MTL - My Lord is A Stone-Chapter 28

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Gao Zhen frowned when he heard this, and said very dissatisfied, "Sir, I respect you as the court official, but you can't be too much, this is a private matter in our teaching. Not to mention this woman wrote about life and death Books, even in accordance with the law of the Han Dynasty, no one else can intervene. "

Su Qingchen smiled arrogantly and said, "My Jin Yiwei is deeply loved by His Majesty. He drives the guard directly, conducts inspections and arrests, and can be cut and played first. Do you think I can manage it?"

Gao Zhen's complexion was pale and ugly. Nowadays, there are believers of Tianguiism in the vicinity. He can respond to Su Qingchen's return, but the win is only temporary. He will die when Jin Yiwei accounts for the fall. One hundred times is not enough.

Just during this confrontation, Xianjun suddenly said, "Gao Zhen, I see that this ceremony is a bit difficult today. Since Master Su insists on being on behalf of this girl, let's let go."

Gao Zhen looked at Xianjun badly, but Xianjun laughed and said frankly, "You still don't believe my loyalty to the founder? I can even donate it to my mother. What else is not possible? He said a tone of voice here, with a bit of worry, "But it is not wise to confront Jin Yiwei now, let's step back and make a plan now."

"Hmm, I hope you are telling the truth, otherwise the leader will let you die without a corpse!" Gao Zhen said with his teeth.

Zhao Jinyu was a little unbelievable. Su Qingchen was just a few words away. These people who looked like cultists let the adoptive mother release and waited for the boat. Zhao Jinyu looked back at the lotus boat. Gao Zhen's face was gloomy, obviously very It was dissatisfied but had to endure, but Xian Jun remained expressionless, making Zhao Jinyu unable to understand his thoughts. The two have been together for nearly ten years, and she thinks that she knows him very well, but in fact she really understands him ?

Chen Rong saw Zhao Jinyu holding a middle-aged woman with a frown, and said, "This is ..."

"This is my adoptive mother." Zhao Jinyu said, "Aunt Chen, things are a bit complicated ..." Since being rescued by Zhao Jinyu, Mrs. Zhuang is like a wooden man, let her go, let her eat and eat, whole Without emotion, Zhao Jinyu introduced that she was standing as if she didn't realize it.

After listening to the narrative, Chen Rong was helpless and pointed at Su Qingchen, "You girl, you can really cause trouble. If it weren't for Master Su's help, there will be one more of you in the dedication maiden today." A look of fear, "Thank you, Master Su."

Zhao Jinyu was very well-behaved, and he was blessed in front of Su Qingchen, and said, "Thank you, Lord Su. Today, our mother and daughter can be reunited because of the adults, I will not forget your kindness."

Su Qingchen is not a good man in a pure sense, but it does not prevent him from accepting sincere gratitude from others. Who doesn't like being really liked and grateful for others? What's more, he could feel the invisible barrier that had blocked them between them disappeared. Zhao Jinyu also took off his mask in front of him, and it became more and more true and pure, which made him feel the joy of a long absence.

"It's just a hand-raising job, Miss Zhao is polite." Su Qingchen's voice was gentle and her eyes softened.

Aunt Chen saw the inexplicable feelings of affection between the two, and secretly screamed badly. Su Qingchen first rescued Zhao Jinyu's mother. At this moment, it was this gentle and tolerant look. The worship was grateful and the words were coaxed. , Even when she was young, she might not be able to carry it, let alone Zhao Jinyu who was raised in a deep girlfriend? Busy said, "Miss Zhao, it's too late, let's get on the road, or it will be bad if we can't catch the inn in the open air."

In fact, Su Qingchen wanted to follow the past, originally his job was to protect Zhao Jinyu! However, Chen Rong's eyes were alert and his eyes were alert to let him know that now is not a good opportunity. He had to hold back and said, "Be careful on the road." It was just a very ordinary ding-dong, but now he was a little bit more. Come without tenderness.

After several people said goodbye, Zhao Jinyu and others went on the road.

Chen Rong rushed in front of the car. Zhao Jinyu and Mrs. Zhuang sat in the carriage and bumped along the way. The cold did not say. The cold wind came out of the carriage window, the front door, and various gaps. Zhao Jinyu tightly wrapped the rabbit's hair. Ma'am, seeing that Mrs. Zhuang's face was also pale, and passed her the heater in her hand, and said, "Mother, you are weak, use this." Chen Rong thought that only Zhao Jinyu was alone, so she only prepared one. Hand stove.

Mrs. Zhuang glanced at Zhao Jinyu, her eyes were cold, and she said, "I don't need to."

Mrs. Zhuang has a strong personality, so she always knows her. Zhao Jinyu knows her temperament, so she doesn't dare to stop her, so she sits in the air vent, trying to block for Mrs. Zhuang.

"The Lord Su is uneasy. You will have less involvement with him in the future." Madam Zhuang said suddenly.


Mrs. Zhuang looked at Zhao Jinyu's incomprehensible eyes, and suddenly felt a little soft-hearted, and said, "At the next inn, we will be separated. You will not be our Zhao family anymore. Let's go to life separately."

Suddenly, Zhao Jinyu's eyes became red, and she said, "Mother, I don't understand why it turned out like this, what's going on with my brother ... it was always good." Zhao Jinyu remembered that the day before the incident, his adopted father, Zhao Changchun, took A little joke asked her if she wanted to stay at home all the time ... she knew it was asking if she would marry her brother.

She is naturally willing. For nearly ten years, exactly nine years, Zhao Jinyu and her adoptive father, adoptive mother, and elder brother have lived together very smoothly and prosperously, although she is not sure if her dependence on her brother is love. , But since such days can continue, why should she refuse?

