, "Long live my lord, live long live my life."

The windows in the hall were closed, and the light was dim, but still could not stop the emperor's handsome appearance like a mountain range, with a luxurious and extraordinary temperament, Guo thought for a moment, he was as handsome and handsome as ever, and it is no wonder that he could Comparing the person with a personable, jade-like prince, is called the first beautiful man in the Han Dynasty.

"Hui Niang, I haven't seen you for a long time." The emperor said coldly and enthusiastically to Mrs. Guo, the granddaughter of Cheng Guo as soon as she sat down. Hui Niang was Guo's nickname, and she used to read and play in the palace when she was a child. Yes, it can be regarded as a playmate of childhood sweethearts.

Guo didn't get up, kneeling and said, "Your Majesty, if you are really worried about the love of the past, let my husband and Meizhen's husband be released."

The emperor Wen Si didn't move, saying, "Cheng Guogong and Tao Yuanwailang are suspected of corruption. Even if you are a monarch, you can't ignore the law of the country." The emperor stood up after he said it, and he didn't want to say more. Otherwise, Guo was unwilling and shouted, "What did the great prince say to you?"

The emperor was stagnant, looked back at Guo's, and saw tears in the corners of her eyes. The dark light did not weaken her beauty, but it became more and more beautiful. It was really a beauty. If the big prince was still alive, Guo would be the big queen ... …, Speaking of it he still shouted, but now things are right and wrong, and many things have been blurred.

Guo saw the emperor stop, with a little hope in his eyes, and said, "Your Majesty, haven't you forgotten, right? Otherwise, no one will send this token to me, I beg you." Finally, she couldn't help crying, "My husband is really innocent." She knew that the so-called corruption case was just an excuse. The emperor was looking for a reason to clear these people who had once opposed him.

The emperor smiled, but it was cold and unreachable, and said to Ruifu, "Retract the quick token."

Guo's heart is broken, her only hope is broken, how can she be willing? Suddenly there was infinite hatred in his heart, and he said, "What on earth do you want? How do you retaliate against us? Isn't enough dead people? Not enough to dispel your hatred?"

"You have been violent and cruel since childhood. Everyone is afraid of you, but His Royal Highness is different. He is a gentle and elegant person who treats people like a spring breeze and an extraordinary person. Everyone naturally likes him ... When it comes to questions, Of course, I also hope for him. After all, he is the eldest son. No matter how much character or background wins you, what are you unwilling to do? ”Guo said with a grudge, remembering the jewel-like elegance of the great prince, he still felt heartache. Nope.

The emperor's mouth was raised with a sarcastic smile, but his eyes were as cold as a thousand years of snow, and he said, "You are right, you are so cruel, so what are you asking for? Or it is important to go back and prepare for the funeral."

Upon hearing this, Madam Cheng Guo felt as if she had been drained of her life. She immediately collapsed to the ground and burst into tears, and said, "You tyrant! You will have to die! You will be the great prince! Ca n’t match a single nail! "

The emperor thought this sound familiar, and thought about it before thinking about it. Princess Ning Guo also said it. He sneered, "Oh." He looked at Guo's like an ant, and waved his hand impatiently ... These people are nothing but defeated soldiers and nothing to him.

Soon the guards came in and pressed the two to the ground.

Rui Fu received the token and saw the two noble ladies immediately become prisoners of the ranks. I was quite touched. Once Guo and Lu were both pleased by the queen and picked up in the palace to accompany the princess to read, it was also considered top. The character, one almost became the queen of the eldest prince, and one almost became the side concubine, but now it is not as good as a chicken. The great prince is really a character. After all these years, there are still so many people who have died…. The thought of Ruifu is unwilling for a while. They all say that the emperor is cruel, but who is it by nature?

The emperor was born with divine power, and did not know how to control the power when he was a child. Once he accidentally shot the puppies raised by the queen. The queen was frightened. Since then, the queen mother has determined that he is cruel by nature and treats him more severely. Even looking at his eyes with fear ... when the emperor asked him with a blank face, was he not the queen's birth? Speaking of which is really unbelievable, the harsh and cruel queen is indeed her mother, and the queen who is gentle and considerate like her relatives is born of the former queen.

