MTL - My Fury Will Burn The Heavens-v19 Chapter 52 Things are up

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The immortal realm is very large. In addition to the heavenly court in the middle, there are hundreds of thousands of cave heavens and dwellings of hundreds of thousands of immortals. Even more powerful Tianxian Panyi party, open altar to teach, free and easy.

Recently, a rumor spread from the fairy magic mountain side, but it spread to the whole fairyland in just a few days. The fairyland was very rare and lively.

There are very few major events in Xianyu. After all, Tianxian and Xianxian have a long life. Most of them will not cause trouble as long as no one provokes them. They lived in peace and quiet, either meditating in the path, walking in all directions, or preaching, or maintaining their lives.

There are three heavenly deities in Xianyu. These three heavenly gods dominate the whole Xianyu and Wanjie, and the upper gods who dare to challenge Tianzun are all one, that is, the death of the gods, which has always been the case, without exception.

The three heavenly gods have established many rules. These rules are heavenly rules. Violation of the heavens rules is the provocation, excessive provocation of the three heavenly deities, and the ending is still a death.

So Xianyu was very calm, and no major incident happened for a long time. Now a big event has happened, and those immortals and immortals are naturally concerned, after all, the long years are too boring ...

The cause of the incident came from a mortal in Hongmeng World. This mortal was famous in Xianyu some time ago, and it is even more famous now.

A mortal killed one Shangxian while in the Nether, and also caused two Shangxian to be suppressed in the Nether. It is even more exaggerated that ... the adult was pulled off the horse by the punishment, which was the seventh-ranked Tianxian.

This mortal was sentenced to serve a million years in Xianmo Mountain. At that time, a lot of Shangxian had opinions. After all, he committed such a big thing and killed and killed Shangxian without being executed? But that was punished by the **** bit personally. No one dared to have an opinion. This is the second elder envoy.

Now this mortal is in trouble again. When he went to Xianmo Mountain, he started to work with Qingye's son. It was not counted to kill Qingye's son. This time, he also made Qingye's son a waste. And it seems that he intends to kill Qingying's son and Qingying's daughter alive, and go to talk!

This is not so important, he also let people spread the word-if Qing Qing dare to move the Hongmeng world alone, after he came out of Xian Mo Shan, he would destroy Qing Qian.

There are two Celestial Immortals in the family, seven or eight Celestial Immortals, and one Celestial Celestial ranks twelve. They have followed the envoy of Longyang for hundreds of thousands of years, and Qiang can be regarded as half of the descendants of Longyang.

By calculation ... Is Jiang Yi going to kill the envoy of Longyang?

Longyang Zunshi ranked third, and the East Hall also has a Zunshi, ranked first, and has a very good relationship with Longyang Zunshi. Was Jiang Yi going to kill the top emissary? Otherwise, let's do the Lord of the East Hall together, and be our own god?

Jiang Yi doesn't know if he has this ability, but he is really brave. Expressing his intention to work with two heavenly gods, plus a punishment for his lord, Jiang Yi is equal to three heavenly gods.

When did mortals in the Nether become so fierce? Do they have to confuse these gods?

of course!

More Shangxian and Tianxian have the mentality of watching a movie. Some Tianxian are still very excited. The punishment offends many adults. Relying on their relationship with Longyang Tianzun, the two Qingying brothers have always been overbearing, offending some Tianxian.

There is one more thing. This incident was transmitted by Xianghua Shangxian. Xianghua Shangxian also said that Jiang Yi had agreed to join the North Hall. s concern.

The three celestial beings have equal strengths and get along very well. They have never heard of three celestial beings turning their faces or being hostile.

However, it does not mean that the relationship between the three halls is also harmonious. The relationship between the north hall and the east hall has always been bad. The people in the west hall have not been guilty of maintaining neutrality.

The East Hall has two envoys, one ranked first and the other ranked third. They fully pressed the North Hall, which made the Heavenly Immortals of the North Hall unable to lift their heads.

Now there is a Jiang Yi and he slaps the Tiandian of the East Temple severely, which makes the Tianxian of the North Temple very angry. Although they would not fight against Jiang Yiming for the East Palace, they would be very happy to help Jiang Yi without breaking the rules of the sky.

For example ... send someone to Hongmeng World to watch!

The rules are strict, and Shangxian must not kill the people of the underworld for no reason. This is an iron law. The torture prince or the young prince dared to send someone to the underworld and kill the Hongmeng world alone. After the celestial beings had the evidence, they would immediately report to the eunuch. At that time, the queen priests would not be able to protect the position of the celestial elders.

This is Jiang Yi's cleverness. Jiang Yi seems to be reckless and arrogant. In fact, it is meaningful to let Xianghua talk to the immortals.

He put the matter in the clear and made it big. Although it would completely offend the Qingren brothers and torture masters, at least they didn't dare to move the Hongmeng world, they would only try to kill him.

Fairy Mountain has the rules of Fairy Mountain, which is well known to everyone in Xianyu. The punishment made adults and Qingyu want to take action instead of holding hands. With so many eyes staring, why did the two quietly send someone in? It is impossible to come in and kill Jiang Yi in person.

So ... Jiang Yi was safe in a short time. However, he will certainly be miserable when he goes out of Xianmao Mountain. The brothers Qing and the punishment will make every effort to kill him.

What Jiang Yi wants is time!

The punishment did not resolve the grievances of the grown-ups. He had two young brothers, he didn't care. He didn't kill Qing Jun, he and Meng Jun died, and he had no choice.

After the tenth day passed, Qinglin had reached the time when she needed to turn in Xianshi. Jiang Yi asked Meng Yue to throw Qinglin out in advance. Xianghua Shangxian was very face-saving and came to ask for Xianshi in person.

Qinglin has been scrapped. Where can I get Xianshi? She could only beg for Xianghua to give grace to the immortal for some time, and Xianghua gave immortality very much, and gave ten days again.


As soon as Xianghua went to the immortal, Jiang Yi sent someone to take Qinglin back and continue to lock up.

Qing Lin panicked ~ ~ said that she would meet Jiang Yi and talk about it, but ... Jiang Yi ironed her heart to kill their sister and brother, and ignored them.

Ten days later, Qing Lin was thrown out again. Xiangyun Shangxian had no mercy this time, and directly killed Qing Lin with a rank force whip, and she was destroyed.

"Ah, ah, ah ~ Liner, Liner!"

In a fairy house to the east of Xianyu, there was a groaning shout. A middle-aged man wearing a blue robe was screaming in the sky. His voice shook slightly over the space of a million miles. Some nearby gods After hearing that, his face changed greatly.

"Jiang Yi, this seat will kill you, this seat will destroy your family, this seat will destroy your family!"

The middle-aged man yelled again, the murderous rushed straight to Jiuxiao, and the nearby Shangxian trembled, feeling a chill.

The news spread quickly throughout the immortal realm, and many of the immortals looked stunned. The matter was so big that it was out of control. Jiang Yi was too hard. He really dared to kill Qing Lin.

During the opening of Tianzun Cliff, the five envoys and the prison prince are not present. The three enlightened envoys have not appeared for many years. It seems that Xianmoshan is about to change.