MTL - My Inseparable House Guests-Chapter 853 go away

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"Well, why are you a little girl like this today." After the big cat who was lying on the table licked his paw, his ignorant eyes immediately resemble human beings.

"Huh, I was like this." Zhao Ke'er raised his head and said, the expression in that moment seemed to Fang Ze, inexplicable that Zhao Ke'er should actually be a teenage girl.

"You're happy." Da Meow didn't talk to Zhao Ke'er more, but turned to Fang Ze and said, "I won't run today, just ask if you have any questions."

"The first question." Fang Ze looked at Big Meow and asked the questions he cared about the most. "What you said to me before, created a lot of virtual worlds, and then made them fused with the earth. Is it you? . "

"It's really me," said Big Meow. "I didn't want to tell you, because I really didn't do it well. I was going to integrate these virtual worlds into the earth, and then create a strong Chinese. Then I found out that the uncertainty of doing so was too great. One might not even have Huaxia, so he gave up. "

"So, Lu Xun and Cao Xueqin are not actually people in a virtual world. They are basically from history. After you have successfully experimented with me, you have used the routine from historical figures to modern times for them to learn. That world? "

"It's roughly like this," said Big Meow. "I originally wanted to come here in this world. But because this world has been messed up by us, if we want to change history, it is likely to involve some Unnecessary trouble, so I found a parallel world. "

"What are you calling us? It's up to you to mess up the world yourself, don't involve me!" Fang Ze shouted at the big cat.

"Also, don't you think there is any difference between you doing this and playing a game and finding that you can't win, reopening a file!"

"Um, this is also no way to do it. Besides, the main troubles in this world have actually been solved by me during this time. You can solve the remaining troubles yourself."

"Wait a minute, explain to me first what's going on with the rest of the trouble." Fang Ze grasped the big meow and asked, pinching its neck.

"Don't be so violent. I'm a cat of several tens of cats. It's not good if you break a bone wherever you touch it." Big Meow said quickly, "I told you last time that the guests were indeed the last wave. Guests. But maybe some other guests from other worlds will sneak in, so you need to drive them away. "

"Nothing," Fang Ze said, "I'm going to get married soon. I just want my wife and children to hot steam their heads, so you can find someone else to do it. My little arm and calf, if there is a tyrant, I will fight all Can't beat it. "

"A very good person will come to help you in a few days." Da Meow escaped from Fang Ze's hand while Fang Ze was talking, and returned to the table again, then said, "Besides, let's go before But a contract was signed. "

"I want to talk to you about the contract this time, too." Fang Ze put his hands on the table, then said condescendingly to the big meow, "don't you not forget how you made me sign the contract, use hypnosis Inducing others to contract with you, what to keep. "

"Well, so things like contracts have to be written down in black and white on the contract." Da Meow looked at Fang Ze and sighed.

I don't know if it was Fang Ze's illusion. When Fang Ze felt that Dao Meow was saying this sentence, Zhao Ke'er gave a pout.

"Then cancel the contract," said Big Meow, "I'm old recently and can't work. I won't find a new contractor after you leave. So if there are monsters from other worlds coming to this The world can only let them wreak havoc. I arranged for you an interstellar fleet to be a guest this time. I also have considerations in this regard, anyway, to give humanity a little more ability to save lives. "

"Don't you speak in such a compassionate tone," Fang Ze shouted as he watched Damei, "It's clear that you did all this yourself."

"Okay, okay," said Big Meow, "I will cancel the contract for you now, are you sure?"

"I'm sure, come on." Fang Ze said to Da Meow.

"This is the last time I've photographed your forehead, it's really sad." Da Meow said, jumping up and slap Fang Ze on his forehead.

The contract was cancelled.

Fang Ze felt that the contract between him and Zhao Kerer disappeared instantly.

"There won't be any more guests in the future," Fang Ze asked, looking at Da Meow.

"No, but there may be some stowaways."

"It doesn't matter, I think as long as there is no you, no matter what kind of stowaways come on the earth, I can solve it."

"Okay." Big Meow licked his claws and said, "With your current strength, you can really solve most of the stowaways, so I can leave in peace ~ ~ wait, don't Leave. "Fang Ze pulled the big meow," Where is Hei, where have you got my friends? "

"Did you tell him he went to another world?"

"His fiancée is here. You gave me away. How can you tell me to tell his fiancée?"

"This time, Zhao Ke'er came to take away Xiao Hei's fiancee." Da Meow pointed at Zhao Ke'er, "You don't have to worry about it, look back and wait for Xiao Hei's mission over there, I will take Xiao Hei is back. "

"Then my second question is here." Fang Ze asked when he looked at Diao Miao. "You are trying to merge into the virtual world in this world, and you are messing up history in Zhao Keer's world. What is the purpose?"

"I said I just wanted to do something, do you believe it?" Da Meow said weakly, looking at Fang Ze.

"I don't believe it." Fang Ze shook his head decisively.

"Then I will explain it to you later," said Big Meow. "After I leave, the world may really gradually come up with the imagination of rejuvenation. You can run your business well. Although I have the opportunity to meet again in the future, but maybe It will take a long time. "

"What about your body," said Fang Ze, pointing at Da Meow, "when you leave, the intelligent soul will leave with the body."

"It's just that after the soul leaves, if you plan to meet me again in the future, support me as a body." After the cat said, he jumped off the table and said to Zhao Ke'er, "Let's go, we will also leave It's time. "

Zhao Ke'er and his Centaur Star Fleet disappeared along with Da Meow's wise soul, while Fang Ze held Da Meow's body and used the Rainbow Bridge to teleport to the underground base of the Demon Management Bureau.

Although everything is over, Fang Ze always feels a little missing?

Wait, it seems that Dameo didn't pay me for this pick-up!