MTL - My Lord is A Stone-Chapter 50

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Zhao Xingkun always felt that although Xiao Zhenshan was a gimmick, but his heart was not bad, he was upright, and he was in the end. He said that he would inherit the family business, then he would always keep this promise and maintain it in a down-to-earth manner, so in the future After the Zhao family's business was handed over to him, even if it could not be carried forward, it would always be preserved. In fact, Zhao Xingkun was helpless ... In this case, who would he not give to him? What's more, he always felt ashamed of this son, but the oldest son taught him personally at the beginning, but he didn't take the responsibility of being a father to the younger son, so he unconsciously took some compensation.

But when he saw the infatuation of Xiao Zhenshan, he was furious and shouted, "You son!"

Xiao Zhenshan knelt down on the ground honestly, like a child who did something wrong, bowed his head, but with a rare persistence in his tone, as if to protect his last dignity in his life, "This matter and Ruizhi My sister has nothing to do with it. I'm going to find Zhao Jinyu myself! Father, if you want to blame, blame the son alone. "

"Do you think you are such a son now, so you dare not treat you?" Zhao Xingkun shouted angrily, and the loud voice seemed to shake the screen next to it, making people feel depressed for no reason.

Xiao Zhenshan flashed a bit of loneliness on his face, and his head was lowered to his chest ..., said lightly, "Father, you know that I am your son."

Xiao Zhenshan's words did not complain, nor did he have anger, but with a touch of sadness in a touch of tone, it seemed to be very disappointed and helpless. This kind of sadness took people in like a net.

The surrounding air was frozen for a moment.

I don't know why, all the anger of Zhao Xingkun disappeared in an instant, and suddenly he lost his interest in continuing to ask questions. It took a while before he hurriedly said, "You'll rest early." Then he stepped back.

Xiao Zhenshan lay back weakly, waved his hand impatiently to the girl who came in to serve him again, and said, "Let's go out."

The room suddenly became very quiet. Only occasionally I could hear the sound of branches blowing from the wind outside the window. He wanted to sleep, but as soon as he closed his eyes, Zhao Ruizhi's face appeared in her mind. She was angry and smiled. Look, and look at him tenderly like water ... Did everything lie to him?

In fact, he also understands, they are all under the fence, who can live comfortably? Zhao Ruizhi is also to keep himself from floating like a duckweed, trying to catch her chips that can hold everything, he doesn't blame her ..., but he is also reluctant to be teased by her again.

In fact, he was not a fool. He had always felt that Zhao Ruizhi had some problems before, but he couldn't help but excuse her for excuses ... but this time he was trained hard by Zhao Jinyu's niece who was smaller than himself. She said that the beggars knew gratitude. The Zhao family turned Zhao Ruizhi from an orphan girl into a Miss Zhao family. She also took care of raising her. This is the kindness of Tianda. What is her dissatisfaction?

This made him think of himself. In fact, Xiao Zhenshan originally complained more about his adoptive parents, because he could acutely feel that they treated him differently from other brothers. It was not the kind of material inequality that he felt towards him. Not close enough, but waiting for the truth to be revealed ..., all his complaints disappeared, but only gratitude remained, grateful that they adopted their bloodless selves beside them, and carefully taught to grow up, because they could face him without blood. It's very rare to be so dedicated.

And look at Zhao Ruizhi in turn ... They are also adopted children, but Zhao Ruizhi did not know how to thank the Zhao family for their kindness. Instead, he was complaining, and even jealous of Zhao Jinyu, the lord. Do n’t those loves belong to Zhao Jinyu? She always said that she would serve the old lady with all her heart, but could the Zhao family find no one who was more dedicated than her? Not to mention others, is Li Li beside the old lady just serving the old lady for decades?

At the moment when I figured it out, Xiao Zhenshan just felt like the thunder of five thunders. He couldn't be shocked by himself ... It was not that sad that he knew that his biological father was Zhao Xingkun.

He closed his eyes, and after a while gently uttered a sentence, "Sister Ruizhi, I can help you with this, I will take care of myself in the future." Although this is the case, but it is still a young and crazy first love. His heart was so unconscious that his eyes became red and shed tears.


A handsome man with elegant appearance was wrapped from a carriage by a large white cormorant, and the little cormorant hurried to kneel on the ground and acted as a stable, so that nobles could step on him.

When the man saw the little cricket kneeling down, there was a hesitation in his eyes, but soon he disappeared. He stepped on the small cricket and walked down steadily, and he had a beautiful appearance and a slim figure. The young girl led the way and said, "Xian Jun, Madam has settled down. I just asked when Xian Jun will return."

