MTL - My Lord is A Stone-Chapter 52

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No one expected that things would turn out like this.

Seeing Zhao Jinyu's confused face, Zhao Xingkun felt quite distressed, thinking that Zhao Jinyu was still a child ... Was it too harsh for her to make such a difficult decision? Originally, she should have lived a happy life hiding under her parents' wings. What bothered her was that the clothes on her body did not fit well. Is Zhu Cui's sister a little old and waiting for her little daughter?

Zhao Xingkun felt infinite pity when he thought this way, and his tone of speech softened unconsciously, like coaxing a three or four-year-old child, and said, "If you don't like it, tell your grandfather, grandfather will tell you to your grandmother. . "

Zhao Jinyu shook her head. She was actually quite confused. The Bai Sangong was indeed a bunch of problems, but he also had advantages that cannot be ignored, such as heavy responsibility, kindness, integrity, good character, at least he would not make a bad wife. Things that are not going to come.

In fact, is n’t this an ancient marriage?

"What about another person?" Zhao Jinyu sighed and said with lack of interest. "It is always good to be young and loving at the beginning, but there is a gap over time, and you will always be satisfied when people become old?" It ’s light, in case I ca n’t have a son? Or am I going to be abandoned? ”

Zhao Xingkun's face suddenly looked a little unsightly. He knew that Zhao Jinyu's words were not directed at himself ... but he felt that the words seemed to be talking to him. He sighed and said, "It was the grandfather who did not do well."

Zhao Jinyu remembered this after thinking of it, and she thought of what she said just now.

"Grandfather, if I don't enter the palace, how do you plan to explain to them?" Zhao Jinyu shifted the topic, not wanting to embarrass grandfather again. "Do you want to let the long room out?"

Zhao Xingkun originally planned to let Zhao Ruizhi enter the palace instead of Zhao Jinyu, but now knows how her conspiracy will make her succeed? From this incident, he can see that Zhao Ruizhi is an uneasy person, so she can see through her character. Such people are often ambitious and will not be easily satisfied. If he guesses right, it is probably in her In the eyes, they should have all the kindness for her to raise ... How could he send such a white-eyed wolf into the palace? Then wait for Zhao Ruizhi to fly up the branches and turn into a phoenix, then turn back and bite them? He is not Mr. Dong Guo.

So he changed his tactics again, looking for a rabbit girl from a distant relative. If anyone wanted to, he would be directly raised in his name. He was also regarded as a niece. In fact, this method was not very appropriate, but now it is really There is no other way, it can be regarded as helpless, saying, "You don't need to worry about this, anyway, grandfather can handle it, you just have to think about your own affairs."

Zhao Jinyu nodded, knowing that it was Zhao Xingkun who did not want to let her know ... and didn't ask much.

After waiting for Zhao Xingkun to leave, the stone who had not spoken seemed to be very unhappy and hummed. "You still have to think about that pedantic nerd?"

Zhao Jinyu dug out her ears and felt that she really had a foresight. Before she talked to her grandfather, she sent everyone out, so even if the stone spoke loudly and almost broke through the sky, it was not heard by others, saying, "Stop, let's Don't talk about this topic anymore? The kitchen is made of rock candy Sydney today. Would you like to drink a little? "Zhao Jinyu and Stone have recently enjoyed eating sweets, and they are happy.

The emperor swallowed droolingly, but he quickly recovered his saneness and said solemnly, "I'm asking you, don't change your word to me! You are the kind of person who is easily moved by eating?" "

Zhao Jinyu held the cracked light green tea cup in front of the stone and said, "Don't eat?"


Zhao Jinyu made a move to drink it all himself, and said sadly, "Since you don't drink, I'll drink it all by myself, just because I'm too thirsty, not two cups."

"Bring the puppet!" The emperor gritted his teeth reluctantly. "Wait until we finish eating, let's talk about it."

Zhao Jinyu was amused by the maggot's appearance of the stone, but he did not dare to laugh, because he was afraid to make the stone feel ashamed, and said, "Okay, let's eat first."

The emperor was satiated, dunked a little, and asked, "You haven't told me yet, how did you plan?"

Zhao Jinyu was distressed to find that he couldn't get over, and said helplessly with one hand on his chin, "In fact, I don't know."

"What does it mean that you don't know that you want to marry is to marry, you don't want to just don't want to! Isn't this very clear!" The emperor only felt the steam going up, and said, "What's in your head? What is it? Stone hasn't spoke to her in this tone for a long time since the two reconciled.

