MTL - My Inseparable House Guests-Chapter 10 The time to decrypt is here

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After listening to Lu Chen's words, Conan turned his head to look at Fang Ze, and used his eyes to indicate whether he would do it again?

Fang Ze quickly shook his head. This is not the world where Conan's black technology is flying all over the sky and no one manages the bombing of the building. After Conan's foot goes down, it is estimated that the pair of shoes that can strengthen the feet will be taken away by the country for research. how to explain.

However, when the civil aviation police pressed Fang Ze's ID card number, several criminal police-like people came in under the leadership of a civil aviation police officer.

I walked in front of these criminals is a man with a lean body, a Chinese character and a man in his thirties.

"This is the squad of the intensive case team in the bureau," said the leading civil aviation police and other civil aviation police.

When Fang Ze saw this man, he almost jumped unhappyly, "Captain."

The Fang Fang team saw Fang Ze, gave Fang Ze a severe look, and then said slowly, "The people in my team have caused you trouble."

"No trouble, no trouble." The captain of the Civil Aviation Police stood up and said to the side team, "Then this passenger really looks like a murder suspect?"

"I'm not." Lu Chen shouted with a loud voice, "Do you want evidence? If not, I won't bother to investigate you, and let me go!"

"You want evidence," Fang Ze looked at Lu Chen and said, "Then we will give you evidence, from the motive of the killing, the killing method, and the murder weapon to you."

"Then you say." Lu Chen shouted at Fang Ze.

I said, of course I ca n’t tell, although Conan had explained it to him before, but where did he remember clearly. But it doesn't matter, he doesn't remember, Conan remembers.

So the actor Fang Ze went online again, Fang Ze Yi covered his forehead and said, "I have hypoglycemia and heart disease. I just stimulated a bit now, and now my brain is a bit messy, but I told my brother everything that happened before, he can give You say. "

Xi Fangze pushed Conan out. Only in this way can Conan open his mouth, otherwise, as in the anime, let Conan anesthetize who is present and speak with a transfiguration bow. Others are not fools and cannot distinguish the difference between fainting and closing eyes.

But Fang Ze's words aroused suspicion from others present. Hypoglycemia, heart disease, can still join the serious case?

Everyone is looking at Conan, an eight-year-old child. It is estimated that the primary school Chinese texts cannot be memorized. Can they explain a murder?

To be honest, if the squad team is not famous, many people here know it. It is estimated that people who come to the squad will also suspect Fang Ze's fake police accomplice.

"First, let me briefly introduce the suspect and the events." Conan looked at Lu Chen, identified Lu Chen's identity, his relationship with the deceased Wei Qingya, and the black color that Fang Ze found in Wei Qingya's pericardial cavity. The blood is clear.

This kid is awesome. After listening to Conan's story, everyone began to admire this eight-year-old child. After all, at this age, everyone else was just a bear child who only knew to play all day.

And the girl sitting behind, inexplicably drawn in, looked at Conan's eyes more and more brightly, and couldn't help taking out her cell phone, and then took a look at her cell phone case, which was a big one. Conan head.

"If there is black blood in the pericardial cavity, say that I am killing, it is too much!" Lu Chen protested unconvinced.

"Don't worry." Conan subconsciously helped his black-rimmed glasses, but he helped them empty, because Conan's iconic black-rimmed glasses were forcibly removed when Fang Ze went out. At this time, the girl had also taken it from her mobile phone. I pulled out Conan's body, and the photo of Shinichi Kudo started to make a detailed comparison with Conan.

"Next, I will show the most critical evidence." Conan said to Fang Ze, "Brother Fang Ze, bring your phone."

"Okay." Fang Ze first called up the next good ringtone, clicked play, and then handed the phone to Conan.

‘New oranges are always thin skinned! ’

The classic Conan's exclusive voice that revealed the truth sounded so loud that people around him looked embarrassed. I don't know what Fang Ze was doing, but Conan seemed to be blocked for a while and didn't hear the sound. He took the phone, Bring up a photo.

This is a photo of a heart specimen.

Conan said to Landing Chen with a mobile phone. "If the black blood in the pericardial cavity does not explain the problem, then this heart specimen can explain everything."

"Isn't that just a normal heart specimen." Lu Chen chuckled.

"No, it can only be said that this is a heart specimen that is similar to a normal heart specimen, which is 99%, and that one percent difference is that there is a pinhole-sized hole in this heart."

Conan handed the phone to all the police for inspection, and Lu Chen was a little flustered at this time, but he still calmly said, "A hole can explain what the problem may be caused by accident when making the specimen later."

"A hole can already show that you are a murderer." Conan looked at Lu Chen and asked, "On the day of Wei Qingya's death ~ ~ Where are you?"

"That day was the birthday of my college roommate. We met at KTV. When I got home, I found my wife had a heart attack, so I rushed him to the hospital, but it was late." Answered, as if rehearsing.

"Yes, you did go to your roommate's birthday that day, but you must have returned home halfway." Conan did not give Lu Chen a chance to argue, and continued, "I asked the security of your community, he said The surveillance video in your community is cleaned up once every ten days, so the video you go back that day must still be there. "

Sure enough, Lu Chen heard Conan say this, and she dared not refute, but explained, "That's because at the beginning of the party, I found that I forgot to give my roommate a gift, so I went back to get the gift. Now. "

"No, you are not going back to collect gifts, you are killing people." Conan pointed to Landing Morning and said, "That pinhole is what you left after killing!"

"Nonsense, where in the world is there a murder weapon that can only leave a pinhole." Lu Chen shouted loudly, eight degrees higher.

当然 "Of course!" Conan said, "The only thing that can leave pinholes is of course needles!"

"The length of the needle cannot be inserted into the heart."

普通 "Ordinary acupuncture is certainly not possible, but I checked your information and found that you were a candidate for TCM acupuncture when you were in college. Some silver needles in TCM acupuncture can be inserted into the heart."

"If I kill someone with a silver needle for acupuncture, how could the hospital make a judgment about my MI?" Lu Chen growled and argued.

In the face of Lu Chen, who was getting more and more angry, Conan calmed him down and spoke slowly, as if the judge was giving a final sentence to a criminal.

Read The Duke's Passion