MTL - My Girlfriend is a Zombie-Chapter 1344 First batch of feed

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Mental interference!

Ling Mo recognized it the first time. He was not surprised by the evolutionary power of the Spider Queen. As early as the last time they played, there was such a type in the zombies that the Queen of Spiders had. Now think about it, she can have such ability now, maybe it was caused by the cultivation of those zombies.

It was only at that time that Ling Mo did not expect that the Spider Queen had begun to master the biological knowledge she had learned during her life. She did not expect that she would “learn to use it” and apply that knowledge to her own evolutionary growth.

Now after many experiments and cultivation, the Spider Queen has already integrated all the results into her own body, thus raising her strength to an unprecedentedly powerful level. And the last result she left is the No. 0 seed, which is Lingmo himself. It’s just that this “outcome” has a long training period and it’s hard to harvest.

Thinking of this, Ling Mo’s mood was a bit complicated. Originally in the female zombies of Shana, he can always feel that the zombies want to eat his feelings. But when I saw a zombie in order to eat him so big, I still feel quite different.

It seems that this can also be regarded as "special treatment", but why can't you be happy?

The Spider Queen summoned so many zombies, and Lingmo gathered most of the survivors. Although the two sides have not yet had a real collision, they are actively preparing for...


The scream of the Spider Queen continued for a while, and the abilities of the abilities were completely recovered by the singers of Lucy and others. The spiritual abilities of the abilities were immediately shot, blocking the spiritual level. The attack allowed the ordinary soldiers to get rid of the impact. Although some people feel inexplicable, they all know that this is the last line of defense. Only by holding it can you live. Although some others are waiting in the depths of the camp, if the protective wall falls, then death is just a matter of morning and evening...

Plus, Tom and others continue to encourage two sentences. The soldiers quickly stabilized their minds and even showed a more determined look. Dedicated to the still empty wall, just waiting for the moment of change. The rumbling sounds from the previous, as well as the vibration of the ground, and the sound of the screams, all show that... there is a big thing to happen.

However, when the call of the Spider Queen stopped, what happened was beyond the expectation of silence...

The average zombie is more susceptible to the spiritual level than ordinary humans. Just as Lingmo can control zombies, but can't control humans, it can only be affected.

Survivors in the miracle base are still illusory by the sound of the call, seeing the virtual image of the spider queen, these zombies are naturally even worse.

Ling Mo’s consciousness was connected to several of the zombies, and he felt the same.

Under the influence of the cry, his corpse suddenly raised a strong sense of tyranny, which almost made him difficult to control.

He suddenly thought of the time when he was influenced by the No. 0 seed... and that was what he felt at the moment.


Ling Mo’s mind just came up with this thought, and the two nearby zombies suddenly rushed together and frantically ripped.

follow closely. Killing is like a plague, and it quickly erupts in the corpse.

Lingmo’s head corpse itself has already hid to the wall, and it’s quick to see it. Although a few zombies rushed toward him after killing his eyes, he had already solved the two nearest two quickly and climbed up the stairs along the drain.

Those zombies looked up and followed, but they were slammed by the slap. After the zombies landed, they could have climbed the wall directly, but not far away, there were other zombies who opened the same kind of hindbrain around them and then stared at them.


The whole square was suddenly insane, the snoring of the zombies, and the constant **** suffocation...

Ling Mo controlled the corpse to hide in the upper floor and secretly looked through the gap in the window to look at the situation below. The heart feels shocked.

Although the zombies are killing each other every day, they are constantly evolving. These humanoid killing machines, which were originally based on instinct, gradually developed a habit similar to "rules."

For example, a group of zombies will gather under the rule of a head corpse. For example, this group of zombies will rarely kill each other internally.

Another example is that high-level zombies rarely start with a large number of low-level zombies. The old, weak, and sick in the zombie group will be undoubtedly digested...

This is like a group of social beasts. Under the fierce competition between each other, they have the instinct to maintain the development of the population.

As far as human survivors are concerned, these "rules" of zombies are simpler, more rude and more efficient. The birth of the city is the culmination of this "rule".

So from this point of view, Lingmo always thought that what he had to obstruct was the evolution of all zombies in X City.

But now it seems that what the Spider Queen did is not quite right!

Why does she take the initiative to violate the "rules" of zombies? Isn't her goal to be the head of the city?

Ling Mo suddenly felt that he could not understand, and in the s square, the killing is getting worse.

These zombies were initially affected by mental disturbances, but when the killings broke out, they were triggered by instinct.

At the same time, the Spider Empress, who caused all of this, seemed to be completely unconcerned about the situation around him, looking down at the ground that was accelerating collapse at her feet.

Seeing her, Ling Moe controlled the corpse to a more suitable place to watch, and looked at the inside of the subway station as carefully as she did.

At this point, even the foot of the Spider Queen's foot was collapsed, but her blood-red silky tentacle was as flexible as her limbs, and she had long held her high in the air. In the strong **** smell, those who appear on the ground also seem to be affected, and the frequency of beating becomes higher.

Suddenly, one of them slammed a "snap" and broke a gap.

What appeared in the 是 was a young girl who was not squatting. She curled up her body and folded her legs like a newborn baby.

However, when she opened her eyes abruptly, Ling Mo suddenly felt a chill.

This is the prototype of the parasites of the Spider Queen...

And it is conceivable that these parasites are absolutely not ordinary!

After the girl blinked, she slowly stood up from the shackles.

Then she rubbed her head a little stiffly and seemed to be familiar with her body and the surroundings.

At the same time, more and more cockroaches began to "incubate."

Ling Mo’s heart suddenly burst into a terrible idea.

These tens of thousands of zombies, is the feed prepared by the Spider Queen for her own parasites? !

"How come those alien zombies still can't come?" He violently produced a long-lost feeling of anxiety. (To be continued)


Read Return of the Mount Hua Sect