"I don't like Bai Sangong, but do you like it when changing someone?" Zhao Jinyu remembered what grandmother said. "Grandmother also said yes. Bai's old lady and grandmother are handkerchiefs. They are most close and protected by her. With me, I will never suffer, and the Bai family is slightly worse than ours, and they dare not despise me. "

The emperor felt a breath of breath in his chest, but had nowhere to vent.

Zhao Jinyu continued, "As for Bai Gongzi, his character is a bit pedantic, but he is also kind and upright. Without those flowers and intestines, as long as I treat him well, he will not treat me. The life of two people who are like each other is considered good and good.

"do you like him?"


The emperor resentfully said, "Why not try to enter the palace?"

Zhao Jinyu shook her head and said in a low voice, "Because I'm a little scared." Zhao Jinyu smiled bitterly. "Although I don't know Bai family, but my grandmother understands ..., so I can still make some preparations, but what if I enter the palace? I've been bullied, who can I find? It's all the way to the end, you can see the beginning but not the end. "

"Don't you care about your adoptive father?"

"Think about it." Zhao Jinyu tangled his hair, "But even if I entered the palace, the beauty in the palace is like a cloud, can I stand out? Will the emperor like me like this?"

"He must like it!" The emperor said without hesitation.

Zhao Jinyu was a listless smile, saying, "Thank you for comforting me."

"He really likes you." The emperor wished he was himself this time, so he could convince Zhao Jinyu, "Why don't you believe me?"

"Because you claim to be a cricket, but you are not the real emperor ... it's just a stone spirit." Zhao Jinyu looked at the stone mercilessly, and finally said what had been under his heart.

The emperor, "..." The emperor almost didn't mention it, but felt that the quick Qiqiao smoked.

On the second day, Ruifu waited for the emperor's meal. Who knew that he had just taken chopsticks to prepare dishes for the emperor, but suddenly he dropped the chopsticks on the ground. Some said unbelievably, "Your Majesty, do you want to go to Hangzhou?"

The emperor thought of Zhao Jinyu's unhurried attitude, and felt a fire burning in his heart, and he felt uncomfortable, and said, "Yes, it's just a private interview with a micro-service."

"This is too dangerous ..." Ruifu knew that the emperor had something in Hangzhou, and sent Su Qingchen for this matter. Later, even the dark guard commander An Wenyu passed by, and Qin Hong followed recently. But it ’s really dangerous over there ... Now only he dares to say that others ca n’t persuade the emperor, so he says stubbornly, “Your Majesty, there is the nest of the returnees, maybe they are anxious Your Majesty will go and then ... "

The emperor's face was calm, his eyes sharp like a knife, and said, "Ruifu, I'm really tired, I don't want to let it go."

Ruifu was shocked, knowing that it was impossible to persuade him, but said helplessly, "When is your Majesty planning to leave? The slaves will arrange it."


The next day, Zhao Jinyu received the invitation from Miss Gu of Hangzhou Zhifu. Zhao Jinyu stroked the upper case lower case. This familiar font reminded her of Gu Fuying's hibiscus face. She said to Zhao Ruizhi, who was surprised at the expression. "Miss Gu was my handkerchief in my boudoir, and I thought about visiting, who knew she had got the letter first."

Zhao Ruizhi tried hard to bear the expression of pantothenic acid on his face and said, "That's the way it is." But I felt jealous in my heart ... It only took a few days to hook up with the lady of the Zhifu family, but she still remembers that Gu was a Very proud, a flower-viewing feast was held in the house once, and all the ladies in Hangzhou went to the house, without even inviting her.

Later, my grandmother deliberately asked about it. This was said to be forgotten, and then I filled in the invitation, but it made the people in Hangzhou see the disdain of the daughter of the Zhi family by the Zhifu, which made her hatred itchy.

The old lady was worried that she had pushed Zhao Jinyu too far recently, and she wanted to let her go out to relax, so she said to Li Yi, "Go open the storeroom and take out my red coral head and face. And the boxes of cloth that were newly added last time were also delivered to Miss's house, and she was asked to make clothes. "

Li Zhi knew that this was the old lady's love for Zhao Jinyu, but it was hard to say anything, but she looked at He Ruizhi who suddenly looked unnatural, showing a hesitant look.

The old lady also saw Zhao Ruizhi's unnaturalness, and she said she was negligent about this girl, and quickly added, saying, "Is there still a diamond bitch? I gave it to Ruizhi girl, and I was sending a few batches of cloth in the past. "Then smiled and said to Zhao Ruizhi," Girl, grandma is almost confused, don't be angry. "

Zhao Ruizhi's face looked better, and said, "Where the grandmother is, my sister will go to the prefecture to add a guest, so it is natural to dress well."