MTL - My Father in Law is Lu Bu-v2 Chapter 948 Suspicious

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"What, you said, did you suspect that Wu was caught that week?" Cao Yu leaped from the seat and questioned the following men.

"Back, back to the second son, the unsuspecting that did catch the Wu Master, and put him into jail!"

"There is no reason for this!" Cao Yu was angry. "He didn't doubt his courage, he dared to catch me!"

"I didn't doubt that the quality of the greed of Wu, the greed of the army, even if it was the second son of yours, he was still correct. He also said that he would send Wu Wuren to the lower house of Wei Wang and let Wei Wang His Royal Highness!"

"Touch!" Cao Yu slaps and slaps like a few cases, enough to see how angry he is.

"How did he catch Wu? You asked me as much as you can!" There was a purple man on the side of Cao Yu asking this man.

"Yes!" This man slowly said the passage of the matter. It turned out that this week was not directed at Wu, but went to Nandun, Xiangcheng County, three cities, and then The quality of Wu, who was looking for it, was also Wu’s own death, and she opened a banquet and even sang on the banquet.

This week, I did not doubt that the quality of Wu was cleaned up.

"Second son, this week is not suspected to come to Wu, but to you!" Sun Quan smiled and said to Cao Yu.

"Nandun, Xiangcheng, Qiongjun!" Every time a city is said, Cao Yu’s face is gloomy, because the grain and grass of these cities can be moved by Cao Yu.

As for where to go, it’s really not Cao’s greed, but to Liaodong where to go.

Because Cao Yu had to use a lot of money in order to buy people's hearts, Cao Yu's sorrow and sorrow was not enough. Even if some filial piety was not enough, Cao Yu put the idea on the grain of the army. It was called a dismantled east wall. Make up the Western Wall.

This batch of grain herbs from Nandun, Xiangcheng and Shujun should be allocated to the grass of Cao Cao's army. After a few days of delay, Cao Yu planned to get some grain from some scholars to fill the gap.

I never thought that it was unexpectedly discovered by the week.

"Damn!" Cao Yu’s angry foot slammed into the coffee table. "Come to me to control Wu’s family. Find someone to tell Wu, if he is dead, he can still live the whole family. If he is still alive, then Don't blame this son!"

Cao Yu is going to give up Wu. Abandoning the handsome car.

"Two sons, too late!" Sima Yi also opened up. "Two sons, this is the letter from the Lord! Please ask the second son!"

Sima Yi submitted to Cao Yu a letter.

Cao Yu opened up, and it was written by my son Cao Yu, who was Cao Cao’s handwriting, saying that Cao Cao had already had grain. Let Cheng Hao come to help Cao Chong to complete the supply of grain.

'what! "Cao Yu was in a panic, and Cao Cao actually sent Cheng Hao."

"When is this letter sent?" Cao Yu asked anxiously.

"Three days ago!"

"It's over!" Cao Yu collapsed on the ground. If it was sent three days ago, it means that Cheng Hao is going to Weinan. In this way, I am afraid that Cao Yu can't cover anything.

Cao Cao could not kill Cao Yu, but it was certain to give up Cao Yu.

"No, no!" Cao Yu was not willing. He was an ambitious person. How could he be willing to give up his position?

Cao Ang was in the past. He is better than that. Is it even more than a Cao Chong?

"Two sons, there is no way!" Sun Quan suddenly spoke up.

"What way, say, say!" Cao Yu was like a Luoshui person who grabbed the last straw and shouted loudly.

"No, if you use this meter, you can't go back to the second son!" Sima Yi stopped Sun Quandao over there.

Sun Quan rushed to Sima Yi with his eyes and warned Sima Yi.

"Can't you get back? Can you go back now?" Sun Quan said coldly. "Two sons, you and I are all born, I have a brother. You also have a brother, if our brother does not have So how good it is! But you are more fortunate than me, your brother is dead, the position above this temple should be yours. Why, to give the boy who has been born for more than ten years! Brother can’t fight, Do you still have to lose to your younger brother!" Sun Quan seduce Cao Yu one by one.

"The position is me, it's mine, no one can take it!" Cao Yu's eyes are also shining.

Cao Yu and Sun Quan are general. If they have no rights, he can die.

"Hey!" Sima Yi sighed. He knew that he couldn't stop Cao, or he couldn't stop Sun Quan.


In the south of Yuzhou.

"Okay, okay, that Cao Yu really dared to deduct our food. I have already seen it. Nandun, Xiangcheng, and Yijun have no grain and grass. The granary is too empty to run the mouse!" Zhou did not doubt that he came to the Cao Chong in the southern part of the house to complain.

“Nandun, Xiangcheng, and Jiujun have no grain and grass?” Cao Chong originally wrote calligraphy on the side, but he heard the words of Zhou’s doubts and stopped the pen.