The young girl is Qin Xiang, the elder girl of Xianjun Zhuang Qing, and also a returnee. She doesn't mention why the wife returned from the sacrifice ceremony innocently this time. It seems she doesn't know the general ... To a certain extent, she is the person of Xianjun, who can block the sword for Xianjun, and only has absolute obedience.

Zhuang Qing nodded slightly, his face was unnaturally pale, but his thin face gave a very sharp feeling, and said, "How is your wife?"

"It's good to look at the spirit, but it's just a little dazed." Qin Xiang replied, then carefully looked at Zhuang Qing's face, "After all, I spent a month outside, there was always no comfort in the house, slaves thought With a lot of tonic, I can bring up. "

"Troubled mother." Zhuang Qing sighed.

The two finally spoke at the door, waiting to open the curtain to enter, and saw two pots of kumquats in front of them, exuding a faint orange fragrance, which made people feel comfortable for a while.

Mrs. Zhuang crooked on the bed, covered with a bed of rouge-colored brocade quilt, her pale face became more and more embarrassed ... Zhuang Qing waved her hand toward the girl who wanted to shout, then stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed , Looking at Mrs. Zhuang with complex eyes.

This is her mother, but in order not to drag herself to hide in Tibet for a month, if he did not seek the Lord of God, maybe he would be separated like this for life.

Although the mother is no longer young, she is still as beautiful as ever. Such a woman ... just like a wolf when she is thrown in the outside, she will only be eaten and only the skeleton is left. He was a little worried and wondered if his mother would be sold to a ravine he didn't know if he was one step behind.

Thinking of her mother Zhuang Qing, she unconsciously thought of her sister Zhao Jinyu who rescued her mother. Zhuang Qing looked up slightly, looking out through the window, and seemed to see a distant place he could not see.

At that time, the father carried her back as a little baby. It was as dirty as rolling around on the ground. At that time, their family was not affluent. They only had an old servant, but went out with his mother, and he burned it. The water bathed her, but she covered her **** and said that she was a girl ... He didn't accept men and women. He couldn't laugh at the time. How old was the younger sister? Five or six? Because of perennial malnutrition, he is still very short and looks like a child of two or three years old.

He thought the younger sister was quite interesting at that time. She just changed her clothes and kept it outside the door. After waiting for a long time, she saw a long pink carved jade doll digging out of it.

The skin is white as jade, and the lips are rosy and soft like petals. The most important thing is a pair of eyes, black and white, full and moist, looking at you as if ... Your heart will be lovely and crisp.

She asked, "Who are you?" The voice sounded like the call of a yellow bird on the tree.

He said, "I'm your brother." Actually, he always wanted a younger brother or sister ... but at this moment, he thought it would be better to have a younger sister, so cute, so well-behaved, it's simply not cute.

He thought that such a difference was forever. He had fallen into the abyss of utter danger. Who knew that she appeared in his sight like that, Zhuang Qing unconsciously held his arm, then Zhao Jinyu was so tight. Holding his arm, he cried, "Brother." It seemed like countless times as a kid.

His heart was beating so much that he felt his chest explode.

But when he saw his mother, lying on it like a sacrifice ..., his heart suddenly chilled. At that time, Xianjun asked him if he wanted to replace him as a new Xianjun and said, this is a no return. There is no turning back.


"Mother, are you awake?" Zhuang Qing glanced back from her memories, and when she lowered her head, she saw Mrs. Zhuang looking up at him, her eyes full of her mother's pity and pity.

Mrs. Zhuang lowered her eyelids to prevent Zhuang Qing from seeing her expression at the moment. What did she just see? Her son Zhuang Qing almost seemed to cry in front of her, her eyes so sad and bewildered, as if she had lost her most beloved ... person.

I'm afraid I'm thinking about that girl again?

"Zhao Jinyu is fine." Mrs. Zhuang said with a sharp look. "I went all the way to Hangzhou. Later, I heard she returned to the Zhao family and became the young lady of the Zhao family. Finally she returned to her place."

"Mother, I know." Zhuang Qing said in a embarrassment that Mrs. Zhuang could see through her mind.

Mrs. Zhuang also said, "I heard that her grandparents treat her as painful as her eyes. Don't think about her anymore, just put your mind down and do what you should do." Then she handed it to Zhuang Qing, half sat up under his support, leaned on the pillow, and said, "How is your father?"