MTL - My Lord is A Stone-Chapter 10

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Zhao Jinyu said naturally, "My name is Zhang Huan ..." He said that it suddenly stopped as if the cat had suddenly bit his tongue, and his face flashed a little uncomfortably.

"Zhang Hong? How does it look like a man's name?" The emperor was pretty sure that the woman in front of her did not protect herself, but how did the name sound like a woman?

Zhao Jinyu turned his back to the stone, pulled the quilt over his head, and a voice came from the quilt, "I'm going to sleep, little thing, rest."

The emperor only saw one of Zhao Jinyu's back heads, and immediately angrily rose in his chest, scolding, "Excuse me, I'm asking you something!"

Zhao Jinyu seemed to be able to feel the violent shaking of the stone, and sighed, like coaxing a child, and rubbed the stone with his cheek. Wen said, "Small thing, you have a bad temper. There is an inexplicable nostalgic thought in the tone, and this mood is faint and hardly noticed.

The tender skin was sticking to the body, smooth and warm. The emperor wanted to scold her for being shameless, but thinking about the confusion, he had to forcibly hold back, but his voice became very unconsciously lowered, and asked "How did your parents get such a name?"

"Because I was born next to the leeches ..." Zhao Jinyu did not expect that he would negligently report his modern name, and the more he talked about it, the worse it would be if people really realized that he was a traverser, of course. She doesn't think that the stone essence is incomprehensible. After all, it is itself an anti-natural existence. It's not just a very instinctual self-protection consciousness. She hurriedly stopped, knocked at the stone, and said, "How do you have so many questions?"

She thought that maybe she hadn't recovered from the dream just now, or it might be because she was going to visit her adopted father, Zhao Changchun, with some low emotions and mixed feelings. After all, she could n’t say any more. Take it in your arms and place it on your chest. It's like holding it. "Shh, close your eyes and rest." Zhao Jinyu felt that she was alone for too long, leaning on a small stone. There would be a little warmth in her chest, as if there was such a stone essence in her arms, it would not appear that she was alone.

The soft and incredible abundance surrounded him, inadvertently smelling the fragrant nose and fragrance, and felt through the lining a very beautiful chest and shape like a peach ... The emperor had never had such a situation in his life, and he forbeared immediately Can't help it, "Do you, a woman, know about shame?" He couldn't help yelling. He had said this many times today, and he was upset about it, but he couldn't find anything more. Appropriate words, "I told you long ago, I am a man!"

Zhao Jinyu seemed to think that the emperor was so anxious and bad-looking, and could not help but said ridiculously, "Man? Then show me how to look?" Zhao Jinyu is pretty sure this stone belongs to a very low-level stone essence, because there is no magic power. Say, what's more, you can only show up at night when it's heavy, of course, more importantly, if this stone is really powerful, according to its bad temper, it will certainly not make her better, but so far, except for moving his mouth There is nothing to do other than lose your temper.

The emperor frowned, but there was no way to say ..., did she tell her directly that she was not a stone spirit?

Zhao Jinyu touched the stone with his finger and said, "Small thing, you are really awkward, don't be so troubled, I don't mind letting you eat tofu, good, go to bed early."

The emperor took a deep breath and decided to ignore the question and asked, "Then always tell me, where is the house?"


The emperor's stare.

Zhao Jinyu smiled, carefully re-covered the quilt for the stone, closed his eyes and said, "Have a break." Afterwards, even if the emperor's troubles were not heard, the emperor's nose was crooked but helpless Although Zhao Jinyu did not guess the identity of the emperor, one thing is correct, except that the emperor does not have any point that can threaten her mana.

The one-man show is the most boring. The emperor feels boring at the back. Maybe Zhao Jinyu's skin is too soft, or maybe the fragrant fragrance is too calm. Of course, the emperor feels that the quilt is so warm and eaten. Full and full, do n’t you go to bed and blow out the cool breeze? Have a rest ...

Soon the emperor fell into sleep.

In such a snowy night, the girl and Stone are close together to enter the sweet dream.


The next morning, Su Qingchen and Qin Hong, who were taken out of the palace, were both dignified. It snowed the night yesterday. It just stopped in the morning. The wind was bitter and the breath was exhaled with white mist. Su Qingchen brought gray. The rat skin was warm and he said to Qin Hong, "Although I don't dare to speculate on the divine will, but I look at it ..." Su Qingchen said here and stopped for a while, which successfully attracted Qin Hong's attention.

Qin Hong was warm with a bright white fox fur, and a tender yellow fringed hem on the hem. He had a beautiful and delicate face, and he had a kind of beauty that couldn't leave his eyes.

"How?" Qin Hong asked lazily.

To say that Su Qingchen can't stand anything ... It is the luxurious fault of Qin Hong. The eating and wearing are all exquisite and beautiful, not the best, not the most beautiful, not to mention the most popular dress in Beijing every year. The styles are all led by him. You say a **** ..., alas, every time he thinks about it, he feels as sick as swallowing a fly.