"Hey, there are still fakes!" Zhou did not doubt how he got to the three places, and how to secretly inquire, coupled with coercion and lure, this completely opened the granary of Nandun, Xiangcheng, and Shijun County. The inside is more than the grain, and the mice are starving to death.

"No, no!" These three places were originally the place where Cao Jun was stationed in the army, in order to guard against the soldiers and horses of Yangzhou. It can be said that there is no food in other places, but this place will not.

"I don't doubt you can find out where the grain is going?" Cao Chong's face was dignified and asked.

"I have already discovered that this batch of grain is said to have been sent to the north!" Zhou did not doubt.

"North?" Cao Chong frowned, and the north should have been a grain-producing land. Recently, there has been no such thing as a disaster, how to transfer the past.

"Is it?!" Cao Chong thought of a place. "Is this batch of grain transferred to the book?"

Only this explanation, these grains were sent to Liaodong, but the grain of Liaodong was not long ago passed by his father.

"The second brother, he moved the grain of Liaodong?" Cao Chong is sure to come over, Cao Yu this is the dismantling of the East Wall to fill the Western Wall.

"Two brothers, two brothers!" Cao Chong smiled,

"Cang Shu, Cheng Hao adults obey the orders of Wei Wang will come to Weinan!" Zhou said undoubtedly to Cao Chong.

"Mr. Cheng Hao is coming?" Cao Chong asked.

"Yeah, as long as I waited to inform Mr. Cheng Hao about this matter, I would like to see how Cao Yu concealed it!" Zhou did not doubt very proudly said.

"No doubt, this is really good!?" Cao Chong is hesitating. After all, this kind of complaint is not a good thing.

"Cang Shu, are you afraid? You forgot the ring lady?" Zhou said undoubtedly to Cao Chong.

"Mother?!" Cao Chong's eyes appeared like a kind mother. The appearance of Mrs. Ring appeared in front of Cao Chong's eyes. The ring lady was Cao Cao's little sister. It’s said that Xiao Yan’s eyes are high, and she is a child born under the waywardness of Cao Cao.

If the ring lady gave birth to Cao Chong and had a son, I am afraid that it would be rewarded with Cao Cao by those dancers.

Even if Cao Chong was born, it would be a step by step who would make him the lowest position.

Later, Cao Chong met with no doubt about the children of the two IQ groups. It was thoroughly entered into the eyes of Cao Cao. Cao Cao looked at the young Cao Chong and was able to let the chicken dance. He gradually became fond of Cao Chong, and Cao Chong grew more and more like a person, that is the eldest son of Cao Cao. Cao Ang.

Cao Cao put all the blasphemy on Cao An on Cao Chong, so that the mother relied on her son, and the lady of the ring really had the name of her wife.

"Do you still want to let Madame Huan go back to that cold place? I think he will continue to be his next person, or even a person can not be a singer?" Zhou continued to say.

"No, how can the second brother do this?"

"Cang Shu, you still don't understand? If Cao Yu is in place. Other people can live, but you can't live!" Zhou said with a sigh of relief.

Cao Chong is too clever. None of Cao Cao’s sons is comparable to Cao Chong’s cleverness. None of the many sons is comparable to Cao Chong’s people.

So, do you say that Cao Yong dares to let Cao Chong live?

"Oh, born in the emperor's family, love for the prosperous, a little machine, brothers why!" Cao Chong said this sentence.

"I don't doubt, Mr. Cheng Hao's coming. I will hand it over to you!" Cao Chong said to the week. ,

"Well?" Zhou did not doubt that it was a glimpse first, and then he understood it. Cao Chong was Cao Yu’s younger brother. Not suitable for this debunking person, since this will let him do not doubt this bad guy, Cao Yu? Oh, I can only complain that you are not in time.

"I am tired!" Cao Chong waved his hand and said to the week.

I don’t know if I don’t bother to Cao Chong, and nodded.

Zhou did not doubt just left Cao Chong's house, some people quickly rushed to Cao Chong's Fuzhong "eight hundred miles of expedited. Fast! I am looking for a young son!"

"Who are you? Do you know that Shaogong has already slept?" The guards in Cao Chong's house screamed.

"I am a person at the Wei Wangfu, I have something to see the younger son!"

"Wu Wang is attached to the people?" Cao Chong's men did not dare to neglect, and immediately greeted the person into the "slightly waiting for the young son to come soon!"

Cao Chong was uncomfortable today, so he slept early, who knew that he was disturbed.

"Three treasures?" Cao Chong saw the people immediately shouted. "Are you not at your mother?"

This three treasures are exactly what Cao Chong arranged for the lady of the ring.

"Little son, young son!" The three treasures saw Cao Chong immediately crying.