He couldn't understand the matter so far. How could anyone treat his relatives so harshly?

Back to the dorm, the sky was still dark, and the emperor went to bed after washing early. Ruifu originally thought the emperor was in a bad mood ..., he was very careful, who knew that the emperor seemed to have forgotten what was just now, but looked forward with anticipation. Is eager to try, has been trying to sleep, =. =

He stood outside the floor covering and saw the emperor turning over for a while and then turning over again, and finally couldn't help but say, "Your Majesty, let's have a meal first. This belly is hungry and it is naturally difficult to fall asleep."

The emperor sat up after hearing this, and said unwillingly, "Let's pass it on."

While eating, Qin Hong entered the palace and saw that he had been healing at home these days. Today, when he feels almost good, he directly enters the palace to thank him.

The emperor drank the soup one by one and asked, "Ai Qing, you said, if there is a person, you will always remember it if you don't see it, but you can't help it when you see it ..."

Qin Hong sat with the emperor for a meal for the first time, and his heart was very tense. After hearing the emperor's question, he immediately put down the chopsticks and looked at him with ears.

"Can't help but look twice?" Qin Hong's gossip ignited, and he intuitively remembered that the emperor asked him how to please women. Does your Majesty like this? Which woman is which lucky?

"No ..." the emperor pouted and said with a grimace, "I always want to curse."

Qin Hong, "..."

"Your Majesty, this woman is yin, like figuratively making water, which means to be gentle, but to be too aggressive will make them afraid to shrink back." Qin Hong thought for a long time, and then he was very embarrassed and very polite to the emperor. Show me how to attract women.

For a long time, I could not hear the emperor's voice, and Qin Hong didn't dare to breathe. About half a quarter of an hour later, the emperor said, "How can I be gentle?" A wave of wickedness rushed into my heart, becoming more and more irritable.

There must be straw bales in her mind. Can't tell that Su Qingchen just rose to her?

Men are fancy, this is what his mother-in-law said to him before, he didn't understand it at the time.

The emperor spoiled the new man first, and the mother gave the new people a gentle gift, but he could see that the mother was not happy. One day, when a favored concubine had a miscarriage, he suddenly understood when his mother's blood was being repaid.

Su Qingchen, as his subordinate, was naturally good, but as a man ..., the emperor remembered that Qin Hong teased Su Qingchen about causing Huai Kui, and he was labeled as a romantic man.

He could hardly imagine that one day, in his opinion, Zhao Jinyu, who was naive and somewhat stupid, would become a mother-in-law. Gentle and considerate is only the beautiful flowers on the surface, and hidden behind them are life-threatening toxins.

When Qin Hong saw the emperor finally spoke, he hurriedly said, "This curse is absolutely impossible." Then he took a few tentative glances and glanced at the emperor secretly, and said, "The women that Her Majesty saw in the past are all concubines in the palace. I was trained and trained, even if your Majesty beats and scolds, I will accept it, but ... "

The emperor remembered those concubines who came in the draft, and he was really just a promise. Even if he was a little bold, he didn't dare to reveal it in his heart. He would carefully ponder over a sentence and then admit his mistake first.

"Just what?"

"Wei Chen bravely asked, did the person not know the identity of His Majesty?" Qin Hong felt that the emperor was full of aura, but whoever had long eyes, would run into it without knowing it. Only if you do n’t know the identity of the emperor will there be so-called resistance. With the resistance, the emperor will naturally dislike the emperor, because the emperor has long been used to women's obedience and obedience to him.

The emperor gave a whisper, which was a reply.

Qin Hong knew that he had guessed right, and was very happy, and his courage grew a little bit, and said, "Before her concubine became a woman of her majesty, she was first and foremost her subordinate, and the subordinate must obey the Lord's words ... ..., but what if that woman doesn't know her Majesty's identity? "

The emperor suddenly turned straight, revealing the posture of Bing Chan's night talks. 2k novel reading network

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