"Although I know the name of the person, our Hanzhen Dynasty began to live and work in peace, and we have made no mistakes. In this way, the people in the capital have passed the million mark. If we do not find it within ten days from the beginning of the household registration, we will definitely not find it. Afraid that after waiting to be found out, the person had already run away. "Although Su Qingchen was unwilling to work with Qin Hong, he waited for two people to be beaten by the emperor today for five boards ... Twenty are afraid that two people will not be able to walk completely, and they fall sick in bed and have no energy to work, but the board is written on the account, saying that one day can not be found, then one day, this day, even if only If you drag it for ten days, that's 200 boards. Two people must not be killed?

Think of it this way, the best way is for two people to abandon their former suspects and join hands.

Obviously Qin Hong knew this, so he didn't hide and groan as usual, and said, "Your Majesty, it is a great honour for my people to live and work in peace and happiness." Qin Hong was very serious when he finished talking. Put down and worship the palace where the emperor lived.

Seeing Qin Hong's so coy behavior, Su Qingchen cursed a flatterer in his heart, but he could only worship with him.

Qin Hong looked at Su Qingchen secretly, but he followed his movements, and he couldn't help but blossom, and finally entered the topic, saying, "Master Su thinks that His Majesty's expression should be that he knows the woman named Zhang Ye Right? "


"You want to ask again, why not paint a portrait?"

In fact, Su Qingchen already has an answer in her heart, but that answer makes me feel a little weird. If you naturally find someone to inquire about it, but now that Qin Hong and he need a hatchback, Qin Hong is from the inside. The commander Ren Jinyiwei had served the emperor before. He knew it best, but of course he first told him from Qin Hong. He arched his hand and said modestly, "Please ask the adult for guidance."

If Qin Hong always caught such an opportunity, he would ridicule Su Qingchen, but he also knew that when it was not a bullshit, he looked at Qin Hong with insight and said, "Master Qin must know the truth, but he feels a bit I can't believe it. "

"Is that true?"

Qin Hong nodded, looking at the deep palace covered by snow in the distance, and said, "That's it."

Quietly around, the two did not speak for a long time, or it was Su Qingchen's subordinates who came to take their orders that caused the two to move again. Qin Hong groaned and said, "Just like what I had agreed with Master Su, We split the troops in two ways, and Mr. Su went to the Ministry of Households to check the list. I imposed a curfew and went from house to house. That ’s why I stopped. Now that I know the taboo, it ’s always better than before.

Aside from Qin Hong and Su Qingchen acting separately, the palace of Wuling in the palace is quiet and there is no sound at all. Ruifu's expression is guarded at the door, even if his cold fingers are stiff and still.

In the study came the sound of the emperor kneading the paper into a ball. After a while, it was like this ... repeated again and again.

The outside gradually darkened, and Ruifu was a little uneasy thinking that the emperor had been honed in it for an afternoon, but he never came out after lunch. Should be almost? He thought ... but there was really no courage to look in.

Sure enough, after a while, the emperor came out of the house. The bright yellow luxurious robe shone brightly in the afterglow of the setting sun, making him more beautiful and noble. The raw body can tremble with fright.

"Your Majesty, Princess Ning Guo begged to see."

There was a hint of sigh in the emperor's eyes, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

At a glance, Ruifu knew that Ning Guogong was unlucky, but it was not obvious at all, and said, "It is still the case of Yan Shangshu's corruption."

"Huh." The Emperor sneered, his eyes grew colder.

Princess Ning Guo was the emperor's younger sister. Her appearance was very similar to that of the emperor. She had slender eyes and a slightly thin face. The emperor was the most favored princess at the time, even the prince at the time.

At this moment she was wearing a scarlet rose flower gardenia, wearing a red cape with peacock pattern and white fox fur, wearing a Zhaojun suit, and not dressing in order, that is, Princess Ning Guo ..., she waited In the cold wind, she thought that she would have to wait for a long time, but she saw the emperor's voice within a quarter of an hour.

Princess Ning Guo's eyes moved away from the emperor's deep and bottomless eyes, looking at the spinal beasts on the eaves. They showed supreme respect in the light of half darkness and sunset. Princess Ning Guo suddenly felt that today's The emperor may no longer be the second prince she could call her brother, but the emperor she could not surpass.

Suddenly she was a little uncertain, whether she had come to the right decision this time.

Ruifu asked the **** to stare at the emperor, and he returned in small steps. The gold bricks in the study room were filled with crumpled paper. Ruifu gathered all the waste paper in one place, waiting for the palace lady to bring in the brazier. Just put it together and burned.

In a half-open paper group, the figure of the emperor's figure was exposed. It looked like it should be a young girl, but it was like a fat and big man selling pie on the street. I think of the emperor who stands out, but he has no talent in Danqing painting. When the first emperor was still living, he first learned to draw chickens. The first emperor thought that the painting was made of stone. The chick was laughing for a long time. After that, many people took this as a fun thing. Only Ruifu knew ... The queen lady called the emperor to punish her for kneeling, and she knelt for a whole afternoon. Just say that he lost his royal face.

Thinking of these past Ruifu can not help but sigh, think about the emperor today, everything is cause and effect. 2k novel reading network