"What's wrong? Stand up and talk!" Cao Chong's heart could not help but swear, the subconscious knows bad.

"Three sons, three treasures are incompetent, incompetent! Madame, Mrs. He!"

"What happened to my mother!?"

This three treasures struggled for a long time before they opened up. "The lady is sick!"

"Is it sick?" Cao Chong frowned. When she left, her mother was still very good. How could she be so sick? He looked at the three treasures and looked forward to it. Cao Chong spoke to the three treasures. "Three treasures, you look at me, my mother is really Is it ill?"

"I, I, I, I have not seen my wife, it is the second son who said that the wife is ill!" Sambo looked at Cao Chong's eyes and was embarrassed.

"Call!" Cao Chong took a deep breath. "Okay, I know, go on!"

"Come, come back to me!"

"Little son? Is it so late? Where are you going?"

"I want to go out of town, return to Xu!"


Early on the second day, Zhou did not doubt that he got up early and arrived at the gate of the city. This is to welcome Cheng Hao.

Zhou did not doubt the joy of standing outside the city gate, as long as this version of Mr. Cheng Hao came, put the South Pier. Xiangcheng, the three counties of the county, told Cheng Hao that the natural process will be reported to Wei Wang, so that. Cao Yu can really not eat and walk away.

"Come here!" Someone came early on the watchtower above the city, saying that Cheng Hao had arrived!

"You, along with me, I welcome Mr. Cheng Wei!" Although he was young, he was in the first place, but he was really interested in not being tall. Talented people, where are the beginnings

Cheng Hao’s horse driving is also coming slowly.

"Respecting Cheng Hao adults, Cheng Daren has worked hard!" Zhou did not doubt the words.

Cheng Hao also walked down from the carriage, and looked at the week without hesitation. He was nodded. Although he was young, he was polite, and with his talents and looks, the future must not be anything.

"What about the younger son?" Cheng Hao looked around but there was no Cao Chong.

"The young man is uncomfortable and unacceptable!"

"Well!" Cheng Hao nodded. He thought that this was Cao's shame to see himself. After all, Cao Chong messed things up. The grain and grass were delayed and could not be sent to Cao Jun.

However, this time Cheng Hao did not come to blame, but Cao Cao asked Cheng Hao to come to help.

Cheng Hao does not insist, there will always be time to meet.

"Adult, this is not the place to talk, I will wait for the city!"

"Chou Daren please!"

"Cheng Daren please!" Cheng Hao walked in front of him, just as a group of Wenwu in the south of Fujian had to enter the city.

"Cheng Chengcheng adults!" A voice came from behind, only to see a middle-aged scribe with a group of people.

Unsuspecting eyes widened up "Wu quality?"

After completing the Cheng Hao guest, this character who should have been locked in the prison, this smiled and rushed to the side of the week and raised his fists. "Hey, it turned out to be Zhou Daren!"

"How come you are here?!" The week is full of doubts.

"Oh. Zhou Daren, this is the south of the city, but it is also the city of His Royal Highness!" Wu said with a smile.

When everyone entered the city, the half-day effort went on.

"There is no reason for this. I have this reason!" Zhou is not irritated, it is very angry, as usual, he went to Cao Chong's house.

A group of people in the mansion did not stop him, because he was a frequent visitor to Cao Chong.

"Cang Shu, do you know? That Wu quality, he turned out. It was actually released. Hey, is this Cao Yu really at this point? He is waiting for him, even if he comes out, I have a way to send him. Go in! Cao Yu, hey, you are waiting~!” After talking for a long time, Cao Chong did not respond to him.

Here is Cao Chong's study, generally Cao Chong is here.

"Well?" Zhou did not doubt that he turned to the bookshelf and there is no Cao Chong.

I went out of the study and asked the people below, "Your young son?"

"Young son, went out last night!" the two prostitutes responded.

| "Going out? Where have you been?" Zhou doubted.

"This son-in-law doesn't know!" How do two prostitutes know about these things.

"Well, you are not doing things, go on, right, where is the housekeeper?" From the mouth of the prostitute, I got the housekeeper, and I did not doubt the stride.

"Zhou Gongzi, our family's young son was rushed back to Xudu last night!" Chen Guanjia said to the week.

"Will you go back to Xudu?" Zhou did not doubt stunned, why are you going back?

"It is the three treasures, saying that the wife is awkward, and this is an urgent call to call the younger son back!" Cheng Guanjia said.

"Oh, yes, here is the letter that Shaogong gave you!" Cheng Zhijia handed a letter to the week there.

"The letter?" Zhou did not doubt open it, read it carefully.

At the beginning of the above, I don’t doubt my brother, I’m close, if my brother reads this book, I must have left, my brother should not worry.