But who knows that everything changed the next day, and the Zhao family's sky collapsed.

Mrs. Zhuang closed her eyes and looked indifferent. It took a while for Zhao Jinyu to control her mood and bow her head. She had many questions in her heart, why her brother and adoptive mother would abandon her, why they said they went to Jinling's hometown to find a way, but the result was heaven In conversion, why ... did the adoptive mother look like her brother even if she was burnt to death? Why not Mrs. Zhao but Mrs. Zhuang now?

But she knew that Mrs. Zhuang would not tell her, and she kept silent and she could only suffer.

From a young age, the person she was most afraid of was not her father, Zhao Changchun, but her adoptive mother. Her tenderness seemed to have given her to her adoptive father, and she was very strict with her brother, not to mention her.

Looking at Zhao Jinyu's head shrinking, as if she had lost her soul, she was like a discarded cub, and Mrs. Zhuang's eyes flashed a hesitant softness, and she finally became cold ice in the cold winter.

Chen Rong quickly whipped her horse and finally saw the town before going down the mountain. After taking the Yuxue pills, Zhao Jinyu improved her physique more than two steps, resisted falls and fainted, and sat in a carriage that was more bumpy than the boat. There was no discomfort ..., Apart from being a bit cold.

At this moment, she could feel that the stone around her neck moved slightly. She knew it was awoken by the stone. What happened today was really thrilling. She kept holding on, and now she can finally talk to the stone. Although Stone speaks too harshly on the poisonous tongue sometimes, it cannot be denied that what is said is the truth, and it is such a poisonous tongue ... because of the truth, she has a sense of reassurance beyond words.

But now the adoptive mother and Chen Rong are there, it is really not an opportunity to speak, so I have to hold back.

Several people entered the inn. Chen Rong set up three rooms. She lived in the middle. Zhao Jinyu and Mrs. Zhuang were left and right. Waiting for everything to be arranged. The three people ate together downstairs. Mrs. Zhuang expressed her wish to stay. She didn't move, she looked very calm. "I have never met Miss Zhao. Although I am grateful for Miss Zhao's pity in my death, but this is what I volunteered for and nothing to say. "In the tone, there is a kind of accusation that Zhao Jinyu is nosy.

Chen Rong glanced at Zhao Jinyu with a lonely face, and said, "That's right, I already told Miss Zhao that you can't be too kind, but she always doesn't listen to me. Who knows that it is bad? With Mrs. Zhuang's event, otherwise Mrs. Zhuang must have arrived in the sky and become the goddess of the immortal, living a happy life. "It is ironic to say that the tone has changed," You can only blame you for blame. Mrs. Zhuang and Miss Zhao's adoptive mother are too similar. Who can see that her adoptive mother is going to be burned to peace of mind? Now that Mrs. Zhuang's mind is determined, we will not stay. ”

Chen Rong's words are bloody. If ordinary people can't stand up and scold, but Mrs. Zhuang seems to be so unaware that she calmly said, "Thank you both." Then she refused to speak. Already.

Zhao Jinyu only felt that her eyes interfered without a tear, and her heart seemed to have broken a hole ... She knew that the mother-daughter relationship for many years had come to an end.

Chen Rong was originally frustrated, but when she saw such a soft and hard Mrs. Zhuang, she also had a sad look on Zhao Jinyu. She sighed and stopped talking.

Waiting to enter the room, Zhao Jinyu released the stone.

The emperor ate the old duck fan soup that Zhao Jinyu had specially packed for him, but his eyes rolled around Zhao Jinyu's face and said, "What happened when I was away?"

Zhao Jinyu was holding her heart on her stomach, listening to the familiar voice of Shi Ruoluo, and unconsciously said everything, "Thanks to Master Su ... In fact, others are very good. I was biased against him before." Turning his tone, he said lonely, "What else can you trust in this world? Have they been together for nine years is a drama in their eyes?" Zhao Jinyu said the ruthlessness of Mrs. Zhuang and her brother.

The emperor listened to Zhao Jinyu's praise of Su Qingchen, but he didn't like it, he just wanted to tell Zhao Jinyu that he had given it to Su Qingchen ...... Otherwise, according to Su Qingchen's unprofitable nature, how could he treat her as a little orphan for no reason? However, this cannot be said, with a sullen stomach, saying, "Even your adoptive mother is so ruthless, let alone Su Qingchen who is not familiar? Do you have grass in your head? He must also have a picture for you! "

Zhao Jinyu, qaq

Looking at Zhao Jinyu's eyes with tears, the emperor softened a bit. The girl didn't know what was going on recently ... She was angry and didn't know how to turn back, so she felt so distressed No, forget everything.

"Going home was a cult that day. Since your brother has already entered, it is no longer the same as him ..., you rescued your adoptive mother today is also a help to him, and their kindness to you is written off." The emperor did not Said hurriedly.

Zhao Jinyu felt that there was a feeling of reassurance in the sound of the stone, and he couldn't help but say, "Well, I was ... at that time, when I saw that the face next to the immortal was green, those believers blocked the way, like a fierce god. Yes, do you say they will get revenge? "

"You finally have a snack. Why did you hit their faces like this today? How can they be willing? They will retaliate, but you sleep peacefully today, nothing will happen."

Zhao Jinyu felt that the stone today was very gentle and domineering. Regardless of the fact that he was still soaking in the fan soup, he bowed his head and kissed his lips, and drank the oil from his lips, but because of the brightness, it became brighter and clearer under the lamp.

The emperor had to use a strong ability to recover his mind from Zhao Jinyu's mouth, only to feel that his heart was rippling with unknown ripples, so that he had a sweet affection. 2k novel reading network

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