MTL - My Inseparable House Guests-Chapter 774 Waist fine

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"Shi Jieren and Rui Mengmeng are back." Taking Rocky and Thor back to Xihe Street, Fang Ze found that Xia Yike was doing nothing and was reading a novel with a red face while holding a tablet.

"No, no!" Xia Yi could see Fang Ze suddenly come in, and was frightened to cover the tablet with his hands.

"Why, you are reading Xiaohuang Shu." Fang Ze glanced curiously.

"How is it possible?" Xia Yike realized that he could not completely cover the tablet with his hands, so he hurriedly pressed the tablet's power button, but it was too late at this time. With excellent eyesight, he could see what Xia Yike was watching now.

Rocky x Thor r18 attack pure meat? !!

"Hey." Xia Yike found that before he turned off the power, Fang Ze saw the name of the novel, and had to show an expression that he thought was very lady, and then said to Fang Ze, "That, a special hobby "Don't mind me, boss."

"I don't mind, but I'm afraid someone will mind. If you don't want to kill someone, it's better not to read such articles in recent days."

"Why?" Xia Yike asked Fang Ze strangely.

"There are two new guests. They have a bit of blood relationship with Rocky and Thor in the myth."

"Good boss, knowing the boss, I immediately deleted the book." Xia Yi heard Fang Ze said, immediately threw the tablet into the desk drawer, and then locked it with a lock.

"Welcome to the demon management bureau." Fang Ze and Xia Yike finished speaking, and said outstretched arms to both Rocky and Thor.

"It looks shabby." Rocky said with a glance at the demon-bureau, which was built on the ground and showed signs of dilapidation.

"Finally, I know the goods." Fang Ze didn't feel unhappy when he heard what Rocky said, but thought that Rocky was right.

After all, they now think that the more ruined the buildings on the surface, the more shock they will get when they enter the ground and see the underground base of the Demon Authority.

"By the way, Xia Yike, my brother is here now." Fang Ze remembered his old brother Fang Cheng came to the Imperial City after receiving his news, and said that he was visiting when he called. The underground base of the Demon Authority.

"It's here," Xia Yik quickly answered.

Taking Rocky and Thor together in the elevator to the underground base of the Demon Management Bureau, the moment the door opened, Fang Ze pointed to the base and told Thor and Rocky, "I feel like our place. "

"Well, it's a good place." Thor stood around the fence of the office area on the first floor of the Demonstration Administration Bureau, and looked around the entire underground base of the Demonstration Administration, then praised it hard. It's a great idea. "

Fang Ze saw that Thor's answer was obviously polite, and was about to ask Loki, but Loki said before Fang Ze asked, "To be honest, except for the little sun in the middle, other places connect us Gade's ordinary houses are not comparable. "

Why not say this kid Rocky is a bear kid.

When not to tell the truth, do not tell the truth.

But if you think about it, although Asgard looks like a medieval country in the movie, not only is there a strong clan guard like Thor, but his own technology is also very developed.

So in addition to some black technology items from Doraemon, Fangze is a base made by standard earth technology. In the eyes of two children, it is really not attractive.

I really want to kill the second generation of Wang.

With the appearance of Rocky and Thor, Fang Ze, who was already quite satisfied that he could crush all the rich second-generation officials and second-generation officials, was hit again.

I haven't worked hard enough to lie down, I still need to continue working hard, otherwise I can't lie down as a salted fish for the rest of my life.

"Where did these two children come from?" Fang Cheng came up from the second floor at this time and saw Rocky and Thor asking.

"We are not children, we are gods." Rocky saw Fang Cheng and proudly declared his identity again.

"Kidney?" Fang Cheng didn't know if he had misunderstood Loki's words, and looked at the brothers, and said, "The two of you are in perfect relationship."

"Ahem." Fang Ze heard Fang Cheng's words, and although he also wanted to laugh, watching the brothers swell into the face of annihilation, he stiffened.

"These two children are not humans," Fang Ze said to Fang Cheng. "They come from a powerful civilization. The guardians of this civilization are called gods. As the guardian's sons, they also call themselves gods."

"That's it." Wang Cheng looked at the two brothers with interest, and then said, "Since you are gods, are you able to fight? Would you like to fight with me?"

"Okay." Thor heard Wang Cheng say this, and looked at Wang Cheng's knotted muscles.

As a teenager with only muscles in his head, it is naturally the happiest to be able to fight with others.

Of course, if it is an adult brother Hammer, it is estimated that Wang Cheng can be beaten down with one hand. But the young Thor's Thor is actually not strong.

After all, Thor was more than a thousand years old when he appeared in the movie, and the childcare needs a long experience before he can become a real god.

"Go, go, let's go to the fourth floor, there is a place for us to let go of our hands and feet." Wang Cheng saw that Thor was also a fight, and immediately took Thor to the fourth floor.

"Huh, two reckless husbands." On the side, Rocky watched the two muscular men excitedly go into a fight ~ ~ couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"You're actually a bit envious of your brother." Fang Ze suddenly stepped forward to Rocky and said.

"How could it be." Rocky denied it on the spot without thinking. "I don't envy people who have only muscle and no brain."

"No, I mean you admire him for being noticed and have friends who can fight at any time." Fang Ze said looking at Rocky Aojiao's face.

Hollywood villains generally have a tragic childhood, and Rocky is no exception.

Although he is nominally the son of Odin, in fact he is not the Asa Protoss that Odin and Thor belong to, but the Frost Giants.

After a war between the Asa Protoss and the Frost Giants, Odin killed the King of the Snow Giants and won the war. Then he found the baby Rocky in the ruins. I do n’t know what the idea would be. Rocky adopted him and grew up with Thor.

And this is the beginning of the Rocky tragedy.

Read The Duke's Passion