MTL - My Inseparable House Guests-Chapter 802 Smash Grip

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But this time the big meow came in time. Before Fang Ze came up with the rainbow card to let the rainbow bridge away, the big meow appeared.

"You finally killed Baron Nash." Big Meow changed his soft belly to the floor, and then said rollingly under Fang Ze's feet, "Of course there is my credit here. If it weren't for me Zhou gave you such a powerful guest, how could you easily kill Baron Nash so easily. "

"Then how can I reward you?" Fang Ze said, grabbing the fat big meow, "Would you like to arrange some cat films for you?"

"Reject. My eyes are very picky. I don't usually feel ordinary cats."

"Every single lonely fat house thinks so." Fang Ze said, scratching the belly of Da Meow.

"It's just a pity that there are only paper people, no paper cats," Da Meow said sadly.

"Yes, why not," Fang Ze said immediately, "such as Teacher Cat, Sifengyuan Yeyi, Meowmuss, and Habi."

"But they are all male," said Big Cat with a glance at Fang Ze. "I'm a cat with a normal sexual orientation. Don't always introduce me to these strange characters. What I want is as cute as a catwoman Cat. "

"Um, I don't have a catgirl myself. Where can I introduce one to you?" Fang Ze dragged the big cat back to reality, and then said to the big cat, "Let's be realistic, this time the guests will get gifts and compensation come out."

"This time the gift will be delayed by a week. Because you bet with the guest, the guest's gift will be delivered a few days later. You have to wait until next week to get your gift."

"Let's do it." Fang Ze felt that his bet with the Queen of the Blade should be a steady win.

Although he spoiled a little, he didn't talk about anything substantial, so the Queen of the Blade will definitely go down according to the original destiny and eventually become the creator.

I ca n’t pick up a gift this week, and I will return to the underground base of the Demonstration Administration next week to pick it up.

"After the gift, there are three optional rewards for this guest." Da Meow said seriously to Fang Ze. "The first optional reward is skill rage. After use, it will slightly improve physical fitness and speed up 50%. attack speed."

50% attack speed.

This is a number that is common in games. But his role is different in different games.

For example, in some moba games, increasing the attack power by 50% is enough for all adcs to choose it.

However, in reality, even if the attack speed is increased by 50%, it will not help much.

Because in reality, once you start fighting, you can actually end up with a few hands. In fact, there is no time for Fang Ze to shoot a small bow to shoot cumulative damage.

"What's the second one." Fang Ze was not very satisfied with the fury.

"The second skill is the Smash Grip," said Big Meow. "This is also the ability of the Queen of the Blade itself, which can be used on any creature within a range of 300 meters. It will cause a small amount of damage to the enemy and stun the enemy. Three seconds. "

This skill is pretty good, a control skill.

Although the three seconds is a bit short, as long as Fang Ze holds the lightsaber close to the other side and uses the smashing grip, Fang Ze can use these three seconds to match the skill of endless me death with the Jedi saber. A set of operations is definitely the ability to reverse the situation.

"What's the last reward?" Fang Ze asked.

Although the crushing grip made him very tempted, what if the last reward was good.

However, when Big Meow said what was paid for the third task, Fang Ze had already decided to choose the second one.

I chose it this way, because Dameow's third mission reward was to give Fang Ze the original five Zerg Zerglings.

Although the loyalty of the Zerg is reassuring, the few jumping worms that came over this time are definitely the original ones. Although the figure has been reduced by ten times as before, their appearance is still terrifying.

If Fang Ze would walk these creatures to the street that day, it is estimated that the entire street would be scared away.

The most important thing is that the fighting abilities of these zombies are too small, so the bunch of zombies given in the task reward three is really meaningless to Fang Ze now.

After all, if there is a fight, these little puppies can't help at all. At most, it is frightening and scaring ordinary people. It is better to choose the crushing grip. The control of up to three seconds can let Fangze do a lot of things.

Big Meow jumped to Fang Ze's forehead, patted it on Fang Ze's forehead, gave Fang Ze the ability to crush the grip, and said to Fang Ze, "Yes, next week's guest is a real cute And status is very honorable. "

"Who." Fang Ze thought that the big cat was talking about the lovely lady and little loli.

"I can only remind you here, but to say one more thing, he and our cat are actually a bit related."

It has something to do with cats, and it's still a cute item. Can it really be a cat?

Fang Ze thought for a long time and did not think what the guest will be next week.

Fortunately, Fangze will have no trouble next week, so anyone can come here casually.

Awakening the Rainbow Card, and letting Rainbow Bridge return to the underground base of the Demon Authority in an instant, Fang Ze finally took a good rest. Finally, he did not have to write a story with the Americans.

In fact, Fang Ze only rested for a few hours. After turning on his cell phone, he found that Lin Jingxuan had called him several times in the past few days.

"What's wrong with me? Our game is okay recently ~ ~ Fang Ze feels that Lin Jingxuan is so eager to call, there is no other topic except for the front line of life and death that has started the public test.

"Our cheaters for this game have begun to sell on the Internet. I have collected some evidence here. Can you entrust the police station to a arrest operation, and at the beginning, you will have a plug on it. Go on.

"Our game actually has a plug-in?" Fang Ze asked in amazement. "I have done the best optimization of this game. Even with a plug-in, I can't crack the game in such a short time. . "

Although Fang Ze didn't understand the computer, he had such things as a game optimizer. If he wanted to, he could crush all the opponents instantly.

After all, whether it is a stand-alone or a netizen, the long development time coupled with various tests not only consumes the patience of players, but also makes the technology used in the game unable to keep up with the trend.

Of course, the more important issue is the cost.

After all, the program ape regards the computer as his girlfriend, and if the boss does not pay higher, then I am afraid that no one will really do it.

Read The Duke's Passion