MTL - My Fury Will Burn The Heavens-v19 Chapter 3 System 1 Hongmeng World

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After going out five times in a row, Jiang Yi returned home safely and had a lot of gains. All the remaining feudal kings of the Seven Realms were killed by Jiang Yi, and a lot of pseudo-princes were killed, even if there were one or two fish that missed the net.

Jiang Yi attacked five times in a row, this was to sacrifice his life, even if he was punished by an adult to kill him.

Xia Yu is dead. Even if these feudal kings of Pluto are killed, even if he died, Tianfeng Emperor Wei Tianwang and others can also lead the human race to sweep the Hades and stabilize the world of Hongmeng.

Determined that there was no Emperor Pluto, Jiang Yi was ready to take the next step. He found Meng Yue and put forward his own views.

He estimated that the prisoner was monitoring him at all times to avoid being intercepted so that the adult could eavesdrop on information. He and Meng Yue communicated with each other by voice.

"Brother Meng, I am going to send some of the strong human tribe demons out and let them organize the human tribe army to completely destroy the Hades. What I want to know is ... Will the punishment make the adults embarrass them?"

Jiang Yi was a little uncertain, so he asked Meng Xun, who was silent for a while and preached: "According to common sense, adults will not be embarrassed by your masters. They will probe their souls at most and learn from them. The messenger of the upper world must not kill the mortal people of the lower world for no reason. This is an iron law. Punishment makes the adult in charge of the criminal law, and it is impossible to know the law and break the law.

Jiang Yi nodded, he thought the same way, and asked Meng Yue to make sure. Meng Yue guessed Jiang Yi's thoughts, and he said with some concern: "Jiang Yi, if you release your men, you will immediately become the target of the prisoner's surveillance. If you get the information here from their soul, follow it here. Come, we are all done. "

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Yi smiled slightly, and said with a very certain voice: "Relax, since the adult has taken the Fairy Mirror and hasn't found this world now, he can't find us in a lifetime. This is not in Hongmeng World or Hongmeng World at all. There is no connection. I will not open the channel. I can never enter our place from the Hongmeng world. The people I let out have no knowledge of this world. I did n’t tell them anything. "


? 狞 relieved, nodded and said: "That way, you should deal with the Hongmeng world as soon as possible, and then find a way to open the gate of Xianyu as soon as possible. 唉 ... You and the punishment ambassador have gone to Xianyu. There are a lot of troubles. If the host despises you and does not come forward to protect you, you may not have a good time in Xianyu. "

"It doesn't matter!"

Jiang Yi shrugged his shoulders, and went back to Xianyu if he had a hard time, then returned to his world. He was still comfortable in Jiangjie.

After confirming the matter, Jiang Yi's body teleported to the inner hall and summoned the Emperor Tianfeng and others. Two soul species appeared in his mind and shot directly into the mind of Emperor Nicholas Nicholas, the emperor Tianfeng. The two brothers immediately knelt down and feared, "Master, what are you?"

The two have always been Jiang Yi's soul slaves and beasts, and they have been used to it all these years. Jiang Yi suddenly returned the soul to the two. This frightened them and thought that they had done something wrong.

"Get up, get up!"

Jiang Yi smiled and looked at the two and said, "I had a five-year agreement with you before, and I should have given you back the soul seed. You have been with me for many years. Although you are the master and servant, I have long regarded you as friends Loved ones, you can understand my heart. "

The Emperor Tian Feng, the great Emperor Ni, nodded quickly, and Jiang Yi did not treat the two as slaves. Moreover, Jiang Yi was once moved to rescue the Emperor Tianfeng in Xiuluo Mountain, which moved him very much.

Seeing what else the two would say, Jiang Yi waved his hand to suppress the two, and turned his eyes to the dozens of people in the hall. These were human demon, the most powerful human demon.

Xia Yu is dead, but unfortunately the demons in the soul of Emperor Qing Lingshi and Emperor Yin are still there, otherwise there will be more powerful people gathered today.

Jiang Yi didn't dare to go out anymore. He could only count on this group of people. With a heavy face on his face, he said, "You are called to assign you a mission. This mission may let you die and let your spirits fly away. Are you willing? "


Without any hesitation, all of them drank and drank, Jiang Yi led them to destroy the Emperor, and invaded the underworld, allowing them to keep their name in Qingshi and to protect the demon tribe. The crowd was already satisfied, and even if they were to die now, they could stare.

"it is good!"

Jiang Yi stood up and said, "There are big people in Xianyu outside, who are chasing and killing me. So I can't go out. I am going to die here for a lifetime, but the Hades outside has not been completely wiped out. I need you to go out and lead the people. The demon army completely leveled the Hades, killing all Hades lives, leaving no one behind to protect our people outside the settlement. "

"After you go out, the immortals of Xianyu may trouble you, may search for souls, and may use various methods. But ... Xianyu has the law of Xianyu, he dare not kill any of you. After you go out They each organized an army to kill the Hades, and then unified the entire Hongmeng world. Don't worry about the people in Xianyu. They don't dare to kill you. You can just perfunctory. "

"The Hades are all beheaded and killed. After the unification of the world, Feng Si, I will give you the demons of Tian Qi Realm and Heaven Demon Realm. The rest of the interface belongs to the human race. Do you have any objections?"

"Wing Tian, ​​when I'm not outside, you are in charge of all the affairs of the human race. The strong people of all races listen to your orders, and you decide everything outside."

Jiang Yi issued several orders and said a lot of things. Of course, the Emperor Tianfeng and the Emperor Ni had no objection. The original demons only occupied the heavenly realm, and now they can get two interfaces, but the large interface is naturally content. There is no objection on the human race side, the demon people made great contributions this time, and Jiang Yi agrees to give it, who dares to say anything?

Everything is ready!

Jiang Yi began to mobilize the army, and mobilized a total of 30 million, and the strong people of the demon tribe came out of the nest. But instead of just flying out of the passage, he entered the heavenly court.

If it takes a long time to fly out of the channel like this, what if an adult was sentenced to find the channel and enter his world instantly? Tianting Jiang Yi released his spiritual connection and temporarily used it for Wei Tianwang, who then flew out of the passage with the dzi bead alone.

After half a day, the army had arranged everything, and Jiang Yi decisively connected a passage. This channel is connected to the small world of Vientiane, so it will be much safer.

"call out!"

King Wei Tian flew out with the dzi, and Jiang Yi closed the passage instantly.

The passage was closed, Jiang Yi World and Hong Meng World completely lost contact, Jiang Yi could not detect the situation outside, Meng Yue could not, everything could only be relied on Emperor Wei Tianwang Tianfeng.


Jiang Yi took Ke Nongying and Meng Yue and the rest to fly towards a chaos. He didn't dare to instantly remove these people to the Jiang realm. The torture made it possible for the adult to lock him through the fairy mirror at all times, and he immediately transferred people. Many problems will be exposed ~ ~ There is a chaos in the northwest of Jiang Yi World. Jiang Yi poured in the heaven and earth aura that was born in the world very early. At this moment, this chaos has grown to a small secret. Jiang Yi was going to take Ke Nongying Meng Yue and the rest of the army into the secret place, settle down first, and then slowly figure it out.

"I hope Feng Tianwei Wei Tian will go well with them!" Jiang Yi did not dare to go out, and the situation outside was so dark that he could only secretly pray inside.


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Read The Duke's Passion