MTL - My Fury Will Burn The Heavens-v19 Chapter 67 Dong Yuan

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A group of people in the Tianliang Mountain came flying wildly. The few people in the front were so strong that they could feel the powerful blood like a wild beast all the time. The sound of breaking air sounded one after another, and at least one hundred people looked at a glance. .

Li Huai saw this group of people's instinctive joy, but saw that there was no honorable envoy in this group, and he was slightly disappointed. Fortunately, among the crowd, he saw that the arbitration talents were somewhat at ease. The arbitration adults ranked sixth among the 36 celestial geniuses, and their strength was generally recognized as being under the top five envoys.

"Where's that rebel?"

When Song Yu was far away, he drank angrily. Seeing that Li Huai and others were standing here waiting for them to come, he said angrily: "Why are you standing here, why not go and kill Jiang Yi?"

There was a bitter bitterness in the corner of Lihuai's mouth, and Gongshou said, "Masters, it's not that Limou doesn't want to hunt, but ... doesn't dare to hunt."

The prisoner and the arbitrator looked at each other with a dignity in their eyes. The arbitrator raised a thin brow and asked in a deep voice: "What happened?"

"Master Qinghe is dead." Li Huai sighed slightly: "We saw with his own eyes that Jiang Yi was shot dead. We are not Jiang Yi's opponents and can only wait for reinforcements."


A group of people looked horrified. The prison twitched the dead face of the adult. If this was not what Lihuai said, he estimated that he would slap him in the face and let him wake up.

"Sure enough potential ..."

He remembered the words of His Excellency, and he felt a little remorse. He had known that he would put Jiang Yiguan alone on a mountain, or assemble Qingye and others. It is not enough to let things go to such a point that Beidian lost a talent for nothing.

To this day, it ’s useless to say anything. After the trial, Jiang Yi is destined to die. At this moment, Jiang Yi and the members of the law enforcement team are beheaded, and no one can save Jiang Yi.

It is estimated that the Lord of the North Hall will speak in person, and the other two Hall Lords will also have opinions. This is too much trouble. Qinghe is the twelfth ranked immortal. The whole immortal realm is turbulent at this moment ...


The arbitrator sighed with a somber sigh. He once explored Jiang Yi. Although he was a little weird and his soul could not be explored, it was an indestructible fact that he did not gather fairy cores and fairy bodies. He didn't believe Jiang Yi could turn the sky?

Fairy Mirror has always locked Jiang Yi, at this moment Jiang Yi flew towards the east, and will soon arrive in Dongyuan!


The master of arbitration glanced at the fairy mirror in Huai's hands and sneered. Dongyuan was the end of the east of Xianyu. Even the envoy did not dare to go deep. Jiang Yi went there to find his own way of death, and there was no way to escape.

of course……

The immortal realm is so large that there is no place to hide. There is nowhere for a fairy spirit to look at anyone. Where can you escape?

The arbitrator flew with a group of people, and the prison made both the adult and Song Yu silent, but Song Yu slowed down a little bit and was half a step behind the arbitrator and the prison ambassador. He was obviously a little daunted, afraid of being caught after Jiang Yi was met, and Qinghe was killed, and his strength was much weaker than Qinghe.

The speed of the crowd was very fast, just the two Huoxiang flew out of the Tianliang Mountain, there was a wasteland ahead, and then flying a few million miles to the east was Dongyuan.

Jiang Yi within the fairy mirror has arrived near Dongyuan. He stopped to explore Dongyuan carefully, and seemed to be trying to get over it?

Seeing this scene, the sarcasm of the arbitrator's mouth became stronger, and the lord did not dare to enter Dongyuan. Jiang Yi was still thinking about trying to go in?



At the end of the eastern part of Xianyu, there is a galaxy like a galaxy. There is no end to the left and right, and no end to the front.