"Stupid, stupid!" Zhou did not doubt reading this letter suddenly angered, the above is written about the ring lady is sick, he Cao Chong to rush back in time.

When they left Xudu, the wife of the ring also sent a few miles, how can I get sick? Still sick!

"Damn!" Zhou did not doubt immediately let the people under the door arrange horses, chasing out in the direction of Cao Chong.

Cao Chong worried about his mother, but he was sitting in a carriage, and Zhou did not doubt that he was riding a horse and chasing the horse.

Finally, I still caught up with Cao Yu in the Shang Cai generation.

"Cao Chong, you stand for me!" Zhou was undoubtedly intercepted before the carriage.

"Stop!" Cao Chong in the carriage still waved his hand and let the carriage stop.

"You are still here!" Cao Chong seems to be reluctant to show up, and sighed in the carriage outside the car and said with a sigh.

"I don't come, are you going to go to Xu to die?" Zhou is not angered, is the ring lady sick? The lady of the ring is sick and is fake. It is true that he is ill with Cao, but Cao Yu is a heart disease, and Cao Chong is this medicine.

"I don't doubt, you and I have known each other for some years!" Cao Chong said indifferently to the week outside the carriage.

"There have been four years before and after!" Zhou said undoubtedly to Cao Chong.

"Four years!" Cao Chong seems to have a sense of abuse. "I still didn't know you when I was!"

Four years ago, both of them were small children. The mutual scent is not dry, it is often said that the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger, plus the two are the talents of the sky. These two little geniuses are together, naturally they are mutually rolling. No one is obeying anyone. I didn’t expect the two to fight to the end but became friends.

"Do not doubt, you look at the world, look at the world, can compare your one hand can count, that is, Mr. Feng Xiao also wanted to accept you as a disciple, but you do not doubt smart, why I was Cao Chong is a fool? Cao Chong asked the week outside the carriage without question.

"This is a lot of fierce and sorrowful, you believe me, Cang Shu. You and I go back, as long as this has pierced Cao Yu, Cao Yu can no longer be embarrassed, and Wei Wang will naturally be the master of us!" Zhou Do not doubt that there is still persuading Cao Chong, rather than persuading it is worse than pleading.

"I don't doubt, I believe in you, but I am also a son, the second brother is like that, I can't do it!" Cao Chong said to the week outside the carriage, this is a trap. When he Cao Chong went, he must have died for nine lives, but even if he did this, he was a son first.

"You! Cao Chong, you are a coward. You are a waste! I am going to wake you up today!" Zhou did not doubt directly rushed to the carriage, and the guard of Cao Chong on the side would block you, but was stopped by Cao Chong.

Zhou did not doubt rushed to the carriage, grabbed Cao Chong's neck.

"You told me, have you forgotten our original vows? Have you forgotten our original intentions? Who said that you want to let the people in the world not look down on you, who said that you want to bring glory to the ring goddess? Have you forgotten? "Unexpected anger, a slap in the face of the fan."

Cao Chong did not hide. The hard-won smashed this, under the undue anger of the week, this power can be imagined, Cao Chong's mouth shed blood.

It’s a pain in my heart.

"Are you enough?" Cao Chong looked at the week without thinking, that look, so that Zhou is not suspicious.

"Get enough, let's go!"

"You!" Zhou did not doubt that Cao Chong was angry and could not speak.

"I am wrong to see you!" Zhou did not doubt immediately went to his own horse to leave, he was too disappointed with Cao.

"This is still you, from now on, you and I are irrelevant!" Zhou said undoubtedly took a straw amulet from his arms. This was the gift they had sent.

Looking at the distance of the week, Cao Chong’s face showed a bitter smile, and something like a teardrop flashed over the corner of his eye.

The amulet was picked up from the ground. For four years, how could Cao Chong forget it, starting with their acquaintance.

"I am not suspicious of the week, you!"

"My name is Cao Chong!"

"Cao Chong, you remember, you are my brother who is not suspicious of me from now on. Who will dare to bully you in the future, I will inevitably ask him to pay the price!"


"I don't doubt, I am sorry, I have disappointed you, maybe I left, you are the real dragon sea, with your talents, the world can go, sorry I can't accompany you!" Cao Chong picked up the straw amulet. This is the amulet they gave each other. At that time, one of them was a child of Jingzhou Hanmen, and the other was a child who was not to be seen by Xiaosheng. How can there be valuable things? This amulet is the most precious.

Cao Chong knows that he may have really hurt his heart. Xu Du is not far away, even if it is the Longtan Tiger Cave, he Cao Chong will also go there because there is a man named Mother waiting for him.

"Mother, I am coming, there are children, you will not suffer! Depart!" Cao Chong's carriage continued to move toward Xudu. (To be continued.)


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