Unlike the Milky Way, the sky is dark, bottomless, purple thunder and lightning dangle above the sky, and there is a trace of strange energy rioting in it. The inside feels extremely horrible and must not enter.

"There is a lot of **** power in it, and it is very chaotic and violent? The power of the heavens and the earth in it is extremely strong and violent."

Jiang Yi sensed something secretly, and most people here couldn't sense it, they just felt terrified. It is estimated that Tianxian didn't dare to enter. He could find the reason for the danger inside, because the master's power inside was very turbulent and violent, and the average immortal would certainly be crushed into fragments when he entered.

Jiang Yi naturally did not dare to go in.

He had a headache looking at Dongyuan. Originally, he thought that Dongyuan was the end of the mainland. It should be regarded as a dangerous place, and he could find a way to lurk in. Now I find that it is indeed dangerous, but I'm afraid he may go back or go there ...

"咻 ~~"

Just when his egg hurt, there was a cracking sound in the distance. Jiang Yi looked back and found that there were nearly a hundred black spots at the end of the sky to the west.

"A group of celestial beings have not come yet?"

Jiang Yi touched his nose, and the group of Xianyu really looked down on him. Qinghe was killed by him, and he actually sent a group of gods and heavens to die?

He simply couldn't leave, the fairy mirror could lock his position easily, where could he escape? A group of people came to slay him and angered him.


Soon the black spot was enlarged, Jiang Yi had already released the endless power of the world, and easily found the identity of the person who came. He found that the adult arbitration made the adult slightly miserable, and saw Song Yu and Li Huai's body suddenly murderous.

"Fairy Mirror!"

Li Huai was holding the Immortal Mirror in his hand at the moment. Jiang Yi did not know that the Immortal Mirror was in the hands of Li Huai. He had some regrets in his heart.

However, it is not too late.

"call out--"

Nearly a hundred people spread out in a fan shape and surrounded Jiang Yi. The arbitration master immediately took the lead. The prisoner and Song Yulihuai followed him. The crowd was very fast, and they flew to Jiang Yi in a few blinks.

Jiang Yi didn't look at the others, locked his eyes on the prince, and made eye contact. Jiang Yi can't send a message. He can only communicate in this way. He conveys the meaning of the past-let the prisoner stop the adults from shooting, just watch the battle.

The prisoner did not intend to take any action at all. The arbitration lord was as murderous as the rainbow and made it clear that if the arbitration lord did not die, Jiang Yi did not make any sense.

"Jiang Yi!"

The arbitration master saw that Jiang Yi didn't look at him and screamed angrily: "You are so bold, you will be sentenced to death in Santang. How dare you run away? How dare you kill the members of the law enforcement team and kill Qinghe again? No rebellion, no sin! "


Jiang Yi laughed and shook his head and mocked and said, "Sin cannot be forgiven? When did you forgive me? Old dog, did you think of me when you received Qinghe's gift? The situation today is entirely due to your decision and Song Yu. So don't put any shit, fight if you want, don't say so much nonsense, it's disgusting. "

"OK ~ ~ OK!"

The arbitration arrogant was so popular that the white beard flew up, and he screamed, "All of them, let's blast this inverse thief under Dongyuan and kill him."

The arbitrator is not stupid. Although he is confident that he can kill Jiang Yi, he will not take risks. The prisoner made it clear that he did not want to take action, and wanted him to get ahead. He wasn't so stupid, he had to do it together, dragging it all into the water.

The arbitrator spoke up, and no one dared to disobey them. They all killed Jiang Yi together with the order of His Excellency Longyang. No one can afford to blame Long Yangzun at this moment, and no one can afford it.

"嗤嗤 ~~"

Nearly a hundred people attacked each other, and the prison made the adult helplessly take out a judge pen, and turned it into a smashing stick against Jiang Yi.


PS: Four chapters arrive, and it is expected that the edition will be completed within five days. The WeChat public account will have a major event, a sweepstakes, a first-class autograph book, and a red envelope, etc. under.

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